
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday Night News



The Mali situation is an overt example of neo-imperialism by the West, even by France. The West is playing ethnic and religious groups against each other as a means to promote the war on terror among many ways. France and America are in unison on the issue of Mali. France expressed support for the assault on Libya, but it is striking unilaterally against Islamists in Mali. Mali was once a French African colony. France was at first the most aggressive nation in calling for a NATO war against Libya in 2011. America gave logistical support to Libya as a means to create the war in Africa. If the U.S. didn't have the refueling tanker aircraft and awesome infrastructure of U.S. Navy carrier groups, NATO's eight month assault on Libya wouldn't have have taken place in the first place. France is committed to putting at least 2500 ground troops in Mali. America is supporting this action. The Tuaregs are being scapegoated for the massive terrorism in Mali. The war in Mali comes as a fruit of the Euro-American aggression against Libya. The reality is that the Taureg human beings suffer extreme poverty. That is why some Africans came into Libya as a means to gain employment. Some of the Taureg worked with Libyan security services. The Tuaregs went home south when Libya's government was brought down by NATO and its allies. Africom grew in influence now. The Malian Army collapsed when many Taureg soldiers defected to the rebels. America is having a 3,500-member combat brigade from Fort Riley, Kansas, arrives to hold exercises with military units from 35 African countries, later this year. The France now in January of 2013 has caused mass bombings of cities in northern Mali. This has killed and wounded hundreds of civilians. France has attacked the Ivory Coast, Syria, and Libya too in recent years. Last month, Algiers signed multi-billion-euro contracts with France during Hollande’s state visit. Now it has thrown open its airspace to French warplanes bombing Mali. The reactionary African bourgeois leaders are not representative of real black African revolutionaries at all. We are approaching the 100th year anniversary of World War I and still we have world imperialism. France should get out of Mali and allow the Malian human beings to handle their problems with real cooperation from other nations in a peaceful fashion. The traitor to his own black people named Thomas Boni Yayi sent a congratulatory salute to French imperialists for sending its young men into Mali. It is a historical fact that many African elites are serving the interests of Europe not the interests of African human beings in the world. Now, France says that they want to free Mali, but Mali has a lot of natural resources. Mali has Africa's third largest gold production. Mali has uranium, diamonds, iron, bauxite, manganese, and other precious stones. What is next is Algeria. The Brookings Institution company man named Bruce Riedel said that Algeria will be next to fall in August of 2011. There is the recent news story of so-called Al Qaeda linked terrorists kidnapped American hostages in Algeria. The France and the Anglo-Americans want to control more geopolitically of African lands from Mali to Libya. These imperialists don't quit. Africa at its nature is a collective society and a society filled with discipline, decency, and morality.

Gun Rights have been placed front and center in America. I do agree with reasonable policies that restrict criminals and those via judicial due process deemed mentally unfit to own weapons. Yet, I believe that law abiding citizens have every right to bear arms though. Now, there has been a lot of false statistics flowing around about guns and so forth. The truth must be known. The UK does have a lower gun murder rate than America does, but the overall rate of violent crime in the UK is about 4 times higher than in America. Gun rights are minimized in the United Kingdom. The UK has about 125 percent more rape victims per 100,000 people than the United States does. UK has been called the violent crime capital of Europe. Very strict gun control laws in cities across America with some exceptions have a high crime rate because of socioeconomic factors. The UK has about 133 percent more assault victims per 100,000 people each year than the United States does. According to the FBI, there were 8,583 murders in America during 2011. 400 of those murders are justifiable homicides by law enforcement and 260 of those were justifiable homicides by private citizens. The United States is number in the world in gun ownership and it is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 human beings. The violent crime rate in the United States actually fell from 757.7 per 100,000 in 1992 to 386.3 per 100,000 in 2011. During that same time period, the murder rate fell from 9.3 per 100,000 to 4.7 per 100,000. This was during an era when gun laws in the United States generally became much less restrictive. After the city of Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring every home to have a gun, the crime rate dropped by more than 50 percent over the course of the next 23 years. So, it is obvious that anti-gun extremism will not work in trying to promote real liberty in society. The UK still has an increase of gun crime according to a 2009 The Telegraph article. The President of the United States of America issued executive orders that in his mind will deal with gun safety issues. He wanted federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system. The executive order is 23 in number. A lot of them deal with mental health issues. Supporters love it while critiques believe that the rulings will restrict folks from owning firearms. We know about the role of SSRI and other psychotropic prescription medications that an overwhelming number of mass shooters have been reportedly been on. Linn County Oregon Sheriff Tim Mueller has become the second prominent law enforcement official who refused to enforce new gun control policies from the President. Legitimate human beings with guns have prevented tyranny for a long time. The Deacons of Defense protected innocent human beings from being attacked from Klan related organizations all of the time. Throughout history, tyrants have used laws to disarm citizens. Gun rights will enable people to protect themselves and others from oppression and injustices. The truth is that constitutional liberties are not only collective, but individual too. Human rights should not be restricted because of time or the generational changes of society, because truth is universal. Universal moral values have always existed in the confines of human history. Yet, we cannot have the status quo. Tragedies in our nation need basic reforms in society. This is right indeed to have some reasonable reforms in society for even some laws are neither perfect nor infallible. It is ironic that very few Congress folks stood to see the Constitution read in the House on January of 2013. It is one thing to not allow all criminals to have guns and I support any effort to not get a gun among criminals. Yet, law abiding citizens have the right bear arms period.

The political world is different than yesteryear. There has been radicalism advanced in response to the evil, senseless violence in the past 6 months. Many are ignoring the real causes of such evil gun violence. They include social dislocation, economic inequality, socioeconomic problems, mental health lax reform, criminals using guns, and the further militarization of American society. Ironically, the White House wants to provide financial incentives to place police “resource officers” in schools—a proposal similar to the National Rifle Association’s demand that armed guards be placed in schools. Also, this discussion in the mainstream also ignores the endless stream of fatal shootings carried out by the police. If you want to lower gun violence, you have to deal with police brutality, the War on Drugs, and the military industrial complex. Many mental health experts have issues with Governor of NY Andrew Cuomo's new strict gun control law. The law also requires mental health professionals and social workers to report when they believe their clients are likely to cause harm to themselves or others. This provision opens the way for police to confiscate any guns owned by “dangerous” patients. Mental health experts have expressed concern over the law. Dr. Paul Appelbaum, director of the Division of Law, Ethics, and Psychiatry at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, told the New York Times on Monday that the requirement “represents a major change in the presumption of confidentiality that has been inherent in mental health treatment… The prospect of being reported to the local authorities even if they do not have weapons, may be enough to discourage patients with suicidal or homicidal thoughts from seeking treatment or from being honest about their impulses.” The greatest promoter and purveyor of violence in America is the American government when it has done endless war abroad. The reality is that we need to confront the real issues of workers being exploited and preventing the ruling elite from having a monopoly of violence in the world. The liberal establishment and the conservative establishment are in more unison than imaged. Each of them are for extending FISA warrantless wiretapping, the global free market wars, the TARP banker bailouts, NDAA 2012, the sanctions against the human beings of Iran, keeping Gitmo open, and torture. We have the current White House touting folks like Brennan and Panetta as centrists when they are not in terms of their foreign policy ideologies. The Clinton clan, the Bush clan, and Hollywood elites are uniting as a means to advance gun control as a way to make in their minds a safer society. They want to end violence in the world, yet the films of Zero Dark Thirty, Argo, and Django Unchained are filled with violence. These movies are in the pack of potentially winning Best Picture of the Oscars. Argo and Zero Dark Thirty have been admitted to be CIA related propaganda films. They try to justify horrific violence. Hollywood is surely hypocritical to try lecture human beings on being anti-violent when they actively support undeclared wars, random drone strikes killing children, etc. Dark Thirty was a film that was created with the advice and consent of the White House and the CIA. It tries to rationalize torture in the reaction to the torturous event of 9/11. The film Zero Dark Thirty claims that Osama bin Laden planned 911. Yet, there is no evidence that Osama bin Laden caused all of 9/11 to happen. Osama was never in the hijacked aircrafts that crashed into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Osama did not cause NORAD to stand down at all. Osama didn't cause Building Seven to fall either. It fell on its own mysteriously without any aircraft hitting it. The movie tried to present every Muslim as some monster who is preoccupied with killing the so heroic CIA agents. These CIA agents in real life were torturing people for in their sick minds justice, and the American way of life. This movie is a part of the war on terror narrative against Muslims. This war on terror is in Africa. Argo is about the CIA using agents in trying to rescue kidnapped Americans. The film takes place during the aftermath of the overthrown Shah. The Shah was a dictator, who was actively supported politically and financially by the U.S. The Shah was overthrown and the Iranian Revolution took place in the late 1970's. Django Unchained has actors it trying to advance gun control, but the film has huge gun violence in it. Regardless, the CIA has used Hollywood to propagandize the American people to accept basically militarization. The CIA played a key role in shaping the film's narrative corresponding with the filmmakers of Zero Dark Thirty. The fake liberals are just as wrong as the Tea Party crowd. These folks heavily are concerned with being in a herd mentality than having independent values. That is why many of these fake liberals refuse to expose the White House's blatant war mongering, signing the largest biggest military budget in American history, covert destabilization of sovereign nations, and creating executive orders that violate basic human rights. The fake liberals say that Bush started it. That is a lie since tyranny existed throughout human history among thousands of years, which was even before Bush was ever born. These wars of aggression are blatantly mass murder.

The Viking Age ended by many factors. Many Vikings wanted to stay in the placed in Europe that they resided in. They ended their long migratory exploratory travels in the Old World including the New World. Many converted to Christianity back in their original homelands. The Kings of Scandinavia made taxes and the economy developed into more trade with raiding territories. That is why you can witness better economic development by peaceful collaboration and legitimate trading among nation states without brutal wars or hardcore raids on various territories. Many European Kingdoms were more centralized and focused. This caused these European areas to be better able to defend themselves from Viking attacks. So, both sides learned to trade and deal with each other without conflict. The Norsemen built graves in the shape of boats. They absorbed outside influences as well. The Vikings meet new peoples, traded in their cultural influences, and they allowed the world to be smaller. The Viking sword was a strong weapon. This allowed the Vikings to be fierce warriors. It is called the Ulfberht sword. It was a high tech tool of its time. The Germanic human beings worshipped a god called Tiwaz. Lief Eriksson called the land in North American Vinland. This name was given to the St. Lawrence River area where there were an abundance of wild grapes that the Norsemen found that would make a very great of wine. There is some substantial evidence that Inuit and other American Arctic human beings came into Europe before Columbus' voyage. There has been contact between the indigenous Americans and the Norse of Greenland as early as the 11th century. In 1099, Norse explorer Thorfinn Karlsefni captured two Native American boys from Markland or Labrador and took them to Greenland. They were taught to speak Norse and baptized. Genetics prove that the Scandinavia DNA has been found in places like Liverpool, Wirral, and West Lancashire. The Vikings had major trade routes through Russia leading to Baghdad. There were major Scandinavian settlements in Novgorod along the Dnieper River. That is why some Russians not all of them have Scandinavian like phenotypes. During this time period, the Roman Catholic Church dominated Europe religiously. The Holy Roman Empire was monarchical and was very theocratic. Back in those days in Europe, if you expressed controversial opinion on various issues, you could be imprisoned or killed. So, the Vikings lived in a controversial time period.

The Cold War began as a product of WWII. The Allies defeated the Axis Powers. American troops even shook hands with the Soviet troops back in 1945. Some desired to have peace for the entire human race. The Cold War lasted from 1945 to the early 1990's. Americans died from WWII in the realm of about 405,000 human beings while the Soviet Union caused the death of about 27 million human beings. America's economy grew and industrial production grew. The American Empire grew into new heights after WWII. America produced about 50 percent of the world's goods and services. The Bretton Woods Conference caused the development of the capitalist World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. They were budgeted in the billions of dollars. There was an uneasiness of that time period, because soldiers came home from the warfront with citizens having jobs massively already. The Great Depression was over in America, but there was massive poverty in war-torn Europe. The Communist Party grew in France and Italy after WWII. Winston Churchill became to be more paranoid about the growth of Communist. Then UK Prime Minister Clement Atlee was of the Labor Party. He wanted to have a free health care system for all and a nationalization of industries. He wanted a social welfare state while Churchill wanted to continue the influence of the British Empire. Atlee administered the independence of Pakistan, India, Israel, Palestine, Burma, Sri Lanka, Jordan, and other nations. American bases are even found in British soil immediately after World War Two. FDR disliked the King and Empire. He wanted a middle approach toward Stalin and Churchill. Yet, Truman was more reactionary than FDR. Truman was more allied with the British Empire than Franklin Delano Roosevelt was. U.S. Secretary of States Byrnes in September 1945 didn't want the Soviets to have too much influence in Europe. The London conference heightened tensions. Henry Wallace didn't want Leslie Groves to have huge control over America's atomic weapons, because Wallace wanted a rational usage of nuclear technology. In early 1946, the anti-Soviet paranoia grew in the USA. The White House believed that the Soviets wanted to basically conquer the world. Churchill viewed Communism as being ended as soon as possible. Churchill's American speech about the Iron Curtain described the Soviet Union as a huge threat to the stability of world society. This was more belligerent. Henry Wallace offered a different opinion. He wanted a peaceful expression of industry and power as a means to refute Communist views not imperialism. Henry Wallace wanted America to serve the world not dominate it. Truman didn't want the Soviet Union to control Iranian oil. Henry Wallace didn't like J. Edgar Hoover and called Hoover like a American Himmler. Truman viewed Wallace as a dreamand a pacificist. Truman fired Wallace, but Henry Wallace was a man of peace. In 1947, folks of SE Asia fought against imperialism. There was a civil war in Greece from 1946 to 1947. The West supported more reactionary forces against the Communists.

By Timothy



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