
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Events in a New Era


About Boston, I do believe in Boston Truth. We have the right to find the truth about these events. There is an official story about the Boston bombings. We know that about nine thousand heavily armed police including SWAT Teams were deployed in a manhunt to capture the 19 year old student at U-Mass. This was after his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev was murdered in shoot out with the authorities. The 19 year old student has been called guilty before any police investigation. After the wake of the attacks, comes the alleged anthrax and ricin letters in Washington, D.C. Both Washington and the media have talked about the Tsarnaev brothers having tenuous ties to the Chechyna's militant jihadist insurgency. The Wall Street Journal said that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev belonged to a Russian social networking site called Vkontakte. There is a clip by Dzhokahr of rallying jihadists for fighting in Syria. What is implied is that even if the suspects are not tied to a Muslim extremist network, their embedded cultural heritage and Muslim “background” incites them –quite naturally– to commit acts of violence. The Western media wants to associate Muslims with terrorism. Radio talk show hosts are saying that Islam instead of extremist behavior is responsible for the evil bombings in Boston. All over the world, Muslims are being smeared and demonized as terrorists via Islamophobia. Now, the neo cons are claiming that the Chechen connection is threatening America. We know that the events from Boston are being used as a means to justify Western expansion of imperialism overseas and the domestic police state at home. The Council on Foreign Relations (with influence on the White House and the State Department) said that the Boston bombings once again “raise the specter of terrorism on U.S. soil, highlighting the vulnerabilities of a free and open society.” The Chechen terrorists found in the Russian Federation have links to other folks. We know that the Chechnya jihadist movement has links to U.S. intelligence. The modern jihadists’ movement has been influenced by U.S. intelligence. The CIA linking up Islamic jihad movement has been real in 1979 when such extremists tried to expel the Soviets from Afghanistan. The CIA back in the late 1970's wanted to recruit and train jihadist freedom fighters or the Mujahedeen to fight the secular government of Afghanistan. Such folks or jihadists were aided by the Reagan administration. Among the recruits for specialized training in the early 1990s was the leader of the Chechnya rebellion Shamil Basayev who –in the immediate wake of the Cold War– led Chechnya’s first secessionist war against Russia. During his training in Afghanistan, Shamil Basayev linked up with Saudi born veteran Mujahedeen Commander “Al Khattab” who had fought as a volunteer in Afghanistan. Khattab worked with Chechen fighters. Shamil Basayev had ties to U.S. intelligence since the late 1980's. The first Chechnya war was from 1994 to 1996 and the second one was from 1999 to 2000. Some of the exact same guerilla terrorist tactics applied in Afghanistan were implemented in Chechnya.  The Gazette Montreal from October 26, 1999 said that the Pakistan's ISI aided Chechnya. The Tsarnaev brothers have no strong link to the jihadist movement, yet the U.S. media is using a Chechen connection as a means to justify claiming of jihadism as a motivating factor in the terrorist actions. There is evidence, however, from the testimony of family members that the Tsarnaev brothers were on the radar of the FBI for several years prior to the Boston bombings and were the object of recurrent threats and harassment. Confirmed by the Wall Street Journal, the FBI had “interviewed” Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011. We don't need some militarized police apparatus to dominate us.  The establishment wants to use counterterrorism, extrajudicial killings, the suspension of habeas corpus, and torture as a means to harm human rights. The paranoia about home ground self-radicalizing terrorism is a new situation where the establishment seeks to harm human civil liberties.




We know more information about the ACA or Obamacare. We know now about its strengths and its numerous errors. The law mandates citizens to buy coverage from private insurance companies, which is highly troubling to say the least. The idea of a mandate to purchase insurance is a reactionary Republican invention. The foundation of the law deals with the growing of a mostly privatized healthcare system that excludes the sickest and poorest. The healthcare we have now is more tiered to medical coverage at our expense. There are new developments about this issue. If you hand over state money to big insurance at the detriment of the people, then you have corporatism and borderline fascism not freedom or pragmatism. Many Republican lawmakers refuse to expand Medicaid in various states. Florida Governor Scott even opposed the ACA and Medicaid expansion until the state legislature and the federal government approved their plan to take Medicaid money from the expanded coverage and give it to the insurance companies. The government and big insurance corporations helped to write the ACA law. This doesn't mean that the free market is God. It is not God, because look at the pipeline spills, the Gulf rig pills, and the plants explosions like the recent one in Texas that unfortunately murdered innocent human beings. The full effect of the Affordable Care Act will happen in the future. The ACA has much complexity and some fear that thousands of people will remain uninsured while health costs will rise. We have 48 million Americans lacking health coverage. The reality is that the bankers control much of these industries as a means to control the lives of the people. Another 29 million are underinsured with poor coverage. The reason for this is that we have a fragmented, highly inefficient system. As high as 31 percent of U.S. health care spending goes toward administrative costs not care itself. That is why populists want single payer health care system where on plan will cover all citizens regardless of employment status, age, income, or health status. Having a public fund that pays for care will slash administrative inefficiencies (and profit taking by the private insurance industry). Physicians and hospitals would continue to compete with one another based on service, quality of care and reputation. The chief difference is that they would bill a single entity for their services, rather than numerous insurers. The nonpartisan U.S. General Accounting Office concluded that single- payer health care would save the United States nearly $400 billion per year, enough to cover all of the uninsured.  Some want this system in the state of Minnesota. In the final analysis, working people and non-working people of all ethnic and social backgrounds can create an united front as a means to make Wall Street accountable (and to extract from Wall Street the necessary means to have housing, health care, jobs, education, mass transit, and other benefits in the world society). There have been protests nationwide against proposed cuts to Social Security from Washington, D.C. to Newark. The People’s Organization for Progress held demonstrations, in Newark, New Jersey, to protest President Obama’s proposed cuts to Social Security and other entitlement programs. Many big Foundations have infiltrated social movements including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. That is why we need to have independent organizations in helping all of the people. Human beings want freedom without exploitation including without imperialism.

For months, dedicated supporters of the sanctity of human life have discussed about the Kermit Gosnell controversy. The judge in the trial of the abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell had acquitted him of three of the eight murder charges the abortion business owner faces in his murder trial. Gosnell once faced up to eight total murder counts (one for killing a woman in a botched abortion and seven for killing babies in abortion-infanticides that involved live-birth abortions and snipping their necks after birth). Gosnell's defense attorney asked the judge to drop three of the charges for killing the babies. The judge agreed with the suggestion. The judge apparently felt that there was not enough evidence to convict Gosnell on those charges. Another charge of infanticide was dropped. He faces still other charges that the prosecution has brought and the murder trial will continue on them. One of the dropped charges involves a 28 week old baby that Gosnell killed whose remains were kept in an abortion clinic freezer. Common pleas court Judge Jeffrey Minehart also dropped five counts of corpse abuse at the request of his defense attorney Jack McMahon. He didn't explain his ruling dropping any of the charges. The defense believes that there were no live births at Gosnell's Women's Medical Center abortion clinic. The defense thinks that the babies died during abortions and their necks were snipped afterwards. Yet, former Gosnell staffers testified they saw signs of life even after the abortion had been completed — saying the babies jumped and screamed and tried to escape. According to  AP, McMahon told the judge “there is not one piece …. of objective, scientific evidence that anyone was born alive” “We still have a long to go,” McMahon told the press about the rest of his Gosnell defense. One pro-life advocate has followed the trial closely. She said that the charge should not have been dismissed. She said that: “I am shocked that these counts have been dismissed. I have heard testimony by very credible witnesses to the effect that these babies were murdered in cold blood by Gosnell as they cried and struggled for life. We pray that justice will be done in the remaining five victims of Gosnell’s horrific slayings,” said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue, who has observed the trial and published first-hand accounts of the proceedings. Sulllenger said that the testimony from the medical examiner and toxicologist has indicated that there was no evidence that the babies were injected with Digoxin to ensure that the babies were dead prior to the abortion (as the defense has claimed). The medical examiner testified that the tests were inconclusive as proof that that babies were born alive. Yet, the tests did not prove that the babies were dead prior to birth. The inconclusive test results were overshadowed by something. That is the weight of testimony from witness after witness who shown how the babies were in fact living prior to being murdered. One witness called the murders as a virtual beheading. “If Gosnell gets off scot-free, that will send a message that murdering live babies and abortion patients is now acceptable behavior in America and that abortionists who engage in such depraved practices are above the law. This would put women and babies in grave danger – more than they already face – at abortion clinics throughout the nation,” said Sullenger. The accusation even shocked investigative officials. The macabre abortion practices shocked the nation. These horrific actions represent some clinics having lax oversight and lax accountability for a long time. Gosnell's wife Pearl pleaded guilty to assisting her husband at his Philadelphia abortion center where he killed a woman in a botched abortion and has killed hundreds of babies in abortion-infanticides. Pearl, according to the grand jury report, testified that she alone helped Kermit to do the abortions on Sundays when she would help do the instruments in the operating room without medical training. This comes after the botched abortion death of 41 year old Karnamaya Mongar. She died at Gosnell's abortion clinic after a failed abortion. She died on November 20, 2009, after overdosing on anesthetics prescribed by the doctor. Mongar's family filed a lawsuit against Gosnell's abortion business seeking damages. At first, Judge Lerner ruled two other former employees, Eileen O’Neill and Madeline Joe, are not allowed to have their cases separated from that of Dr. Kermit Gosnell. Neither O’Neill nor Joe are charged with killing babies in infanticides and, although their attorneys argued the horrifying allegations against Gosnell could unfairly taint their cases, they were not allowed to plead guilty in deals as was the case with six other former employees. This is wild, but it outlines the end results of eugenics.

Michael Bloomberg is not only an enemy of the Constitution, but of legitimate human rights in general. He recently said that the Constitution will have to changed not to make America better. It must be changed in order for more cameras to come about. He wants NYC to be like other cities where CCTV cameras are all over the place. The New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg believes that the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution will have to change, because of the Boston terrorist bombings. He wants more security, which will violate more human liberties. New York City has always hardcore surveillance, stop and frisk, and other evil policies as it is.  Innocent human beings have been harmed as a result of these reckless, abhorrent policies inside of New York City. Bloomberg has been violator of the Constitution since he first gotten into office as the Mayor of New York City. In the past year alone, he overseen police beating on peaceful protesters, a huge increase in stop and frisk tactics (that specifically target Black and Hispanic community), and running a secret spying program against innocent Muslims.  Bloomberg love to spend millions of dollars in strict gun control legislation without addressing socioeconomic issues that contribute to gun violence in the first place. He wants military style surveillance drones hovering over New York that is fitted with facial recognition software. He is controversial in banning smoking in public. He attempted to ban trans-fats, large sugary drinks and Styrofoam cups. Just because we don't live in the olden days anymore, doesn't mean that we deserve some oppressive police state monitoring our every move in the world at all. We have the right to freedom. We have the subsequent right to justice as well. Even Benjamin Franklin is right that Americans should never trade liberty for greater security at all. It is bigger than an authoritarian mayor though. We have vigilantism being responsible for the evil, unjust murder of the 17 year old teenager Trayvon Martin. We know the myth of the post-racial America has been exposed by the murderous events and other occurrences in recent years. The current system was created and built on slavery and is maintained in the bedrock of oppression. This is not just an issue of one city. Ramarley Graham was killed in the Bronx. Stephon Watts and Rekia Boyd were murdered in the Chicago area. Dane Scott Jr. was killed in Oklahoma. Even Bill Cosby is in error to try to blame the victims for their own oppression. The oppressor via white supremacy is responsible for oppression.  It is fine that Jim Crow is gone. Yet, we need to address poverty, unemployment, bad housing, corrupt education, and rampant crooked cop terror. In other to achieve justice, the destruction of the corrupt economic and social beast must be gone and it should be replaced with a fairer system in the world.

The Cold War has a long history. There has been a discussion about China. The truth is sometimes in between the two extremes. Not everyone in China is some enemy regardless of what anti-Communist extremists say. Yet, some in the leadership of China have made errors. Modern Chinese national power came as a result of the Chinese Revolution in 1949. It was led by Mao Zedong. Mao and his Chinese Communist Party defeated the nationalists. Mao later worked in the realm of Stalinist thought. He wanted a national state and wanted coexistence with global capitalism. Mao wanted a bloc of four classes and he wanted a new democracy.  Once, the People's Liberation Army entered cities, strikes and other independent workers' struggles were routinely suppressed. The Mao regime postponed land reform and the Chinese Trotskyists (who opposed such policies and wanted the independent mobilization of the working class) were murdered. Some were thrown into prison by the hundreds at the hands of Maoists to be released. There was the Great Leap Forward in 1958 and the Cultural Revolution of 1966 to 1969 were huge historical events. There was the rapprochement of Nixon with China in the 1970's. President Richard Nixon made a visit to China in 1972. He shook hands with Mao Zedong in Beijing in the date of February 21, 1972. Even before Nixon was elected President, Nixon talked about the need for better relations with the PRC. Kissinger met with Premier Zhou. Richard Nixon wanted Triangulation. Triangulation is the political plan where America would play the Soviet Union and China against each other as a means for both nations to be split (and the American hegemony to be stronger at the expense of the tension or divisions among China and the Soviet Union). Nixon had positive coverage by the media in the whole affair. He was praised for his actions by the political establishment. Mao was ill during this time period of Nixon visiting him, but he was strong enough to visit him. Richard Nixon visited the Great Wall, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. Nixon and China wanted to try to have full normalization via the Shanghai Communique. Some privatization came about with Deng Xiaoping. Deng even made the slogan of: "To get rich is glorious." Today, virtually all the land collectivized after 1949 has been restored to private ownership, restrictions on private ownership of industry have been largely dismantled and a massive penetration of foreign capital has been encouraged. There is still huge social inequality and forced abortion in China. The Tiananmen Square massacre outlined some who wanted real social and political reforms being crushed by an authoritarian regime. Ruling bureaucrats in China used military tanks and other police state tactics as a means to crush the Chinese people's right to have free speech and political freedom. Folks wanted independent trade unions as well. The bloodbath of June 3-4, 1989 expressed the regime's organic fear of the working class. Student leaders and dissidents received jail terms, but workers who led strikes were summarily shot, sentenced to death or imprisoned for many years. By June 22, the bureaucracy revealed that 27 workers had been officially executed, but many more were killed. Today, the leadership of China wants its own hegemony in the world.


By Timothy

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