
Monday, February 04, 2013

Winter in 2013 Part 4

Secret Societies Unlimited....

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We live in 2013 presently. As we approach 2020, we see a better picture of how society works. We are witnessing the evolution of the 21st century. We have old threat and new subjects to be discussed and continuously debated. There are topics of bioethics not just issues of economic or political significance. Secret societies can be large in its size or small in their personal organizational structure. Thousands of years have passed in human history since Secret Societies (or groups similar to them) transpire in the landscape of human history. From the Skulls and Bones to the Hell Fire Club, the interests of human being in secret, occult orders are still extremely potent. ....

In society, human beings believe that life is very mundane and less complicated. Yet, in real life, millions of men and women in the world are involved in secret organizations with rituals and occult ceremonies. They exist in numerous levels. There are a global networks and political organizations that advance globalization as well. Secret Societies copy many of the components of the civilizations found in Africa and the ancient Persian Gulf as a way to justify their actions. The Old World was home to thousands of Mystery Schools. The essence of shaman and other pagan religious iconography influence Secret Societies and New Age movements to this very day. Shamanism is found in the four corners of the Earth, even in Siberia. The ancients believed in the spirits of nature and the spirits of the stars. Whether you agree with this tenet or not, what is true is that Nature and the stars are greatly valuable in the Universe. The utilization of great care of Nature can grow and make a civilization prosper materially and spiritually. To some ancients, all humans were once spirits who inhabited human bodies. Mystics experimented with flowers, DMT, etc. as a way to unlock the cosmic, spiritual world or the astral world. The Working of the Chariot was famous in the ancient world as a mystical work. Even the language of Latin is the language of the European political and spiritual elite. The global elite back then used the occult and the Kabbalah as a means to control their power structure. Strange vocal sounds in a certain patterns are used by magicians and occultists as a means in their minds to contact spirits. In the modern age, the elite or establishment knows all about the Geotia, the Kabbalah, and other occult works which relate to their spiritual viewpoints.....

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Many folks don't agree with the filmmaker Oliver Stone on every issue. Yet, he is accurate to present his book about real U.S. history along with the historian Peter Kuznick. Even today, a lot of human beings don't know about the untold history of the nation of America. Some American history has been positive and some of it has not been so positive. You have to show all of the complex nature of U.S. culture and history in order for us to be honest with ourselves. The lessons learned in the past and the present can allow America to be better politically and socially in the future. Oliver Stone's and Peter Kuznick's book outlined a phenomenally important aspect of U.S. history. The title of the book is called "The Untold History of the United States." The book outlines the stories of popular movements and key figures of power. It exposes the myths of U.S. history. A documentary about this subject is also found in the Showtime network. The book has documentation in all of its words, so it outlines very credible information. It heavily talks about foreign policy especially like WWI. The work outlines the honest truth. The truth can be easy like a summer breeze or it can be politically incorrect or even harsh at time. Sometimes, the truth hurts and America can improve itself and make amends from its mistakes or errors. Numerous Presidents and political leaders created policies that harmed human life. The book makes the claim that Harry Truman is the worst President we have seen. I don't know about that, but Truman is definitely a stone cold murderer with his unprogressive act of allowing atomic bombs to drop in 2 cities of Japan. These bombings killed almost 1 million innocent human beings. The book talks about WWI, the New Deal, the Wall Street Putsch of 1934 or the Nye Committee hearings on war profiteering. It describes great information on the droppings of nuclear bombs in Japan. The book outlines careful research of the Cold War. The Cold War is a complex historical era. We know the evils of McCarthyism, the Mossadeq coup, and other topics. You know that the literature talks about the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Eisenhower presidency, the Guzman overthrow, and other subjects. Oliver Stone discusses the Kennedy assassination, the Korean War, and other issues. The book outlines more information than the documentary film. The book claims that the U.S. should enter WWII and claimed that Pearl Harbor was a surprise or it was not abetted by the U.S. government. The authors can believe that if they want, but the truth is that the U.S. knew that a conflict with Japan could be inevitable before the Pearl Harbor attack came into the scene. Even Stone and Kuznick's account makes crystal clear Roosevelt's desire for some such war-beginning incident. The book is excellent and it shows real history. The book exceeds the documentary in documentation, but the documentary on the nuclear bombs is great as well. Regardless if you agree with all of Oliver Stone's politics or not, people have the right to know about the untold history of the United States of America. ........

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The European Union's esoteric and nefarious political agenda has been talked about for years. The modern society has folks worshipping Uncle Sam and Europe, but no nation or organization is some idol to worship. Stale apple pie means nothing to me. Uncle Sam and Europe aren't gods and never will be gods period. Now, one many coins of the euro, there are specialized occult images on them. One shows the owl image of the Goddess Athena or the owl of wisdom in general. That coin is copied from the ancient Athenian 4 drachma coin of the fifth century B.C. The EU is known for showing the image of Europa all over its buildings and coins. Europa was abducted by Zeus and Zeus in mythology is shown as a white bull as a means to kidnap Europa. The reason is that Zeus fell in love with Europa as she was gathering flowers. The bull rushed to abduct the young Europa. Zeus sent Europa to Crete and later three sons came about between Zeus and Europa (after Zeus transformed himself from a bull to a more humanoid form). Europa came from Tyre or modern day Lebanon. To the occult, this is a transition from the age of Taurus to the age of Ares. Crete is a known place of the advanced Minoan civilization. The Minoan civilization had Temples, altars, paintings, and other complex components of an advanced civilization. Europa (which relates to the Goddess archetype from Astarte, Aphrodite, Isthar, Venus, Atargatis, Tanit, and Neith) is associated with the Moon as well. Europa in Greek mythology was the Phoenician woman in high lineage. She is named after the whole continent of Europe. Henrik Palmgren and others have done a great job in exposing the hidden roots of the European Union. The European Union existed as a brainchild of European elites, the Vatican (with its Knights of Malta), and the pan European movement. The pan European Movement was created in 1923 by the Austrian Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. Otto von Habsburg admitted that he was the "guide and prophet" of an united Europe. The post-WWII era was the great catalyst that caused the European Union in the modern era to exist in the first place. In 1949, the Council of Europe existed. Then a steel European Union community came at the behest of Frnech Foreign Minister Robert Schuman. The European Economic Community existed by 1957 via the Treaty of Rome. The modern European Union existed in November 1, 1993 via the Maastricht Treaty. January 1, 2002 saw the first circulation of the euro currency.

Secret Societies and the occult have had a presence in film and television all of the time. Numerous arcane symbology have been placed in popular culture all of the time. Film is a known medium where certain archetypes are sent into the subconscious mind. Now, in our time, we have some in the media advancing a consumer driven culture where there is a desensitization of morals. One example is how anti-intellectualism and a debasement of males and females are common in movies and television (not just in the mainstream music industry). Far too often, we have an excess of materialism instead of living in a more people orientated society. Some movies talk about some Messiah figure to led humanity into freedom or enlightenment like the Matrix with Neo. Neo Anderson is the Matrix character that acts as an anti-hero. The Matrix Trilogy makes references to the Merovingian, Seraph, and it showcased Neo's supernatural abilities to kill to electronically stop the Machines temporarily. Even the X-Files years ago talked about the infant named William. This child was a child of an otherworld influenced bloodline born to Dana Scully character. Another theme in occult influenced Hollywood deals with a post-apocalyptic film. Even 1979's Mad Max described this world filled with revenge, violence, and lax legal enforcement. NBC in 2012 created the show called "Revolution." The television show describes the city of Chicago 15 years after the Blackout. It shows human beings striving to survive in a world that was nearly destroyed. Mel Gibson was the leading actor in that film. He is known for playing the alien agenda film called Signs and the film about William Wallace called Brave heart. Other actors who acted in similar occult related films range from Johnny Depp, Ian McKellen, John Geiglud, Sean Connery, and the list goes on and on. If you deny that Hollywood doesn't deal with occult themes, you can just know about the Exorcist and Poltergeist. The ABC/Disney Network is known as well for covering topics like Atlantis, the Holy Grail, and other supernatural subject matters. The global popularity of the Davinci Code movie series outlines the huge interests of human beings in Secret Societies. Da Vinci Code delves in to the Holy Grail, the Knights Templar, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the Vatican, and other issues in the world. The book and the movie portrays Christians as intolerable reactionaries that seek to hide the truth of spirituality from the world and it outlines the Illuminati as scientists seeking to preserve the truth to the masses. The folks who own the television networks are in the Western elite bloodlines for the most part. Therefore, the networks want to present their ideas or their interpretations of reality in front of the public space. Da Vinci Code came from Dan Brown's literature, which used a large amount of disinformation and outright lies about Christianity (as a means to advance a Gnostic, pro Goddess spiritual system in the world basically). Secret Societies are ever real in our day, but we have to use accuracy in the 21st century as a means to fully describe the real compositions of these occult, arcane Secret Societies. ....

For a long time, mystical structures have similar imagery throughout the Earth. The Egyptian ankh cross according to researcher Richard Cassaro isn't just found in ancient Egypt, but in the Aztecs temples as well. The Aztec ankh temple is greatly aligned with an Egyptian like stone pyramid at the same archaeological site. This means that humanity is definitely related to each other. Humankind came out of Africa and spread throughout the Earth. Influences of human creativity from Africa spread into the Americas via generations and generations. The ankh image throughout the Earth represents life. Such an Aztec Temple with the ankh cross is found in Calixtlahuaca, Mexico. Both the ancient Egyptians and the Aztec were on the opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Each civilization built pyramids, both had solar symbolism, and each civilization believed in life after death. The tau symbol is about the ancients trying to show the forces and the interplay between physical life (which was temporary or material) and spiritual life, which the ancients viewed as eternal or spiritual. The ankh looked like a cross and the tau cross looked similar to the letter T. The Mayans had Tau shaped icons and the Mayans were the forerunners of the Aztecs. The Egyptian Tau image was the sign of life to the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians believed that the spiritual part of human life never died, but it comes up to exist forever while the physical body dies. The soul to the ancients was the real self or the real consciousness. It is true that we shouldn't obsess with the material all of the time. We should follow the path of developing our soul by doing righteousness in society and among our neighbors. The Aztecs also believe that the spirit lives on during the afterlife while the physical body dies. They had ceremonies and chanted funeral prayers when someone died. The tree of life motif is found in the Aztec culture and the culture of ancient Egypt too not just the Kabbalah. To the Aztecs, the ancient tau cross was known as the tree of life. Now, we had known of the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff. In Masonic legends, Hiram Abiff is given a hammer in the form of a Tau by his ancestor Tubal-Cain. The tau cross is shown in modern Masonry under the symbol of the T square. The Mysteries used the Tau cross and other images to show that the higher nature is spiritual beyond the physical parameters of the Universe. The truth is that there is nothing wrong with spiritual growth, but spiritual growth can come with following the Creator not viewing Nature as God. Nature ought to be respected as a creation of God. It is not God. God is God. Also, we need to reject the selfish me oriented mentality. This mentality is common in many circles of the world not only in the West. Anarchy is when human beings can give in to the uninhibited pursuit of their selfish desires and carnal lusts. Likewise, in anarchy, the role of government is reduced to such a narrow scope that pollution, child labor, lax wages, and other evils can be common place Real government is meant to restrain evil and to promote the good in the world. You have to have justice and liberty not anarchy in order for society to be enriched. Now, we need to establish justice, insure tranquility, provide for the defense, and promote the general welfare of nations as a means to secure the blessings of liberty. There is nothing wrong with freedom, but we need social, cultural growth as well. Also, we need more altruism in society for the enemy regularly denigrates altruism. Altruism is a blessing in the world indeed. Greed ought to be rejected. Human generosity and compassion are great concepts for any human being to live by indeed. It is the global merchants that have provided an outlet wherefore materialism and corporate excess have been an epidemic inside of the world society. In other words, money is a tool. It is not god. Money can never be superior to the concerns, aspirations, and real principles of the people. The luxury and the constant, unmitigated pursuit of pleasure and gain is one common feature of mainstream American culture. When a man's desires exceed his needs, then you know that we have an issue here. Justice should not only be commutative, but it should be distributive as well.
Justice on behalf of the poor is one of the greatest duties that we have as human beings in our lives.

The mystery of the Masonic Mosaic pavement is ever real. The pavement is made up of a black and white checkered floor. This image has existed in temples during the days of ancient Egypt. The image is more than a decorative setting. Researchers have found that the image has esoteric meaning. Freemasonry now incorporates this black and white checkered board floor image. It is found in the ritualistic floor of all Masonic lodges. It relates to initiations and represents human life checkered with good and evil. Some of the floor has the Blazing Star of Sirius on it. The black and white image represents the symbols of evil and good in human life. Occult researchers have found the checkered mosaic pavement can be traced to ancient Egypt and the Dionysiac rites. This is found in the House of the Mysteries. In the Entered Apprentice Degree, the mosaic pavement describes the ground floor of King Solomon's Temple. In the book of 1 Kings 6:15, the ground floor of King Solomon's Temple is made of pine or fir. Colors may vary in the checkered patterns of Masonic lodges. Lozenges might be used instead of squares. The same mosaic pattern can be found inside of the Notre Dame de Paris, which is a cathedral built in the era of the Knights Templars (which are some of the ideological ancestors of the Freemasons according to numerous scholars). The checkered floor outlines the concept of dualism or dualistic like the Ying and Yang symbol (as found in the number 2 card of the Tarot called La Papesse). Duality is a key portion of hermeticism. To the Lodge, the dualism is shown in the black and white squares. Dualism to the occultists means that in the terrestrial or physical world, there is the dualism quality in life. There is positive and negative, good and evil, light and shade, etc. Peace to the occultists is the synthesis of these dual concepts into one, so enlightenment can flourish in the world. The material world and the spiritual realm to the esoteric is opposite of each other. The checkered floor is of the Earth, while the ceiling of the Lodge is used to represent the heavens and the spiritual realm. The mosaic pavement is where there is the ceremonial altar. The square pavement is where the High priest in Masonry walks upon in the Third Degree Ritual. Many cultures, movies like the Imaginarium film has this checkered pattern. So, when you look at the truth, the truth is stranger than fiction.

Sirius, the Blazing Star, at the center of the Masonic mosaic pavement.The hieroglyph representing Sirius contains three elements: a

Sirius and human history are linked. Sirius is one of the biggest concepts of the occult. Sirius is also found heavily in mainstream astronomy too. Among a lot of ancient civilizations, Sirius or the Dog Star has been surrounded with stories and lore. It has been called the brightest star in the sky. Sirius is found in the constellation of Canis Major the Big Dog. That is why it is called the Dog Star. It is twenty times brighter than the sun and twice as massive. Sirius has been revered and studies by civilizations in the four corners of the Earth. The Mystery Schools revered the sun, but they secretly held Sirius is high esteem as well as the source of the sun's power. To occultists and Freemasonry, Sirius is the real light that shins in the East. There is mythology about Sirius being the home of the great teachers of humanity. To the ancient Egyptians, the Sirius is a very important star in the sky. The ancient Egyptians called Sirius Sothis and it was associated with Isis or the mother goddess of Egyptian mythology. Osiris, Isis, and Horus are in the Egyptian tripartite family system in deities. Anubis or the dog headed god of death and the teacher of humanity Thoth or Hermes was linked esoterically with Sirius. To the ancient Egyptians, Sirius was linked to the annual flooding of the Nile during the summer. The Dog Star came went coming of the hot and dry days of July and August, which is related to the dog days of summer. There are occult researchers that believe that the Great Pyramid of Giza is linked in alignment with the stars, especially Sirius. In ca. 2500 B.C., Orion associated with the god Osiris is aligned with the King's Chamber while Sirius associated with the goddess Isis is aligned with the Queen's Chamber. In Chinese astronomy, Japanese astronomy, Native American tribes in America, and other human cultures, Sirius is called a wolf, a dog, or the guardian of souls. The Dogon tribe of Mali knew of Sirius in complex terms. The Dogon has an ancient tradition that a teacher from above gave man knowledge, which is very similar to the stories of civilizations in the world over. In the Tarot, Count de Gebelin used the Star card as representative of Sothis or Sirius. In Freemasonry, Sirius is the Blazing Star of Masonic Lodges. Sirius to Masons, is a symbol of deity or omnipresence (this is the concept of God being everywhere in the Universe). In Freemasonry, man must achieve perfection or enlightenment to understand dualism in nature like good/evil, masculine/feminine, black/white, etc. and via metamorphosis. According to Albert Pike, the offspring of the sun and the moon was the blazing star or Horus. According to Chris Pinto, (who is a great filmmaker); the light from the American dollar bill comes not from the sun, but from Sirius. The Great Pyramid of Giza is said to be aligned with Sirius. Alice Bailey said that Sirius is a star of initiation. Sirius to the occult is a life giver or a mystical tie to humankind in general.

By Timothy

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