During this time, there has been a growth of militarization of the police. During the manhunt of the suspects of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings, we saw something. We saw men with heavy armor carry assault rifles. They or the militarized police patrolled the streets along with armored personnel carriers. This transpired in Watertown. Areas were locked down as local, state, and federal agencies sent SWAT teams were in force to search for the remaining suspect (after one died). Now, there have been debates on the use of paramilitary policing actions. SWAT Teams came about in the late 1960's. It expanded hugely in the 1980's. That is because the Reagan administration wanted to increase their involvement in the War on Drugs. There was the 1988 Byrne Grant Program that was passed by Congress. It allocated substantial funding for the anti-drug policing. The SWAT Team increasingly acted to advance drug arrests, drug raids, etc. Federal programs were introduced to increasing training and cooperation between the military and domestic law enforcement to battle drug crime. There were other Reagan era actions that encouraged the transfer of surplus military hardware to law enforcement. We know that the War on Drugs harm human liberties all day every day. This continued in the 1990's in the Clinton years. The Clinton administration had the 1033 Program, incorporating millions of pieces of equipment designed for war zones into domestic policing agencies. After the September 11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security or the DHS awarded grants to enhance special operations and tactical resources to the local, state, and federal agencies. Ali Winston watched the application of the DHS grants. He is an Oakland based journalist covering law enforcement. This is occurring because of the state talking about terrorist threat. There is heavy equipment being purchased like armored personnel carriers. This is the new generation where the money is being used domestically in surveillance systems and likeminded technologies. Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, L-3 and other have put a lot of capital in such systems. There was the 2011 report called the Center for Investigative Reporting found that in the decade following 9/11, over $34 billion in DHS grants were disbursed in order to fight terrorism. However, the recipients of those assets were not just in cities such as New York or Washington, D.C.; most often they were small towns such as Oxford, Alabama, or Keene, New Hampshire, unlikely targets for terrorism. Bob Chabali, chairman of the Board of the National Tactical Officers Association, the NTOA, and assistant police chief in Dayton, Ohio, believes these grants and much of the equipment they buy are imperative for ensuring the safety of communities across the United States. In this administration, the transfer of military surplus has expanded. We know see local law enforcement having assault rifles, grenade launchers, and even Blackhawk helicopters, and .50 caliber machine guns. .50 machine guns are so powerful that even the U.S. military has restrictions on how it can be used in combat zones. In fiscal year 2011 alone, the Pentagon transferred almost $500 million worth of materials to domestic law enforcement--nearly double the previous year's total. This number was expected to grow in 2012. SWAT Teams have increased their law enforcement actions. This signifies the reality that a slick police state is still in America. When you have protesters experiencing sound weapons, illegal spying, and oppressive laws in American soil, then that is wrong. The elite say that these actions are all about patriotism and fighting terror, but these activities only violate patriotic human liberties (not as a means to stop terrorism. Unjust violence and militarism are never means to end terrorism, but only by negotiation, communication, real fair trade, and peaceful diplomacy). The truth must be told. If this quest more militarization domestically will not end, then we will see a more vicious police state in the future. If some in the police state claim to be so holy, why can't they explain Sean Bell or Aiyana Jones? The truth is that cop terror and police brutality are still epidemics in America. These epidemics cuts across backgrounds, but it is especially found in the black and brown communities of the United States of America. I can't worship a hypocritical nation and damnable, materialistic culture. I worship God alone. The gauntlet has been thrown in the ground. Henceforth, I respect liberty, justice, and equivalent regardless of the changing times in the years ahead.
We live in a historical time when dealing with Monsanto. Human beings from across the political spectrum have exposed Monsanto for years. The Monsanto Corporation is one of the largest pesticide and biotechnical corporations in the world right now. Monsanto claims that they will promise to create new, safer pesticides including stronger bio-engineered crops. This will make the biosphere more polluted, because unnatural substances without labels can cause huge problems in the world. Monsanto is controversial in our time. They have instituted huge lobbying efforts as a means to reduce safety standards. The reality is that the sale of toxic chemicals for a corporate profit is immoral. Back in its early years, Monsanto produced PCBs or polychlorinated biphenyl. It is used in industrial applications. They can be stable and good as acting as a liquid insulator. Yet, they are very toxic to all forms of life. They can be toxic, carcinogenic, and corrosive upon contact with skin or mucus membranes. Monsanto produced the toxic PCBs until they were forced to stop when the government banned all domestic production of PCBs in 1977. Monsanto produced the pesticide of DDT including Agent Orange. Agent Orange was used in Vietnam as a means to destroy jungles and crops. Numerous Vietnam War veterans were poisoned by Agent Orange. They can damage human life and the environment. Monsanto produces the pesticide of Roundup. A major ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate salt. It can be toxic for most common types of weeds. Some scholars believe that these substances can grow super weeds while weaker weeds are gone. Many studies link glyphosate pesticides to damage to human cells, particularly in fetuses. Glyphosate is considered relatively safe by the FDA (Toxic Class III), but studies have shown that it can be damaging to embryonic and placental cells even if very dilute formulations. There is a study that seems to indicate a link between the consumption of Monsanto genetically engineered corn and organ damage in the liver and kidneys (from the International Journal of Biological Sciences). Monsanto refuse to outline a ban on this dangerous GM corn. Monsanto is known for its huge corporate lobbyists and its selling of dangerous toxic chemicals in the past. Recently, in late May 26, 2013, there has been a global protest against Monsanto. In more than 400 cities of the world, protesters are calling for a ban on GMO food. Folks are legitimately calling for the embrace of more organic foods. Researcher William Engdahl said that Monsanto is lobbying, bribing, suing small farmers, and altering scientific research. At the bare minimum, GMOs should be labeled. The reality is that there is no scientific proof that GM food is superior to naturally growing food or substances of that nature at all. GM foods are always mutating. Many GMOs accept pesticides and other chemicals. Monsanto owns the most seeds in the globe. Monsanto is allied with U.S. agribusiness, which is why the U.S. government is allied with Monsanto so strongly since 1992 at least. In the final analysis, we don't have to feed the corporate beast. We can be independent and believe in health freedom without the worship of GMOs at all. Even back in 1945, Monsanto advanced the usage of dioxin. Dioxin is made up of environmental pollutants that are found in the food chain. Monsanto has marketed the product of NutraSweet. NutraSweet has aspartame, which is a substance with 94 health issues at least. Monsanto has agents in the political establishment for decades. Therefore, we must continue to support health freedom. We must advance more freedom in general.
Eugenics is against equality. Equality is the probably the best means to know in order to refute the great lie of eugenics. Equality means that all humans are equal in their fundamental value, social status, and worth. This means that a human being from Africa has the same value as a human being from North America (and vice versa). All human beings should be treated as equals. Also, all people should have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights. We are fighting to end the economic inequalities among the world society. When you look at the research, we see the link between economic or income inequality and the prosperity of nations in the world. If the nation has strong income inequality, or a weak social wellbeing, then that nation will suffer more harshly the conditions of homicide, infant mortality, massive obesity, teenage pregnancies, emotional depression, and the prison population. Nations like Japan, Finland, and Norway scored high on social wellbeing and income equality and they have a strong economic system. That is why if we reduce radically economic inequality, then all of us in the world benefit from that policy. All human beings should have an equal opportunity. So many of the disadvantaged in the road of life lack real equal opportunities. We should not force human beings to act the same, do the same work, or the live in the same manner. What we should do instead is to advocate is for all human beings to respect diversity and have equal opportunities as well (so, the playing field in level). That is why we should use efforts to make a policy shift that would correct the imbalances of societies in crime, health, wealth, education, etc. (via job programs, universal health care, and other solutions). We are not in a post racial or colorblind society at all. Recent history from the profiling of Muslims to the murder of brothers and sisters by crooked officers document that. The elite regularly demonize the poor and the future must be different than that if we are to survive as human beings. The poor and the unemployed are suffering. Some have been out of work for over 26 weeks. Some reactionaries from FOX News or otherwise have not only criticized legitimate social safety net programs. They have critiqued the core humanity of people who need those programs that relate to health care, unemployment insurance, or food stamps. Some of the reactionaries want the poor to take drug tests as a means to get social safety net programs. That sick rhetoric was like the robber barons decades ago who blamed the poor for the oppression of society (or saying the great lie that the poor are lazy or inferior). The notion of meritocracy or anybody can make if they work hard is fantasy. Some poor and working class white people have even voted against their self-interests (and they vote for individuals that want more tax cuts for the rich, oppose any public health care for those that need it, and believe that one day that they can be rich via the false god of the free market. The free market is not God. God is God). Regardless of what you feel about the Occupy movement, that movement gave many folks a political consciousness about poverty and economic justice. We need to have better jobs, better income, and better schools via revolutionary action. There should be an economic shift of power from the haves to the have nots. There is a class component to this situation. It is a struggle even between the oppressor and the oppressed. When you have very low wages in the Third World and record Wall Street profits, then we have a serious problem here in America. The good news is that the alternative media is growing. The corporate dominated mainstream media has been allied with CNN, FOX, the New York Times, etc. for years and decades. Today, the alternative media is not only growing. They are communicating many real issues from health freedom to civil liberties. We have our job to help our neighbor and to continue to fight for justice (via working in independent organizations, protesting, helping humanity, using charity, inspiring folks, believing in hope, and continuing to do what is right). The truth can't stop, because it won't stop for real. The sanctity of human life is always superior to the scourge of eugenics indeed.
General Douglas MacArthur has a mixed legacy in history. He was heavily involved in the Cold War, not just in World War II (which he is famous for). He had a strong tendency to ally with more reactionary elements of U.S. politics. Even FDR called him one of the most dangerous men in America back in 1932 when he was the Democratic nominee for President. Douglas MacArthur oversaw the suppression of the bonus march. This was when tens of thousands of unemployed WWI veterans came into Washington, D.C. Many of the men were destitute. They wanted Congress to appropriate money for early payment of a cash service bonus, which was opposed by then President Hoover. MacArthur was told to disperse the bonus marchers. Yet, MacArthur exceeded the instructions given him by Hoover, revealing his hatred of some of the working class and contempt for civilian leadership. MacArthur falsely viewed the protest as some communist conspiracy. These men were just veterans desiring compensation and economic liberty. MacArthur was the then army Chief of Staff. He sent his troops across the Anacostia River as a means to destroy the encampment sheltering the families of the veterans. The attack came and 2 babies suffocated from tear gas and a boy was bayoneted through the leg. This action caused Hoover to be heavily unpopular politically. Roosevelt soon won the 1932 election. The attack on the Bonus March prompted Washington Post columnist Drew Pearson to denounce MacArthur as “dictatorial” and “insubordinate.” The general filed a $1.75 million libel suit against Pearson and another Post columnist. The two sides eventually came to a seedy compromise with MacArthur agreeing to drop the suit and Pearson promising not to publish love letters the general had written to his Philippine-born mistress. MacArthur did not agree with the New Deal, because he did not want efforts to ameliorate the plight of the unemployed (as a means in his mind to threaten the free enterprise system). MacArthur did not like it when Roosevelt cut military spending to help pay for New Deal programs. Roosevelt knew of MacArthur's streak, but he appointed him commander of all U.S. forces in the Pacific because of his military experience. MacArthur presided over the biggest single defeat in U.S. military history over in 1942 in the Philippines. He also led military victories in New Guinea of 1944, the Philippines in 1945, and some victories in the Korean War in 1950. One positive side of him was that he wanted to show compassion toward Japan after they were defeated. He respected Japanese culture and wanted a rebuilding of Japan. Yet, even that history is not black and white. PBS brings to our attention the fact that MacArthur even forced Hideki Tojo to alter testimony at his war crimes trial in order to absolve the emperor of any responsibility for Japanese militarism. Instead, Tojo and a handful of generals, who were chosen more or less arbitrarily as symbolic scapegoats, were sent to face the hangman. MacArthur wanted capitalism to reign in Japan. Japan's new constitution would be similar to European parliamentary models. He soon allowed restrictions of progressive Japanese political organizations and that the Japanese economy would be based on recommendations by American bankers (instead of Japan controlling their own destinies). MacArthur was fired during the Korean War since Truman felt that MacArthur wanted to override Presidential authority. U.S. air support prevented the Korean War to exist as a victory for the Communists. MacArthur wanted total victory in Korea even if it meant to battle against the Chinese. One of his greatest strategies during the Korean War was his action in Inchon during September 1950. It was an allied landing that prevented the Communists from ruling the entire peninsula. He or General Douglas MacArthur advocated the bombing of bases in Manchuria, the blockading of the Chinese coast, and the introduction of Nationalist Chinese forces into the war. Truman did not want this since he wanted a limited conflict where a negotiated settlement could come about. In Truman's mind, it was a police action not an internationalist war. MacArthur portrayed himself as the innocent victim of backstabbing politicians. The Republicans asked him to address both houses of Congress and he was feted to a massive ticker tape parade in New York. MacArthur had shortcomings, but even he was right to disagree with the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To his credit, he advised President John F. Kennedy to not issue a ground war offensive in Vietnam and Laos. The truth is that Communism and Capitalism are fallible economic systems. Each has low level members that sincerely wanted justice and true freedom for all humankind. It is just that the global elite exploited these systems as a means to control world society and to crush sincere, authentic Nationalist or Revolutionary movements (made up of those from across the political spectrum) in the world. It is neither a communist conspiracy nor a capitalist conspiracy per se. They or the international elite just use laissez faire capitalism and the Stalinist version of Communism as a means to carry forward their agenda. It is a globalist conspiracy where select oligarchs want a neoliberal globalized system (filled with monopolies) in the world. That is why the reactionaries are deluded to say nothing on economic inequality in the world. When you look at Douglas MacArthur's fairly, his legacy is mixed. He has done many good things for the world and he made grave errors in the world as well (like allying with the same reactionary extremists that fund the anti-liberty advocate Joseph McCarthy).
There are other secrets about the Great Gatsby movie. The movie and the book is a metaphor on how the elite rich live in real life. Many of the super wealthy live in an odd, depraved lifestyle to put it lightly. The poor are suffering since they lack opportunities not because they are lazy or inferior to non-poor human beings. Throughout human history, the poor has worked diligently and with great strength. The rich live off the system all of the time via tax subsidies, bailouts, trade agreements, and contracts from the government (with taxpayer money). Yet, reactionaries say nothing about that. Now, the super-rich dynasties and financial titans of the world live in huge mansions globally. The Vanderbilt Dynasty created the Biltmore estate. Even Texe Marrs's Where the Rich and Famous Dwell documentary accurately document how many of the super-rich elite have esoteric or occult influences in the mansions that they reside in spanning a long time. For example, the Rockefellers' Kykuit estate has a statue of a nude goddess, sculptures of Greek deities, zodiac signs in mosaic, and an Egyptian obelisk. The gravesite of the oil magnate John D. Rockefeller has the towering Egyptian obelisk. This is the phallic image and the Rockefeller dynasty has been involved in the infiltration of Western mainstream political, economic, religious, and educational circles for more than a century. They have trusts all over the world. They give money where the seminaries in America can operate. They provide money to major universities. The Rockefeller Foundation has funded the ACLU, Catholic educational organization, the CFR, the NAACP, and a whole list of social and political organizations. Rene Wormser, Counsel for the Reece Committee reported, “A very powerful complex of foundations and allied organizations has developed over the years to exercise a high degree of control over education. Part of this complex, and ultimately responsible for it, are the Rockefeller and Carnegie groups of foundations.” The Rockefellers are allies of Maurice Strong, who advanced Mother Gaia worship. David Rockefeller is part of Lucis Trust’s management. The Lucis Trust is a New Age organization that wants the spiritual Hierarchy to govern the affairs of the planet. The Lucis Trust is a key part of the New Age establishment movement as shown by real Patriots and real Christians. It was once called Lucifer Trust since many New Agers love to praise or worship Lucifer, which is disturbing to say the least. It was formed in New York City back in 1922. Alice Bailey's husband & Freemason Foster Bailey created the symbol of Lucis Trust. The Lucis Trust website outlines a detailed breakdown of the symbol of their organization (with a white symmetrically correct cross inside a blue star, which is superimposed on a yellow triangle. This triangle/star combination is surrounded by gold and bordered by a blue field. Four bars dissect this border). Yes, it was the same Rockefeller affiliated corporations that gave financial and manufacturing aid to the Third Reich. This has been documented by Anthony Sutton's research including others. The Rothschilds' Waddesdon Manor in England has a striking fountain in gardens with a large serpent terrorizing hapless victims. So, many of the areas where the world elite lives have esoteric building structures like riddles in stone. The elite exploit and manipulate the ancient wisdom from ancient humans as a means to project their influence or control in much of the modern world. It is as simple as that. With technological advancements today, we can see that it is still imperative for us to stridently oppose the extremist agenda of Big Brother.
By Timothy
IT is my conclusion that Plato is the real anti-christ.He was a kabbalist and a jew(one who preached synague of satan).I went to the library 3 times and each time I looked in a multi volume catholic encylapedia and never once was there a metion that hes a jew and into eugenics.He said there are philspor kings the guardians and the reash of us.