Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Context and More News in the 21st Century
We know that the reactionaries and the GOP establishment is heavily made of intolerant, extremist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and deceived human beings. There are also the left gatekeepers that promote deception as well. As many have said before, the power structure uses the liberal establishment (not real progressives) as a means to promote the corporatist imperialism and domination of the world's resources under the guise of "humanitarianism" or "democracy." The technocracy exploits liberalism and conservatism as a mean for the establishment to dominate our public political discourse. This is why we have little major political choices to voice for every 4 years. Some folks use liberalism as a cover for them to promote aggressive Anglo-American militarism. This militarism causes the expansion of the police state, and the select interests of transnational corporations. Back in the 1800's, liberalism was used as a means to justify radical free trade and extremist diplomacy against the public. The establishment liberal presently expresses interests on important issues like students' rights, public health, environmental degredation, and forms of other policy matters. Yet, increasingly, some liberals want more military interventions as a solution to the complex nature of foreign policy complications. Franklin Roosevelt's legitimate efforts prevented the country from having a real revolution when the poverty rate increased to over 20 percent. Even though Keynesianism isn't perfect, it does have some legitimate components to it like spending some money in order for the growth of the economy to be transparent. Likewise with Lyndon Baines Johnson, he passed many great, legitimate progressive legislation that assisted minorities, immigrants, the elderly, the poor, and other human beings. Yet, he consistently follow the immoral, unjust war of Vietnam when a negotiated settlement early on would be a better solution to experience. The Vietnam War was blatantly militaristic. The war related to a coalition among industry plus military power in order for this nefarious union to advance the exploitation of the world's resources according to SDS President Carl Olesgby. Members of the liberal establishment agreed with and supported the Vietnam War. We known their names of the following human beings: National Security Adviser McGeroge Bundy, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge, Ambassador to the United Nations Arthur Goldberg, and the President in that time LBJ. The Vietnam War distracted from the crucial need to seriously complete the agenda of the Great Society. Today, reactionary foreign policy is supported by President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, Susan Rice, Samantha Rice, and John Brennan. All of these human beings use the same justifications that some promoted Vietnam in their war on terror situation. They use the mantra of humanitarian assistance as a means for them to execute not only drone attacks, but to support of the terrorist group MEK in Iran. All of these actions definitely revolve around the advancement of neo-colonialism (with the organization of Africom spreading its military might all over the Motherland of Africa). The US/NATO war machine is still strong. This machine supports and fights Al-Qaeda mercenaries at the same time. War debt is monetized in our nation while the poor suffer. Not a single Wall Street criminal has been prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law. Even Cass Sunstein (or the Information Czar) had some academic writings. In those writings, he admitted blatantly that he hates information that is related to conspiracy information. He advocates a COINTELPRO-style “cognitive infiltration” of groups discussing and circulating such ideas. Sunstein’s liberal credentials are indisputable. It is true that the people of the Middle East should be liberated from oppression. On the other hand, it is hypocritical for some to support Libya to be bombed, but these individuals support Saudi oppression against its own people. Much of the mainstream media ignores the atrocities in Libya, the atrocities in the Gulf states, and the IMF & World Bank recolonization of much of the Third World. While our infrastructure is being harmed in the USA, imperial war persists. Ideological conformity to corrupt banks, pharmaceutical evils, and the military industrial surveillance complex is a vice. We must renew our mind and not follow the ways of the world. Regardless of what anyone says, there is absolute truth. There is good and evil, right and wrong. Over the years, some in the New York Times back then slandered Malcolm X after he died since they falsely accused him of fanaticism or hate. When JFK as assassinated, people like Chomsky falsely called him a war monger on the scale of the neo-cons. When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called out Johnson for his hypocrisy via his "Beyond Vietnam" address at Riverside Church, LBJ fumed at MLK with disgusting language. So, just because a person may call himself a liberal, doesn't mean that he's a savior. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center called the activist group called War are Change a hate group, which is hilarious. We are Change just oppose the official story of 9/11 and they never advocated hatred of human beings. The lesson is for us to be Independents ideologically as the late Malcolm X said. Both parties have utilized unconstitutional wars on phony grounds, promoted the NDAA, promoted extrajudicial assassinations, murderous sanctions in foreign lands, and other evils. We don't need the Koch brothers or left gatekeepers either. When I write about the liberal establishment, I don't mean to encompass all progressives or all sincere liberals. When I expose the neo-conservatives, I realize that numerous sincere conservative want the best for society in general as well. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. We can have creativity and strength without political deception.
People have debated whether the Arizona/Mexico border is a war zone. The issue is more complex than what some people say. Jan Brewer is wrong to say that Arizona has beheadings in the desert. There is violence in the border, but Arizona has dropped its violent crime rate almost 14 percent in the previous year. El Paso has one of the lowest murder rates in America. There are isolated incidents of course near the US/Mexico border, but the border collectively isn't filled with nihilistic criminals at all. Tony Estrada, who is the Sheriff Sana Cruz County said that there are incidents of violence on the border (away from the urban areas. This situation relates to kidnapping, drug trafficking, etc.), but not in an extreme degree as some have accused. The reality is that the Drug War is influencing much of the powerful drug cartels spreading drugs in America. The War on Drugs agenda is to use anti-civil liberty laws and anti-justice policies as an excuse to dominate people in an authoritarian fashion. While non violent drug offenders receive the same sentences as rapists (which is wrong), there is violence all over the world. The government has been involved in drug running for years. A high ranking Mexican drug cartel operative is making the claim that the U.S. government is supplying guns to the Mexcian powerful Sinaloa Cartel via the Operation Fast and Furious program to take down rival cartels. The person making these explosive allegations is named Jesus Vicente Zmabada-Niebla (or the Sinaloa Cartel's logistics coordinator). He was extradited to Chicago last year in order for him to face federal drug charges. Of course, the federal government is denying the accusations made by Zambada-Niebla. Even if his claims are false, that still doesn't justify the massive errors that are made a product of the War on Drugs. It's a historical fact that the Central Intelligence Agency has been involved in covert drug trafficking for decades. The Central Intelligence Agency has a lot to answer for by the Most High, because they were involved in espionage, rigging votes, assassinations, and other criminal activities. Immediately after WWII, the CIA undermined the electoral systems of France and Italy (to make sure that "communists" won't get political power in those 2 respective countries). The War on Drugs should end and alternatives should be made in the world, so nonviolent drug offenders shouldn't recieve felony prison sentences at all.
Washington is embracing MEK. MEK was delisted as a terrorist group by the American government. MEK stands for the Mujahedeen Khalq. It's a death murder cult and it was removed from the U.S. terror list. It tries to exploit Marxism and Islam as a means to perform crimes. For the record, Islam and Marxism as viewpoints aren't interrelated with horrenous acts of terror at all. Glen Greenwald in early 2012, proved that the MeK is funded and trained by Israeli and U.S. intelligence. This funding exists as a means for MeK to carry out the murderous and violent vanguard of the U.S./Israeli war against Iran. Some of the MeK targets are civilian people. MeK launders money from Israel and the U.S. through U.S. politicans who on one side of their mouths scream about the need to fight terrorism and take millions to promote the terrorist cult of MeK. So, the West is covertly attacking Iran using indirect means, even cyber attacks. When some Westerners talk about the war on terror, they omit Western forms of terrorism spanning centuries in the world. That terrorism continues today in the 21st century. Leverett & Leverett wrote and excellent piece on the MEK terrorists. MEK is being used as a means to justify a military attack in Iran or regime change. Back in the 1990's, President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act with influence from Ahmad Chalabi), which paved the way for George W. Bush to invade Iraq in 2003. If America invades Iran soon or later, then our moral standing in the world will decrease more so than our invasion of Iraq. So, MEK is the client agent of the Western power structure. Historically, the West funded Muslim extremists and then the West is decrying the violence of the same people that they aided before. For example, America once gave aid and confront to Osama bin Laden, the dictator Shah in Iran, and Saddam Hussein (Rumsfeld shook Saddam Hussein's hand. During the 1980's, the U.S. gave Iraq explicit chemical and biological weapons). Domestically, we have the slick neoliberal agenda of social Darwinism in the form of austerity and even No Child Left Behind. The reason is that recent No Child Left Behind and now Race to the Top Policy are programs seeking to the privatized public education with public money (causing charter schools to grow with corporate money). Race to the Top deals with federal education funding tied to how many public schools are closed, privatized, and how many test scores are sent to teachers. Even in Chicago, thousands of teachers were fired and dozens of schools have been closed. Even some Chicago Public School officials refuse to talk with the public in many private meetings. According to Substance News, the Chicago Public Schools “...tried to gut the entire contract throughout most of the ten months of negotiations, retreating from many of their most serious demands only after the strike threat became credible...” Some in the Chicago Tribune even want the teacher strikes to be made illegal, which is against the right to strike. Corporate school reform is never solution to our problems. It's a return back to basics, small class sizes, union protections, the affirmation of the right for any human being to have an education, allow opportunities for all students to experience AP programs (especially among math and science. I took an AP course before in high school and I regret it at all. It was a fun class) and other solutions in our public schools. Even while the Chicago strikes are over, there are still teaching fighting against Chicago school closing. So, the struggle isn't over.
A Mitt Romney adviser admitted that Mitt Romney's economic plan will redistribute wealth. Romney's economic adviser is named Emil Henry. It's a lie that 47 percent of Americans see themselves as victims because they don't pay income taxes. Henry said that Romney wants a tax reform policy, which is similar to a flat tax. Mitt's plan is to lower the marginal rates by 20 percent across the board and limit exemptions and deduction for the richest Americans plus provide the middle class with tax relief. “I have heard him say this 100 times and I know this for a fact, he says taxes on rich folks are not going to go down because of the elimination of exemptions,” Henry added. But when Hayes pointed out the inconsistency of the charge, noting that taxes on wealthy people would have to come down substantially if Romney seeks to eliminate the “redistribution” inherent in America’s progressive tax code, Henry conceded that Republicans would also transfer wealth from one group to another. Romney says that he wants to decrease the corporate tax rate, but Romney's economic plan involve substantial tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans. It will redistribute more wealth to the already wealthy Americans. According to the Tax Policy Center analysis, the GOP Presidential candidate's proposal would increase after tax income for those making more than $200,000 annually, while lowering it for everyone else. The study says that taxpayers with income of over 1 million dollars will see their after tax income increased by 8.3 percent (or an average tax cut of about $175,000), taxpayers with incomes between $75,000 and $100,000 would see somewhat increases of about 2.4 percent. This is an average tax cut of 1,800 dollars for those earning between $75,000 and $100,000. The study says that the after tax income of taxpayers earning less than 30,000 dollars would have a decrease by about 0.9 percent or an average tax increase of 130 dollars. Romney claims that he can raise enough revenue by eliminating tax loopholes that benefit the rich to totally offset the tax cut he provides them. Yet, according to the Tax Policy Center, this is a mathematical impossibility. There isn't enough revenue to be generation via the closure of these loopholes to offset the massive cost of Romney's plan. Transnational corporations have record profits, but economic growth is stagnant because of Wall Street hoarding of wealth among other reasons.
There is the issue of President Barack Obama. The extremists either hate him viciously as an Marxist extremist. Other extremist view him as divine. The truth is that the President is personally moderately liberal or progressive in his personal beliefs, but he governs in a heavily centrist fashion in his political practice. One example is that his foreign policy and views on civil liberties aren't progressive or even civil libertarian at all. They are nearly identical to the views of the previous administration. I don't question his walk with God since that is not my job. Yet, his faith is merged with his acceptance of secular thinking. There are many secular type religious individuals and the President fits that mold. If the President wins this election, he will have no excuses for real. The reason is that he has nothing to lose politically by advocating intervening policies. If Romney wins, the poor better pray to God since the poor individuals will surely witness increased taxes and huge cuts (even among vital, necessary social programs) if Mitt Romney is President. Even some of the middle class will suffer as well under a Romney Presidency. Also, the President governs from a centrist realm, but the reactionaries in America still view him as the most liberal President in American history. LOL. On many occasions, some activists have been lead into being more right or more isolated even when they enter the political realm. Now, a real revolution deals with an end to sexism, racism, class oppression or monopoly capitalism, and all forms of oppression against any human being. Capitalist exploitation and bigotry have harmed the poor in huge ways as well. The President is accountable for his policies. If activists, abolitionists, civil rights leaders put the feets to the fire of FDR, JFK, and Johnson, then we have right to hold the current President's feet to the fire as well. The President commented that much of policy agenda has been strifed, because he experienced obstructionism by some Republican members of Congress. On the other hand, we have the responsibility to organize political movements, charities, and other legitimate programs to help our fellow people in society. The President can't do everything by himself. We should do what is necessary to assist where we live. Organizing the people for social justice is a great recipe for living an authentic life. Even the prophets of old like Amos and Isaiah denounced the injustices toward the poor. There is nothing wrong with a social progressive movement for justice that can inspire the President to promote more reasonable policies in America. Regardless who wins the election on November 4, the winner ought to be treated with dignity and respect. They are human beings. Regardless, we should still hold the winner's feet to the fire and keep on advocating justice for all peoples. We are in a new stage of our cultural and social evolution as human beings. In the 21st century alone, college students are protesting for a decent tuition and for low interest rates. Labor activists have promoted collective bargaining in Wisconsin and in Chicago, Illinois. There are protesters endorsing the human rights of immigrants. I can't forget about the Occupy Movement. This is a popular democratic movement that sincerely desires economic justice. These groups of people that reside in the 99% Movement oppose the concentration of wealth of the corporate plutocracy. They want the power of the people to be paced on a higher emphasis than the worship of wealth. I do think that many of our late leaders would support the Occupy Movement greatly. We should always be against poverty worldwide and hate the war against any poor human being no matter their color. The movement for economic justice today is similar to the 1968 Poor Peoples Campaign. That campaign back in the late 1960's was a multiracial, diverse coalition of activists. These activists yearned for an Economic Bill of Rights and other reforms in order for poverty to be completely eradicated from American society. There are members of my people (I am a brother) advocating an end to liberty shedding voter ID laws nationwide, the end of the prison industrial complex, and the promotion of justice for black people including all people too. So, real movements for social change are not only real. They are vibrant, coherent, and fully stable in their compositions. The freedom to love is not a sin either for love is the strongest force in the Universe. I will never believe in suppressing human freedoms from human beings for who they want to love. Scholars and activists have said that God is love, so it all right to love human beings period. I do believe believe we should respect oursevles for there is nothing wrong with being you at all.
By Timothy
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