
Monday, September 24, 2012

Savant's Words

Fat Abbott wrote:

I don't know but I'm gonna side with Malcolm X who said that the greatest enemy of the black man is the white liberal. We cannot and should not trust these patronizing, white-guilt-ridden crackers in the so-called Occupy movement.
Will you side with Malcolm's radical critique of CAPITALISM, which he (like King) thought to be esential to the very foundation of racism?
Both King and Malcolm thought, though they exprsssed it differently, that economic injustice and racial injustice are inseprable?
Malcolm X, by the way, held that BOTH white liberals and conservatives were enemeies of the Black movement. The only difference, on his view, was that rightists like Barry Goldwater or George Wallace were OPENLY opposed to Black freedom. Malcolm thought that white liberals like Kennedy or Johnso "appeared" to allies when they weren't. If liberals were more dangerous for Malcolm, it's because their opposition was disguised as solidarity.
To the extent that SOME white liberals did practice the deceptive hyposcrisy Malcolm attributed to them, I might say that he had a point--at least a partial point.
YOu don't fight an adversary that you don't see, only those you do see.
Yet, while Malcolm X had a point in his critique of white liberalism (or at least liberal establishment), he serious ERRS if he makes a general and sweeping claim that liberals are more dangerous than rightists. When I saw an old clip of a Goldwater rally with one participant carrying a placard reading "CRUSH the black revolt"--it's clear to me the the hypocrisy or cowardice of some liberals was/is not the greatest danger.
The assumption that liberals are MORE dangerous than rightists may prove to be as disastrously FOOLISH as the stupid claim made by German Marxists that liberals & social democrats were more (or at least as)dangerous than the NAZIS. Germany and humanity paid dearly for that miscalculation.



twitter-kromantig wrote:
You cant go begging your government for anything. The issue is begger then the American government Black Canadians, Black Brazilians, Jamaicans all share a similar history and there for music be as big apart of anything that is going to happen as the African African or else it naaa go no where.
You don't beg, you DEMAND. And where Dr. King waw heading entailed (in his own words) "a RADICAL REDISTRIBUTION or economic and political power."
Nor does this involve only African-Americans, or even only Blacks of he world. Indeed, the whole world (America included) has to be radically transformed.



Junebug wrote:

Exactly right. White Liberals are always preaching victimization instead of resilience to the black community and that does nothing but keep us at the bottom of the totem pole, which is exactly where they want us. Gubmint handouts is what keeps black folks poor for life and they know this and laugh about it when we're not in their presence.
YOU are preaching victimization! Oh the poor black people could make it if only those white liberals weren't preaching...
LOL!!! If only the Democrats would shut up suddenly the black community would thrive? That is such a lame argument, straight from the connedservatives, and what the hell have THEY done for you?
Try blaming the real perps, the corporatist system.
Also I would point out that I've been active in Democratic politics and never heard ONE white Democratic "laughing at you". I've heard lot of GOP racists laughing at you, however.

Government is a reality. You can't ignore it. Government has a role in maintaining the status quo, or in effecting change.
Savant is right... don't beg, DEMAND!

Government BY, OF and FOR the people we're supposed to have. A Republican said that.



twitter-kromantig wrote:
I must admit I am wrong.
I am Canadian we have multiculturalism and I believe America has a melting pot culture.
Multiculturalism means Canada has no 1 race no 1 culture it incorperates everybody under the law equally. But every community is responsible for self sufficiency. In American I believe everybody is required to become AMERICAN which is sad given the fact that AMERICANISM incorperates contradictory ideas and a terrible history.
Martin Luther kings ideas were geared towards idealistically more multiculturalism I think.
Of course, the talk of multiculturalism was not current back in the 1960s. But Dr. King's vision of a BELOVED COMMUNITY embraced not only Americans, but the whole of humanity. This is why he could could voice his protest against the racist, imperialist war in Vietnam--even when critics (some within Black freedom movement itself) insisted that he should "stick to civil rights."
His global vision of a beloved community underlies his call for a GLOBAL struggle against poverty and exploitation even back in the 1950s. Isn't this what the 99% Movement is about TODAY?
Also, if you are Canadian I would recommend a book called TRUMPET OF CONSCIENCE, a collection of speeches given on Canadian Broadcasting co back in 1967. It's worth the read.



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