
Friday, November 02, 2012



TrojanPam says:
@ emile
those are great questions and I don’t know if I can answer them
but I do know that non-white people cannot be equal to white people in a white supremacy system. That is a given.
for black people to be “powerful” white supremacy must be eliminated. When i think of “powerful” I think of justice, since there is no greater power than people who live in harmony — and are in tune with the universe.
I think the white supremacist/European mentality has distorted everything we believe in to the extent that we have bought into the (false) notion that to be “OK” you must be “more OK” than somebody else.
why can’t everybody be OK all at the same time???
Regarding the timeline, I definitely can’t answer that but I do believe that the white supremacy system is being destroyed from the inside out, that it is so corrupt and so wicked and has caused so much harm to so many living things, the environment, the weather, the water, the air, the vegetation, the animal and insect life, and the people
that even the UNIVERSE will be moved to act against it.
and that is why the white supremacists are stepping up their game and moving toward even more oppression and genocide because they are desperately trying to save their wicked system
the day non-white people stop looking for white validation, reject white superiority, and lose our fear of death, the non-white majority on this planet will FORCE a change
Justice is always more powerful in the long run than injustice.


TrojanPam says:

Interesting… I never heard that quote before. It really caused me to pause and think about it.
certainly, if we put our own people’s interests first, and made it a priority, we could CHANGE THE PLANET because we are the ORIGINAL PEOPLE
I truly believe — even in our current pitiful state — that we are the ONLY ones that can change this planet
and I think that is why the white supremacists work so hard to keep us from returning to what we used to be.


TrojanPam says:
@ Kushite
Thanks for sharing that video, which reminds me of something Dr. Frances C. Welsing said. She said (and I’m paraphrasing it) that the former Alabama Governor George Wallace (before he became governor) brought a similar argument to poor whites in Alabama
He told poor whites they should unite with poor blacks so they could have political power. Wallace discovered that the poor whites he talked to would rather do without schools, roads, and hospitals as long as being white meant they were better than blacks.
And as we know from history, George Wallace built an entire political career that that led to the HIGHEST office in Alabama — the Governor’s seat — by promoting RACISM against blacks.
Black people have tried and tried and tried (in vain) to CONVINCE whites that we could be their allies and that we are not the enemy. And 100 years later, black people are still making (and begging) with the same argument that is still falling on DEAF ears.
Dr. Dyson — who is a much more eloquent and educated person than myself — might disagree with my posts on caste VS class, but I think the EVIDENCE speaks for itself.
All around the nation — and the world — as the economy plummets, black and African people are being blamed and demonized for white unemployment and rising poverty
even though I suspect most whites know black people (including President Obama) aren’t in charge of a doggone thing.
So why are we being targeted? Because in a system of RACISM/WHITE SUPREMACY, non-white people will always be mistreated. White supremacy will always overrule money, education, fame, ethnicity, designer clothing, and fancy table manners.
White supremacy is NOT about class or about who is richer or poorer. White supremacy is about who is WHITE and who is NOT.


diaryofanegress says:
Miss Pam, I agree. When I traveled, poor southern whites called me the N-Word to my face and thought they were better…even with no healthcare, no teeth and gangrene, they still think they’re better.


TrojanPam says:
You can see the dislike some poor whites have for non-whites because they are not refined in their racism. They are the well-trained foot soldiers for the really refined racists, who will smile in your face and plot behind your back to devastate entire communities and nations
Actually, I prefer the unrefined racist (as long as he or she is unarmed) because at least I know where I stand. It’s the white liberals and anti-racists that make the hair stand up on the back of my neck
because they are deceiving a lot of victims — especially black victims — who will willingly and eagerly accept them into their friends’ circles and beds because they don’t understand white supremacy
OR that the refined racists are just playing the “good cop” to the unrefined racist’s “bad cop” role
both of who have the same goal:
white supremacy/domination FOREVER


Kushite Prince says:
Great reply! I totally agree. We MUST replace this system with justice. I’m tired of this sick and unjust society we live in. I can’t believe people walk around telling themselves everything is okay. Once you know how white supremacy works–you realize you’re in Hell!

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