
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The Fiscal Cliff Deal in January of 2013

The fiscal cliff deal was weakened parts because of political reasons. Boehner and Reid couldn't deal with each because of obvious reasons. Yet, some members of both parties created the deal. The fiscal cliff package includes many changes to our country It will definitely raise taxes on some of the rich and other slick items in it. The deficit cutting measures has some surprises too. The economist Jack Rasmus document the President's comments after the passage, which signal what we can expect. President Barack Obama said the following words: "...I am very open to compromise . . . Medicare is the biggest contribution to the deficit.” The truth is that Medicare does not contribute to the deficit because it is funded by a separate tax. Obama has been laying the ground work to cut social insurances since 2010. The deal will cut the deficit by 620 billion dollars of the bipartisan goal of 4 trillion dollars. There are a lot of budget cuts ahead and these cuts won't come from the military or the national security state. They will come from the necessities of the people. Even if the U.S. had gotten over the cliff cuts to the military were minimal. DoD cuts scheduled to take effect in 2013 were only $24 billion according to the Congressional Budget Office (much less than the oft mentioned $500 billion reported in the media). The $500 billion are cuts over ten years, mostly back loaded to the out years. Thus these are cuts the military would likely never see. The deficit cut was little since the raising of taxing is just to the top 1.5 percent or those earning over $400,000. This is not the raising of taxes on the top 2%. Instead of rather raising 1.2 trillion dollars in revenue, the deal only raised 600billion. That part came from working people as payroll taxes were reinstated. This can increase more cuts on the rest of us. There can be more bipartisan cuts to corporate tax rates as well in this year. The deal wasn't just about cuts. According to Matt Sooller, the deficit cutters were very generous to Goldman Sachs: "...Goldman got $1.6 billion in tax free financing for its new massive headquarters through Liberty Bonds.” Another gift to big finance and multinationals: a provision was included that allows U.S. multinationals to not pay taxes on income earned abroad at a cost $1.5 billion to the budget. NASCAR got $43 million in tax breaks over two years to build race tracks and associated facilities. Hollywood studios received $150million in tax breaks for 2010 and 2011. There is a lost to the small foreclosure relief programs that involve human beings facing foreclosure and living in underwater houses. There is a delay for the tax change if a mortgage was written down by $100,000 the tax payer had to pay taxes on $100,000 income. The taking care of ill family members at home was dealt with a setback. The deal allowed a provision in the Affordable Care Act designed to let millions of elderly and disabled human beings get help at home rather than be placed in institutional care being repealed. This is the repealing of the Class Act. This was a project that was a dream of the late Senator Edward Kennedy. Mr. Obama also won a new commission to look at long-term care. The commission is supposed to come back and report on ways to boost health coverage for those the CLASS program was designed to reach. There are dozens of provisions would extend credits and incentives for plug-in electric vehicles, energy-efficient appliances, biodiesel and renewable diesel, and other alternative energy initiatives. I have no issue with this part of the deal. At the end of the day, some of the deal was legitimate. Yet, the rest of it shows the lower taxes on some of the wealthy, low taxes on corporations, giveaways to businesses, and takeaways form the American people. We must continue to fight against austerity in the weeks and months ahead. This deal was a slick bipartisan attack on the people. Some say compromise. I will never compromise allow families to starve. I will never compromise in funding a criminal war on terror. I will never compromise in believing that corporate giveaways are somehow progressive either.

It's new epoch of time again. One of the most important lessons in our time here on this Earth is about believing in respect including tolerance. Love is real and we have every right to express love to humanity. Subsequently, you can't be a true leader or a truthseeker24 without love. The reason is that love is a strong force that can end oppressive discrimination and make justice spiral like the constellations in the Universe. It doesn't matter what you personality is, you desire tolerance. It doesn't what your age or gender is; you have the right to enjoy the pursuit of happiness. No matter the color of your skin or your background, you certainly deserve equality. Even if you're poor socioeconomically, you can still be rich in intellectual insight, emotional maturity, and cultural strength. In the final analysis or at the end of the day, the power of love and inspiration of faith can move the mountains of doubt. Hope can always make a way where it seems to be no way on the real. Love and faith can eliminate unnecessary fear and institute hope for real universal health care for the human race. With activism, our civil liberties can be restored. I anticipate the day when the NDAA and the Patriot Act are no more. I want to see the day in which the criminal war on terror is extinguished from an executive playbook and we can enact common ground solutions as a means to handle social plus other political issues.

The Election of 1944 was one of the important sections of World War Two and in American history. Franklin Delano Roosevelt experienced a wide deal of popularity as a product of executing the New Deal. FDR was about make Henry Wallace as Vice President of America. Henry Wallace was very progressive even for his time in the 1940's. Many of the Democratic Party bosses and Wall Street didn't like him at all. So, FDR relented and allowed Harry Truman to be in his Vice Presidential candidate. Henry Wallace disagreed with Harry Truman on the question of atomic energy and peace. Henry Wallace wanted more peace and social development to grow in the four corners of the Earth. Franklin Delano Roosevelt competed against Thomas E. Dewey, who was a Republican from New York State. The 1944 election was the 40th quadrennial Presidential election. Dewey was the Governor of New York. Dewey was very energetic in his campaign, but Roosevelt defeated him. Franklin Roosevelt was the last Democratic candidate that carried every Southern state in 1944. Thomas Dewey was seen as moderate. Some conservative Democrats had questions about Roosevelt, because of his economic and social policies. FDR was nominated in Chicago at the Democratic National Convention. The conservative Democrats strongly opposed Henry Wallace, because he wanted civil rights for black Americans, he wanted peace, and he believed in justice. Of course, Wallace allied temporarily with Nicholas Roerich with his New Age views. I don't agree with Roerich's view, but Wallace was right to say that all human beings ought to have equality in the world. FDR liked Wallace, but he reluctantly choose the moderate Harry S. Truman as his Vice Presidential running mate. Franklin Delano Roosevelt experienced a declining health during this time period. The Republican campaign focused on the New Deal since the campaign believed that the New Deal was a government overreach. They desired a smaller government and a less regulated economy as the war was ending. Roosevelt still has huge popularity. Dewey accused FDR of being beholden to party bosses and American Communists, but military victories in WWII caused FDR to be unbeatable. The 1944 election was the last election in which any major candidate received over 90 percent of the vote in any state. FDR won 94 percent of the votes cast in Mississippi. Henry Wallace would try to won for Presidency in the Progressive Party in 1948. Henry Wallace courageously fought for peace, labor rights, racial equality, universal government health care, and true justice for all humankind. He wanted a peaceful relationship with the Soviet Union. In 1940, Henry A. Wallace was the Vice President of FDR. Since he was an expert of agricultural matters, Henry Wallace allowed the New Deal to deal with farming, soil conservation, food stamps, and school lunches for urban poor communities. Wallace wanted to end monopolies and cartels. He wanted the 20th century to be the century of the common man. After the election, he lost. He compromised a bit in supporting Cold War hysteria during the 1950's, but he still held onto many progressive principles. He opposed military buildup in Vietnam and he passed away in 1965. If Henry Wallace was President in 1948 or in 1945 (when FDR passed away), we could see a more progressive America develop at an earlier period of time.

Human beings talk about the occult all of the time. It is fine to define what the occult means. The occult deals with secretive methods or secretive actions (sometimes demonic) as used for communication, rituals, and other parameters of human expression. The occult regularly deals with arcane symbology in its teachings and ideologies. The occult in 2013 has a huge role in television, films, corporate power, religious establishment groups, and other realms of mainstream society. Paganism in some of its component is regularly intertwined with the occult. For example, numerous pagans believe in the occult. It is a known fact that some films can be used as medium wherefore archetypes and subconscious message can be sent into an audience. Even the Nazis decades used propaganda films and slanderous stories as a means to get some of the German human beings into a frenzy of hatred and bigotry. Now, we know that sounds and music create vibrations in the Universe. We know that DNA is based on basic computer like patterns. Modern sciences broadcasts sounds and frequencies of planets and stars throughout the Universe. Even HAARP uses technology used from Nikola Tesla, but some critics believe that HAARP is using technology to harm the atmosphere. In real life, magicians (not folks doing so called magic tricks) write texts use sigils, sounds, and rituals as a means to communicate in what they believe to be beings from the spirit world. Many magical texts shows the names of planets, spirits, and what they believe are "demons." Many famous individuals own such occult literature. One was Christopher Lee. He was Ian Flemming's cousin. Lee owned the "Clavicles of Solomon" Book of rituals.

All of us realize that the Holocaust was evil and it was a systematic, bureaucratic, and state sponsored genocide of millions of innocent human beings. The term "Holocaust" comes from the Greek language meaning sacrifice by fire. The Nazis used the Euthanasia Program as a means to murdered at least 200,000 mentally or physically disabled human beings. The Final Solution extermination campaign caused the deaths of some 200,000 Roma or Gypsies in Europe as well. Even the Nazis allowed the murder or starvation of 2 to 3 million Soviet prisoners of war, because the Nazis believe in the racist views of Slavic peoples. After the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, the Nazis created the Einstatzgruppen. These were mobile killing units including militarized battalions of Order Police officials. These groups of killing machines would move behind German lines as a means to carry out mass murder operations against Jewish human beings, Roma, and Soviet state including the Communist Party officials. Millions of Jewish human beings and other were killed and some were deported to gassing facilities. In the final months of the war, SS guards moved camp inmates by train or on forced marches called death marches in a way to try to prevent the Allied liberation of large numbers of prisoners. After the war, the Holocaust survivors found shelter in DP or displaced persons camps. These camps were administered by the Allied Powers. From 1948-1951, almost 700,000 Jewish people immigrated into Israel including 136,000 Jewish displaced persons from Europe. Many European communities in especially Eastern Europe were completed destroyed by the Holocaust. A lot of human beings don't realize that may black people died in the Holocaust. They were mostly Afro-German human beings. This occurred from 1933 to 1945. They've experienced isolation, persecution, sterilization, medical experimentation, incarceration, brutality, and murder. Many racist Nazis tried to slander black human beings as rapists and so forth. Black soldiers were slandered as well. Many African Germans and biracial human beings were discriminated in German society from having jobs and service in the military in the 1930's. Hitler was a fool to believe in white supremacy since Jesse Owens won the race in the 1933 Olympics in Berlin. Also, tons of black people have great intellectual curiosity and strong sociological insight on various parameters of human existence. European and American blacks were also interned in the Nazi concentration camp system. Lionel Romney, a sailor in the US Merchant Marine, was imprisoned in the Mauthausen concentration camp. Jean Marcel Nicolas, a Haitian national, was incarcerated in the Buchenwald and Dora-Mittelbau concentration camps in Germany. Jean Voste, an African Belgian, was incarcerated in the Dachau concentration camp. Bayume Mohamed Hussein from Tanganyika (today Tanzania) died in the Sachsenhausen camp, near Berlin. Many black prisoners of war faced illegal incarceration and mistreatment by the Nazis. These actions violate the Geneva Convention. Some black Americans died in camps by the Nazis like Lieutenant Darwin Nichols. So, the Holocaust affected all of us either directly or indirectly as human beings. Many African Americans from the U.S. armed forced liberated folks from Nazi atrocities. The 761st Tank Battalion (an all-African American tank unit), attached to the 71st Infantry Division, US Third Army, under the command of General George Patton, participated in the liberation of Gunskirchen, a sub camp of the Mauthausen concentration camp, in May 1945. There were many events chronologically that relate to the Holocaust indeed. On May 15, 1944, Germans begin the mass deportation of about 440,000 Jewish people from Hungary. The famous Warsaw Polish uprising transpired on August 1, 1944. This event involved many Jewish activists that tried to use weapons to defend themselves against Nazi aggression in Warsaw. They failed, but they fight valiantly against evil criminals like the Nazis. There was the January 24, 1945 death march of almost 60,000 prisoners form the Auschwitz camp system in southern Poland. Just 7 days later, there was another death march of almost 50,000 prisoners from the Stuffhof camp system in northern Poland. The Soviet troops finally liberated the Auschwitz camp complex by January 27, 1945. American forces liberated the Dachau concentration camp in April 29, 1945.

By Timothy

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