
Saturday, November 03, 2012

Nearing November 6th (the Election)

The election is going to be close. The major political system in the U.S. has been ruled by corporatists and its agents are linked to both parties. Many Republican-backed entities fund many election services too. Republican operatives have been caught for years in being involved in voter suppression campaigns. Black Box Voting and Brad Blog are sources proving this reality. Mitt Romney has direct ties to voting machines according to the report made by Brad Friedman. Tagg Romney (his son or the person who wanted to punch the President in his face over a debate) and a cadre of former Capital business partners are owners off Hart Intercivic. Hart Intercivic has voting machines being used in all fifty states. This is just one of many companies with ties to reactionaries like Diebold, ES&S, and Sequoia. In 2004, Diebold's Walden O'Dell promised to deliver votes to George W. Bush. His machines very well did and John Kerry could of been President. American democracy is harmed today by these developments. Society including our election process is heavily privatized and hackable. This apparent corruption is real. Some have attacked people who are talking about this issue. Even the establishment Left's American Progress and Think Progress attacked recently the reporter Brad Friedman (for Friedman's questioning of Romney's ties to voting machines). We know that the reactionaries are wrong. For years, more people are starting to know that the establishment Left's role is to limit real revolution. Many of them have been infiltrated during the time of COINTELPRO and Operation Mockingbird. The establishment left has supported the NATO sponsored war crimes in Libya. So, we should be independent ideologically and some people want to control dissent and not allow individuals to express unique channels to express certain ideals. The right to vote should be fought for. It's unfortunate, but it's the truth is that current Obama administration has a Bush/Cheney-esque record. The truth is the truth. I have no problem with early voting and turnout, but we should eliminate the corporate control of our election processes. The Hart Intercivic machine can be manipulated with a few key strokes. The Republicans had done dirt too. The corporate media on economic issues aren't progressive at all. Romney and Ryan gets a free pass on financial issues in a lot of cases. The corporate media is heavily ignoring the dirty schemes at Bain Capital, and their other agendas. The Romney/Ryan ticket is still strong in spite of their campaign blunder, pathological lying, and debate losses. Close elections are easier to steal, so we should watch this election closely. Still, real populists know the truth of the Romney/Ryan agenda. That ticket will support neoliberalism and it has war hawks in their foreign policy staff. They agree with austerity. Their foreign policy team include neo-cons like Dan Senor, Cofer Black, John Bolton, Eliot Cohen, Walid Phares, Max Boot, Eric Edelman, and Michael Hayden. Some in this bellicose group were prominent during the Bush/Cheney years. The Republicans admitted that they are doing their best to get the President out of office. The financial collapse was triggered via policies from the Bush/Cheney extremist era. The current President used centrist policies since the Republicans rejected a more progressive solution. This centrism is causing the economy to act sluggish. That is why the GOP is banking on a worse economy in order for the President to lose the election. Mitt Romney is supported by the establishment. He attended the June 2012 Bilderberg conference. He spoke about Russia being the number one geo-political threat to the West, which is another lie. Russia is a known obstacle to the US/NATO agenda of getting Eurasian resources. People already know that the war on terrorism is a contrived situation (organized for decades) as a means to gain resources (in preparation for the battle of the West vs. Russia/China geopolitically). Romney's companies have laid off workers. This doesn't mean that the President is perfect. Yet, the elite control both wings of the same bird of the Republicrat agenda. The future is uncertain, but one thing is clear. We should always promote peace, justice, and truth irrespective of who wins the election in November of 2012.

There are many problems as a result of the Hurricane Sandy disaster. It will take a very long time in order for the Northeast to be back on its feet reasonably. Some unrest continues to occur in New Jersey and New York state. Some alternative media agents are going around using these news as an excuse to promote austerity, poor-scapegoating, and other evils. This event is a result of the disaster not "big government" like Mike Adams claims. The reality is that it isn't about big or small government per se, it is about the fact that efficient government (not just private entities) can greatly help society. The private sector and the public sector can work in one nation to help citizens that are suffering as a product of any natural disaster. Also, the federal government has helped society for eons. People have the right to receive food, water, fuel, clothing, and more. Some people in the Northeast are hungry and angry. That's all more the reason for charities, private resources, and public resources to come into those region without politicizing the event as some like Mike Adams does (which he seems to forget that the corportatists supported Austrian economics for decades). Now, there are problems in that region. Gasoline supplies are not available in that region. There are huge power outrages in the areas. People are in vain to receive batteries, foods, and phone service. Also, it is important to prepare for disasters like own weapons for self defense, having food, fuel, water, etc. Yet, this disaster shouldn't be blamed on the suffering folks. The disaster is to be blamed on the storm alone. Even the damage of the storm can even ruin backup supplies. Staten Island is having issues with supplies as well. Power and gas are lacking in the areas of New Jersey, New York, and other places. This disaster is so huge that any level of government will struggle to send supplies to the victims. Also, Mike Adams forget that massive privatization and laissez faire capitalism harmed society in many areas too. I think it's sick and disrespectful for a man like Mike Adams to blame the people of Staten Island (and others) for not being prepared enough for the disaster (when the disaster was so massive that it effected the rich, the poor, and the middle class massively). Not all people are super rich to buy all of these supplies when we have economic issues here. There are homeless people here as well. In reality, these victims aren't responsible collectively for them experiencing disaster. Also, people have the First Amendment right to talk about the Red Cross and other problems with wanting a response from the government (since the government was created by the people in order to serve the people). Also, regardless of what Republican-lite Mike Adams said, most people in the Northeast aren't looting at all. Expressing legitimate grievances is very human. Some people have over hyped the Hurricane and even make wild claims about the storm being a product of HAARP technology. The storm will not cost over 100 billion dollars regardless of what pro-disaster capitalists believe in. There are food shortages in Brooklyn even. Mike Adams seems to embrace scapegoating the victims of a tragedy and social Darwinist propaganda, but I embrace compassion and a holistic approach in solving problems. When you deal with a multiple state disaster, individuals can't do it alone. They need assistance. Making all things for profit or the privatization of all public resources is harmful for our society. No reasonable person is demonizing those who take preparation seriously (a reasonable human being respects any person that has great reserves or is adept at preparedness), but I won't demonize the suffering because of the disaster either. Real responders are doing their job to rescue human beings and save lives also. Also, unsung heroes day in and day out are working together in helping the poor, the elderly, and all victims of this tragedy indeed. These events means that a national program to address poverty and our economic situation is necessary in our time near 2013.

The movie "Atlas Shrugged Part 2" is interesting. It promoted the agenda of Ayn Rand obviously. The movie worships the free market over and over again. Ayn Rand made the racist remark on Arabic people in the Middle East beig "savages and primitive" as an excuse to promote total allegiance to Israel. The reality is that the Middle East is a complicated situation and a real foreign policy would be fair among all sides. Both Israelis and Palestinians deserve peace and equality. The movie tries to glamorize a person who harbors hatred and a selfish Objectivist philosophy. The Objectivist mindset is a key part of libertarianism and it influenced the failed agenda of the dictator Pinochet. A morally bankrupt economic theory born extremist mentalities. Ayn Rand called altruism evil and the most destructive force in America. That is the guru of that movie, which is very telling. We don't need a corporatist allegiance under the guise of "liberty." Corporate tyranny is the antithesis of freedom. Also, extremists talk about big government and regulation all of the time. Yet, it was the removal of the Glass Steagall regulation that allow the bankers and crony politicians to cause economic turmoil. Deregulation is directly related to the nuclear mishap in Japan, the BP oil spill, no bid contracts to Northrup Gruman and Halliburton, and the disaster at Enron. The Establishment is trying to spread this free market and small government "gospel" to areas of the world via war and terrorism. It's hypocritical for politicians to lecture us on big government when they receive government health care at taxpayers' expense. It is hypocritical for a politican to claim to dislike big government and government spending when they receive a paycheck from the same federal government. Many of these same politicans' homes are bought with government cash. Also, the private charities can't handle all health care or poverty issues. That is why comprehensive approach is necessary to handle our problems in our society. Also, the CIA and the NSA has been involved in corrupt inside of the security state. The CIA have done ops in South Vietnam even before John F. Kennedy was sworn in. The CIA is in league with the military industrial complex. This complex (also known as the national security state) domestically has harmed our human civil liberties via the TSA, the DHS, and other corporate interests. It's silly for some to want to privatize the fire department and other archaic plans. We don't need neoliberalism nor lies. We need truth, liberation, and facts period.

After the election, regardless of who wins, we still have to fight for our freedoms. There are many issues that we have to know about after the elections are finished. We know about the 2012 election as being one of the most contentious elections in American history. We still have a war on unions. The Republicans are overtly anti-unions. Some Democrats are pro-union in words, but some of them are anti-union in practice. Even the Race to the Top national education policy targeted the teacher's unions (or the most powerful union in the country). Some wage cuts, benefit cuts, and seniority rights being attacks have been part of the compromises made by Blue Dog Democrats with unions. Many Republican and Democratic governors state by state want to use concession in cuts from public employees. These concessions made by some Democrats can lead into the ending of collective bargaining as advocated by the Republicans. So, we have the right to oppose the bi-partisan anti-union policy of lowering wages for all workers. Corporations readily benefit in profit when labor costs are lowered. There are environmental issues that we have to deal with. Republicans openly have some anti-environmentally radical positiosn. Yet, the other party wants to pander to Big Coal and Big Oil too. Some want to call havoc by shale natural gas drilling, the cross continental Keystone pipeline, etc. Regardless of what people feel about climate change, but there should be steps to handle environmental issues and ways to reduce pollution effectively. The handling of the Federal Reserve is too controversial even for both parties to deal with. Banks and corporations have trillions of dollars of reserves in cash while most people have trouble with loans. There is the austerity agenda that is still here too. Our national deficit has been a result of bank bailouts, foreign wars, and lowering taxes for the super rich plus corporations. Now, both parties ignore this reality. Most of them want trigger cuts or massive cuts in jobs and social programs. The difference is that each part disagrees on how much cuts there will be. Ryan wants as high as 6 trillion dollars cuts in a few years. Both parties want many cuts to Medicare, public education, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and other programs. The difference is that one party is more pro-austerity than the other. Foreign wars are still a threat. The 2 party system want more sanctions against Iran, they agree with drone attacks, and each refuse to have a progressive policy toward the Israeli/Palestine crisis. Our major political system has been influenced by corporate influence. The good news is that there are still people waking up globally. Many people comprehend the truth and desire to fight for justice. So, grassroots organizations are still in abundance that seek to give freedoms to society and to promote the same justice for all peoples that we all desire. As for voting, vote your conscience. I can't tell you who the vote for, but you should vote for the best person in your life. Liberation is a question of power. I am a black man. My people should have power, so my people have the right to advance the independence of Africans all over the world (where we depend long term on no one, but ourselves. Black people have the God-given right to have power to control their own interests and their own communities). Also, it is important to mention that there are tons of people of every color that want freedom, liberty, and truth to reign in the world. So, I want to make that perfectly clear.

The Nuremberg Trials occurred after World War II. It was made up of numerous military tribunals. They were led by Allied forces of WWII. Many prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany was prosecuted. It was held from 1945-1946 at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg (Bavaria), Germany. The Yalta Conference early in 1943 desired for the Allied forces to dispense justice toward war criminals. There were 8 major judges from the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, America, and France (with people like Professor Henri Donnedieu de Vabres and the alternate judge Robert Falco). There was the famous 32nd Degree Freemason Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson as one of the chief prosecutors in the Nuremberg trials. The majority of the defense attorneys were from Germany. On November 21, 1945, Robert Jackson gave an important introduction speech for the prosecution that moved people. Robert Jackson admitted that he jumped at the opportunity to be part of the Nuremberg trials as a means to get at the Nazis who murdered Freemasons. He admitted to this agenda in the August 1949 interview from the Scottish Rite New Age Magazine. Other groups of people from the Jewish people to the Slavic ethnic groups suffered more persecutions and genocides than the Freemasons during World War II. The reality is that Freemasons shouldn't be exterminated via genocide for their views, but people have the right to peacefully disagree with their secretive doctrines completely. I disagree with Freemasonry on social, political, and religious grounds. Ironically, Freemason Hjalmar Schacht (or the economic banker and financial minister of the Nazis) was not prosecuted by the Nuremberg Trials at all. Schacht financed Hitler's rise to power and he was involved in the BIS or the Bank for International Settlements. The BIS also financed Hitler's war of aggression. Americans and the Russians wanted Schacht to be brought up on charges greatly, but the British refused to do so. Goering and Himmler committed suicide as a means to prevent them from receiving justice in this world. They received justice in the other world. Artur von Seyess-Inquart, Alfred Rosenberg, Joachin von Ribbentrop, and Wilhelm Frick were hanged. Bernard Key Fay and Rudolph Hess was sentenced for life imprisonment. Many of the Nazis were working with the Western intelligence establishment as a means to promote the contrived Cold War. Gehlen became a known ally of the CIA. The Nuremberg Trials became a model for future international criminal courts in the 20th and 21st centuries. The trials weren't without controversy like many events of WWII. Some criticized say that the trials had people lacking the right to appeal or adequate legal representation. Many Nazis were legitimately found guilty for their crimes during WWII. Yet, the Bolsheviks were yet to be condemned for their mass murder of millions of Russian human beings. The good news with the Nuremberg Trials is that they did allowed some real war criminals to experience justice for their wicked deeds. The Holocaust and imperialism by the Axis Powers were abhorent and unjustified, so a lot of these Axis Power criminals were made accountable for their terroristic deeds.

By Timothy

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