
Monday, October 15, 2012

The 2012 US Presidential “Non-election”: Which Brand of “Fascism” this Time?


That's the scary part, Romney's advisors are mostly Bushes neo con advisors and after this speech Americans should really , WAKE UP! No Country in history wins all there wars and sooner or later a war will be brought to the shores of America if they keep pushing for war constantly, remember Germany when it started both world wars was the super power of the day! Russia had nothing and Britian equipment was old, yet look what happened to Germany, is this what neocons want?


hi phil, I just can't beleive these GOP nuts, they dismiss war as if its an after thought, War should always be a last resort not first, I think Americans have become so detached from war as only a tiny percentage actually suffer the concequences, sorry for the rant but it just pisses me off to discount life!
I really think there is hope. More and more people are changing everyday. The powers that be want us to believe that the desire to change is futile. They are constantly referring to the "good old days" but the "good old days" weren't even as good as now. It may not appear so but things are getting better. The times appear to go up and down but the basic curve is rising. As Jackson Browne sang "is this just the fitful dreams of a greater awaking?". Awareness is on it's way up. Peace and Love 


You obviously have a good heart and awareness. Trust me, I've been around a long time and it's getting better overall. Even though it's not in the news, the Occupy movement is growing all over the world. Last year a half a million people Occupied Madrid. The movement is growing. Lao Tsu said "to suppress a truth gives it strength beyond endurance". The movement is true.


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