
Friday, November 09, 2012

The controversy over the "Fiscal Cliff"

Now, the mainstream media is in league with the corporatists. Most of them want some austerity measure under the guise of the so-called "fiscal cliff" (which some feel will slowly increase taxes and cut spending automatically by 2013. It's not really a fiscal cliff, but a gradual declining slope). This proves to me that the mainstream media is mostly reactionary on economic issues. The fiscal cliff propaganda is utilized by some as a means for the establishment to promote a Bowles-Simpson economic agenda. The good news is that we on our side have anti-austerity groups nationwide. This anti-human agenda of austerity could potentially cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other enriching social programs that legitimately help the poor in our society. The reality is that the "fiscal cliff" paranoia was created by the 1 percent as a means to economically harm the middle class and the poor under the guise of fiscal responsibility. Also, we have tried radical cuts for the wealthy and these plans don't work to massively improve the economy at all. The Blue Dog Democrats are just as wrong as the extreme Tea Party Republicans (who view even one cent of spending as a sin, which is a pure lie). The next struggle in this human rights movement is to stop austerity once and for all. Taxing the wealthy along with other solutions can help our economy indeed regardless of what CNN's Costello says. Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit and Social Security shouldn't be cut at all. Now, there are many alternatives to austerity. There is a progressive, fair plan to grow our economy and handle our finances indeed. Senator Bernie Sanders and others have proposed solutions. We can repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich. We can establish a millionaires' surtax, we can end tax breaks for overseas outsources, and we can end Big Oil and gas tax breaks. Other solutions is to end the abusive offshore tax shelter, we can establish a speculation fee for Wall Street, tax capital gains and dividends, and we can create a progressive estate tax. There should be an end to wasteful Pentagon spending, Medicare drug prices can be negotiated, there can be a fee for currency manipulation, and end all forms of government waste, fraud, and abuse. We can do these things and more to close up to 5 trillion dollars in five years. Even something simple like an emergency deficit reduction surtax on millionaires (or a tax on adjusted gross income of more than 1 million dollars would raise over 383 billion over 10 years according to the Joint Tax Committee). A February 2011 NBC/News Wall Street Journal poll said that 81 percent of the American people support the creation of a millionaires surtax as a means to reduce the deficit. The President is correct to promote higher taxes on the most wealthy Americans, but we will see if he will compromise too much on other specifics. Now, regardless of what the reactionary Mike Adams says, spending more than one cent that can be used for investment, technology, helping the poor, building up our infrastructure, etc. is not immoral. Also, the tax and spend policy of FDR created an economic boon that spread unto decades after the end of WWII. Real, directed monetary spending is not evil at all. Free market fundamentalism doesn't work and we have tried it before. Not every regulation is evil and we need some regulations to stop pollution, handle diseases, and to end child labor. Most Americans reject that idea of Austrian economics. It's not about big or small government. Private jobs and government jobs (in the realm of education, health, public services, etc.) are beneficial as a means to grow the economy irrespective the health writer Mike Adams proclaims. We live in new era where scapegoating the poor and lusting for the bad old days is nonexistent. It's about us having the right to promote efficient government that can protect individual freedoms and promote the general welfare of society. Spending money is only part of the solution, but cutting necessary spending is as evil as the military industrial complex. A Social Darwinist version of capitalism is just as wrong as austerity too. That is the quintessential issue. We have to end the culture of greed and promote a culture of tolerance & a concern for the general welfare of the people.

Now, we should have individual freedom. Far too often, some people are wrong to sacrifice freedom for temporarily security. Now, one poll says that as high as 35 percent of Americans would wear electric shock bracelets in order to fly. This survey was conducted by Harris Interactive. There has been proposals to use electric shock bracelets on human beings for years. This isn't just a product of a dystopian sci-fi movie. It was heavily considered and nearly implemented by the Department of Homeland Security back in 2008. The DHS once back in 2008 shown a video that promoted bracelets that have been used to deliver incapacitating electric shocks to suspected terrorists. This device can have tracking technology to spy on the wearer. The poll shows that Republicans are more likely to have these bracelets on people than Democrats. The truth is that it is immoral for a TSA agent or any other airline official to arbitrarily deliver a paralyzing electric shock which is similar to a taser gun. In 2008, the Washington Times reported on how DHS official Paul S. Ruwaldt of the Science and Technology Directorate, office of Research and Development, wrote to Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. indicating that the Department of Homeland Security was ready to purchase devices from the company that would be used to deliver incapacitating shocks to airline passengers, all of whom would be mandated to wear the shock bracelet once they checked in for their flight. In his letter, Ruwaldt also noted how the bracelet could be used as a “method of interrogation,” in other words a torture device. He also raised the prospect of using the device against protesters to allow the temporary “restraint of large numbers of individuals in open area environments by a small number of agents or Law Enforcement Officers.” The letter stated that the DHS was “interested in…. the immobilizing security bracelet” and that it was “conceivable to envision a use to improve air security, on passenger planes.” Other letters made it clear that the DOD, the CDC, Department of Interior, Department of Agriculture Forestry service, as well as unnamed law enforcement agencies were also keen on acquiring the device. The good news is that this plan was eliminated from the DHS. Still, most Americans oppose the concept of a police state. Although, we know about the political games in Washington, D.C. The GOP lost, because most people rejected xenophobia and narrow-mindedness. The GOP will either evolve to be more reasonable or become a sectional permanent minority party in the future. The Democrats now either will be like more Blue Dogs and go along with the Grand Charade or change.  Far too often, the Dems act as the good cop and the Republicans act as the bad cop. Yet, I don't want the police to run my life. We should be independent of the games and advocate radical solutions to our problems. The GOP is overtly like wolves among many of their members. We can't ignore the poor and we can't ignore black people either. Some good news is that the people in Michigan defeated the bipartisan, racist Emergency Manager Law in Michigan. That law promotes basically a dictatorship like atmosphere in the world. Still, the evil Public Act 4 and the EM law PA 72 are in the books in Michigan. In society, people have to make a demand. In the past 4 years, corporate war mongering have been a reality. Certainly, libertarian fundamentalism and vulture capitalism don't work at all. Neoliberal propaganda is a cruel philosophy and more people are in opposition to its demented dogmas. Now, people are still demanding an end to war mongering, the Drug War, etc. We want peace, and our civil liberties to be promoted. The California proposal to label GMOs has failed, but the war isn't lost. Even some Democrats now promote the bad policy of using corporate money as means to privatize public education and promote war. Most nations in the industrialized world either have these labels or bans some GM foods outright. There are studies that prove links between GMO foods and diabetes in children. So, even if people in Monsanto wants to promote the status quo, we should not. We have every right to expose the dangers and the harsh components of GMOs completely and without fear at all.

It's a fact that Hitler and the Nazis had secret, advanced technology. They didn't utilize them that much since the war was nearly over. World War Two caused Germany to be annihilated. Some believe that WWII existed as a means for the elite to contain the power of the German nation. There was the V-2 ballistic missile. In 1944, the SS took over the production of the V-2 ballistic missile. Werner Von Braun was arrested and charged with delaying its development. He was released when Himmler was shown that Hitler vetoed Von Braun's requests for additional resources in 1943. In his memoirs, Albert Speer wrote: " the late fall of 1939 Hitler crossed the rocket project off his list of urgent undertakings and thus automatically cut off its labour and materials. By tacit agreement with the Army Ordnance Office, I continued to build the Peenemunde installations without its approval - a liberty that probably no one but myself could have taken." Over 5,000 V-2s were fired on Britain. However, only 1,1000 reached Britain. These rockets killed 2,724 people and greatly injured about 6,000 people. There were problems with the delivery system and the payload. Nazi Germany had jet fighters before anyone else. The Messerschmidt 262 could fly almost twice as fast as conventional airplanes. Germany produced 1400 of these but only 300 were used in battle. They might have thwarted the Allied bombing campaign. Albert Speer claimed in his Memoirs that Hitler originally had blocked mass production of the Me 262 before agreeing in early 1944. He rejected arguments that the aircraft would be more effective as a fighter against the Allied bombers, and wanted it as a bomber for revenge attacks. According to Speer, Hitler felt its superior speed meant it could not be attacked, and so preferred it for high altitude straight flying. Wilhelm Canaris and Reinhard Gehlen thought that Hitler's policies would make Germany lose the war. Each believed that Hitler was a traitor when he stonewalled an investigation of Bormann who was transmitting the Nazis' daily war plans to Moscow Central. Hitler strangely didn't want to capture Moscow, he didn't allow Paulus to withdraw from Stalingrad, and people know that he didn't support Rommel effectively. To Rommel's credit, he disagreed with the horrendous Holocaust and focused on an end to the cruel reign of Adolf Hitler. Rommel was indeed a hero. He didn't support game changing technology. Also, sources believe that the Nazis had super strong super bombs. A March 1945 Soviet military espionage report said that there is a reliable report that the Germans "detonated two large explosions in Thuringia." The bombs, the Soviet spies wrote, presumably contained uranium 235, a material used in nuclear weapons, and produced a "highly radioactive effect." Prisoners of war housed at the center of the detonation were killed, "and in many cases their bodies were completely destroyed. Luigi Romersa claimed that he said a fission bomb exploited to an island in the Baltic sea (in October 1944). One historian believed that Hitler wanted to fire a bomb over NYC. The establishment used the Nazis as a template for their real goals of forced population control, globalism, and a globalized system in the world (influenced by austerity & reactionary policies).

In popular culture, we should be careful of the tricks of the establishment. One trick of the establishment is to use celebrities (and people that claim to be liberals) as a means to promote the same agenda under slicker means. For example, many mainstream artists claim to be progressive and some of them publicly voted for President Barack Obama or Mitt Romney during the 2012 election. Yet, their lyrics and lifestyles promote materialism and the economic interests of the 1% not the interests of all of the people. In the final analysis, we have to be for the rights, aspirations, and interests of the people completely. It is important to realize that the reactionaries are wrong too. For them to divide Americans into makers and takers is offensive, bigoted, ignorant, and inaccurate. The reactionaries have no real sound economic policies except for cutting taxes primarily. Now, some celebrities are used by the oppressor as a means to harm the victims. The oppressors promotes a mainstream culture that harbors anti-intellectualism and a glamorization of a whole lists of evils in society. These evils are not only present in America (with capitalist imperialism). These evils flourish globally. I love the American people, but America and other nations in the world will have to really repent for enslaving Africans, exterminating indigenous human beings, causing environmental devastation, promoting neo-colonalism, and expressing the wicked policies of the war on terror. Some parts of American culture allows the richest of American to ally with the richest global elites in other places at the expense of the majority of the world's people.That is why our culture must be cultivated as a means for us to continue to promote liberation of our people (and all people too) without submission to the status quo. It is vital for all of us (not just the celebrity crowd) to condemn the prison industrial complex. It's necessary for us to fight poverty and it's necessary for us to advocate the liberation of all peoples of the world (especially people of color). In world society, we still have oppression based upon race, class, and gender. This gives us more inspiration to battle back against reactionary dogmas. The worship of free enterprise (as embraced by some celebrities) isn't in my mental ethos. The utilization of free enterprise was instrumental of the advance of slavery in human history. We can't be for corporate interests. We have to be for black African liberation. The worth of a person isn't how much a person can accumulate. It's our much time, effort, and power we have help our neighbors out. Also, people have the right to question the mass media completely. Now, there are conspiracy facts in the world. Sometimes, the mainstream media may slander people who express such ideals, but any accurate information about real conspiracies ought to be respected. The truth is that dozens of political leaders have called for the new world order. The truth is that people have the right to promote human civil liberties. The truth is that people have the right to dissent with some of the agendas of the Bilderberg Group and the Bohemian Grove. It is not right to witness record income inequality and frankly protesters are ever justified in making their grievances known about economic injustices that spread like wildfire. We should be like firemen and fire women in extinguishing the fires of ignorance, of bigotry, and narrow minded thinking. The truth is that we have the real right to advocate truth, justice, and solutions as a means to enrich all of humanity in this generation. That is why we shouldn't have fear of man or fear of ridicule. We should just have the fear of the Lord and the love of joy plus righteousness. Now, many musicians aren't monolithic. Some of them know what time it is and these musicians are doing the right thing. So, I want to make that perfectly clear.

Technological advancements can be utilized for good or evil purposes. DARPA is using new, advanced technologies for controversial purposes. Now, there is a new DARPA smart drone that use brains to dodge obstacles. These drones can fly around trees, poles, and fences. The military industrial complex desires machines that can circumvent fences and trees. The Pentagon is forming unmanned drones developed by DARPA as a means to autonomously dodge obstacles. IEEE Spectrum reports that Researchers at Cornell University with funding from DARPA and Defense contractor Lockheed Martin (who developed hardware that acts like a brain when it receives information from a camera, enabling a drone to dodge any obstacles it flies too close to). Software operating with the camera creates a 3D model of the surroundings and fires a “network of artificial neurons”. The drone’s “brain” then determines what objects are in its path and plots a route around them.The researchers say that in 53 out of 55 autonomous flights in obstacle rich environments, the drone avoid everything in its path and didn't crash. In only 2 tests, it did collide with objects. The researchers believe that this is a product of wind factors. They hope to develop the the technology to further develop going around objects (including moving objects like birds or planes). There is a paper entitled, "Low-Power Parallel Algorithms for Single Image based Obstacle Avoidance in Aerial Robots." The researchers note in the paper that: "...In outdoor robotic experiments, our algorithm was able to consistently produce clean, accurate obstacle maps which allowed our robot to avoid a wide variety of obstacles, including trees, poles and fences.” This technology can be utilized for domestic use. The FAA made recent legislative polices that will open up U.S. skies to drones. These drones ca be operated by the military, federal government, law enforcement agencies, and private companies. Critics believe that the FAA's own safety tests have proved anything but convincing. Many protesters have disagreed with the use of a drone invasion situation in American society. The Electronic Frontier Foundation have obtained and released recent FAA documents. These FAA documents confirm that they want these domestic unmanned drone will for the most part be focused on spying on the American people. DARPA drones aren't part of science fiction. They are real in the world.

By Timothy

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