
Monday, December 03, 2012

Fighting for Spiritual and Political Truths


The economy is in uncertain straights. There are debates on the economy and the fiscal cliff. One issue is that we have a lot of U.S. middle class jobs and the GDP (plus its tax based associated with them) moving offshore. This causes a reduction in federal revenues. Lower revenues will weaken the economy. That is why it's key to handle the unfunded liabilities that we have as a result of the 11 years of the war on terror occurring against at least 6 Muslim counties. These wars have benefited the military industrial complex and not us the people. The elite are more focused on saving banking institutions than helping the people. They won’t even call for radial solutions to help the poor. Some of the elites promoted financial deregulation, which allowed super power banks to speculate, to merge, and to cause banks to be too big to fail. This led to the creation of Wall Street subsidies as well. These subsidies dwarf the totality of U.S. welfare spending. In fact, military spending is vastly bigger than domestic spending. The fiscal cliff hoax is the lie that harming Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid can solve this problem. Medicare benefits is influenced by the payroll tax and Medicare is not going broke at all (It needs simple non-austerity improvements). Cutting the social safety net from food stamps to unemployment benefits to housing subsidies will cause more economic hard ache. The reactionaries wanted to get rid of the social safety net since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The establishment in Washington wants tax increases and spending cuts. Spending cuts will harm the economy. There is nothing wrong with select tax increases on the super wealthy though since the super wealthy are paying record low taxation along with them experiencing record loopholes. When spending goes down, the economy goes down (which causes more budget deficit rises). A declining economy is about fewer sales, less employment, and less tax revenues. To cut unemployment benefits and food stamps when unemployment is very high is silliness. That is why we need simulative efforts. People are stretched to the limit. Bills, mortgages, car payments, and student loans are going up (some populists want the forgiveness of the over 1 trillion dollar student debt, because of this crisis). People are having debt issues and the only solution is a massive national program to address poverty & economic problems in America. Welfare spending is miniscule as compared to the spending of the military industrial complex. One problem we have is of the offshoring of U.S. middle class jobs (from manufacturing jobs, professional services jobs that deal with engineering, research, design, information technology, etc. These jobs were once filled with U.S. university graduates. Now, many foreigners have them with H-1B work visas at 2/3s of the salary. Foreigners aren’t to be blamed for this situation though. It’s bigger than that). We have the issues of deregulation and financial deregulation was one major cause of the financial crisis in the first place. Many insolvent corporations refused to be closed down. The FED is focused on saving the banks by purchasing new Treasury bonds to fund the system. Money that the Federal Reserve is creating, in its attempt to manage the public debt and the banks’ private debt, is hung up in the banking system as excess reserve. This money is not finding its way into the economy primarily. The banks are too busted to lend, and consumers are too indebted to borrow. Many nations are using their own currencies instead of the dollar as a reserve currency. EU nations handle their trade with euros with each other. The world is abandoning the dollars to have international account. The price of the dollars is threatened. China, Saudi Arabia, and Japanese hold trillions of dollars in U.S. financial instruments or Treasuries. If nations dump U.S. stocks and bonds, this can destabilize U.S. financial market and harm U.S. wealth. That is why people want to bring jobs to America by taxing corporations based on their add value to their product. Corporations who create jobs in America should face economic benefits and a high tax rate is given unto corporations that shift jobs overseas. Also, the war on terror should end since it's running the federal budget for over 11 years. There is a high cost of veterans' hospital care and benefits. Many veterans have unfunded benefits including lifelong health care. My brother is a veteran and we as a family had to fight literally to allow the system to give him his benefits & job opportunities. The Republicans are hypocritical to claim to be economically sound when they advocate evil, gratuitous wars for the neoconservatives, but they want to protect the 1 percent from tax increases. Many Democrats want to sellout their own principles for the sake of accepting a Grand Bargain.


One of the well-known elitists named Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted that populists are driving back the agenda of the new world order. He made this speech recently in Poland. He said to his fellow elitists that a worldwide resistance movement to external control is driven by populist activism. This activism in his mind threatens to derail the move towards a new world order. Brzezinski is angered about how an accelerating social change is going on. This is the instant mass communication found in radio, television, and the Internet showing the truth in a high level. He admitted that there has been an universal awakening of mass political consciousness. We can easily see that the free flowing Internet is waking people up. This is good news. This is a real threat to those who want global governance or the new world order system (which the new world order as a concept has been promoted by people for a long time as admitted via sources, quotes, and other forms of documentation). Ironically, some would like to censor heavily of the Internet via SOPA and other evil forms of legislation. The world is ever changing with digitalized technology. USA Today on November 26, 2012 reported in Pinellas County, Florida about how students wave their hand over a palm scanner (as a means to pay for food at lunch). This action occurs in seconds. Similar palm scanning technology is going on nationwide in hospitals, other schools, and other places. These devices can record people's personal information. Students in Carroll County, Maryland schools are using lunch line palm scanners as well. One 7 year old named Ian Webb isn't going through with it. His father is named Michael Webb. He put Ian (from the second grade) out of the program at Piney Ridge Elementary School (in Eldersburg). 'My son is not using the technology', he says. 'I'll be honest, I think it's horrible. It's an intrusion into our children's rights ... I understand taking an iris scan of a pilot at an airport, so you know it's the right pilot flying the plane', he says. ‘‘This is that level of equipment they're installing in a line that serves steamed corn. I don't think it rises to the level of steamed corn'." The reality is that Big Brother is more powerful than ever and people have the right to opt out their children to achieve palm scanners if they desire to. Technology has a 2 edged sword. It can benefit humanity and it can also do evil (as this truism has been shown throughout human history). The usage of drones has been more popularized. Now, local and state governments want to use them including the United Nations. The UN wants to use drones for the first time in history as a means to monitor the fighting in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (where Rwanda is aiding the rebels). The UN wants to act like a fair partner to promote humanitarianism, but the history of the U.N. has been filled with controversy. Many of its peacekeepers have been caught sexually abusing people in Africa, Haiti, and places all over the world. Many sincere people are in the United Nations (I will admit to that fact), but the G8 controls most of the policies in that body. The usage of drones has existed in the realm of killing human beings in foreign locations. Drone like devices have been protested by human rights organizations, because of its controversial nature.

Bill O'Reilly is notorious for his deception. One of his biggest deceptions in the world deals with the ACA. He made the claim that every unearned income among America must pay 3.5 more in taxes. SO, he claims that the Affordable Care Act will tax the investment income of all American taxpayers. The truth is that the tax would apply only to a single person who makes more than $200,000 a year and families making more than $250,000 a year. So, the every tax doesn't apply to most Americans. Only 3.6 % of Americans make over $200,000 a year and only 2% of Americans make over $250,000 a year. That means the new tax will NOT apply to 96.4 to 98.0 percent of all Americans. The new tax won't take effect until 2013 even. The truth on this tax has been reported form a March 20th, 2010 article from the Wall Street Journal via an article. So, Bill O'Reilly promotes reactionary talking points (he agrees with the Patriot Act, the war on terror, deregulation, etc.) while claiming to be fair and balanced or a nonpartisan independent. Bill O'Reilly said that the mainstream media wanted to reelect President Barack Obama. A media study that was released in June of 2012 by PEW show that the Republican Mitt Romney has received substantially better press coverage this year than President Obama. FOX News has people claiming that the President is a socialist or anti-business when corporate profits are in record levels. So, it is obvious that President Barack Obama isn't a socialist at all. PEW isn't partisan at all. Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Ingraham, Bernie Goldberg, Michael Savage, and other claim that the mainstream media is mostly liberal, but they refuse to expose the bias in FOX News. For example, last October Pew released a media survey that looked at news coverage stretching back to May. Its conclusion was that Obama had been on the receiving end of "unrelentingly negative" coverage. So, the real point is not about supporting the Republicans or the Democrats. Even the White House is wrong to have a reactionary, extremist foreign policy and to follow the dictates of centrism on many issues domestically. We should be independent politically. It's about exposing a deceiver like Bill O'Reilly claiming to be Independent when he spew reactionary propaganda every chance he gets. The OWS is still here. One positive thing of this movement is that it's a major public response to the 30 year class war against poor and working people (all over the Earth). OWS on many levels is decentralized, but it doesn't impose its views on everyone. The current wicked economic policy is a throwback of Reaganism. The Reagan Revolution died in 2012 thank God, but we still have Reaganism in the form of its economic views still potent in American society. This philosophy deals with unregulated markets, indifferences toward the poor and stagnant wages. The current administration unfortunately claims to be for the people, but he promotes and imperial foreign policy mixed with an avocation of the Patriot Act. Yet, all of us have the capacity to change, so we do wish for the brother President Barack Obama to change into a more revolutionary path. So, we respect the President as a man, but we just have some disagreements with the brother on some issues. In society, political discourse is moved to the reactionary side so much that President Barack Obama is a centrist and Mitt Romney is an extreme reactionary. President Barack Obama is more progressive than Clarence Thomas, but he is a centrist nevertheless. It is what it is. True change equates into massive investments (via public and private means) to job creation, to decent housing, to educational growth, etc.


People know the truth about the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War influenced me since my father was drafted during that era of time. If the draft wasn't eliminated, I could have been drafted a few years ago. As time went on, the vast majority of the public opposed the imperialist adventure of Vietnam. Much of the government used covertly and overtly unconstitutional methods in trying to handle dissent against the war of Vietnam. The war tried to prevent the reunification of North and South Vietnam via peaceful means. War could have been advocated if the West allowed nationwide free elections to occur in Vietnam in 1956 as outlined by the 1956 Geneva Agreement (which ended the French colonialism of Indochina or Asia). United States involvement in Vietnam existed long before the Presidency of John F. Kennedy. It happened way back in the 1950's. President Dwight D. Eisenhower supported reactionary forces in Vietnam as a means to prevent a unification of Vietnam (since Ho Chi Minh was a popular leader in that time period). The guerilla forces of the South Vietnamese National Liberation Front or the NLF and the regular forces of the North Vietnam were outgunned by the U.S. Armed Forces. Yet, the U.S. didn't defeat these forces. Some veterans were disrespected when they came home from Vietnam. Of course, I don't agree with that since no human being should be unfairly disrespected. The anti-war protesters back then realized the truth that a person can support the troops by bringing them home as soon as possible (not supporting the interests of the military industrial complex). Typically, we don't see the history of the war resisters in America (among civilian and military populations). U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War last from 1954 to 1975. America once even supported the once restoration of French colonial control over Vietnam plus the rest of Indochina (after the Vietnamese people heroically defeated Japanese imperialism in 1945. Japan earlier displaced French rule). By 1954, Washington not only supplied money and advisers but sent 352 Americans to Vietnam in a “Military Assistance Advisory group” supporting the French against liberation forces led by the Vietnamese Communist Party. The liberators defeated the French army at the historic battle of Dien Bien Phu that same year. By 1968, when the number of U.S. troops attained their apogee of 535,040, Washington was obviously losing to its tenacious opponent. This is when Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson decided not to seek reelection rather than face the humiliation of defeat.


Real religion can benefit society. We live in a very spiritual era indeed. The problem is that certain people want to exploit religion for evil ends. Many wicked people want to portray Christians into one intolerant box and other wicked people want to collectively portray all Muslims as terrorists or extremists. We should never follow the path of these extremists at all. We should have the right to follow religious freedom and acknowledge the complexities of historical situations. For example, I don't agree with Israeli occupation of Palestine, but I do acknowledge the many progressive Israelis who believe in equality and the human dignity of the Palestinian people. It's wrong to witness the military blockade of Gaza and to see even Palestinians denied basic human rights while they even live in Israel too. I don't agree with rockets killing civilians in Israel. On the other hand, I do acknowledge Palestinian Christians and other progressive Palestinians who want peace and a real two state solution (which can greatly grow the economic and cultural situation in the Middle East). I oppose terrorism by anyone. I disagree with many of my black brothers and sisters suffering discrimination and oppression in Israel and I disagree with extremists in the Middle East killing my people in Libya as well. The mainstream media in the States won't report that in June of 2012, Israel began a massive deportation of African migrants. These migrants said that they were treated like "animals" during the process. One IDF social media person has been photographed in blackface. They make no bones about how they feel about my people, so I have total opposition to occupiers, racists, and theocrats.  I oppose the terrorist CIA and the terrorist Mossad too. There are also Sephardim, many Arabic peoples, Ethiopian Jews (or the Lemba), and other peoples living in that region continuously for the eons of time (before extremists came in that soil). I don't believe in supporting the IDF, the Muslim Brotherhood (which has been linked to British Intelligence according to the great researcher Peter Goodgame), or the puppet regime in Libya at all. Either we support truth or apartheid. I support truth wholeheartedly. Now, we shouldn't be like them (or the extremists) and express bigotry toward any human being. We should outline truths, call for justice, and adhere to peace among both the Israelis and Palestinians. I am a consistent man. Unlike the reactionaries, I reject their hatred and bigotry against human beings who are different from me in any shape or form. The reactionaries who exploit religion may talk of great military defense, but the Sermon on the Mount represents the essence of the peace economy of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers and that we should care for the least of these. When you care for the least of these, you will believe in acts of kindness, you will believe in a living wage, and you will believe in economic justice. That's the point and that's our duty as human beings. When the hungry is in the world, we should feed the hungry even if it's by public resources (as the Lord would want us to do). When you think about peace, you don't think about some preemptive war with Iran. You just think about fair trade and real diplomacy as means to end disputes and harbor compassion to the human race. See, the good news and the Gospel talks about help for the poor and help to the sojourner (or the immigrant in our modern age). The Lord said blessed are the peacemakers not the war mongers. You solve poverty by using the public and the private sector not austerity programs that can strip needed programs. Instead of the poor being demonized as moochers, they should be praised and assisted. The GOP lies and says that privatization and charity alone can help the poor. The reality is that charity is great, but even the Constitution says that Congress can create taxes in funding help to the poor. It is not wrong nor a sin for public resources to be part of a comprehensive solution in defeating poverty once and for all. This isn’t an example of theft, but activism. The government isn't God, but the GOP must realize that CAPITALISM IS NOT God either. To some of them, capitalism is God and that's a true blasphemy. Real government inspires hope for the poor to fight injustice not to demonize or scapegoat the poor for things it has nothing to do with at all. We should be considered about the environment, about the evils found in GMOs, about war, about poverty, and about human freedom in general. Instead of some individuals crying about dependence on government, they should tell the super wealthy not to be dependent on subsidies, loopholes, bailouts, and other federal government entitlements sent unto them (or the super rich) in record numbers. The leadership of both parties supports the NDAA, the Patriot Act, a Western military presence in the Middle East, fracking, opposition to a single payer universal health insurance plan, lacking a prosecution of Wall Street bankers, and the War on Drugs. All of these concepts are evil of course without question. So, we that we still need to fight for truth and honor.


By Timothy


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