
Monday, March 04, 2013

Freedom Rider: Hollywood’s Propaganda


Note by Me: He is right except blacks and women deserve no hostage taking at all.

By Timothy

What a Difference 30+ Yrs Make:

FYI: 'Argo's' plot is minor off-shoot of the 1979 - 80 Iranian hostage crisis, in which irate Iranian students, during Iran's revolution, seized control of the US Embassy there, saying that it was from the US Embassy that US CIA & Military personnel was working in cahoots w the Shah's notorious SAVAK [gestapol] force- [Note: if you check the list of the 52 US hostages @ Wikipedia, at-least 20 can easily be IDed as CIA &/or military intel / operatives / specialist; w most of the rest being US Marine embassy guards]. And it must be noted that NONE of these guys died, nor were seriously injured, nor [unlike Gitmo] were tortured into making false confessions!
But My Real Point Is: After just 2 weeks the Iranians released nearly all of the Black & women hostages- including an Air Force Capt Intel Officer & Air Force Administrative Managerial Staff Sgt. Why? Because in the 1979 = a decade after such Black [freedom-fighter] leaders as Malcolm X, MLK, the Black Panthers, Kwame' Toure' [aka Stokely Carmichael], Elijah Muhammad's NOI [including Muhammad Ali], Angela Davis, etc... the Iranians understood that Blacks were also victims of US imperialism- thus their fight was NOT w Blacks [nor even white women]- but rather w the white-male dominated US power structure.
But now 30+ yrs later in the age of Obama, w the face of US Black [imperial-power] leadership being O-Bomber, Eric Holder, Sue & Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Uncle Judge Thomas, etc -&- the face of US' white women leadership being Dim Sec of States- Madame{'I think the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children are worth it'}Albright & Hitlery/Killary{'I Came, I Saw, He Died- Ha, ha, ha'}Clinton... With O-Bomber boasting about using economic warfare to ruin Iran's econ- using Iran's thus far non-existent nuke-weapons prog as a phony excuse [despite the IAEA's & the US' own NIE reports to the contrary]- & being backed by 95% of Black voters... And then the unprecedented move of having FLOTUS Michelle O present the Best Picture Oscar to that pro-CIA / anti-Iran propaganda film 'Argo'- If the Iranian Hostage crisis happened today why in H_____ would the Iranians let the Black & women hostages go??!!  


Seems BAR, Inc staff are the only astute observers today

If I can just add a couple of points, a TV show called "Person of Interest" is being made to get us accustomed to being 'droned' on and surveiiled via the latest snoop technology developed by a guy hired by gov't to fight the War on an idea...oops sorry, Terrorism by means of watching each and every action of all citizens with NO warrants or Due Process protection and obtaining data projected by the experts at EFF to be kept for many years. Yeah, the heroes are out there 'protecting' citizens the evil all around us,(of course the real evil is the gov't system that made it all possible to get this information in the first place)using a surveillance system that sees and knows about everyone every minute of the day through its Information Technology. Yeah, think of it, the impetus by gov't in its paranoid terror war, is on the job leeching evil from the world by former gov't workers who created the best way to watch us..I mean, protect us from the evil terrorists of the world(the US being one of the main terrors unleashed on the world). The show seems to be popular, which means corporate media is successful once more in lulling us to sleep and having us accept invasions of privacy,'s for our own good.
My second point is the insane TV shows like the CSIs, Bones, and others that supposedly are steeped in science to solve crimes, yet lately more and more themes allowing psychics to end up solving the crimes, while reality, science findings using evidence to solve crimes takes a backseat to the amorphous Sylvia Brown look alike fraudsters that seem to also subscribe to NCCAM nonsense like "Touch Therapy."  Seems creationism thinking is infecting the whole field of knowledge, and, yes, I know the idea of ESP may he cool, but it isn't real, however entertaining it may seem and proponents don't belong on science based shows. And a really infuriating episode of CSI, had David the Asst ME complain of back pain, yet then speaks of...wait for it...making an appointment with a dadgum Chiropractor, for Zeus sakes, not an Orthopedist, I mean it would be like asking an Astrologer about the latest findings on the age of the Universe based on observations Astrologers have been making...NOT. Think of it, if the star formation above you at birth has relevance, the close proximity of the doggone Obstetrician delivering you would have much more of an effect, their being, you know, closer to you and all that(recall the fact that bodies attract according to their masses).
Thnx, Mr Ford&BAR gang, you're all doing an excellent job.


How "convenient" the first

How "convenient" the first lady announced Best Picture winner and that winner "just happened" to be a propaganda piece against Iran.  I thought those ballots were secret and in custody of some big time accounting firm until Oscar night.  One wonders who knew Argo would win - or - who "influenced" the voters to select this picture.  The whole setup - first lady announcing winner (Has Hollywood run out of actors?) at the WH, surrounded by soliders . . .  Call me a conspiracy nut, but this doesn't pass the smell test.


Holly-weird 3 Propaganda Oscar Film's + QT's A-Historical Django

Speilberg's {non}Historical 'Lincoln' balanced out {San}Quentin on the QT's Spaghetti / Blaxplotation film [w slavery as its prop] 'Django'. Then there's the pro-CIA Torture / anti-Muslim film '0-dark-30' matched w the pro-CIA / anti-Iran film 'Argo'. All 4 of these Oscar nominated [for best picture] films are problematic distortions of TRUTH, w 3 of them [Lincoln, 0-Dark-30 & Argo]  obviously being pro-USA propaganda films maquarding as so-called 'historical' [actually 'Lincoln' was far more subtle than the others].
I confess I put all my money on 'Lincoln' for winning Best- actor, picture, director [& likely best supporting-actress too]. I did NOT pick 'Argo' to win any major Oscar- because Holly-weird 'liberal' 'pretty-boy' Ben Affleck wasn't even nominated for best director- cause he ain't in the same class as a film-maker as Speilberg, Ang-Lee, Kathryn Bigelow or even {San}Quentin on the QT for that matter.
But then they come up w an unprecedented move of having the FLOTUS Michelle O [backed-up by a military color-guard no-less] announce the sleeper [agent] 'Argo' as this yr's best picture Oscar winner. IMO when combined w the fact that O-Bomber's pick to head the CIA [Drone / Torture Master Brennan]- disingenously conflates Iran's nuke [energy] Prog w N.Korea's nuke weapons prog, the pro-CIA / anti-Iran propaganda film 'Argo's' Oscar may indicate that O-Bomber's preping to do a number on Iran .
PS: It seems that '0-Dark-30's' so blatantly pro CIA-Torture propaganda theme effectively drew all the heat from pro-CIA 'Argo'- which paved the way for its 'unexpected' Oscar win [google &/or Wikipedia CIA 'Operation Mockingbird']. IMO the best no-holds barred critique of '0-dark-30' [beyond just the pro CIA-torture controversy] see: - as Ms Miriam Kale awards Kathryn Bigelow her 'LENI' {Riefenstahl}. In pt-1 Ms Kale explains why she [& I] thought 'Lincoln' would win for best picture & director along w best actor.


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