
Saturday, November 10, 2012

More words on the Mississippi Riots


CourtneyRModerator2 days agoin reply to cobaltblu
he is apart of the problem and doesnt even know it. when he decides to learn about black history ,the truth like we learned about everyone else history, perhaps he would have an intelligent view point. he is lost . i can tell that by his answers. dont talk to people who are lost, that will not educate themselves about anothers culture, learn about it, so he can have a better understanding why things became this way. until then, we are wasting our time, spending energy its way. besides that, i dont care what anyone says, the moment any one of them decides to up the anti from hanging nooses, using racist talk to actually walking up on anyone, is the day that serious messages will be sent. they want to instigate a riot of some sorts. thats why they keep taunting.. whatever.. let them. these kind of people are like spoiled brats. they want to call minorities violent, but they keep showing the world that they are the liars by doing these kind of things. let them , i say.


John VaughnModerator2 days agoin reply to S.
But is'nt that your take, when someone in the AfrAmer community does one thing or another. Blame the whole on a few. Give me a break ! ! ! !
It's almost like you want me/us to believe that your avatar represents a smiley face. Hahahahaha.


JeanetteModerator1 day agoin reply to George
Actually, Florida and Alabama were worst than Mississippi,its just that Mississippi got more headline due to the many Black politicians that were in the state at the time-when slavery had been abolished in Mississippi, and other southern states Florida still had slavery for sometime after that, and so did Alabama. Florida was a state that made up their own laws and they still do today-they always believed that they were so far south that thay could not be touched-You should read the book Slavery by Any Other Name-its pretty good


LexeModerator2 days ago
There were numerous articles written by whites prior to the election that attempted to create fears of Blacks rioting if Obama lost. Of course these stories were false, and instead it is the white supremacist/race war types that are doing the rioting. .. Mississippi is one state with a large Black demographic, it should be fairly simple for Blacks to buy up the majority of the property in that state, move in even more Blacks, and kill this capitol of racism.


CourtneyRModerator1 day agoin reply to Lexe
hell lexe, their were a number of white racists bigots who tried to intimidate those of us that frequent newsone into voting for their interest by bullying and being hateful.. dont they know ,that never works? why do these special types always think that, if they treat others with the utmost disrespect, that anyone give them an ounce of time listening to their view points? because, that is who they are. they dont mind being hateful because ,their is nothing good in them.


LexeModerator1 day agoin reply to CourtneyR
CourtneyR , Some of them are foolish enough to think they can outsmart us, or that we fear them. It just shows how mentally weak those types are


CourtneyRModerator1 day ago
@ Alaina
Jewish people had the holocaust. At anytime, when someone tries to use anti semitic talk and behavior towards them, even though those that murdered them in huge numbers, (like the african holocaust) were german, it is still not tolerated and nor should it be.
Now, we talk about your ancestors who enslaved my ancestors. True, that you were not alive when your ancestors criminally did what they did against black people but this is were you are responsible.
You have a duty to make sure that you are not as your ancestors were. You have a duty to correct those in your family, your friends ,your neighbors that continue to try to terrorize african americans who's lineage is directly linked to their enslaved ancestors. This is why, these problems will never go away.Like this Miss thing. Every white person that goes to that school, should stand together, and check those that think its ok to terrorize blacks and minorities. We dont see that. By those whites not speaking out against those that are guilty, you are aligning yourselves with those that are guilty.Even though, you may not be , or have that kind of hate in your heart. This is why you are all labeled.You take a back seat, it has nothing to do with me attitude when in actuality, it does..
Those of you ,who's ancestors created this unspeakable crime,actually think it's ok to still walk around in 2012, and call black people n**&^*s, hang nooses from trees, pull black men not doing anything wrong over, just because they are black, deny jobs or make it harder for minorities to move into a neighborhood of their liking ,without having to be fearful of their lives.At some point, something has got to give. People are angry that this nonsense still exists, especially with a black president in office.IT'S NOT OK. 200 plus years as a nation, all the presidents have been white, a black man gets 8 years, and all of a sudden, its impending doom. DO YOU KNOW HOW IDIOTIC AND HATEFUL THAT SOUNDS? I couldn't have a person in my family ,walking around calling people out of their names , without me checking them for it. That's not in my heart. Any real decent human being wouldn't stand for it. Letting others define you in that manner.I would be embarrassed but many of you are not. So my question is, if white people are not racists, how come so many of you are allowed to get away with what I stated above? Why do you think it's o.k to say it has nothing to do with me , knowing the history between us two?
You have a bigger responsibility in GOD's eyes to help right the wrongs that were done. By allowing the descendants of your ancestors ,who were slave owners, murderers and rapist, get away with constantly being racists towards a group of people who were enslaved by your ancestors, creates a fire storm that will come to ahead at some point. It has to stop.
And the first step to that is , realizing what your ancestors did was dead wrong and those of you that come after should not practice the same rhetoric and sentiment that your ancestors were GRAVELY GUILTY OF.


FreeBLACKman804Moderator1 day agoin reply to CourtneyR
They get it my sister, they have a VERY CLEAR UNDERSTANDING of it. And that is why they fight so hard to maintain what they have. They know the ghost of the past have not been paid for, but they refuse to openly admit it and take COMPLETE RESPONSIBILTY for what THEIR people did to our people, nor will they admit that they CURRENTLY BENEFIT from alot of what went on 100s of years ago. THere is a VERY LONG list of companies that have a DIRECT link to slave labor. Many of those companies still exist. Many of their ancestors benifited from the fact that black men were not hired to be welders, mechanics and other skilled trades and crafts, but they will NEVER admit it.
They put out this B.S. propaganda about things being in the "PAST", all the while they still reap the benefits from said "PAST".
As upset as many Black people were after the 2000 election, i do not recall any of our people burning George W Bush signs. But we are supposed to except their behavior about President Obama being re elected as ok? It is an absolute joke.


Your right. So many companies benefited from slavery and some of those companies are still here.
The white house was built by slaves. We all know this because its documented.


FreeBLACKman804Moderator1 day ago
This is not a surprise at all. But the sad part is that not only are these clowns burning signs, but they will be able to get jobs in corporate america and other places and continue their racist behavior inside of boardrooms, courtrooms, classrooms, etc after they graduate from college. They will be able to have DIRECT IMPACT on our people. And the only answer we will have for our people is, VOTE for ____ in 2014&2016. But no real solutions will be introduced and advanced by the democratic party that will address these racist. And any Black leader that does offer a real solution will be quikly torn down and dismissed as a leader by the same racist that we are trying to fight against. And the majority of Black people will probaly believe the B.S. that comes from our enemy.

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