
Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Wednesday News



There have been anti-government protests in Turkey. There are made up of 2 factions. One faction sincerely wants freedom from Turkish imperialists (being puppets of NATO, the West, and the big banks). Other protesters appear to be color revolution agents sent to destabilize the nation of Turkey to make it more malleable to Western interests. Historically, color revolutions are not really truly revolutionary at all, but this is not representative of every Turkish protester though. We know many legitimate fighters for freedom during the first Egyptian uprising in Tahrir Square. So, we have some in Turkey who are real fighters for freedom and we have the color revolution crowd too. This situation is strange since the mainstream media once praised Prime Minister Erdogan for his support of funding terrorists in Syria (who have been accused of harboring chemical weapons). Now, some in the mainstream media don't like him anymore. Now, we must remember that recently Turkey was at least open to include Russia and Iran in the next round of talks on Syria. Now, this is why the West is a little distant toward Erdogan. “Seeking a peaceful solution for the Syrian crisis would be impossible in the absence of Iran and Russia," said the Turkey’s president on his way back from Turkmenistan during a press conference in response to a question on how the Syrian crisis can come to an end. Turkey wants the inclusion of Iran to the Geneva II conference. This could harm NATO's regime change and neoliberalization operation in Syria. Now, we have uprising. The protest over the privatization of the park was real. The brutal reaction by the authorities outlines the imperfection of Erdogan. Some in social media are funding the uprising like the Indigogo campaign via the New York Times. There have been tensions between the Iraqi government and the Turkish government over energy relations between Ankara and Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). Iraq doesn't want Turkey to bid for an oil exploration contract. Many militants in Syria want other oil pipeline resources in the Middle East as well. The big picture is that there is a sincere faction of protesters in Turkey that are against Istanbul's police force cracking down on peaceful occupiers in Gezi Park. Many innocent human beings have been harmed by excessive police state tactics. Much of the resistance disagrees with the autocratic regime in Turkey. Human beings did not want Gezi Park to transform into a shopping mall. There has been alienation in Turkey, because there is the continuous introduction of religious based practices in Turkey. Turkey was formally a secular state. This has caused dissent among the minorities in Turkey like the Alveis (or a group of Muslims), Kurds, and large sections of secular Turks. The rally started as some wanted to stop the uprooting of trees and then it spread into a general action against theocracy basically. The USA is treating the repression in Turkey with kid gloves. White House spokesman Jay Carney told a press briefing that “Turkey is a very important ally.” Referring to the massive state violence in Turkey, he commented, “All democracies have issues that they need to work through.” Some of those inside of Turkey want to fight against social inequality. Meanwhile, the so-called Turkish “miracle,” touted as testament to neo-liberal capitalist economic policies and a model for the Middle East, has stalled. GDP growth has fallen from 9 percent three years ago to virtually nil today. At the same time, there has been a 5 percent reduction in employment in the so-called formal sector, reflecting massive job losses in industry and public services. There is still huge poverty in Turkey.  The neoliberal turn that Prime Minister Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) has caused gentrification in numerous urban centers of Turkey. We shall see what the future holds for Turkey indeed.

The modern event of the 2013 Bilderberg Group meeting is existing with a lot of developments. It is being held in Watford, UK. We know that the ring of steel structure has been built around the Grove. This is being used to prevent strong protest near the meeting. Foreign and domestic policies are being discussed in the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg Group deals with a certain agenda of globalization. Some news media have talked about their meetings. Transhumanist art is found in the Grove Hotel. This transhumanist agenda is the essence of the elite. Transhumanists want to have control over the masses via technological and biological means. The truth is that humanity has the right to be free and true information including wisdom is superior to evil. Transhumanism is about dehumanization or the replacement of man with machines. This is a historical time since tons of folks are exposing the Bilderbergers in a high level. A leaked transcript from the 1955 meeting (chaired by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands) admitted that the Bilderbergers influenced the European Union and the European single currency agenda. The participants speak about the “pressing need to bring the German people, together with the other peoples of Europe, into a common market”, and the desire is expressed to “arrive in the shortest possible time at the highest degree of integration, beginning with a common European market.” During March 2009, the viscount Etienne Davignon (or the former Bilderberg chairman and current participant) bragged to the EU observer online newspaper that the creation of the Euro was helped by the Bilderberg Group in the 1990's. Back in 1970, the same Etienne Davignon published a report in which the ministers of Foreign Affairs of six European nations pledged to further the European agenda through mostly informal gatherings. Furthermore, the report- to which the ministers of Foreign Affairs of all major European nations pledged allegiance- admits that the further integration of nations must follow a gradual, incremental path in carefully pre-planned “successive stages." The program of incrementalism is a means wherefore the elite continue forth their agenda. European integration has been a brainchild of European elitists for a very long time. Eitenne Davignon agreed with this agenda. The Delors Commissions was one predecessor for the institution of the euro currency. Back in September 7, 1992, the two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affairs. It was titled, "The European Community and the New World Order." He invoked the new world order speech made by George H. W. Bush in 1991. Delors said that its meaning was one step further, speaking of “world government”, “transferring sovereignty” and a “worldwide single market." Delors was in the Bilderbergers 4 months earlier, which was held in Evian les Bains, France. Henry Kissinger was there and it is said that he delivered his famous speech concerning people and their willingness to relinquish their individual rights “for the guarantee of their wellbeing granted to them by their world government.”  Starting off by saluting the audience which he addressed, Jacques Delors bowed and stated: “I would not presume to offer such an illustrious audience as this the last word on the new world order of which President Bush spoke in September 1990 when the Gulf Crisis was building up.” “The interdependence of the world’s nations seems somehow inevitable”, the European Commission chairman continued, “though it must evolve in an orderly fashion; the reality is there, but we have not yet grasped it fully enough to devise the principles and rules of the new international game.” As the speech by Jacques Delors progressed, it appears he became increasingly bold in his statements to his audience, allowing himself to be swept away by his own “eloquence”: “Today many economists speak of the transition to a new stage- a quantum leap to a worldwide single market. There is plenty of evidence of this; the international credit card in the consumer’s wallet is particularly symbolic,” Delors notes in his speech for the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Jacques Delors saw the central banks as consolidating power. There is globalization that erodes national sovereignty as well. He openly talks about world government. He said these words, “I would add- and I will not go into detail- that economic integration, unless it is backed by a strong political will, will not in itself produce stronger international institutions or help create world government. This is why, although the need for a new world order is self-evident, our era is one of trial and error or, as the harsher critics among us would have it, of impotence, inability to take on world challenges.” So, the President of the European Commission wants world government and economic integration. A decade later, the euro came about. He wants integration economically between the USA, Canada, and Mexico (or the North American community agenda). In a speech delivered in 2000, member of the executive board of the ECB, Sirkka Hämäläinen referred to a prediction made by Bilderberg regular Paul Volcker: “(…) He might be right, and we might one day have a single world currency. Maybe European integration, in the same way as any other regional integration, could be seen as a step towards the ideal situation of a fully integrated world. If and when this world will see the light of day is impossible to say. However, what I can say is that this vision seems as impossible now to most of us as a European monetary union seemed 50 years ago, when the process of European integration started.” On another occasion, Hämäläinen wants European integration and global cooperation. It is not a secret that elitists advocate global governance all of the time. Bilderberg steering committee member and former President of the ECB Jean-Claude Trichet in 2005 said that he wants global governance via the usage of central banks, the G20, the Financial Stability Board, and the BIS, to work as a means to further transform global governance. Trichet defines global governance in the following terms: “There are numerous definitions of global governance. In the economic and financial sphere I will propose that global governance comprehends not only the constellation of supranational institutions – including the international financial institutions – but also the informal groupings that have progressively emerged at the global level. Those informal forums (G7, G10, G20, etc.) are key in improving global coordination in all the areas where decision making processes remain national – whether in helping to work out agreed prudential standards and codes or to facilitate where appropriate, the coordination of economic macro-policies.” The Bilderberg Group and likeminded organizations have planned economic, military, and political integration for decades (at the expense of globalization. This agenda is agreed upon by the world's aristocratic elites and other economic plus political players). The elite want an incremental process in getting their goals accomplished. Amazon's Jeff Bezos is attending the 2013 Bilderberg conference as well. He is the founder and CEO of There are other folks there as well.

Bradley Manning is having his trial. There has been secrecy and injustice in America. Manning wanted to reveal truths on imperialism and the evils of Empire. Washington then and now wanted to conceal these truths from the American people. Now, much of U.S. policy is filled with secrecy, lawlessness, and contempt for humanity. Examples include anti-civil liberty laws, imperialism, and an assassination policy. There has been a prohibition of the certain parts of evidence vital to Manning's defense. Even information refuting charges of aiding the enemy is barred from trial proceedings. Real information is never harmful to national security. Anytime a nation wants to restrict the truth from coming into the public, then you have a police state like action. On June 3, 2013, the United States v. Bradley Manning court martial proceedings began. Some want to presume that he is guilty before being presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The White House believes that Manning broke the law with his actions. This is ironic since America violates laws here and abroad with its war crimes and love of extreme privatization. Manning is not equivalent morally to al-Qaeda terrorists or CIA terrorists. He can be free with a stroke of a pen. Secret trial proceedings violate constitutional law. Even the Sixth Amendment mentions the following words: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.” The Constitution mandates all criminal prosecutions and the Pentagon ones aren't exempt. If Manning is convicted, he could face life in prison. Manning's trial proceedings will be secret and not public. Doing that is a violation of constitutional law. Law mandates the right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury. He is being denied of both. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) calls for a trial within 120 days of restraint and arraignment. The Rule for Court Martial (RCM) 707 mandates the same thing. It is to assure speedy trial proceedings. Manning has been held for over three years without a trial. He has been isolated in much of his imprisonment. This is another violation of the Eight Amendment protection against "cruel and unusual punishments." U.S. statue laws were violated. UCMJ's Article 1 prohibits pre-trial confinement conditions any more rigorous than what is minimally needed to ensure the accused appears for court hearings. America has a lot of sins that exceeds anything that Manning has done. Manning revealed war crimes too egregious to be kept secret. Many elite civilian and military officials have far less scrutiny than Manning. Manning faced 22 charges. He pleaded guilty to 10 lesser ones. He denied the 12 greater ones. He said that the war logs given WikiLeaks “some of the most important documents of our time.” He chose ones he believed “wouldn’t cause harm to the United States.” Manning said that America is obsessed with capturing and killing people. “Collateral murder” is policy. US helicopter pilots gunned down innocent civilians. They murdered anyone trying to help them. Shooting wounded victims was like “a child torturing ants with a magnifying glass,” he said. You can't ignore war crimes. He faces 1917 Espionage Act violations. In 1921, its most controversial provisions were repealed. In 2010, Manning was wrongfully charged under the Act. Technically its under Articles 104 and 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). It includes parts of the US Code. Colonel Denise Lind is both judge and jury.  The official transcripts of proceedings will be kept secrets. This trial will deal with press freedom and the right of future whistleblowers to show the truth. The government refuses to make its transcripts available to the public. If Manning is found guilty, many future whistleblowers could be locked up in prison theoretically. Some view the leaks from Manning as the same as the publication of the Pentagon Papers. Only 70 out of 350 media sources were allowed to witness Manning's trial (after all 350 media sources submitted applications). On June 1, FPF headlined “Crowd-funded Stenographers Denied Press Passes to the Bradley Manning Court Martial.” It said three of its media partners were denied them access to the trial. It remains to be seen if FPF’s request discussed above will or won’t fare better. Manning’s trial will be held at Fort Meade, MD. On June 2, Bradley headlined “Nearly two thousand rally for Bradley Manning at Ft. Meade.” Manning was not aiding the enemy. He was a prisoner of conscience and a political prisoner. The Bradley Manning Support Fund funds his legal expenses. Therefore, we need to agree with freedom and information beyond the interests of the status quo. No man on this Earth is God nor the Messiah. The truth will not be omitted.

There is an abortionist who made racist comments, but he is still allowed to work when he received several reprimands. His name is Dr. Ashutosh Ron Virmani. Truth is truth. He received the reprimands during his medical career in North Carolina, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte suspended his privileges there in 1995. He has a license to practice medicine in North Carolina. The abortionist Virmani has killed unborn children at A Preferred Women's Health Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. Recently, some pro-life activists came to Virmani's home. They asked him to repent. He later comes and issues a racist rant to the activists. He described black babies as unattractive, which is an utter lie. The racist abortion doctor is a huge Democrat contributor as both major political parties are a part of the same wicked system. He was born in India. He came into America in 1976. He attended medical school in New Jersey between 1981 and 1985. According to the AMA news, Presbyterian Hospital and Presbyterian Hospital Matthews, part of Novant Health Inc., summarily suspended Dr. Virmani’s staff membership and clinical privileges after the hospital reviewed a case in which the ob-gyn punctured a patient’s iliac artery during a laparoscopic procedure in 1994. He is a hypocrite by claiming that authorities were racist against him, but he issued racist words about black babies recently. In 2005, The North Carolina Medical Board reprimanded Virmani’s license after he was found to have pre-signed prescription pads and the staff at the clinic was using them for non-patients. Planned Parenthood, which refers women to local abortion providers, does not refer patients to A Preferred Woman’s Health Center and is “not affiliated with that clinic at all,” according to spokeswoman Melissa Reed. There is still a huge amount of violence against women by folks who wanted to force a woman to have an abortion. Forced abortions are always evil no matter what. All of this relates to the dehumanization agenda. Even former Office of Population head for the United States named RT Ravenholt said that he wants to sterilize one-fourth of the world's population. For decades, the elite wanted population control in the world. In 1969, Guttmacher as then President of Planned Parenthood-World Population, said this: “I would like to give our voluntary means of population control full opportunity in the next 10 to 12 years. Then , if these don’t succeed, we may have to go into some kind of coercion, not worldwide, but possibly in such places as India, Pakistan, and Indonesia, where pressures are the greatest…There is no question that birth rates can be reduced all over the world if legal abortion is introduced…” ( SOURCE: Family Planning: The needs and the Methods, by: Alan F. Guttmacher; The American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 69, No. 6. (June, 1969) PP. 1229-1234). And in February of 1970 Alan Guttmacher was interviewed by the Baltimore Magazine and said this, “Our birth rate has come down since we last talked... I think we’ve hit a plateau- the figure’s not likely to drop much more unless there is more legal abortion. , or abortion on request as we call it…My own feeling is that we’ve got to pull out all the stops and involve the United Nations…If you’re going to curb population, it’s extremely important not to have it done by the d______ Yankees, but by the UN. Because the thing is, then it’s not considered genocide. If the United States goes to the Black man or the yellow man and says slow down your reproduction rate, we’re immediately suspected of having ulterior motives to keep the white man dominant in the world. If you can send in a colorful UN force, you’ve got much better leverage.” So, the agenda of the establishment is rather known.

Black Power and justice go hand in hand. Folks have said this before, but some justice (not total justice) is being shown now in some ways. The same folks who were responsible for the Maafa, Christobol Colon's atrocities, and other evils against our people are now experiencing poetic justice. Whatever you put out into the Universe, you get back. The imperialists' Empires has fallen since the end of World War Two. They have invaded illegally territories of the first humans on Earth including the other lands of human beings of color. Now, many of the descendants of the first humans on Earth are migrating into the lands of the imperialists. The population growth of the imperialists is decreasing in record low demographic levels. That is why the oppressor now is trying to use eugenics, war, radical  population control, the War on Drugs, etc. against black human beings (and others) as a means to execute control over the world. So, as a human being with a lot of melanin (being a black human being), I do not have hatred in my heart. I subscribe to principle of equality and love for my neighbor. Yet, my love also means that I want justice sent out to my oppressor. I believe in doing my job. My job is to advance Black Love, black families, black families, and real equality in the world. Equality mandates that we try our best to end the system of white supremacy once and for all. The enemy knows the truth. We know the truth. We know our great history and our great cultural resiliency (since it takes a strong people to overcome the Maafa and be a shining light of the glory of God in the circumference of the world. It is God's Holy Spirit and his grace that will make a way where it seems to be not a way). I will always praise the Lord. They or the enemy knows what we know about their nature and their instruments of havoc in the world. It is just that we have a responsibility too. We have the responsibility to expose them and bring up real solutions in helping out our own people. We have remorse for our actions and they don't. We reject imperialism and economic exploitation and they don't. Therefore, the enemy is diametrically opposed to our perspectives. Now, we should perform acts of righteousness and respect for Nature since that is rooted in morality (and true spirituality. True spirituality is about respect for the neighbor, building up the soul including the spirit, respecting Nature, and advocating Justice for all humankind). The enemy will try all sorts of means in attempting to have privilege (via propaganda, discrimination, imperialism, false beauty standards, slander, etc.), but Black strength and Black Power will prevail in the end. We are the first which is why some them want to mate with us (not for love, but because of genetic exploitation. If they loved us, they would advocate the ending of white supremacy once and for all, which they will never do since that would end their privileged state forever). That is why I am wise enough to know about my heritage and to advance love for black women and respect for black men doing the right thing. We should continue to use natural health as a means to improve our bodies. Black is Beautiful and I love being Black as God has blessed me with being. I have the right to advance the cultural, political, and economic interest of my own black people. In the end, the enemy will lose and those in the right will inherit the land. We should the lessons from Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Fannie Lou Hamer, Nat Turner, Aiyana Jones, Dr. King, Kwame Ture, Malcolm X, and other brothers including sisters who fought for black liberation. In that sense, we can institute a better future for our descendants.


By Timothy



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