
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mitt Romney's offensive remark that 47 percent of Americans are obsessed with dependency (This is the same man that said I am not concerned with poor people)

Note by Me: This man Mitt Romney is a disgrace. I will never vote for him, but now, I will definitely not vote for him at all. That's a foul opinion by Romney. If anyone votes for him, you agree with his statements period. You have the right to vote for who you want since Third Parties exist, but if you vote for him, you ally yourself with his statements completely.

By Timothy


Teh Bewilderness · Top Commenter · Gig Harbor, Washington
100% of Americans are dependent on government, and we will continue to be so until people like Romney privatize every square inch of the country and there are no more public roads or fire departments or law enforcement or public schools or any of the other things that a government governs.
Sometimes you wonder if they hear what they are saying.


Karen Sinclair Yost
100 % And we like it that way.
Cathi Schubert Kurvink
People AREN'T entitled to food? That's a real shame.
Williamson Reggie · Top Commenter
Now be fair Chas, Romney probably hired a couple of high school kids to look after that horse with the tax write-off. You know, trickle-down Economics is what it's all about.
Peedro Paula · Top Commenter · San Pedro, California
About 18% of Americans collect Social Security, Survivor, and SSI benefits. They ARE dependent on government because they are too old or too sick/disabled to work. Would the Republicans have us throw these people to the wolves in a "survival of the fittest" world? I don't really think so, but the Tea Party would.
Scott Boyd · Top Commenter · Austin, Texas
Considering that a large percentage of those 47% live in red state trailer parks, isn't mittwit writing off part of his base?


Cindy Lum · Columbus, Ohio
Romney's dismissing you, retiree on Social Security benefits you paid into and earned. He's dismissing you, college student on a Pell grant or student loan. He's dismissing you, military men, women, and your families. He's dismissing you, family utilizing the EITC or Child Tax Credit. He's dismissing you, mothers utilizing WIC and SNAP. He's dismissing you, laid off worker trying to keep afloat on Unemployment benefits.

100% of Americans are dependent on the government, in one way or another. We're all Americans, we're all human beings. No one deserves to be ridiculed and dismissed like they're nothing.
June Eastman · Top Commenter · Keene, New Hampshire
And he's dismissing my son too, who gets survivors benefits because his dad is dead. Oh wait, I guess he's lazy. Oh wait, I guess he is in high school, and oh wait, he's a long distance runner with a Paul Ryan running time so fast he set a world record. I'm full of snark tonight.---this article made me annoyed and snarky
Lori Adkins · Top Commenter
How many businesses and corporations are on Federal welfare? How many admint to being dependent of federal grants and loans? How many get "welfare" checks that allow them to make millions while complaining about helping families in hard times? We have this whole thing upside down! We need to go after the leaches at the top, not the poor at the bottom!


Mike SteinModerator6 hours ago
Romney must be out of his mind to think as he does.....proof positive he is out of touch. First of all, Romney's family was wealthy, brought him up among rich Mormons, and after he came out of college, he had his father's connections in and out of the Mormon organization, and money, to give him a forceful start in business & politics.
Considering Romney's weaknesses as a politician & man, the way he perceives people and certain groups of people, his constant gaffes, his inability to admit his mistakes or apologize for anything, his lack of character relative to distancing himself from the dirty/cheating tricks of the GOP, and Romney's feeling that people should trust him when he insists on not being transparent about himself.........IT DOES NOT MATTER IF ROMNEY WAS MEXICAN OR ANYTHING ELSE. How can a man get to the right place if they are on the wrong train?
The mere fact that he claims he would be winning if he was Mexican shows that HE thinks of race as a "magic political wand." I do not believe blacks or many Mexicans would vote for a guy like Clarence Thomas, just because he is black.....we are a much more astute people than that.
Personally, I believe Romney will fail this election because him, Ryan, and the GOP are fighting to win based on the wrong strategy & tactics.......Voter disenfranchisement, lies, false mud slinging, obstruction tactics causing gridlock in Washington, a Republican controlled Supreme court launching a cheat plan of eliminating financial transparency relative to campaign funding, a lack of respectful communication & interest in minorities & other groups of taxpayers, using violent rhetoric & symbolism that has caused people to get shot, running a white Nationalist campaign, trying to kill unions that people need, failure to listen & respect the needs of women, reactionary politics, hate, racism, possibly making an anti Islamic movie that has caused death, and placing partisan politics as primary to the needs of the masses of Americans.
Somehow and at some point, all of this HAS TO STING the perpetrators.


black_child86Moderator6 hours ago
not a surprise. those so called"black republican", i hope you now see what the leaders of the party you sell yourself to identify with, perceives you behind closed door!!!


SymoneModerator6 hours agoin reply to black_child86
The way he sees Blacks who are Republican is no different than Democrats see Blacks who are Democrats so lets not try to make Democrats seem to be of more virtue than they really are.
Obama has told Blacks to "get off the couch and take off bedroom slippers and to stop complaining. Obama also recently said that "he is not the president of Black America" so how is that different from what Romney stated? Both were insensitive and completely dumb.


yahoo-55NG2EWTPXBE65UVQQVMPIWFL4Moderator24 minutes ago
This boy shouldn't open his mouth until he checks in with Sara Palin. Between the two of them they couldn't blow up a party balloon because they are so out of touch with what people in this country really need. They keep crying about theres no jobs, but every day ther is traffic backed up for roiad contruction. You look on any military base there is upgrading, there is always something being built but let them tell it there are no jobs. Ole Mitt, this boy should have never got in this race with a mind set like his. And to think even poor white folks can't see that this fool isn't going to help them. They just don't like the fact that a black man is in the White House plain & simple.......


Marie BanoModerator2 hours ago
Most of the poorest, welfare depnedant and less well educated states are Red republican states. Romney does not even know his own base, he is an ignorant fool.
• 11 of the 15 “federal welfare” states, those that get back more than $1.00 for every $1.00 they send to the federal government, are Red States; U.S. Census Bureau and Congressional Budget Office


JackModerator5 minutes agoin reply to Matt C. Moore
yes, but when the GOP talks about welfare that's their code for black. Everyone knows that they've used this propaganda for decades. Even though we know the majority of welfare recipients are white, when ever you hear welfare, or people wanting handouts, or free housing, free food, rest assured they are telling their white voters that blacks don't work and we have to support them. Go to any white supremacist web site, that's all they talk about over there.



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