
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Nightly News

The debate is coming on today. President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will try to discuss about about economic and domestic issues. Paul Ryan's comment about 30 percent of Americans love to be on welfare or love the welfare state. This is offensive, callous nonsense of course. The truth is that a suffering person deserves assistance and it's foolish to assume that 30 percent of Americans love a welfare state (or are leeches to the system). President Barack Obama back in the 2007 tape said quaint and non-controversial comments. His comments was accurate. The Bush administration's bad response to Hurricane Katrina was colorblind and poverty plus oppression existed in the black community long before Hurricane Katrina came about. What is wrong with those statements? Nothing. Both men know how to debate and are intelligent. The debate will be interesting to say the least. Mitt Romney wants the debate to be all about the economy in order for prevent his laissez faire capitalist view as being a better way in finding economic growth. The President wants his policy of more government intervention as a means to develop our economic systems. Both the Republican and Democratic establishment are funded by Big Coal, Big Agra, Big Insurance, military contractors, and of course Wall Street. That is just keeping it real. There are many relevant issues that will be discussed in the debates. Likewise, some issues will be omitted. One issue that won't be discussed is the condemnation of the legal fiction of corporate person hood (as promoted by the Supreme Court). The truth is that property is not a person neither are corporations (when some of them harm the environment, suppress people's liberties, and run amok over national & international laws). There will probably won't be a discussion on the War on Drugs and mass incarceration. The candidates will refuse to talk about a single payer health care system that can send affordable, strong health care to all Americans. It's not a secret that the Republicans and the Democrats work together to shut out all third parties from the Presidential debates. Certainly, the debate won't talk about the debate restricting third party choices and how they make some topics off limits to talk about. That is why we should be always politically independent. Far too often, the two party duopoly wants radical free trade agreements like NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Far too often, both parties agree with Iran to suffer starvation via embargoes and sanctions. The current system outlines the view that Iran is tyrannical, but they omit on how America used covert acts of terror against numerous populations worldwide (including torture, civil liberty violations, and a prison industrial complex). Iran isn't perfect, but America isn't perfect either. Both nations should reform their own affairs without some preemptive, destructive war against Iran. The motherland of Africa being militarized, destabilized, and plundered by Western interests isn't just either. AFRICOM should not dominate the security of Africa, but that responsibility should be controlled by the African peoples period. Likewise, it is obvious though that Mitt Romney is a blatant extremist. His words on poor Americans, minorities, and other human beings not of the 1 percent outlined his misplaced priorities. His priority is to promote economic social Darwinism and war mongering, not progressive thinking & peace making. It is clear that Mormonism is a contrived faith made not by the Lord Jesus Christ, but by the Freemason & occultist Joseph Smith. Mormonism is not related to real Christianity since it says that man can be a god, that rituals can save souls, and it harbored a racist policy of discrimination against black people until 1978. Many Mormon leaders were bigots like Joseph Fielding Smith. I don't believe in religious bigotry and Mormonism has a right to exist in the world, but I have the right to dissent with Mormonism from a religious standpoint. To dissent is morally just. Also, the 47% pays local taxes, state taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and other forms of taxation all of the time. Even Paul Ryan today said that the 47 percent should get a job when many of the 47 percent work all of the time. So, this callous attitude toward ordinary Americans is shameful by Paul Ryan. The big picture is that all of us have a role. We should help society in a legitimate fashion and any politician ought to be made accountable for their views and actions. Also, I realize that the liberal establishment now supports war mongering more slyly (like a fox) while the conservative establishment want immediate sheath in order to promote harsh tyranny in the land (like a wolf). In other words, some Democrats want to control society via slick stealth, while some Republicans want the iron fist version of oppression. So, both major parties promote imperialism, but they express it in different ways. Another new trick by the elite is to try to blame the victim for their own victimization or oppression. That isn't going to work on me since our suffering comes ultimately from the oppressor not the victim. We know who the oppressor is and you know what I am talking about. It doesn't take Simon Says nor the game of clue to figure who is the oppressor is. LOL. Now, the debate was interesting. Mitt Romney was on the attack throughout the night. Romney was aggressive (which I give him credit for) all night, but he is wrong to assume the superiority of state rights & his hatred of major public programs that helped society. The President was playing defense and came back in the middle of the debate (and the end of the debate, it was even). The President allowed Romney to get away with laisse faire capitalism (and allow the poor to be on their own on many circumstances).

The truth on genetically modified foods has been out of Pandora's box. More and more people are waking up about the dangers of GMOs. Now, an undercover video investigating people admitted the presence of GMOs at Whole Foods stores is pulled from Youtube. So, GMO foods should be labelled completely. The video found out about these GMO foods as found in the supposed "organic" grocery leader Whole Foods Market. The video was released by Organic Spies including covert footage. The covert footage alleges that Whole Foods was deceiving its customers by touting organic foods (and claiming to being against GMOs while sell a portion of products that have GMO ingredients). Numerous Whole Foods employees in the Los Angelese area admitted that its employees are ignorant of the presence of GMO foods on store shelves. This allows the average customer to be even more so in the dark. The original video was shown days ago. It has over 100,000 view and it was removed from Youtube. Youtube claimed that the video violated its Terms of Service. This indicates a third party complain. Youtube no longer automatically informs users of the identities of parties who made claims against videos, so the role of Whole Foods here is not clear. Whole Foods admit that some of their products have GMO ingredients. They want to better educate their employees on this fact. They have about 70,000 team members. Whole Foods support California's Prop 357, which would mandate the labeling of GMOs. They did this after coming under criticism for not donating financially to the ballot measure to counter the heavy lobbying against the measure from the biotech industry and their allies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with labeling GMOs and it is perplexing on why some would oppose Prop 37 in California. Whole Foods wants to not financially back political measures, but some of their top executives donated to numerous telling campaigns. For example, co-founder and CEO John Mackey donated to Mitt Romney. Romney promotes Monsanto's entry into biotechnology. CEO Walter Robb donated to President Barack Obama, who appointed numerous Monsanto lobbyists to his administration (like Christie Vilsack or the wife of USDA chief Tom Vilsack. Tom is an Iowan politician). Tom Vilsack support biotech, GMO cloning, and the opening air growing of pharmaceutical crops. As head of agriculture, Vilsack served as a middle man between the negotiation to accept GM alfalfa (a major crop for livestock) meeting with Monsanto and top emissaries of the organic market namely Whole Foods Mark, Stonyfield Farm, and Organic Valley. Whole Foods have carved to the GM players and people in the world are criticizing the influence of the non-labeling GMO agenda. Still, many organic food organizations reject GMOs completely. Monsanto and other biotech giants threats to saturate the world market with dangerous GMOs foods. These foods are regularly unlabeled and research proves that they can contribute to cancerous tumors and other devastating health effects in lab rats who were fed Monsanto's GM corn. 90% of all corn and soy food products have GMO ingredients. There are allergies and digestive disorders in America since GMos and other chemicals spreading our food supply. Our natural supply of food shouldn't be eradicated.

People realize the evils of the prison industrial complex. People from across the political spectrum realize how corrupt much of the judicial system can be, because those of affluent suffer less consequences than the poor if tried for the equivalent crime. That's just common sense. The incarceration of our brothers and our sisters blatantly have a negative effect in our community. This oppressive system oppress all backgrounds too not just my own people. The harm of prisons can increase the spread of hardships among human beings. Of course, the USA imprisons more people than any nation on Earth. Louisiana has an incarceration rate of 5 times higher than Iran and 13 times higher than China. The tough on crime rhetoric that has been pronounced by reactionaries officially doesn't work. The present War on Drugs hasn't work to cause a reformation of society either. More than two million Americans are in jails and prisons. Since the 1970's, minor infractions have evolved into lengthy prison sentences. Most of the people of color in prisons are there for non-violent crimes. Many of their lives are ruined and they are restricted of voting and human rights after they made their debt to society. Scholars and heroes like Margaret Kimberely explained fully that imprisonment of human beings is one tactic that the establishment uses in order to turn away the legitimate progressive improvements of society. Even the 13th Amendment says that slavery is abolished except when you're imprisoned. So, if you are imprisoned, you can be treated like a slave theoretically inside of the USA. It's fine to work in where you want and to live in where you want, but if you don't have justice, then your total liberties are threatened. Imprisonment negatively effects the lives of Americans including black Americans from marriage problems, diseases, lack of job opportunities, and other negative consequences. Even small infractions are made to be used to justify evil, long sentences against human beings. The evil stop and frisk policies in NYC contribute to this problem. Police brutality and police abuse are rampant in Western society plus in other nations in the world. Victimized people deserve justice. There must be a radical changing of our judicial system. There is a higher incarceration rate in America despite violent crime decreasing over three decades. The policies of three strikes, mandatory minimum, and harsh War on Drug War contribute to more people (who are non-violent offenders) to serve prison sentences longer than some murderers and rapists. This is why people want to end the War on Drugs, create alternative sentencing, end mandatory sentences (since all crimes aren't monolithic), have programs to have rehabilitation for prisoners, have more DNA testing to prevent innocent human beings from experiencing the death penalty, and end the privatization of the prison system. Also, felons who paid their debt to society should have full voting rights. Ultimately, a national program of education, national investments, and rehabilitation can restore safe neighborhoods. It is morally right to replace the war on drugs with a health-based treatment and prevention approach. An ending to disparities in our justice system and discrimination ought to exist. Our human civil liberties can be restored by eliminating the Patriot Act and all unconstitutional laws.

There is oppression in the world. Injustice based on class and gender is wrong too. When you get older, you can become more wise about this situation. Even feminists like Bell Hooks, Angela Y. Davis, Joy James, etc. are to proclaim opposition to an extreme form of patriarchy (or what we call the subjection of women. For you can't have a progressive society with basic human freedoms restricted from women). There is an interrelationship between oppression and class exploitation. We certainly aren't free yet. Society has issues with oppression. It is also hypocritical to condemn welfare when others don't say a word on the subsidies relieved by the super rich. An economic bill of rights is fine with me as well. Also, just because a program is controlled by the state level, doesn't mean that program will be successful. The state once used tyranny and also promoted cuts to the suffering. That is why the federal government can help Americans since the government is made up of the people. See, people are in the government and corrupt government is the problem not the essence of government in general. The federal government can have the power to give people opportunities and protect people's human rights. The Transcontinental Continent railroad, land grant colleges, and other programs relied on the federal government's help. These acts have enhanced human freedom without massive restrictions to it. The Federal Bill of Rights is superior to state's rights. The state can't do all things, so the federal government can make a difference in building up society. It's a historical fact that spending money the right way can grow jobs and develop the economic structures of nations. The privatization of Social Security is really extreme when Social Security has been an economic successful program for decades.

True spirituality or true religion is rather clear on banking and corruption. One head of Goldman Sachs said that he's doing God's work with his banking activities. Even the head of Barclays told his congregation that banking as practiced by his companies are compatible with Christian principles. It's a fact that some of the tactics done by the big banks are antithetical to Christian principles. Judeo-Christian teachings and concepts from other spiritual traditions are clear that we should not ignore the law breaking by the powerful. The Bible mentions justice over 200 times. The Bible is clear that we should stand up for justice and stand up to anyone (even the rich and powerful) if they oppress the people or perform injustices. Micah 6:8 is clear about that. Jesus was upset at the Pharisees for they sometimes ignored justice. We have the right and the right to take action to help our neighbor. We have the right to intervene to promote the right to a job, the right to respect human life, and the right to not express discrimination. The prophet Isaiah is clear that we should maintain justice in the world. Now, in the world today, researchers have found that some big banks have participated in continuous ongoing criminal fraud. No major Wall Street executive has been tried and convicted for their criminal acts when even Jesus turn over the tables of the money-changes. Some giant banks have manipulated interest rates (these has been done via Libor, Eurobor, etc. in driving the values of currencies up and down). There has been high frequency trading and an artificial suppression of gold prices (which artificially inflates the value of fiat money). We can't oppress the poor as a means to benefit the more affluent. Even Proverbs 22:16 is clear upon that. For thousands of years, the giant banks have oppressed the poor as a means to increase their riches. The economic inequality in America is worse than in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, some nations in Latin America, and ancient Rome. Not all banks are monolithic. Some smaller bankers and credit union have been good to human beings and are trying to help their own communities. The spiritual traditions of the world also respected the concept of the forgiveness of debt. The forgiveness of debt is one core of true spirituality. The world's major religions all condemn usury. Even the Church of England have called the bankers to repent after the Libor rate fixing scandals (and other banking misdeeds). Economic growth should occur, but bankers ought to act morally as well. Restitution, reparations, contrition, and a change of heart are all important in rectifying numerous injustices. The extremists and liar can't show a single piece of evidence of how increasing taxes or promoting real regulations is a sin. Therefore, some banks should end their moral corruption. The culture of greed and materialism are serious problems in Western society especially. There should be private and public help to homeowners and the poor in our generation more heavily. Christian preachers, Jewish rabbis, and Islamic imans have criticized usury and corruption for centuries and millenniums. The instrumental collaborations of individuals, families, communities, and other institutions can help to end poverty and other social complications in the world. A variety of solutions of necessary to give housing and decrease the income inequality that plagues the globe, not only in America. It is precisely reasonable for us to advocate a reform of the current banking system.

By Timothy

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