
Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Middle East Crisis in Libya, Egypt, and Yemen

People are taking about the new turmoil in the Middle East. There came the unjustified, sick, and evil deaths of an Ambassador to Libya including other Americans. The Ambassador was murdered in Benghazi, Libya. People in Cairo, Egypt tore down an American flag, and they burned it. Criminals also assaulted both the U.S. consultant in Libya and the U.S. embassy in Egypt. This comes after the previous regimes in Libya and Egypt were overthrown. These events represent the fact that even some individuals in Western puppet states will act in an extremist, degenerate manner. The terrorists who lynched and murdered innocent black Libyans are now killing Americans. U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens' death was evil and we should express condolences to his family (and the rest of the victims' families). New images show the murderers parading his body around. He could of been tortured before he died. Other reports say that Stevens' car was attacked when he and 3 other personnel tried to escape the Consulate. The embassy staff were shot and Stevens died of suffocation. Christopher Sevens' body was found in a Libyan hospital. The mainstream media says that the people protested a film produced in the USA that ridiculed Islam's prophet Muhammad. The bigger picture is that there has been a wild array of militant gangs of Muslim extremists pouring into Libya as a result of the NATO intervention in Libya. These extremists were backed by Western money and weapons. NATO backed the insurgents with links to al-Qaeda to end Colonel Gaddafi's rule in Libya. Some of these extremists even shown the black Al-Qaeda flag over courthouses in Benghazi. Today, a puppet regime mixed with extremists govern Libya with their murder of black people. Even a February 2012 report by Amnesty International proved that radical militants are mostly out of control. They are killing thousands of detainees and many people are in prison to be tortured to death. All along, Libya was attacked and now corporations are getting their oil plus other resources. These extremists want to rule Syria too. NATO powers have flown the militants from Libya into Syria. The intervention of the White House into Libya has no constitutional authorization. Reuters believe that the Ansar al-Sharia (or the Partisans of Sharia) could be the gunmen involved in the murders in Benghazi. We don't know who is responsible for this attacks yet. Many folks from Yemen are protesting over the anti-Muslim video in the Internet. They protest at the U.S. embassy and the security forces turn the protesters back. The events in the Middle East is a battle between progressive/moderate Middle Eastern people and the more reactionary militant peoples. The President Barack Obama said the right words and I don't believe that he was sympathizing with the murderers (as Mitt Romney falsely claim). The President commented that he agrees with religious tolerance and at the same he will find justice for the killers who performed their murderous deeds. The President never apologized or sympathized with the actions of extremists killing innocent human beings. To assume otherwise represents some folks' intense hatred of the President. That hatred is truly sickening. I have disagreements with the President, but I don't personally have ill will towards the very intelligent brother at all. These incidents have nothing to do with a religion or with all of the people in those 2 nations. It has to do with a select number of extremists. Therefore, we shouldn't act in a xenophobic fashion as a means to promote the wicked "Clash of Civilizations" agenda. We still ought to adhere to rational actions and peace. We should not be like the neo-conservatives and advocate permanent war mongering, but we should always agree with a progressive, forward thinking foreign policy apparatus.

One of the most important aspects of 9/11 was its unanswered questions or mysteries. The NIST classified the data they they used to make their computer animation of the WTC 7 collapse. The DIA destroyed more than 2.5 terabytes of data on their Able Danger investigation, which reportedly identified four of the alleged hijackers years in advance of the attack. Why did this occur? The SEC even destroyed their records on the 9/11 insider trading question. On the morning of September 11, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money-man" behind the 9/11 hijackers was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House intelligence committees. The Sister Cynthia McKinney and others from around the world want to inquire why the Pentagon has 2.3 trillion missing dollars. Many people want these and similar questions answered. The victims' family members, the first responders, members of the U.S. military, legislatures, intelligence agents, heads of states, foreign dignitaries, and members of the public in the world desire answers and an independent investigation of all of the events that transpired during September 11, 2001. The unfortunate outcome of 9/11 was that the events were exploited by the Western machine as an excuse to promote military wars and the militarization of American society. New wars under the guise of "humanitarianism" even made a slick comeback for example inside of Libya & Syria. The U.S. and NATO united in brutal solidarity in order for them to execute controversial, reckless wars of aggression. Even so-called "progressive" voices outline support for war, for torture, and for the stereotypical slanders of certain Muslims. The mainstream society ignores the fact that al-Qaeda evolved from the CIA & other factions back from the Soviet/Afghan war. This fact is validated by even official documents from the U.S. Congress and other sources. Once, then President Ronald Reagan meet with the Afghan Mujahideen Commanders in the White House in 1985 as a means for the commanders to try to control all of Afghanistan. Government propaganda and mainstream media deception grew in strength, but 9/11 saw the rise of the alternative media as well. The neo-conservative movement is still here after all of these years. Many of them consume the administration team of Mitt Romney. In an op-ed for the New York Times on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, journalist Kurt Eichenwald, warnings about an attack by the Bush administration was met with indifference and ignoring the warnings. Eichenwald wrote that the Bush administration had a nonchalance attitude, because the neocon advisers told the President that the warning was just bluster. During that era, the neo-cons were obsessed with trying to attack Saddam Hussein not necessarily Osama bin Laden. Since 9/11, the alternative media definitely grew in leaps and bounds. That's a good thing. Individuals from all walks of life understand fully about economic justice, about freedom, about the dangers of excessive globalization, and about life in general. People have the right to search for answers and 9/11 Truth will never die. It will persist forever more.

The unionized teachers are striking for benefits in the historic, great city of Chicago. Children should have the first priority revolving around education. That's true, but children can never reach their full potential socially and intellectually in the schoolhouse if great teachers lack health care, reasonable income, and other legitimate benefits that they deserve. Chicago has the third largest school district in America. The CTU or the Chicago Teachers Union are striking. The Chicago Public System wanted a controversial merit-pay system for teachers based on standardized testing. The CPA is promoting "school choice" to parents and students as a means to promote publicly funded, privately run charter schools, which are staffed by non-union teachers. There is nothing wrong with private schools or homeschooling, but it is wrong to end all of public schools though via slick policies. The promoters of school choice regularly talk about failing schools with sub par teachers, which is partly true. Yet, not all public schools are the same. Many public schools are performing excellently. The collective demonization of public school is wrong. Ironically, neoliberal Rahm Emanuel and his allies are against the CTU. The Race to the Top architect was former head of the CPS Arne Duncan (who is the Secretary of Education). Wall Street is funding the Democrats even more than labor, so both parties want to appease Wall Street interests. It's a fact that Wall Street agrees with school reform in the form of charter school and a privatization of all forms of education. Some weaknesses of charter schools is that they typically perform the same as public schools, they include an union free work environment in many cases, they are dominated by corporate interests, etc. In the final analysis, the Wall Street system wants to promote neoliberal doctrine in education. In that fashion, Wall Street receives more profits if all of education is privatized. Wealth can be further transferred from the public to the private coffers of the financial class. Even national defense and public prisons have been privatized for years as well (and our judicial system isn't any better). Public education is worth just under 600 billion dollars according to a 2012 Census report. The elite wants to limit access of the poor to education. Public education cause a more equal access to education via working class struggle. The skyrocketing cost of an university education will cause mostly the elite to pursue a college degree if conditions continue onward. The neoliberal agenda is rather clear in their assault on the working class and their new target is the institution of public education. Class mobility is enhanced by public education. The teacher unions are trying to prevent a total privatization of public education. Private hedge fund people are fighting against the unions indeed. As the Times article noted, “Hedge fund executives are thus emerging as perhaps the first significant political counterweight to the powerful teachers unions.” And with both parties completely beholden to the hedge fund managers on Wall Street, we see the current bipartisan push for radical school reform—now coming to a head in Chicago, where a neoliberal Democrat leads the attack. So, what happens in Chicago could occur throughout America. So, we should promote children as being the first priority and realize that we should oppose any attempt to privatize all forms of public education indeed. People have the right to strike and collectively bargain and hopefully a solution can be accepted soon.

The Justice Department has granted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (or ATF) the power to seize and administratively forfeit property under the guise of controlling substance abuse. So, the ruling allows the ATF the power to take property from people that haven't been charged or convicted of a crime. The Washington Times gave a story on this precise issue. It reported the forfeit and seizure abuse in the case of Jame Lieto. Lieto was a business owner that had $392,000 seized because he hired an armored car company that was under a federal investigation to transport money for his business. The deal was that Lieto was never accused of any crime. He was just a customer of the company, but was forced to spend thousands of recovering his money.
Does this mean customers of a gun seller or FFL dealer “suspected” of being involved in a substance abuse case can have their firearms confiscated by the ATF with no due process?
The Constitution recognizes that we have we have Immunities, Privileges and a Right of Due Process. This action is a violation of due process directly. All people are innocent until proven guilty not the opposite. If you want to execute judicial action against an individual, then due process must persist in that equation. This reality signifies the massive similarities between the GOP and the Democrats. They agree on token talk on regulating Wall Street and the home foreclosure crisis. They certainly are identical on foreign policy matters. Each party threatened a war in Iran under certain circumstances. Each are attacking public education as an excuse to promote more expensive, privatized education. It is wrong for the GOP to advance a social Darwinist, massive austerity agenda and it's wrong for the Democrats in attempting to justify extrajudicial assassinations of potentially American citizens. The blue dog Democrats are worse since some of them want to kill collective bargaining. The Democrats talked about the Republican agenda for tax breaks for the rich (which I don't agree with for the record), but they advocated an extension of Bush Jr.'s tax breaks for the rich. These types of tax cuts could of expired easily. Conversely, Mitt Romney condemned the President's health care law, but it was based on Romney care (and the Heritage Foundation's health care proposals).


More and more people know about real black inventors. Marie Van Brittan Brown is a Sister that invented the home security. Her patent number is 3,487,037. He lived from 1922 to February 2, 1999. She invented the home security system back in 1966 and the patent was given to her in 1969. Her husband worked with her as well. Brown's system had a set of 4 peep holes and a camera that could slide up and down to look at each one. Anything and everything the camera picked up would appear on a monitor. Also, a resident could unlatch the door by remote control. Joseph N. Jackson was the inventor of the programmer television receiver controller. That means that anybody who loves a programmable VCR, DVR, TiVo, etc. owes thanks or gratitude to Mr. Joseph N. Jackson. He was born in Louisiana. He made efforts to enhance technology in the world. Today, he is a living legend. He's a scientist, a businessman, a humanitarian, and Co-founder of the Black Inventions Museum, Inc. To this day, he works on ideas in order for billions of human beings to experience happiness and liberty. Paul E. Williams invented a specific type of helicopter. People know that Garrett Morgan invented the modern gas mask and the modern traffic signal. He lived from March 4, 1877 to August 27, 1863. He was born in Paris, Kentucky, but he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio in order for him to search for employment. Later, he moved into Cleveland, Ohio from 1895. Alexander Miles was an African American inventor who was awarded a patent for an automatically opening and closing elevator door design in 1887. He was not the originator inventor of the device, but he made improvements to the invention of the automatic elevator door system and self-closing door. John Standard improved the refrigerator and stove designs too. Henry Sampson was a great inventor who invented a Gamma Electrical Cell. He is the first African American to earn a Nuclear Engineering in the United States. He worked in technology, engineering, and other forms of science. So, research shows the great contributions of black people then and now. This is all the more reason for us to inspire black people to be in careers that deal with math, engineering, science, and technology. It's a great joy to see black people to express themselves in the MEST system. Now, we know our enemy and our enemy is white supremacy. White supremacy uses racism via institutions and the cartel-capitalist system as a means to oppress many black people in the world. There is personal responsibility (as black people, we should never mistreat people, disrespect people, and enact evils). I reject social nihilism, but we can't be liberated unless we defeat the old lie of white supremacy. White supremacy is a lie since all men are created equal irrespective of race or background. That is why we should fight for all of us to have the right to work, the right to own a home, to get a fair trial, to have educational opportunities, and to create more Power (because our people are regularly discriminated against and denied access to true social/economic opportunities daily). The game of white supremacy is to try to convince the victims that they aren't truly victimized by the oppressors when the opposite is true. The truth is that oppression and racism is ever real and we have the subsequent right to defeat it once and for all. Our oppressors regularly try to harm us. See, it's not the black folks' fault collectively for poverty, for corrupt schools, for police brutality, for bigotry, for the War on Drugs, and for other problems. It's the fault of a wicked white racist power structure. That is why as black people, we need to validate ourselves and move away from some token white validation. Now, you must know the difference between white identified Negroes and slave minded Negroes (as opposed to a black identified black man and a black identified black woman). A white identified Negro is a person that rejects his or her black heritage completely. They try to act like a white European and they discard any component of their own black cultural identity. They attempt to emulate white people as a means to express hatred of their own black heritage (and some of them refuse to contact, date, love, and marry black people because they are black people). This doesn't have to do with someone expressing legitimate eclectic tastes, listening to a certain type of music, having unique hobbies, or how someone talks like. It all has to do with specific deeds for we judge on someone's character not on someone talks like. They ally with people solely because they are white and they have a severe inferiority complex. They act incredibly submissive to white people. Now, slave minded Negroes are people who mimic or act the same way that white slave masters treated innocent black people back in the day. For example, a slave minded black person may beat children in an extreme, unjust manner like when the slaves beaten innocent human beings. Slave minded black people will demonize or mistreat black people because of their black African phenotype or their personality. Other acts of this slavery mentality is to try to appease white people, to avoid emotional intimacy, to intentionally cause family problems, to promote division in our community, and other sick actions. Believing in the slave masters' religious Eurocentric Nicean version of Christianity and following holidays that promote white supremacy are all parts of a slavery tradition or a slavery mentality (related to fear). Slave minded black people experience regularly what we call in our generation Post-Traumatic Slavery Syndrome (or PTSS). PTSS is the traumatic experience by people of Black African descent as a product of the Maafa and further oppression after the Civil War. Now, it's our duty to use programs and activism in fighting against the slavery mentality and the self hatred that persists in some black people. When we have unemployment, violence, and other issues in our community, it's our job to not run away. It's our job to promote community development and black unity. We should just handle our business and help out black people. That is all of the more reason for us to be heavy in the anti-war movement. There are things that we must stand for and they are being for black unity, Black Power, the development of our families, the growth of our community, the promotion of MEST for our people, and the rejection of white supremacy completely. Progress can only come when a black person directly assist black human beings in a constructive fashion (along with our quality of life to be improved upon). We are not truly free until real justice comes storming down for our people. Wisdom is important to know. It's a fact that our great black melanin can protect us from the sun rays, it can keep us healthy from certain diseases, it can promote better eye health, and it is part of the great intelligence of our people. Educating ourselves about our own history and culture is a great way to improve relationships among black people.

By Timothy