
Monday, March 04, 2013

More Occurences in early March of 2013


The Skulls and Bonesman John Kerry is the new Secretary of State of America. John Forbes Kerry is the famous U.S. Senator and he has a history of being in league with the establishment on a number of issues. Kerry agrees with the rebels destroying Syria in making some token pro-Western regime. John Kerry is in the blue bloodline of oligarchs. Kerry could be more aggressive than his predecessor Hillary Rodman Clinton. The foreign policy of America is overseeing the destroying of sovereign and independent nation states of the world that don't agree with Western policies. Also, we have chaos and warlords as well. The divide and conquer strategy of the elites is being implemented every day in the world in terms of foreign policy matters. John Kerry wants to increase the aid to the Syrian rebels (some of whom that his own department view as terrorists). He was the richest Senator in the United States. Richard Kerry is his father and Richard was a Foreign Service officer for the U.S. State Department being involved in United Nations affairs. His paternal grandparents were Jewish parents and converted to Roman Catholicism in the early 20th century. Their names were Fritz Kohn and Ida Lowe (from Budapest). Fritz Kohn committed suicide since his shoe store went bankrupt. John Kerry is a Roman Catholic to this day. His mother was Rosemary Isabel Forbes. The Forbes were of the blue bloods that came into Massachusetts back in the mid 1700's. The famous Forbes family has an individual named Ralph Bennett Forbes (he married Margaret Perkins. She was a daughter of the Perkins family). Perkins and Co. partnered with the British East India Company. The BEIC shipped opium from India to China, and tea from China to Europe including North America. The Forbes were allied with the Cabots, the Cushings, etc. These individuals were known drug runners. John Murray Forbes managed the acquisition by the Perkins interests of Alexander Graham Bell’s innovations in the telephone. His son became the president of the American Bell Telephone Company in 1879. Many of these New England bloodlines were tied to the Skulls and Bones. The Bushes were included in the New England families. The Skulls and Bones have members dedicated to advancing the agenda of the establishment. They are heavily linked to world history. Skulls and Bones member Harvey Bundy was the roommate of John Kerry. Harvey is the grandson of Harvey Hollister Bundy (he worked closely with the U.S. Secretary of War Henry Stimson during WWII. The Skull and Bones clique of Stimson, Bundy, Robert Lovett, and George Harrison that were involved in the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan, which was unjust). Decades later, Harvey Hollister Bundy's two sons named William and McGeorge (along with Averill Harriman would advocate the U.S. military escalation in Vietnam). All of these men were Bonesmen. So, John Kerry's life is filled with controversy including the Skull and Bones secret society. John Kerry was known heavily for the 2004 campaign. He could not win that election, because of his perceived flip flopping on issues and his refusal to call an end to the Iraq & Afghan wars. In 2004, John Kerry made the class prejudice comments that disadvantaged students need to study hard and get good grades or else they would have to join the U.S. military and get stuck in Iraq. Teresa Heinz Kerry is his wife and she was a registered Republican until 2003. Now, he is increasingly became a war monger. He wants the ouster of Assad and wanted a no fly zone over Libya. His views on the Middle East is the same as the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans. Right now, we know much about John Kerry and the future will show his true actions as the new Secretary of State.


There is an U.S. military presence even in Niger now. The West wants control of uranium resources under the guise of counter terrorism. The West wants to build a drone base in Niger as a means in their minds to combat al-Qaeda and other Islamist guerilla activity in Mali. Meanwhile, the Taureg human beings are being harmed. They are seeking autonomy with their kin in northern Mali and Algeria. This base was initially located in the capital of Niamey. It will be moved into Agadez, which is in the heart of Tuareg Niger. The U.S. wants to fight Islamist groups like Ansar Dine, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (or AQIM), the Nigeria based Boko Haram, etc. There is the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa or MOJWA that briefly seized control of northern Mali from the Tuaregs being led by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, who took advantage of a coup d'état in Mali to form an independent Tuareg state called Azawad. The West is opposed to a real Tuareg independent state in the Sahara. French is historically opposed to Tuareg nationalism as well. The U.S. Department and CIA personnel discussed about an U.S. presence in Niger since February 25, 2010. This was when an U.S. delegation met with the Chairman of the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy (CSRD), General Souleyman Salou, just one week after the military junta overthrow democratically elected President Mamadou Tandja in a coup and suspended the Nigerien Constitution. There is a leaked State Department cable from the U.S. embassy in Niamey. It said that Eric Whitaker, the U.S. Charge d’affaires met with Salou and Colonel Moussa Gros, the Senior Military Advisor to the CSRD, in a session that drew praise from Salou, who highlighted «the friendship between the two countries». Salou also told the U.S. emissaries «the CSRD would continue bilateral information liaison via the Directorate General for Documentation and External Security (DGDSE) [The Nigerien intelligence agency].» He stressed that the CSRD sought cooperation with Washington in the areas of security assistance, the fight against al-Qaida, and support for the regime. Although the United States has a policy of not recognizing governments that achieve power through military coups and force of arms, the Obama administration was as quick to embrace the Nigerien junta as it had in supporting similar CIA-installed juntas in Honduras and Paraguay. Then, Salou smiled as he stated the he understood the U.S. did not support military coups and armed seizures of power. The reality is that while opposing coups, Washington supported one in Honduras. They supported them in Paraguay, Libya, Syria, and other countries. Salou's resume spoke volumes of his U.S. training and according to the leaked cable from Niamey. The cable has the following information: «BG [Brigadier General] Salou has been the Chief of Staff of the Nigerien Air Force since at least 2003. He is a graduate of the US Air Force’s Command and Staff College and is assessed by the DATT [Defense Attache] as extremely pro-U.S…Col. Gros, prior to assuming his role as the advisor to the President of the CSRD, was the military advisor to the Nigerien Prime Minister. Also assessed to be pro-U.S., at least one of his children was educated in the United States and he reports to have served as the Defense Attache) to the U.S. for a short period in 1987». Niger was used by George W. Bush when he falsely claimed that Saddam Hussein was trying to get Niger's yellow cake or uranium as a means to justify Western invasion plus occupation of Iraq. The chief of Italy’s SISMI intelligence service, General Nicolo Pollari, on the orders of then-Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, gave bad documents to the White House. The Western elites want Niger's resources. One Niger Tuareg leader named Mano Dayak was killed in a suspicious plane crash in northern Niger. Dayak tried to use peace negotiations with the central Niger government. He was on his way to Niamey when the plane shortly crashed after takeoff. An autonomous Tuareg government in northern Niger could threaten to stop the plans of Exxon and other U.S. oil companies to get the oil including the mineral resources around Lake Chad (along the Chadian-Nigerien border). Many Tuareg believed that Dayak's plane was sabotaged by the CIA. The U.S. want their drone base ironically in Agadez in northern Niger. It will have CIA officers and U.S. Special Operations personnel will be at the Mano Dayak International Airport, which was named for the martyred Tuareg leader. For over decades, Washington has increased its military presence in the Sahel region. The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency personnel have recruited agents of influence among the 400 man contingent sent by Niger. They fought alongside American troops Saddam's forces in Operation Desert Storm. There has been the AFRICOM situation and the Trans-Saharan Counter Terrorism Partnership sending millions of dollars in security assistance to the military forces of West African nations.  The TSCTP was formerly known as the Pan-Sahel Initiative. Nigerien security forces have used U.S.-supplied lethal military and non-lethal crowd control equipment, including night-vision equipment, armored high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles, global positioning systems, and secure radios, to forcibly put down pro-autonomy Tuareg and other pro-democracy protesters. The U.S. have done military training in Niger. There are the uranium mines controlled by the French state owned Areva nuclear power production company (in cooperation with Japanese and Spanish companies). There are U.S. bases in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; Bamako, Mali; Nouakchott, Mauritania; and Tamanrasset, Algeria. The U.S. presence in Burkina Faso is known as Creek Sand. From these and other suspected bases, the United States has let loose armed and unarmed drones across the Sahara. This is how the peoples of West Africa have been introduced to America’s first president of African descent. Other Presidents have done similar acts like the assassination of Lumumba by Eisenhower's forces. Yet, it is ironic that the current President has ancestry from Kenya and he is giving adherence to Western neo colonialism in Africa out of Washington. Niger is a beautiful nation with a rich and noble history. It has been controlled by the French empire. The American Empire is declining and it will die. The only question is that will America grow out of this decline greatly or will America suffering mightily. Niger should have independence not oppression.



The sequestration threat is real. The President signed an executive order to officially begin it. He doesn't have to do it. It was the White House has responsibility in this affair along with the GOP. It was the White House that made the suggestion of the austerity like policies in his National Economic Council (with its Director Gene Sperling). The White House Budget Director Jack Lew (who is now the Secretary of Treasury and his White House Legislative Affairs Director) and Rob Nabors (he met with the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in July of 2011) pushed for the inclusion of a sequestration plans as a means to force a deal. The neoliberalism of the IMF structural adjustment acts didn't work to advance massive economic growth in the world at all. Now, many of the poor and working class will be hit with another round of austerity. President Barack Obama even visited recently a Newport News, Virginia shipyard as a means to agree to a kindler gentler austerity plan. Many human beings are not going to have jobs, because of the sequester plan. The sequester plans came from the Budget Control Act of 2011. This was forced on the Senate leadership by then White House Budget Director Jack Lew and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors. Austerity never works like the Chicago boys harming the human beings in Chile after the stage coup of 1973. The Simpson Bowles plan is still here and the White House continues it with the Executive Order of 13531. The Simpson Bowles plan was finished in December of 2010.  This quasi austerity sequester comes after the elections of 2012 in March 1st, 2013. After the Simpson-Bowles commission failed to reach an agreed upon consensus even among members of the commission themselves, the Budget Control Act of 2011 delegated the creation of The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction colloquially referred to as the Super committee. That was formed by congress also failed and published this statement in Nov. of 2011: "...After months of hard work and intense deliberations, we have come to the conclusion today that it will not be possible to make any bipartisan agreement available to the public before the committee’s deadline..." The committee was terminated formally by January 31st, 2012. Blue Dog Democrats agree with this agenda like Conrad. Now, even Obama is still talking about the 4 trillion dollars in cuts demanded by the commission. Such economic avenues have been tried in Chile and other nations to their detriment. Many federal employees are getting the ax and they are in unions as well. I believe in sound money and fair markets, not spree markets.  Yet, our economic situation has existed before his Presidency commenced. No one agrees with the imperfections in the Federal Reserve. I am not delusional about a thing.  Real human beings have advocated a national employment plan, a guaranteed annual income, and an economic Bill of Rights for years. The issue is that political gridlock and neoliberalism are preventing real solutions from taking place. Also, unjust wars and attacks on democratic unions are hugely antidemocratic. Sequester is a threat against National parks as they could be heavily privatized. The sequester is a new stage of the assault of the American people. It will cause 1.2 trillion cuts over 10 years and 85 billion dollars in cut during this year alone on domestic spending. There is nothing fair and balanced about these cuts. Even the White House wants slashing billions from Medicare, raising the eligibility age for Medicare, and cutting Social Security benefits as on the table. Under the cover of left wing cover, the President advances neo-imperialism overseas and a sense of quasi austerity here at home. The big lie of that reactionaries is that there is no money for jobs, education, health care, housing, and pensions. How can there be no money when the Dow Jones is having record high levels, corporate profits are in record highs, and banks receive trillions of dollars in bailouts from the Treasury and the Federal Reserve? There are resources to give human beings decent, good paying jobs, decent education, housing, health care, and pensions for all. We don't need private greed, but social justice and enhancing the economic lives of human beings based on social need.



Neo-Confederate thinking has infiltrated the Supreme Court on many levels. U.S. demographics are changing. The reactionaries are scared and angry over this reality. So, some folks in the Supreme Court want to end the most important part of the Voting Rights Act. If that part of the Voting Rights Act is gone, then minorities could be suppressed the right to vote in a higher level. Section Five of the VRA being gone by the Supreme Court will mean that jurisdictions that have a history of racial discrimination in voting could issue new restrictions to vote (that can harm the rights of African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities). This voting discrimination occurs nationwide, especially in the Old Confederacy. Jim Crow laws could be resurrected. Now, we have Republican legislatures and governors nationwide who are creating new strategies for diluting the value of votes from minorities and urban living citizens (as a means to protect GOP power). We know that the Republicans have done aggressive gerrymandering of Congressional districts. There has been a continued GOP majority in the U.S. House of Representatives although Democrats outpolled Republicans nationwide in Election of 2012. Some GOP ruled states have tended to vote Democratic in Presidential elections are now considering apportioning presidential electors according to these gerrymandered districts to give Republican presidential candidates most of the electoral votes even if they lose the state. There are Republicans on the Supreme Court. Some of these have indicated that they want to strike down parts of the Voting Rights Act. Reactionary Justice Antonin Scalia implied that black people voting was some kind of government handout, which is racist nonsense. Even Justice Anthony Kennedy insisted that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was an intrusion on Alabama as an independent sovereign. This is neo-Confederate states right language that the Old Confederacy loved. The neo-Confederates today love the Articles of Confederation since it advanced sovereign states and allowed a weak federal government. George Washington and James Madison wanted to eliminate the Articles, so the Constitution can be created. The Constitution allowed federal law to be supreme and allowed national sovereignty to be in the hands of the people beyond the authority of 13 states. The federal Bill of Rights is superior to states’ rights. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments gave rights to human beings. Yet, the reactionaries used Jim Crow as a means of racial oppression against black human beings. In the 1950's and the 1960's, heroes fought for the federal government to end racist laws and actions. The angry white backlash then came and a historical, Confederate revisionist view of history including the Constitution came about. We have the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, and the Federalist Society that are working together to claim that even the Founders were federal government haters and states’ rights lovers collectively. The truth is that Federalists like Madison wanted a strong federal government. Many Justices sound like FOX News hosts instead of judicial scholars. For instance, Chief Justice Roberts questioned the need for Section Five of the Voting Rights Act by making the clever but disingenuous argument that blacks in Mississippi vote in higher proportions relative to whites than those in Massachusetts. However, his point is illogical because, first, that would indicate that the Voting Rights Act is working as intended in Mississippi – not that it should be struck down – and, second, people aren’t saying that Massachusetts has taken actions to discourage black voting. In the United States, people have the right to vote or not to vote. The legal problem arises when state and local jurisdictions try to stop people from voting. This assault on voting rights by some is a continuation of the Citizens United case of 2010, which allowed corporations to have the power of people. In truth, Alabama has no right to set up its own voting rules without federal oversight. Human rights are superior to states’ rights period.


Popular culture continues to intrigue the world. Popular culture is of the world. One of the neglected stories in popular culture is about religious freedom. There have been folks who have been violated of their religious freedom all of the time the four corners of the world. One Christian pastor in Iran has been sentenced for eight years in prison for sharing their own faith. The pastor's name is Saeed Abedini. He was an U.S. citizen. He created house churches in Iran many years ago. He has little options in the Iranian legal system. Pastor Abedini now faces a harsh future in one of the harshest and most notorious prisons in Iran for his faith in Jesus Christ. The American Center for Law and Justice represented the pastor's family. The ACLJ defied Iranian law, which requires a written verdict. President Khatami was perceived a threat back in the early 2000s. Another Iranian pastor Youcef Nardhakani was held in prison previously. He was now released. Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ’s Executive Director, called the conviction “a real travesty.” Iran, he said, “has not only abused its own laws, it has trampled on the fundamentals of human rights.” An American citizen, who has been beaten and tortured since his imprisonment last fall, faces a lengthy prison term simply because of his Christian faith, he added. “Pastor Saeed now faces eight years in a harsh prison – likely facing life-threatening torture and abuse at the hands of the Iranian regime.” Evin Prison is where Abedini is being held. It has a history of torturing its inmates. There are mock executions, beatings, and psychological torture going on a daily basis in the prison. Some prisoners arrive blindfolded and taken to a basement corridor. They are ordered to sit in a chair in complete silence for days with any sound resulting in physical beating. That prison is known for evil psychological torture methods inflicted on the prisoners, which include being taken before a firing squad, multiple violent interrogations, and little to no food. “They are not looking for information,” said [Marina] Nemat, now an instructor at University of Toronto and author of “Prisoner of Tehran,” a 2007 book detailing her ordeal and a second memoir entitled, “After Tehran”. “What they want is for you to admit that you affected the national security of Iran.” The Christian pastor is obviously no threat to Iranian national security at all. Abedini was working on a non-sectarian orphanage when he was arrested. Abedini told his wife Nagmeh repeated stories of torture he received at the hands of prison officials. “When I heard this from my husband, I cried. It broke my heart. Behind those walls he feels helpless and relies on us to be his voice. It is so easy to feel forgotten in the walls of the prison. Please help me make sure he is never forgotten,” Pastor Abedini’s wife, Naghmeh, told the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) after visiting her husband on Monday. Even Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the trial of Abedini. Many Iranians are trying to force Abedini to deny Christ and accept Islam. Abedini promised to never renounce Jesus Christ at all. It is easy to see that Jesus Christ was right to say that Christians will suffer a lot of persecution as found in John 15:17-22. Now, the ACLJ wants the Obama administration to negotiate the release of Abedini from prison. It is right for us to pray for the saints in the world. It is no shame to pray for the Christians in the world. The reason is that faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is always powerful for the forgiveness of sins, even in the face of persecution.


By Timothy


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