
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Cornel West: Obama Is A ‘Rockefeller Republican In ‘Blackface;’ Sharpton, Harris-Perry, Dyson Are Up For Sale


Note by Me: I never really outlined a longer response on my feelings on this controversy. Here are my total views. Cornell West is right and wrong on some points. First, he is right in that we have right to express legitimate critiques of the White House policies from foreign policy to economics. Many of West's critiques are on point. He is right that we must battle against poverty and so forth. Now, he is wrong is trying to outline debased, demagogue words about the President in calling him blackface, etc. Blackface is bigoted terminology that racists readily use to dehumanize blacks. The brother President is a lot of things, but one thing that he is not is a blackface. He's a strong man that is right on some issues and wrong on others. When he cried, I believe that his tears are sincere (even if I have disagreements with him on some issues. Those tears represented to me a lot of struggle of our people in our journey). Many of our problems existed before he was elected. Yes, the President should be made accountable for his policies (and I am critical of the brother President on some issues), but immature rhetoric doesn't equate into reform. We make solutions by demanding change, yes. Yet, also we have a responsibility too (not just the President). We have the responsibility to help our people, to fight crime, to improve our social straits since theoretically the President can't do everything by himself. If FDR and LBJ (2 of the most progressive Presidents of the 20th century) can't fulfill the Dream then, it won't be easy to fulfill it now. In my opinion, it can be fulfilled, but we should fight for it. Now, one brother here from the 804 (in my state of VA) is right that black leaders should unite and call for radical solutions (without fanfare, without massive TV commercial exploitation, and no distractions).

In the final analysis, the President should be criticized of his errors, but our responsibilities too ought not to be eliminated from the equation. Also, West is wrong to call the lovely Sista Melissa Harris-Perry a liar when she works all of the time for real in helping poor folks in New Orleans, Chicago, etc. She even opposed the charter school system in favor of public schools on one show. She obviously cares about poor people and voting rights. I don't agree with the Sister on all points, but this Sister loves her people. Also, you can make the case that the President is similar to Nixon on health care, but the President is not to the right of Nixon on health care (as claimed by Mr. West). Nixon wanted a totally privatized health care system without a public option (The President wanted a public option, but he didn’t get it because of the House). Even I acknowledge that the President has made many legitimate policies in the USA. I can't believe that a so-called liberal like West wants to glamorize a lying, war mongering, racist, and jealous of JFK actor like Richard Nixon. Other than that, I respect many of Cornell West's populist views (without the demagogic rhetoric).

By Timothy


ProBlackfistModerator9 hours ago
The truth is being told. A vast of all the happy black people will say the usual " he just hating "
How come when somebody black speaks the truth today's blacks love to use this dumb term to downplay what is being said. Let's look at the eviendence ? Let's go back and check the boule files ?
Let's check the latest info from the daghettotymz. Let's go listen to some classic lecture by Amos Wilson or some classic 60's lectured By Malcolm X. Looking at perry a vast % of black's think just because he has some dead paper money- so-called rich and he has gotten famous for pimping 21 century coonery
he has become so great. A vast % o black's still can't seem to see the trick that ole slavemassa is playing.
This trick is even worse than the Lincoln freed the slaves BS.
Just so you know all you black people who might read this. A lot of white people have been going to the gun and rifle ranges practicing with their weapons. Ask t yourself,why all these people are going to these gun ranges ? What do they know that black people do not know o what are they willing to do so they can keep all their rights ?


GRAND MASTER SEN$Ei {{-_-}}™Moderator6 hours agoin reply to Sineta George
You have to talk FIRST so that you know the direction we're supposed to be going rather than just moving in the dark without the light to guide you.
In fact, how are YOU helping Mr. Pro-Black Fist to start a gun and rifle club? That shows you have a savior mentality. At least he/she's saying the things that needed to be said instead of being a crab in a bucket waiting for a messiah to come rescue them.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you got ideas. That's more than most Blacks can say. But since you DO have such big ideas, how come I haven't seen YOU doing this a long time ago since you agree that's what needs to be done? See? I can do the same thing to you. Doesn't feel good, does it? {{-_-}}


josemarinaModerator7 hours agoin reply to Vanessa Walker
Dr West is staying true to the legacy of Martin Luther King and the Black prophetic tradition. You dishonor and betray that tradition in smearing Dr West by associating him with Rush Limbaugh. I am not surprised though: around the time when Dr King, the prophet, was martyred, he was largely disdained, a pariah, in black America. He was seen as a communist and an anti-American for speaking truth to power, and for being the revolutionary Christian that he was.


josemarinaModerator1 hour agoin reply to cobaltblu
These brothers are fighters: It takes a lot of moral courage to stand up and fight for justice. It means having to face character assassinations from those who care not about bearing false witness. It means having to face the venom of your own people, from your own friends, from Judases.


josemarinaModerator1 hour agoin reply to Hypocrites can't stand the
It is a national security priority that Israel receives 6 billion dollars each year and Egypt receives 1.8 billion, 1.3 billion of which goes to the Egyptian military. What is not a national security issue is the fact that every day precious black, brown, white Americans suffer without accessing to shelter, healthcare, and education. That is how warped our priorities are, as Dr. West said on Face the Nation with Bob Sheiffer.


Brother, let us keep it at a level of sophistication that involves staying on message. What you say about the "biggest talkers" is a non-sequitor. If you are saying that Mr Smiley and Dr West are inaccurate, then give us some evidence. If your post is about how you feel, or what you feel, then alright, more power to you. It does not amount to an argument though. Calling this brother "raggedy" isn't rational discussion, it is the substance of dozens. You can't have an intelligent discussion when one party is resorting to the dozens, lowering the level of dialogue to ad hominem attacks.


VeronicaModerator47 minutes ago
Dr. West is absolutely correct about this. However, people are too caught up in image politics to even understand the serious issues facing our republic--Dr. West outlined several. President Obama's policies mirror George Bush's. In fact, the day that Obama named Clinton and Bush to oversee the "rebuilding" of Haiti after their earthquake, it was clear that there was never an intent to do a thing there. He could have named a zillion others, including people of color, yet the best he could come up with were two former presidents who had, during their presidencies, implemented the most hostile policies against Haiti. Nothing is done to help in Darfur, Sudan, Kenya, etc.... Just as Clinton "overlooked" the genocide in Rwanda, Obama is "overlooking" similar atrocities abroad. Like others, I love the idea of a Black man at the helm. However, it's time for deeper structural change and not just the charismatic filibustering that keeps us racially and emotionally pacified.


Mitchell SwannModerator1 hour ago
Well, thanks Cornel. I am sure it will be taken under advisement. Yes, it is ridiculous that $6 billion was spent on electioneering. That money could have been put to much better use; and since it isn't tax deductible it could have simply been collected as taxes. Obviously somebody has money that the government isn't taking, so the overtaxed debate rings a bit hollow. And I also agree that not enough has been done to address poverty, opportunity and "social mobility". The income distribution problem is tragic. And you are correct, politicians - even Barack Obama - respond to the pressure so do indeed keep the pressure on. Here's my suggestions - 1) overturn Citizen's United v FEC; advocate total campaign finance reform AND the process by which primaries and redistricting is done. You won't get much movement in other areas if the game is still so slanted. 2) Rip up and replace the taxation system so that we incentivize businesses to stay here before going overseas. You won't have much money to do anything else if all the business investment goes offshore. 3) Rigorously promote, enhance education at all levels. There are jobs that go wanting for lack of available trained personnel. The best cure for poverty is employment at good wages.
And 4) get middle class, working class and poor people to VOTE. ALL THE TIME. Ohio saw the African American voter participation INCREASE as a percentage of total votes cast in 2012 from 2008. So clearly we can do this. One of the reasons that 'the rich', etc get their issues attended to is that they vote. Always. Every election. at an average 70% clip. Black, brown and beige (and poor) folks do not. They did this election and what has it shown us about that?


josemarinaModerator1 hour agoin reply to Symone
Dr West may have voted for Obama, but he said it was because he saw it as a contest between two fates: disaster (Obama) and catastrophe (Romney). I don't know that I would buy his calculus, that Obama wasn't in fact the more effective evil, and that re-electing him wouldn't lead to worse results, than the alternative. However, these are subjective hypotheticals and it is difficult to know. I don't agree with his decision, but I respect his thoughtfulness. What I did appreciate about Dr West and Tavis Smiley, was their giving a voice to and mention of progressive third party candidates, starting with the veteran Ralph Nader, to current figures running like Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson. Even while he did help Obama get re-elected, he has not wavered in speaking truth to power, and the powerless, criticizing his neoliberal policies and authoritarian proclivities. Dr West is a critical intellect, deep-rooted cosmopolitan, and a global citizen par excellence.


PatsyCastilloModerator9 hours ago
I do believe that climate change is an important and pressing problem. President Obama has started with our failing healthcare which affects poverty. I do understand what Dr. West is saying, I come from poverty and most of my family lives in poverty, but I believe that if we start with education we can start the healing of the planet,we can address poverty. I know that I was able to escape poverty through education. Instead of critizing what is Dr. West doing to make things better for those that have much less. I hear a lot of talk but what is he doing that serves as an example for us to follow.


josemarinaModerator7 hours agoin reply to PatsyCastillo
Why not read their book The Rich and the Rest of Us? Look at what they are doing to highlight poverty, inequality, injustice in America. You know poverty, and Tavis does as well. He grew up in a 1 bedroom trailer with 13 people. His experience with poverty inspires and informs his social justice work.


josemarinaModerator7 hours agoin reply to Sistagirl Young
Dr West doesn't need to prostrate before your president, my sister. He isn't joining up for the cult of personality, either. It is not about establishing dialogue with the president. There is no need to personalize things in that way. Dr West and Smiley are discussing public policy, not seeking access to discuss it in private in the White House. Seeing as Valerie Jarrett, the president's key aide, called Dr West angrily for criticizing the president's policy in public, labeling West "anti-American", you can rest assured the administration takes note.


FreeBLACKman804Moderator4 hours ago
News One just did what it always does. It took a great interview from a SMART BLACK MAN, lifted a few words (Obama in Black Face) and put that as the headline of the story. I suggest you all go and read the ENTIRE interview for yourselves. It is very hard to deny the truth that Brother Tavis and Cornell are speaking. Dont allow news one to get you all riled up with its flashy head lines. Im not saying i agree with everything that Brother West has to say, but he does make alot of sense.

I remember when Rev. Al Sharpton ran for President and was seeking the nomination from the democratic party. I loved to see him at those debates. He was asking all of the tough questions that I wanted to be addresed. On several occasions during those debates, he would turn and look at Al Gore directly in the eye and tell him how he felt. It always made me proud to see that BLACK MAN stand up there and be FIRM with what he wanted to say. Rev. Al FORCED our issues into the debate..................BUT NOW, our brother Rev. Al has an open line to our President, but he does not seem to be willing to push OUR AGENDA with the same fire that he did years ago. Perhaps public thanks from the president is enough to keep the fire in Rev Al from burning too bright. I think this is what Brother West was speaking of.

I want all of our briiliant minds like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jerimiah Wright, Cornell West, Bob Johnson, Collen Powell, Harris-Perry, Magic Johnson, etc to take a weekend and sit down and talk. No news, no tv cameras, no press. Just them. We need a real and true agenda and plan for our people. I think all of these people deserve a seat at the table to discuss OUR ISSUES. 

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