
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Freedom Rider: If George Zimmerman Goes Free

If Z-Man Walks Expect White Talking Heads

Ranging from hard-core 'Good Ole Boy' whitey FOX Noise types to  Huf-Post 'liberal' types to make so-called 'relevant' comparisons to the OJ verdict. 
IMO the odds are likely 50 - 50 or more that Z-Man may walk, especially after the prosecution let Z-Man's lawyers stack the 6 woman jury w 5 white women over 35 yrs in age.
So if Z-man does walk, anticipate that white talking-heads from so-called 'liberals' to conservatives to blatantly racist- insist that Blacks have no right to get upset- cause didn't a mainly Black woman jury let OJ walk. Of course no matter what you think RE OJ's guilt or innocence [I recommend folks see &/or read independent investigator's Bill Dear's movie & books: 'OJ's Guilty But NOT of Murder'  & 'The Over-looked Suspect']- The fact is no-one knows for sure if OJ killed Nicole & her {boy}'friend'- Yet There's NO doubt that Z-Man gunned down an unarmed Trayvon who was committing NO crime. The only real question in this case is will the mainly white-woman jury buy lying-ass / creepy-a____ Z-Man's BS claims to self-defense! And- Be that as it may- OJ's verdict Can NOT / Does NOT erase the cases of:  Oscar Grant, Keith Chamberlain [age 68], Ramarley Grahm, Amadou Diallo, Rekia Boyd, Aiyana Joness [age 7], Emmett Till [age 15], etc, etc, etc...


Z-man's Mom is from Peru But His Dad's a White ex-Magistrate

from VA. Some say his dad is also Jewish since Zimmerman is a typical German Jewish name. Thus the FOX Noise type crowd have effectively claimed Z-Man as their 'honorary white man'.
An interesting fact is that the lead homicide investigator actually [correctly] recommended that Z-Man be arrested & charged w 1st degree voluntary man-slaughter. But he was over-ruled by the now discredited DA & ex police-chief- after they both made an unusual trip to the crime-scene on that Rainy & Chilly SUNDAY Night. IMO They likely dropped the charges after 'consulting' w Z-Man's white ex-magistrate dad.  Otherwise- Why would both the DA & ex police-chief go out of their way to come to the crime-scene of a supposed 'routine' self-defense shooting???   

courtneyrR replied to edud01 4 minutes ago
STRANGER DANGER !!! is REAL. You are right. Which is it? If I had kids , they would be taught not to talk to strangers, be VERY SUSPICIOUS OF anyone FOLLOWING THEM and if someone is following them, to call me on there cellphone provided to them by me, to describe them to me and give me the location of where he is at.If he can, to run to safety and hide, call 911 until I get there . no matter what the STUPID LAW SAYS, Following is an act of aggression if the person following, is up to no good, or has a weapon on him. They want to change the truth, to fit there wrong doing and lies.T here are plenty of human beings that are killed and murdered because, someone FOLLOWED THEM!!! TRAYVON is now added to that list.

edud01 replied to courtneyrR 18 minutes ago
It's the at least 50 years, probably before, we have instructed kids NOT to talk to strangers. We have instructed them to RUN away from strangers. And we have certainlly instructed them NOT to GO ANYWHERE with a stranger.
But NOW, all that CHANGES. Now it's perfectly UNDERSTANDABLE for a stranger to follow them. It's not illegal. NOW, it EXPECTED for them to STOP and ANSWER questions from strangers. I guess we need to tell children we were WRONG about our previous instructions. Strangers are NOW peaceful loving people with "good" intentions. In fact, we need to tell them if they DON'T obey the stranger following them, they might be MURDERED. Supremacist logic and ideology would be funny if it were NOT so DEADLY!!!

edud01 replied to fiscalconsociallib
We don't KNOW who started the fight, but we DO KNOW Trayvon did NOT "target" Zimmerman. We DO KNOW Trayvon didn't FOLLOW Zimmerman around in a vehicle. We DO KNOW Trayvon was unarmed. We DO KNOW he was on the phone and relayed his FEAR of Zimmerman. We DO KNOW that Trayvon RAN away from Zimmerman(An INDICATION of FEAR). We DO KNOW that Zimmerman ACCUSED Trayvon of being a "criminial". We DO KNOW that Trayvon was INNOCENT of any wrong doing THAT night. And if this situation was reversed we DO KNOW the Black would have went to jail THAT night. NO despute on that from ANYONE, including whites themselves. We DO KNOW we have always INSTRUCTED our kids to avoid strangers at ALL cost. With this case, those rules have changed. No need to be afraid of the stranger. No need to RUN away from a stranger following. After all, it's legal AND the stranger following your kid might just want to ask a question. So be HONEST and tell YOUR kid to obey the stranger or they might end up like Trayvon.
As to YOUR COLOR or colorLessness, it IS irrelevent to TRUTH.



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