
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

History, Culture, and Politics

Australia's history therefore is incredibly linked to the wonderful Aborginal peoples. Like my people, they suffered oppression and triumphs. They endorsed unjustifable hardaches and glorious improvements in their lives. They have arrived into the continent of Australia in the timeframe between 40,000 to 60,000 years ago. All humans come from Africa (that means that everyone genetically has its origin from the Black African melanated people). According to researchers, they devised extremely ancient artistic, musical, and spiritual traditions. At first, the Aborgines organized a hunter gatherer lifestyle, which is typical of the Neolithic human lifestyle. The early population in Australia back then at the time of the first European contact could of been a population of 750,000. During glaciation, New Guinea and Tasmania were joined to the continent causing travel to be more readily avaliable among human beings during that time period. The early Aborginals stopped hunting during certain times of the years in order for populations plus resources to replenish. They enacted firestick farming. They introduced the dingo dog (from 3,000-4,000 B.C.) into the contient. Religious practicies including cremations were common during the ancient times of Australia. A lot of art and the religious Dreamtime religious practice are loved by the Aboriginal individuals. Like any indingeous people, the Aborignals suffered through massive, unjustified oppression. This oppression will be written by me in futher detail in the near future. You know me, so no stone will be left unturn. The good and the unfortuante portions of Australia history will be exposed by me. Like my people (or black people), the Aboriginals have organizations and strong activists that promote equality and true justice for humans in general. The people of color inside of Australia experienced genocide too in their homeland. That should be a reminder to us that we have a long way to go in conclusively opposing inhumanity towards man. People of color definitely should have that right of self determination. Australia is diverse obviously. It has 250 distinct language groups. The famous Australian Aboriginal artist Harold Thomas designted the Aboriginal flag back in 1971. It's one of the officials flags of Australia under section 5 of the Flags Act 1953. It's a shame that it had to take until 2008 for Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to make a formal apology to the Aboriginal peoples. There are tons of role models for Aboriginals. Many of them include of course Cathy Freeman (She participated in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. Sydney is a beautiful city with great architecture), Christine Anu, Jessica Mauboy, Ernie Dingo, David Unaipon, Noel Pearson, David Guilpilil, Albert Namatjira, and so many others.

One of the sickest aspects of modern society is how the Republicans and the Democrats endorse a wicked foreign policy. There is impunity at home and rendition overseas. The current President has ended the CIA's black sites. These sites are covert prisons where American agents once used wall slamming and waterboarding. Rendition is the sending of terrorist suspects to the prisons of countries that torture and related policies. Human abuse now have been outsourced to Afghanistan, Somalia, and other nations. This reality has allowed the administration to justify it current foreign policy actions. International law should be respected and human rights abuses ought to be strigently opposed. Torture is condmened in the United Naitons' Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 and the Geneva Conventions in 1949. Yet, during the Cold War, the CIA engineered new toture technology that contradict these same international conventions. From 1950 to 1962, the CIA experimented with humans on sensory stimulation, and other torture techniques (they have been used by the KGB as well). Psychological torture by the CIA has been codified in numerous documents like the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual (from 1963). Even in the 1990's, the Defense Department had Latin American counterinsurgency manuals that described harsh interrogation techniques. But when President Bill Clinton sent the U.N. Convention to Congress for ratification in 1994, he included language (drafted six years earlier by the Reagan administration) that contained diplomatic “reservations.”  In effect, these addenda accepted the banning of physical abuse, but exempted psychological torture. Extraordinary rendition has torture in it, so the West uses rendition as a means to circumvent international laws prohibiting such a demented practice. The Abu Ghraib scandal blew the lip of American-sponsored torture against fellow human beings. Harsh interrogration has been normalize even during the days of President George W. Bush. The old black sites (operated by the CIA) stretched from Thailand to Poland. SERE training techniques were one of the instruments that this torture was made made manifest by the West. In late 2002, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld allowed General Geoffrey Miller to head the prison at Guantanamo Bay. He gave him the authority to support sensory disorientation, self-inflicted pain, and a recent innovation, cultural humiliation through exposure to dogs (which American believed would be psychologically devastating for Arabs). It is no accident that Private Lynndie England, a military guard at Abu Ghraib prison, was famously photographed leading a naked Iraqi detainee leashed like a dog. CBS News poll from April 2004 mentioned that as high as 35% of Americans felt that torture was acceptable. That's sick of course. Jack Bauer propaganda, the show 24, and other facets of the mass media glamorize torture. Even the so-called liberal Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz wrote an artice in defense of torture. Cheney and his daughter Liz made numerous television appareances as a means to prevent the investigations of CIA interrogators. An investigation is an investigation (which quaint compared to other legal proceedings). Today, rendition policies occur includings tons of people in Somalia (to a place called the Hole). Reports of torture of Iraqis continue even in 2009. Simultaneously, Washington’s Afghan allies increasingly turned to torture after the Abu Ghraib scandal prompted U.S. officials to transfer most interrogation to local authorities. After interviewing 324 detainees held by Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (NDS) in 2011, the U.N. found that “torture is practiced systematically in a number of NDS detention facilities throughout Afghanistan.” At the Directorate’s prison in Kandahar one interrogator told a detainee before starting to torture him, “You should confess what you have done in the past as Taliban; even stones confess here.” Italy prosecuted 2 dozen CIA agents for rendition and in 2009, Poland indicted its former security chief for facilitating a CIA black siste. There is the British ongoing criminal investigation of intelligence officials who worked with alleged toture at Guantanamo. This is nothing new. The French tortured thousands of Algerian people in 1957 (including 3,000 French assassinations in Algeria). Also, we still have 2,400 drone attacks in Pakistan from 2005 to 2012. Specific assassinations have transpired in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia potentially of American citizens even (without due process). So, we should continue to oppose extrajudicial assassinations, rendition, and torture wherever it exists in the world.

Alex Jones supports Lew Rockwell is typical of him since he isn't the true independent like he claims that he is. Alex Jones is a Republican-lite person mixed with his words about the new world order. He is part of an old reactionary slick agenda. Lew is a close firend and adviser to Ron Paul. He was the congressional chief of staff to Ron paul between 1978 and 1982. He created the Ludwig von Mises Institute, which promotes Austrian economics. Even the SPLC calls the Ludwig von Mises as a neo-Confederate organization (that means it's a group that tries to justify the existence of the wicked Confederacy. Lew omits that the Confederacy's own documents wanted slavery to continue and that slavery was one major reason on why the Civil War commenced in the first place). Rockwell promotes the old lie that Lincoln transformed America from a republic to a centralized state that dominated society harshly. Abraham Lincoln wasn't perfect, but many of his legitimate policies reflect the essence of the American System. You will notice that Lew Rockwell will not call George Washington out for him funding canals and other governmental infrastructure with federal government money. He will never call out Thomas Jefferson or John Adams for calling for universal health care for some military members back centuries ago. See, he will not call out John Quincy Adams for doing the same thing or funding canals (for the Constitution gives Congress the right to fund many services and our national infrastructure). Using public services to help our neighbor has nothing to do with circumscribing liberty; it's about enriching it. Lew Rockwell slandered the Civil Rights Movement as involuntary servitude. That's false since when you live in America, you are still bounded to follow certain human rights (even if you are on private property. You can't act nihilistic on private property). Lew Rockwell can talk about the new world order all he wants, but the new world order system permits the same globalization and the same neo-liberal economic policies that he endorses. I oppose transnational bankers recieving record bailouts, I reject the violations to our civil liberties by numerous factions, and I reject the concept of instituting some global government in the Earth. I am anti-war and I reject imperialism. Still, we have Eritrea being oppressed by the West. The United States pressred the UN Security Council to renew sanctions against Eritrea. Sanctions can cause starvation in various areas. It's a fact that an UN monitoring group found no evidence that the country had assisted Shabab resistance fighters in Somalia over the past year. Yet, that doesn't mean I accept Austrian Economics or anti-welfare rhetoric (for welfare is very miniscule financially as compared to the rest of the expenditures that are apart of the military industrial complex). Being liberated means you love radical solutions. We live under radical oppression and peace plus reparations are some of the multifaceted answers to the system of monopoly capitalism.

Paul Ryan loves to talk about Medicare. Medicare has been a popular, successful social program among or elderly citizens for decades. Paul Ryan made the deception that Medicare will be bankrupt in a short span of years.  The trust fund that primarily supports one part of Medicare is projected to be exhausted come 2020 (This part is called the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund), according to the Congressional Budget Office. The Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees said it might not actually happen until 2029. That still doesn’t mean the system will be "bankrupt," though. Medicare is divided into Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. Each Part deals with various parts of helping the elderly to recieve basic services. CBO’s projections for Medicare didn’t say that the SMI trust fund was in danger of exhaustion. In fact, in its 2010 report, the Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees said that Parts B and D were "both projected to remain adequately financed into the indefinite future because current law automatically provides financing each year to meet the next year’s expected costs." Predictions abot the HI trust fund being exhasted since 1970, 1980, and 1994. None of these predictions came true. Paul Ryan's budget plan is easily very extreme. He wants to cut Medicare, Medicaid (which he wants to be decimated in large measure), and Security including welfare. Paul Ryan claims to want to control spending, but he wants even more defense spending. He endorses slashing taxes for the wealthiest. It will cut massively economic investments. It isn't the just the Republicans that have promoted errenous errors. The Democratic Party in its leadership has promoted militaristic and corporate interests as well even during the era of the present President Barack Obama. For example, the current administration agrees with the National Defense Authorization Act and the White House agrees with the existence of the militarist Africom organization, he supports the Patriot Act, and the White House executies a neo-conservative foreign policy. It is true that a man can't reform all of the country in 4 years (I don't blame President Barack Obama for all of our problems like some reactionaries do), but a man can eliminate unjust laws in 4 years though.

It's easy to see that Wonder Girl's "Like Money" video describes information about transhumanism via K-Pop. More and more individuals understand fully about the concept of transhumanism plus those that adhere to this Utopian vision. Transhumanism is about the mergining of humans and machines in order to cause the merger to create human godhood bascially. The mass media, movies, TV, music videos, video games, and other technologies advance this agenda. Wonder Girl's "Like Money" video promotes this transhumanism motiff. One member of this group is named Sohee. She is in a photoshoot with one eye and a Mickey Mouse mask (it describes mind control). It's a fact that Walt Disney is of the establishment and advanced covert esoteric imagery in his storylines. Disney was an ally of the liberty suppressor and 33rd Degree Freemason Ronald Reagan. So, the video presents the signers as robots. These robots are created by faceless scientists. They are shown as the new and improved versions of themselves. The improvement of these beings aren't so much of an improvement because these robots are remote controlled. The single eye is found in the beginning of the video. The video wants to promote bionic women or an improvement of humantiy. Subsquently, some like Vigilant Citizen have classified this video as a predictive programming instrument in favor of transhumanism. The video wants human genetics and these new beings to domination the world and the future is now. The next seem shows members of the group undergoing the process into being the super human robots. This is similar to the music industry where some artists are transformed into something that they are not. The video has the internal organs even the heart being removed and replaced by mechanical parts. The video shows even an electronic eye. Materialism is promoted in the song (like so many songs today in 2012) with the lyrics of "...Love me like money, Love me like cars, Love me babe love me babe wherever you are." The project to transform the women into brainwashed robots is called Project WG. Transhumanism promotes a soulless agenda instead of respecting the unique creation of human life in general. It's also important for us to love our natural beauty. We shouldn't be ashamed of being us and of being unique inside of the Universe. There is a huge difference between legitimate technology (that can cures diseases, enrich life, and promote healing) and human augementation to a machine. Art intimitates life in numerous circumstances. For example, many artists sell their integrity or souls in order to be a part of Hollywood or the entertainment industry in general (which is controlled by the old dynastic European bloodlines as found in the Nobility, the Saxe Coburg-Gothas, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, those in the Pilgrim Society, etc). As the years go back, tons of young individuals are discovering the truth. The truth is that there is a great adundant of value in all humans,  but we have to disagree stridently with injustice. Disagreeing with injustices is a great sign of human character. Although, it is important to do good things. The elite thrive on fear. We shouldn't promote fear mongering. We should promote hope, joy, and truth. We should continue to go outside, help people, educate people, protest, build in our own communities, and inspire people to develop great social reforms in the globe.

By Timothy

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