
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Serena Williams and Her Sexual Threat to White Females and Testosterone Challenged White Males–Guest post by Josh Wickett (Excellent Post)



Ron Johnson, glad you agree with the gist of this piece though I wonder if you’d have so wholeheartedly agreed with it had it been written by a black woman. Such has been my shocking awakening in the last 2-3 months. I always knew that black males had gender bias against black females. But, until recent events that provided an opportunity for it to be displayed publicly en mass by ordinary black males, I’d had no idea how wide and deep this bias (contempt/rage) was.
I have been aware for many years that about 85% of married black men are married to black women.
Most people who use vehicles in China ride bicycles, too. Neither case demonstrates the preference or true longing.
The preference for that light skin and straight(er) hair demonstrates this sufficiently.

I’ve personally witnessed or had my husband and male friends tell me about the neck-breaking that married black men do to get a look at and hold a door open for non-black females—mostly white ones. Is the root of this self-hatred? Certainly. But, you see, black men are not epidemically bleaching their skin and straightening their hair to get the attention of black women. Self hatred in appearance is demonstrated in black men most often in seeking to avoid a reproduction of himself by seeking a light or non-black woman to mate with and to, then, seriously seek to provide for, protect and defend. That’s why I began my last radio program with that loop of Musiq singing that lyric from Betterman, (almost and R&B classic IMO) “When I look into her eyes, I see so much that reminds me of myself.” —-”S-C-R-A-T-C-H.” There is no evidence that this is black men’s generally longing.
The stories that LBM, I and many other black females could tell you about the lengths to which black men will go to attribute a white woman’s behavior to something benign when she practices racism against black females would tire me even though this racist act by Caroline Wozniacki is one of the most recent public examples of same. But, REALLY, any request by a black man that I present such exhibits is the same technique used by white folks who perpetually demand that black people present evidence that black folks routinely experience racist acts. It’s tiring and just about always meant to be that way. To wear the victims down even further—-the way defense attorneys of a more powerful party demand production of documents and postponements purely to wear the less powerful party down.


Kushite Prince Says:

I was thinking the same thing.It’s the same old game plan. Preoccupied thought + Inferiority =Confusion.


Kushite Prince Says:

@Cree Did you hear about newscaster Rhonda Lee? She’s a black woman that was fired for responding to a viewer who didn’t like her hair in a natural. Can you believe that?? He left a comment on the station’s Facebook page and she responded to it. The news station got upset and fired her. Total insanity! I think this relates to this post in regards to the body and beauty images of black women. Like Paul Mooney said “if your hair is nappy,white people aren’t happy”.lol Anyway,here’s the article.


Kushite Prince Says:

@Cree That was a great post by Josh. I have to hand it to that guy–he goes in hard!lol I also love his film reviews. I’ve shred his reviews with a few friends. Josh has some great insight.
As far as this Serena incident goes,I wish I could say I was surprised. I have seen some comments by white folks saying that what Caroline did was okay because she and Serena are friends. yeah okay,whatever. White folks always find a way to justify their racism. They are becoming more and more blatant about it. The reality is white women are physically inferior to black women. Anyone with two eyes can see that on average black women have more curves,shape and beautiful skin than white,hispanic and asian women. They’re just jealous,that’s all it is in my opinion. After seeing that picture of Caroline I felt compelled to do this post:
The more things change–the more they stay the same.smh

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