In modern America, we have an unique police state system. It is not equivalent to the Nazi's SS, but this system has controversial aspects to it. The DHS created their new, effective paramilitary forced called Homeland Security Investigations, Special Response Team or SRT. The HSI-SRI admits their role in American society. The Sarasota Herald Tribune reported on this issue. Their story is entitled, "The law enforcement agency you've probably never of" written by Shannon McFarland. There is a strange reference as to the size of the HSI of having 6,700 plus special agents caused folks to know that this powerful group is very strong. In fact, the DHS website talks about the HSI in their way. Their website mentioned the following about HSI: "...In addition to ICE criminal investigations, HSI oversees the agency’s international affairs operations and intelligence functions. HSI consists of more than 10,000 employees, consisting of 6,700 special agents, who are assigned to more than 200 cities throughout the U.S. and 47 countries around the world..." SNN News is a local cable news outlet that covered the HSI in a story on March 13th. There have been stories about the allusion to the donation of MRAPs by the United States Marines Corps to the DHS-HSI units. These stories confirm that the DHS dealt with some MRAPs when the DHS once denied it. In fact another video from the El Paso talked about the TX HSI-SRT unit, which was produced by Fire and Police Videos and it was posted on YouTube. The video seems to further confirm this purchase was made at some point in the past but creates more unanswered questions. Why would the U.S. government need a paramilitary force with armored cars used by the military for domestic law enforcement functions? Why do they have their own fleet of black helicopters either? There are many brave folks who posted videos of the UH 60 Blackhawk helicopters in action. They worked with local law enforcement in a training exercise as well. Many Blackhawk helicopters have worked with Brickell, Florida in the middle of the night of 2011. They did the same in South Florida and Chicago via training in 2012. There are paramilitary training exercises in America as a means to condition the American public to love SRT or Special Response Teams in action. There are over 200,000 Private Security Contractors or the PSCs. These are mercenaries like the former Blackwater, etc. Many of the actions done by these parameters are in violation of Posse Comitatus restrictions. HSI is the largest law enforcement agency in America. The Sarasota Herald-Tribune piece hit upon one particular aspect which provided me with grave discomfort as to the role of the Federal Government within local law enforcement. During 2010, Dontae Morris killed two Tampa police officers and four other men during a crime spree which caused a massive four day manhunt. The police (via the Tampa Police Department, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s office, Florida State Patrol, and FDLE) could have handled this situation alone, but the HSI participated in the manhunt. The DHS-HSI acts as some domestic police force. There are drone technologies used by ICE as well. There has been a debate with using drone technology in American soil. There is the Shadowhawk as a mean to be used a police drone with tasers that can shoot 4 barbed electrodes (in up to 100 feet). It has a 37mm or 40mm grenade launchers and or a multiple shot 12 gauge shotgun. It has been used to kill folks in Afghanistan and Iraq for years. It is now being used in the States. That was two years ago which means the capacity to terminate individuals without the right to due process exists today and an even more updated version of this machine is probably in production if not the deployment of such items are really being sent to local agencies as well. These weapons could be utilized by the DHS-HSI units at this very moment.
The Bilderberg leader Henry Kissinger jokes about Hillary Clinton being President at an elite gathering. Hillary Clinton recently accepted the "Distinguished Leadership Award" and she lauds liberal global order. Kissinger joked that he wants Hillary Clinton should run for President in 2016.
“At least four secretaries of state became president,” said Kissinger in remarks at an Atlantic Council dinner. “I want to tell Hillary that when she misses the office, when she looks at the histories of secretaries of state, there might be hope for a fulfilling life afterwards,” he added. Kissinger joked that he thought about all types of schemes to get around Constitutional protection that prevented him from becoming President himself since he is a foreign citizen. Kissinger was born in Germany and had a controversial political life to say the least. Kissinger, as researchers document, is a war criminal. The Wikileaks showed the Kissinger Cables. In term, the Bilderberger Kissinger is quotes as saying the following, “Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, ‘The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer." Henry Kissinger is a director of the Atlantic Council. This elite think tank is an offshoot of the Bilderberg Group, which is ruled by mostly North American and European elites. In the gathering of the Atlantic Council, Kissinger presented Clinton with a ‘Distinguished Leadership Award’, a direct seal of approval for a Clinton presidential run. Upon accepting the award, Clinton stated: “When I became secretary of state, I spent a lot of time thinking about my illustrious predecessors – not primarily the ones who went on to become president,” she said. “But about the extraordinary generation of those leaders who were not just present at the creation but leading the creation of a liberal global order that provided unprecedented peace and prosperity along with progress on behalf of the values that we hold in common.” Kissinger for years, they have lauded the formation of a new world order or a global force of governance on many times. Henry Kissinger is known to meet in the Bohemian Grove as well. The Bohemian Grove too has heads of international corporations, banks, and political leaders. Back years ago, Hillary Clinton conceded his 2008 Democratic primary against Barack Obama at the time a secret meeting was held with Obama. This was the time during the Bilderberg Group conference in Chantilly, Virginia. In December of 2012, the New Yorker Magazine David Remnick wrote that after attending a 3 day conference at which the Secretary of State was a keynote speaker stated that "Hillary Clinton is running for President." “Hillary Clinton is running for President,” wrote Remnick, adding, “Everyone had a theory of which they were one hundred percent certain. There wasn’t much doubt about the ultimate direction. 2007-8 was but a memory and 2016 was within sight. She’s running.” Remnick has been the editor of the New Yorker for the past 14 years and is also a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist. He has credibility on this issue. If Hillary Clinton runs for President, groups from the Emily's List and others will agree with Hillary Clinton. Kissinger is of the elite and the elite loves Hillary Clinton. A Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday revealed that Clinton has the overwhelming support of 65 percent of likely Democratic primary voters, should she decide to run in 2016. Vice President Joe Biden trailed in second place with 13 percent. A McClatchy-Marist poll released last month showed Clinton winning in theoretical head-to-head match ups against four potential Republican presidential candidates. Hillary Clinton urged Bill Clinton to bomb Belgrade in 1999. The bombing ignored international and constitutional law. For 78 days, NATO ravaged Yugoslavia. Nearly everything targeted was struck. Massive destruction and disruption followed. An estimated $100 billion in damage was inflicted. A humanitarian disaster resulted. Environmental contamination was extensive. Large numbers were killed, injured or displaced. Two million people lost their livelihoods. Homes and communities were destroyed. She voted for war budgets, she voted for the Patriot Act, and other police state legislation. She endorsed cluster bomb use in civilian areas and refugee camps. She backed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The crimes of the West against Libya and Syria will not be forgotten at all. Even now, Hillary Clinton wants more NATO funding for NATO to bomb the mess out of nation states. Hillary Clinton agrees with imperial war and other views being in unison with the 2 party duopoly.
We know that even the British could of had a role in the assassination of Lumumba. The great brother Lumumba was murdered in 1961. He was a family man with a wonderful wife too. He was Congo's first Prime Minster. The U.S. and Belgium ordered his death. He was only 35 year old. Lumumba and 2 associates were tied to trees. They were gunned down by a firing squad commanded by Belgian officers. Their bodies were hacked up and dissolved in acid. The two associated were named Maurie Mpolo and Joseph Okito. Lumumba's teeth and the bullets that killed him were saved as souvenirs. The devils that killed them are that sick. Yet, the Most High will have Justice in the end for real. The imperialists hated any real nationalist or anyone for that matter that wanted Africa to be truly independent including free. Congo has enormous mineral resources like uranium, copper, gold, tin, cobalt, diamonds, manganese, and zinc. In 1959, there were mass strikes and demonstrations in the Congo. Belgium wanted a token granting of power to the Congolese. The Western corporations wanted rule over Congo's resources. Soon, Lumumba made import tariffs and forcibly broke up strikes by workers in Kinshasa. Black troops mutinied against the Belgian officers Lumumba left in command of the army after independence. The traitor and Uncle Tom Moise Tshombe wanted to protect Western mining interests and the Belgian military. Moise seized control of the resource rich Katanga province and declared Katanga's independence. Lumumba tried to talk to the Soviets and the United Nations for peacekeeping forces, but they refused. Even the U.N. wanted to subordinate themselves under Belgium and U.S. interests. They refuse to take action to prevent the murder of Lumumba. The Belgian government and the Eisenhower administration via the CIA ordered Lumumba's death. In 2001, the US government released archive material related to the Kennedy assassination that included an interview with the White House minute-taker under the Eisenhower administration, Robert Johnson. According to Johnson’s account, in a meeting held with security advisers in August 1960, two months after Congo became independent, President Eisenhower ordered the CIA chief Allen Dulles to “eliminate” Lumumba so that the Congo did not become “another Cuba.” Johnson said that there was stunned silence for about 15 second and the meeting continued. Dulles called Lumumba a slur or a "mad dog." Dulles called cabled station Chief Larry Devlin authorizing the removal of Lumumba. A telegram sent three months before Lumumba’s death by Count Harold d’Aspremont Lynden, then minister for African affairs, to Belgian officials in the Congo stated, “The main aim to pursue in the interests of the Congo, Katanga and Belgium is clearly Lumumba’s definitive elimination.” Lumumba was deposed and was in house arrest in his own land before he was assassinated by criminals. The British elites apparently endorsed his assassination. A British Foreign Office document in September 1960 notes the opinion of a top ranking official, who later became the head of MI5, Britain’s domestic intelligence agency, that “I see only two possible solutions to the [Lumumba] problem. The first is the simple one of ensuring [his] removal from the scene by killing him.” After Lumumba's evil and unjust assassination, there was the war against secessionist Katanga. Congo was ruled for decades by the reactionary dictator Joseph Sese Seko Mobutu, who was an ally of America. Mobutu met Richard Nixon in the White House. Mobutu looted his own country economically and politically. He was overthrown in 1997. Then, Congo experienced a horrific civil war that killed more than 5 million human beings (filled with dislocation, famine, disease, and Western imperialism). We should remember Patrice Lumumba as an anti-colonial hero. He was the first democratically elected Prime Minister in Congo. Lumumba wanted the Congo to control its own extensive mineral wealth.
The dissent against the White House is not always evil, bigoted, illogical, or evil. Some of the dissent has been legitimate. The Sister Trojan Pam made an excellent about the situation with President Barack Obama. She wrote that Obama is readily utilized as a scapegoat for the system of white supremacy. I agree. Yet, we have the right to criticize the evil policies occurring now, so we can make a better future tomorrow. Still, everything is not golden in the world. President Barack Obama has executed numerous policies that in favor of Wall Street interests including the military industrial complex. That is just a fact. The Democrats have used an Executive order to form a Commission filled with anti-Social Security and anti-social program corporatists. The White House opposing bringing back Glass Steagall and the White House is funding to expand Africom. There has been trillions of dollars given to friends and campaign contributors on Wall Street. Military spending has increased. The drone assassinations have been expanding since 2009. The Democrats have reinforced the worst police state provisions of the Patriot Act. Government surveillance has not ceased. The current political establishment is in love with deregulation, there is the NDAA, a representative of Monsanto is in the FDA, and we have the Federal Treasury being looted for the benefit of Wall Street. The White House has expanded nuclear power and caused thousands of airstrikes in places from Iraq to Somalia. The White House agrees with killing Americans without due process any place on Earth, warrantless wiretapping, and this corporatization or privatization of the public school system. An immoral Secret kill list is still in existence in 2013 beyond 2004. A record 1.5 million immigrants have been deported and the reactionaries claim that the White House is for open borders? They or the reactionaries are deluded. The White House also agrees with AIPAC and its neo-conservative agenda. Enough said. The White House gives about 50 million dollars to assist France in Mali. That tells me that the current political establishment has executed corrupt policies in our day as well. When the Republicans placed candidates like John McCain, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan against President Barack Obama and Joe Biden, then I realize that Obama would easily win both elections in 2008 and 2012. Zbginiew Brzezinski was President Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor during his 2008 Presidential campaign. The reality is that as a human being, I can't support this agenda at all. The reactionary Republicans are wrong in wanting to have draconian cuts to the social safety net, but some Democrats are also wrong to advance imperial wars and corporatism too. It seems like the Western elite wanted their fascist agenda to be displayed on a Democratic face as a means to gain as little opposition as possible (since if a Republican was doing some of things the White House was doing, protesters will be in the streets massively).
Secret Societies and China has an interesting history. Before going forward, the truth must be known. The truth is that I am not talking about sincere, liberty loving Chinese human beings. I am talking about the Elite sometimes working together with the Chinese elite as a means to control the Chinese populace in a dubious, authoritarian fashion. The history of China is known for the Chinese advances in human civilization. China’s history is filled with the growth of calligraphy, art and its inventions of paper, printing, gunpowder and the compass. They or Chinese human beings have opposed imperialist foreign aggression. Therefore, the West use their agents as a means to covertly control much of China while making the appearance that it or China was in control of all of their national functions. This agenda has been exposed by Lord Bertrand Russell in his report on China that was published in 1920: "...'Out of the renaissance spirit now existing in China, it is possible, if foreign nations can be prevented from wreaking havoc, to develop a new civilization better than any that the world has yet known..." Ancient China was a great civilization. Many revolutions came about in China and the 20th century caused China to have huge changes. The reality is many sincere Chinese human beings were nationalists and communists that wanted freedom. They wanted liberty, but the Western elite exploited many ideological sides as a means to gain control over power including resources. The Cold War caused a huge dialectic of laissez faire capitalism and communism. Even in 1898, the British and Chinese elites signed a contract stipulating that Hong Kong would be handed back to the Chinese in 1997. Mao's version of Communism was more in line, as time grew on, with Stalin not Lenin or Trotsky. Mao wanted an authoritarian rule over his nation like Joseph Stalin. Mao was a strong ally of Stalin. Ironically, once Mao was influenced by Sun Yat-sen and Chen Duxiu, who were more republican. Mao made huge errors, but he was right in trying to improve the status of women in China, improving literacy and education in China. We know about his imperfections and that is easy to see. Some of his policies murdered millions of Chinese human beings. Mao later compromised before his death. David Rockefeller in June of 1973 meets with Mao's deputy Zhou Enlai. They meet as a means to merge communist and capitalist economic system, which is beneficial to the banking elite (not the common people). The corporate-communist merger began when Deng Xiaoping came to power in the late 1970s and introduced his market reforms with the slogan "to get rich is glorious." Hong Kong was a more capitalist area and is influenced by the elite Li Ka-Shing. Fritz Springmeier wrote excellent information on the Li bloodline. Hong Kong back then before 1997 was ruled by the British imperialists. Even Li Ka Ka-Shing was awarded by the Queen Elizabeth in the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire. When you are awarded by that title, you agree with the UK imperialists and their wicked history especially against China. The West and the Chinese elite had meeting in the 1980's as a means to collaborate at the expense of the aspirations of the Chinese people. In 1984 the two groups founded CITIC, the organization that managed China's transition to market economy. That is why China has more embraced a more banker economy. Now, the Triads are a very powerful secret society in China. The Mafia and even the Communists couldn't stopped or decrease the powers of the Triads. The Triads existed for centuries. They are divided into 2 factions. One faction is more about philosophy and trying to do in their minds the right thing. The other faction is what we read about and see on television. This faction of the Triads is more evil, does crimes (from prostitution to murder), is involved in the Drug Trade, and has strong power to this very day. The Triad crime family is found in China, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, the United States of America, New Zealand, the UK, Canada, and throughout the Earth. The Triads came from 5 Shaolin Monks during the 17th Century in the midst of wars in the Qing Dynasty. The Triads are known for subversion in their history. The Communists tried to suppress the movement and that is why the Triads heavily migrated into Hong Kong during the 20th century. It is said that Sun Yat-sen and even Chiang Kai-shek were either Triad members or had connections with the Triad society in general. Today, the Triads have a huge steak in the international drug trade. Following these successful negotiations of the 1980's between the Communists and the Triads, Deng Xiaoping spoke of the triads as Chinese "patriotic groups" and the Hong Kong press published a photograph of Charles Heung, a senior officer of Sun Yee On, conversing with Deng's daughter. In 1992, Western Intelligence Services became aware Wong Man Fong - formerly head of China's central news agency - was helping the triads to set up legitimate businesses in China, particularly in Guangzhou and Shanghai. In 1989, when millions of workers rose up to oppose the regime’s “market reform,” the CCP sent in the army to crush the movement, paving the way for a flood of foreign investment and the startling growth of Chinese capitalism. At the end of the day, it is not the Chinese people involved with this evil. It is the Western elite working in tandem with the compromised Chinese elite harming Chinese human beings in the great nation of China.
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