
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thomas J. DiLorenzo's hatred of Lincoln Exposed

Note by Me: DiLorenzo is a neo-Confederate, so he is in no position to talk about Lincoln when he supports the Confederacy. Lincoln wasn't perfect and that's true, but he was much better than Jefferson Davis.

By Timothy (Me) (This is the link where comments existed from).


moseybear says:
Thomas J. DiLorenzo has a made a career out of discrediting popular Lincoln history. A hired gun of the Rockefeller-sponsored Mises Institute, DiLorenzo carries the torch for the reactionary Libertarian movement which, in tune with Rockefeller directives, must, in order for its self preservation, destroy not only Lincoln but also FDR. This is the historical section at work for the Neo-Confederate movement, also known as the “Libertarian” party. Incredibly, its favorite son, Ron Paul, didn’t even have the courage to run as a Libertarian, opting instead for certain political suicide as maverick Republican. Now, having botched the color revolution through the tag team of Ron-Rand Paul, the Libertarians, who run on the “Constitution” platform, attempt to reinfect the already burned out electorate with a half-baked attempt at resurrection. What DiLorenzo doesn’t tell you is what makes his case pathetic, false and misleading. There were 2 Constitutions: Union and Confederate. Both were very similar. What Lincoln (and also Jefferson) wanted (Jefferson belatedly) was a codification of the Declaration of Independence into law, into the Constitution in a fashion similar to that of the Bill of Rights. The Civil War was all about this inclusion. Of course, you can’t have slavery and have the Declaration enforceable at the same time. Libertarians wave the Constitution in our faces because it the pre-Civil War, slave holders Constitution that they wave and they, like the Rockefellers, are hoping you don’t know that slavery is Constitutional despite the 13th Amendment. All that has changed is the fact that it is illegal to be a slave based on race, and, that the multinational bankers and corporations are the new Plantations. Thus, DiLorenzo, the Pauls and Rockwell represent the ‘neo-Confederates’. Likewise, they are determined to repeat history and hopefully, with identical results.


Anonymous says:
Thomas J. DiLorenzo trashes Lincoln every chance he gets. It’s hogwash. Read some of the reviews of his books on Amazon to get a more balanced opinion. Lincoln was undountedly one of our greatest presidents if not the greatest of all.


moseybear says:
The problem with that is you and your cohorts may wind up in the portion. Let me ask you something. What percentage of white/Anglo Southerners pre-1865 owned slaves? 10%? Less? Yet, incredibly, this small cabal hood-winked the rest into fighting and dying for a cause they had at best an indirect benefit from. Nationalism was used (ever hear of the song, “Dixie”?) to inspire those dupes. The old antebellum Democratic Party eventually morphed into the current day Republican Party, although admittedly, the Democratic Party is moving in that direction too. Ironically, what I see the Libertarians and the Dems/Repubs currently have in common is they both wish to expand slavery and feudalism. One, under authoritarian cover, the latter under Austrian economic cover. Last I looked, Ron and Rand Paul were still Republicans.


Anonymous says:
That’s a freaking joke. Washington and Lincoln are in the same tradition, both viewed secession as the worst evil that could befall the United States, and Washington would have fought just as hard as Lincoln did to keep the Union together. In fact, Washington did put down an insurrection during the Whiskey Rebellion. DiLorenzo preys on ignorance.


mcloo7 says:
The Confederacy was a counter revolution against the United States, and was supported by the British. Lincoln was the ultimate patriot. This is another example of why Ron Paul, and his network are Tory, traitor, feudalist fools.


Anonymous says:
It was fought over slavery. It was NOT fought over equal/civil rights for blacks. The war was definitely about slavery though, it was about slaves being the only valuable asset to the South and the North wanting to take that away. It was also about the North being fed up with the South’s control of Congress because of their slave population and the 3/5 Compromise. To say the war was not about slavery is silly. To say it was not about equal rights for blacks is true.


Anonymous says:
You can’t get over the fact that you read a Thomas DiLorenzo book. He preys on weak minds who knew that the Bush administration was horribly corrupt and tries to project that all the way back through American history. Look at the networks of who supported the confederacy and who supported the union. The so called New World Order was on the confederate side.


Sarek says:
Whatever Lincoln could or couldn’t have done is pure speculation on your part , and I would say unrealistic if you honestly believe that Lincoln could have brought it about any other way , except for violence. Soo that issue also allowed mobilization of other segments of the population that were willing to fight in war for their emancipation .
I mean get real , freeing the save meant threatening the wealth of landowners, businesses, and banks , so you think Lincoln could of just freed them like that ?!! Lol don’t fool yourself . Blood had to be spilled to free the slaves . Just as blood had to be spilled during civil rights era , and just like Kennedy had to be a player, and convince the status qou that he was their boy and then went rogue on them , resulting in his assasination.


mcloo7 says:
Infowars getting into straight Lincoln bashing now. It’s funny how people who are blatant racists themselves accuse Lincoln of being a racist, and act as if they are so offended by it. Talk about hypocrisy. I’m pretty sure DiLorenzo has some connections to the Klan in Alabama. Why don’t you all look into that.


1 comment:

  1. talk about hypocrites- what about the 'Christians' that have long supported cigarette market protection, such as a false moral attitutde against MJ and the perversion of Coca leaf- used as a tobacco habit cure - into concentrated cocaine?
