
Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Weekend News


The Cybersecurity bill CISPA harms the Fourth Amendment indeed. The House last week voted 287 to 127 for this legislation. The bill allows the government to have easier access to data from Internet companies. The proponents of this bill believe that it is just made as a way to protect tech firms (like Facebook and Google) including financial institutions from cyber-attacks and theft of intellectual property. The establishment wants to identify sophisticated hackers and allow companies to react quickly to attacks. CIPSA takes government access too far. That is why even Silicon Valley Reps. Zoe Lofgren, Anna Eshoo, Jackie Speier, and Mike Honda still are fighting to safeguard consumers' most sensitive data. Lofgren supports President Barack Obama's threat to veto the act if it isn't amended. She is concerned that it would override all existing state and federal privacy laws, an appalling overreach. The law removes tech firms’ liability and it eliminates a potentially huge, costly risk if they turn over users' private emails, their browsing history, and even medical and financial records whenever the government broadly defines them to be related to a cyber-war. The bill could give the military and the National Security direct access to virtually all information about Internet user if firms allow it as they're encouraged to. Human beings have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures (as found in the Fourth Amendment). Lofgren says the current version of CISPA threatens to throw out the Constitution "whenever something bad happens." Many Valley companies are in favor of the bill. Sharing information about cyber-attacks has significant value to them and freeing them from liability is an evil bonus. The California Legislature is examining bill called AB 1291. It would increase consumer protection online, requiring companies to fully inform them of any personal data that's being collected and shared for business purposes. But it wouldn't offer protections from CISPA if the feds claimed there was a cyber-threat, unless the Senate or Obama acts.  There is nothing wrong with online commerce. It is part of our economy. CIPSA is all about government spying with a violation of the Fourth Amendment. It can be stopped and it must be stopped. There is the FBI conducting gun sweeps in Oakland, California. FBI agents and local police SWAT along with California Highway Patrol conducted a massive sweep of Oakland. They barricaded several streets and closed down certain parts of the town for more than an hour. “It appeared to be an extensive operation with many officers involved,” KTVU reported, adding, “There were agents carrying out actions in numerous parts of the city Wednesday night.” Under the guise of serving warrants for drugs and weapons charges, armored vehicles and helicopters circled overhead and assisted the patrols as law enforcement allegedly. This comes after the controversial SB140 was passed in California. The law claims to confiscate guns from folks with serious mental illness and criminal convictions. Reportedly, the tax-payer funded Oakland police did not feel it necessary to divulge details to news crews the night of the raid, saying “they were not at liberty to discuss what the action concerned.”  That was evil since human beings have the right to know what is going on. This comes after the Watertown, Mass. lockdown when there was a hit squad of 9,000+ police could barely locate a lone unarmed 19 year old. The issues of gun control and terrorism are being exploited as a means for the state to make the public to accept militarization of society basically. A police state is anti-American. Oakland is one of the cities that are one of the gems in the fight against police abuse and tyranny. That is why the elite targeted Oakland on many occasions. So, we have to fight for a real liberty based society. The enemy is not playing. Yet, the enemy will lose in the end, because the truth is superior to evil and lies.

The growth of social inequality continues in America. Poverty has increased in our age and there is news about this "economic recovery." There is the study by the Pew Research Center that exposes an amorous growth in social inequality in the United States between 2009 and 2011. The figures give expression of the error of bailing out banks while some in the establishment spearheading the assault on workers' wages and social programs all over America. The Pew report used the U.S. Census data to find the poorest 93 percent of U.S. households saw on average a four percent decline in their net worth during the 2 years of stock market boom (while the wealthiest seven  percent saw their net worth increase by an average of 28 percent). We have the rise in stock prices since the 2007 financial meltdown. This is part of a limited economic recovery. Much of our wealth has been transferred from the working class to the financial elite. When you study household wealth, you have to measure by all assets. These assets comes from homes, cars, real estate, retirement accounts, stocks, and other financial holdings and subtracting from this all debts like home mortgages, car loans, medical debt, credit card debt, and student loans. The upper 7 percent of households saw their aggregate share of overall national wealth increase to 63 percent in 2011. This is up from 56 percent in 2009. That means that the mean wealth of households in this more affluent group was almost 24 times that of other households in 2011, whereas in 2009 it was only 18 times more. The polls have information about the bottom 93 percent in socioeconomic levels. A shocking 18 percent of the population has a net worth of zero or less (with debts meeting or exceeding all assets). The mean wealth of this group declined from −$34,777 in 2009 to −35,472 in 2011. The biggest percentage decline was in the 9 percent of households who have a net worth of between $1 and $4,999. They saw their mean net worth decline from $2,016 to $1,899, a fall of 6 percent. There was a generally constant average decline of between four and five percent for all households with net worth between $5,000 and $499,999. Even among the high net worth households, there was a stratification with more of the increase in net worth during the so called recovery accruing to the wealthier half of this group. That means that the median net worth of the top bracket actually fell to $836,033 in 2011 from $889,275 in 2009, even though the mean increased.  The Pew report comments: “The median refers to the midpoint of a group—in this case, households at the 93.25 percentile of wealth (halfway between the 86.5th percentile and the 100th percentile). A simultaneous rise in the mean and decline in the median implies that aggregate net worth increased only among households above the median—that is, the 8 million households with net worth of $836,033 or more in 2011.”  The Pew report says that the main reason why there is a polarization of wealth in this age is the divergence of stocks and other financial instruments. These instruments are buoyed with the full force of the Federal Reserve and government bailouts including the values of homes. For most of the U.S. households, the most valuable asset is the home itself. Millions of families saw the value of this asset collapse during the housing crisis. Recovery has been lethargic. Wealthier households own far more financial assets including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.  In households with a net worth over $500,000, 65 percent of their wealth comes from financial holdings and 17 percent comes from their home. In contrast, in households with net worth of less than $500,000, just 33 percent of their wealth comes from financial assets and 50 percent comes from their home. The 2008 crash led to an even further concentration of financial assets in the hands of the wealthy. Only 13 percent of households with net worth below $500,000 owned stock and mutual fund shares in 2011, which is down from 16 percent in 2009. The report deals with data from the Census Bureau, which was last complied in 2011. Social polarization has grown. Housing prices are stagnant. The S&P 500 has gained another 26 percent in value since 2001. The slashing of social spending has worsened the net worth of most households, including the poor. There has been a toll made by mass unemployment and cuts in unemployment benefits. This reality is a product of the financial elite harming society. That is why when you have huge wealth transferred to Wall Street and an attack on the social safety net, then political harm is made onto the American people. There needs to be radical solutions to our issues.

The skeptics even in the mainstream media act like that a false flag operation is some myth. Nothing could be further from the truth. False flag terror is a real historical concept. False flag terrorism is when the government attacks its own people via numerous means (sometimes even via covert means) and then blaming others in order to justify going to war against the people it blames. It can come about by governments, corporations, or other organizations. The actions are designed as to appear as if they are carried out by other entities. Some relate to war and counter insurgency operations. They have been created during peace time and including in Italy's strategy of tension.  The term comes bad to the old days of wooden ships. In that time period, one ship would hang the flag of its enemy before attacking another ship in its own navy. It is because the enemy's flag instead of the real country of the attacking ship was hung, it was called a false flag attack. The rules of engagement for naval, air, and land warfare ban false flag attacks. Many leaders have talked about the dangers of false flags (or an attack done by an enemy that pretends to be a friend) like Plato, U.S. President James Madison, etc. Governments globally have admitted that they have carried out false flag terror. A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that from orders from the chief of the Gestapo, he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles (as a means to justify the invasion of Poland). The CIA admits that it hired Iranians in the 1950's to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran as a means to turn Iran against it democratically elected Prime Minister. This action was called Operation Ajax involving British Intelligence too not just the CIA. Israel admits that an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed). This was the Lavon bombing affair. Quebec police admitted in 2007 that thugs carrying rocks to a peaceful protest were actually undercover Quebec police officers. Officers like these are known to provocateur protests. At the G20 protests in London in 2009, a British member of Parliament saw plan clothes cops attempting to incite the crowd to violence. The BBC, the New York Times, and the Associated Press, Macedonian officials admitted that the government murdered 7 innocent immigrants in cold blood (and pretended that they were Al Qaeda soldiers trying to assassinate Macedonian police as a means to join the war on terror).  Senior Russian senior military and military and intelligence officers admit that the KGB blew up Russian apartment buildings and falsely blamed it on Chechens as a means to justify an invasion of Chechnya. Operation Northwoods was a planned false flag operation. Therefore, the bottom line is that governments globally have carried out false flags even by their own admissions. All terrorism must be examined on their merits before reaching any conclusion on whether it is a false flag attack or not.

Chen Guangcheng's family faces death threats and harassment. The reason is that Chen and his family are ardent opposers of forced abortions including the one child policy in China. In late April 2012, Chen scaled the back wall of his compound and eluded the frustrated grasp of the Chinese Communist security machine and family planning officials. It is like the authorities want to punish him on the anniversary of his escape. We see that Chen's relatives in Dongshigu Village are being seriously harassed and subjected to death threats. Chen Guagncheng spent more than four years in jail. After that, he was in more than a year under severe house arrest for exposing the widespread and systematic use of forced abortion involuntary sterilization (in the coercive enforcement of China's One Child policy). Chen Guangcheng now lives in America. Reggie Littlejohn or the President of Women's rights without Frontiers gave more detail about the threats. According to reports by Yaxue Cao of “Seeing Red in China” and by Chinese Human Rights Defenders, harassment of Chen’s relatives has intensified greatly in the past several weeks. Littlejohn said that his home has been pelted with stones, breaking windows, and damaging the roof. There have been dead chickens and ducks being thrown onto his property along with fake money that is burned for the dead. According to the HRIC, “[t]his is a curse and a threat used by the local villagers; it means death and conveys the idea that killing the person is as easy as killing a chicken or a duck.”  Flyers have been posted around Dongshigu Village denouncing Chen Guangcheng and Chen Guangfu. She said that authorities detained Chen Guangfu's wife allegedly for hiding and sheltering a criminal. The criminal would be her son Chen Kegui. On April 26, 2012, after the authorities found Chen Guangcheng missing, they came into the home of Chen Guangfu. They dragged him away and they beat his wife and son named Chen Kegui. Kegui grabbed a kitchen knife to defend himself, because he feared for his life. According to Congressional testimony of Chen Guangcheng, these officials did not sustain any major injuries.  Nevertheless, Kegui was charged with attempted murder.  He was later convicted of “intentional injury” and sentenced to three years and three months in prison. On April 9, 2013, Chen Guangcheng testified at a Congressional hearing, in which he set forth the promises to him broken by the Chinese Communist Party and detailed the ongoing persecution of his family.   The intensified harassment of his relatives in China followed shortly afterwards. “We condemn the persecution of the relatives of Chen Guangcheng by Chinese Communist thugs,” Littlejohn said. She continued: “This harassment is clearly designed to silence him as one of the leading voices in the world to expose the brutality of this regime.  The Chinese government will even stoop to detain without food or water a 10-year-old child in an attempt to silence her activist father, as in the case of Zhang Anni, earlier this month.  We urge Chinese President Xi Jinping to stop the harassment of Chen Guangcheng’s relatives in Dongshigu Village.  We call upon President Obama and Secretary Kerry to urgently intervene on behalf of Chen Guangcheng’s relatives in China.” The human rights group ChinaAd monitored the situation. They reported information to LifeNews as well. Chen Gangfu is Chen Guangcheng's eldest brother. The assaulted against Chen Guangfu came about for about a half hour. Chen Guangfu's home was damaged. Chen Guangcheng's youngest brother named Chen Gaungjun was working in Linyi. He received a call from the procuratorate's office. The office told him to report to the Yinan County Procuratorate, which he did, but since it was already 6 p.m. when he arrived, the Procutorate was already closed for the day. The big lesson is that forced abortion is still evil and all us of have the right to oppose forced abortion completely.



More is coming out about the legacy of Margaret Thatcher. The residents of the UK or the Brits will tell you what evil Thatcher did onto the nation of the United Kingdom. Even the quasi sympathetic Oscar nominated portrayal of Britain's first female Prime Minister in the Hollywood movie The Iron Lady with Meryl Streep could not obfuscate the truth of Thatcher's real legacy. Thatcher was harsh in her treatment of the H-Block Hunger Strikers of 1981. Her policies harmed the English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish working class. She destroyed the miners' union during the course of a one year strike from 1984 to 1985. She crushed the militant miners of the National Union of Mineworkers under Arthur Scargill. She privatized the entire British coal mining industry, which was previously nationalized from 1946 to 1987 as the National Coal Board. To an extremist like Thatcher, a daily pint of milk is equivalent to communism or a violation of the free market, which silliness. Her economic views were influenced by Austrian school ideologue Friedrich von Hayek. Hayek hated the New Deal. Sir Alfred Sherman and Sir Keith Joseph influenced Margaret Thatcher's policies and political influence. She treated the mine workers very bad and made a brutal suppression of the mineworkers' union the N.U.M. She called the ANC in these terms: "...The African National Congress is a typical terrorist organisation … Anyone who thinks it is going to run the government in South Africa is living in cloud-cuckoo land’ – Margaret Thatcher, 1987. Her foreign policy was carried out by Lord Geoffrey. Margaret Thatcher did everything that she could to prevent economic sanctions from being imposed on the then apartheid South Africa. This caused her to have conflict with Rajiv Gandhi of INdia and Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia. She like Ronald Reagan believed in the old discredited neo-liberal economic model. She and her allies had a role in the cold blooded mass murder of hundreds of Argentinian sailors abroad the General Belgrano back in 1982. The General Belgrano was an undefended troop ship that she personally gave the order to sink during the Falklands War. It was well clear of any combat zone. She was a close ally of the fascist Chilean dictator Pinochet.  When she was the Secretary of Education in the Heath Tory government, she abolished the provision of a third pint of milk for primary school children aged 7-11. This program helped the poorer mining, industrial, and farming towns and villages of Wales, Scotland, and the north of England (where vitamin deficiency diseases like rickets and pellagra had been an immense public health program). That is why she was nicknamed, "Thatcher, the Milk Snatcher." The poll tax that she passed during the end of her reign was too much for some. It was very unpopular, because everyone was taxed the same regardless of income. That tax harmed the poor since a proportional tax will harm the poor much more than the rich. It was an abhorrent regressive tax. She tried it in Scotland first and protests existed all over the United Kingdom. She imposed draconian budget cuts. There were Trafalgar Square Riots that were in response to the evil poll tax. Unemployment soared to 3.5 million+. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Thatcher allowed the U.S. air force to bomb Libya from airbases in England. She said that there is no such thing society, which exemplified her philosophy. Her philosophy was that society is not real. The truth is that society is ever real and we should use society to benefit all human beings.


By Timothy


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