
Saturday, August 03, 2013

Savant's Words

We need to know what Black Unity can mean in our time. The economic or class divide WITHIN the national Black coummunity is greater than it used to be. And the pestiferous culture of conumerism which promotes mindless hedonism and selfishness is more influential among us than it used to be. How do we created COMMUNITY despite all this?



There is a tendency in the West, or at least the USA, to objectify Muslims as the dark, alien Other. To racialize the Muslim, Of course, Islam is a religion, not a "race" or ethnicity. But that doesn't really matter. Just as the Nazis could racialize the European Jew who, in appearance was hardly different from other white Europeans, Westerners can racialize the Muslim. And since it so happens that most Muslims are from the darker lands of Africa and Asia, the racializing is made all that more the easier. Obama has an foreign sounding name and is the son of an African, His color makes him alien and his name reinforces his alienness in the minds of many white Americans. hece his is a "Muslim Communist", Arab. Do you know that our troops in Iraq have been known when abusing Iraqis to call then "sand ni***rs"?



We will have to talk about Fanon of the issue of violence, colonialism is itself institutionalize violence. There is exploitation in the capitalist countries, of course. But there's superexploitation in colonized lands. Moreover, the exploitation of the colonized is not disguised as in a counry like France or England. Exploitation is NAKED and enforced by OPEN repressive violence,



The only thug was Zimmerman. He staled and murdered Trayvon. Trayvon wasn't breaking the law. But if the law upholds his murder, then we are not obligated to respect the law. Be very careful, pig. We're not all unarmed 17 year old kids.

Whitness is not simply a skin color, but a worldview and structure of values. Nonetheless, Zimbo is child of a Perusian mother and a caucasian Jewish American father. Perusians are mainly white European and native American descent. American Jewry is mainly caucasian and of European descent. (I'm speaking of modern Jews, not ancient ancestors, which is a differnt matter), So, at least in terms of his parentage Zim is partly white Hispanic and partly white American, But that's not the important thing. He may be more white psychologically than anything else.



Richard Blaine wrote:

Well idiot Savant I'm not the one that's OBVIOUSLY too stupid to get an ID. For me it's 30 min out of my day every 4 years or so at the DMV. For the black man it's OBVIOUSLY an insurmountable freaking obstacle which is why you morons are throwing a fit over it. Just admit it: Blacks are TOO STUPID to be able to get an ID. And as far as that not obeying any law crap I suggest you keep that in the liberal bleeding heart cities where they coddle your criminal race. Try it where I am and we'll Trayvon you in mass.:) Now get that ID ready boy and get ready to pass a background check to. You are so stupid with your "NON-NEGOTIABLE RIGHT" stupidity you don't even know convicted felons are already barred from voting in most elections and have been for decades.
No, you're one of those stupid enough to believe there should be such new ID requirements.
As for the so-called stupidity of Blacks, we at least don'e kiss the a_____ of our plutobratic masters as you do.
In fact, YOU are intellectually inferior to us. Inferior even to the dumbest among us, not to mention the smartest. And of course, your talk about a "criminal" black race--you're too dumb even to conceal your primitive racism--your language is much the same as the language that the NAZIS use when speaking of people whom they thought inferior.
Oh, by the way. It's common knowledge that people with prison records are often disfranchised in America. But this only gives further evidence of the BACKWARDNESS of the USA. Many democratic countries elsewhere have already enfranchised prisoners and people with records. Hopefully, America will CIVILIZE herself despite racist white savages like you.



Keep in mind that, especially in the context of Western colonialism and imperialism, the notion of the uslim as alien "other" did tend to take on racialized undertones. Fanon notes that in some of his writings. Also, a term like "Jihadist " is different from a term like "Muz" or "Muzrats. " If you MEAN "jihadist " or fundamentalists then say jihadist or Muslim fundamentalists. And guess what? Millions of Egyptians--mostly Muslim, but with their Christian brethren with them--might be marching with you. Ordinary Algerians, especially after their experience in the 1990s, will be on the same page too. So will my Muslim uncle who marched with me at Occupy DC Start calling people "muzscum " or creaming "Death to Islam!"--and those millions of supports will vanish. for then the message is: "Wait a minute! He not just against the Muslim Brotherhood whom we're fighting in Cairo. he's not just against those extremist who inflicted death and destruction in northern Mali, or who unleashed a torrent of blood in Algeria. He's against ALL of us!" Fanon wanted a democratic socialist Algeria (and world) with (since religion ain't going away no time soon) Jews, Muslims, Christians and seculars--indeed with Blacks, whites, Arabs, Jews, Asians and whoever-- committed to the creation of a new society,and seeking "to set afoot the New man." Josie Fanon once said of her late husband that "His solidarity knew no boundaries." Or in his own words: "What we want to do all the time, night and day, is to go forward in the company of MAN, in the company of ALL men." And despite his reservations about Fanon's willingness to resort to revolutionary violence to end the old order, this is a humanistic vision for which even Dr. King was willing to praise Fanon. (See WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE, CHAOS OR COMMUNITY)



Richard Blain's comment is a common one made by many whites when confronted with American racism. It is another dishonest dodge. Perhaps we Black Americans might feel gratified that our average standard of living is higher than Blacks in Somalia or Brazil...if America was a poor as Brazil or Brazil as rich as the USA. Our relegation as a group to the bottom of the US economy--with only Native Americans being poorer--is the conequence of racism and economic exploitation--SUPE REXPLOITATIOPN, And we're supposed to be thankful because we're not as poor as Blacks in Zimbabwe or Ghana? We don't live in Zimbabwe or Ghana. And if whites were relegated to the bottom, I doubt they'd be thankful that they don't live as badly as whites in Poland or Greece or Ukraine. And when we consider that our labor from 1619 to the present played a disproportionately large part in the creation of America's vast wealth, you should not be surprised that most of us are INDIGNANT, not thankful. You may recall, Attai, that when we met here three summers ago I told you that there is a tremendous amount of pent up anger in Black America---even within much of our elite, as was pointed out in a book called THE RAGE OF THE PRIVILEGED CLASSES. You can imagine the amount of anger there is in the masses. Some of these white people are playing with fire. They don't hve a clue. But you're smarter than most other whites. Take a look at Fanon's LES DAMNES DE LA TERRE, especially the opening chapter on violence. But I think you8 aready have a clue. Now here's an interesting thought: I read that in 1789 your country, France, was the richest nation in Europe? Do you think that if the old French nobles had reminded the insurgent French poor how well they had it compared to the poor elsewhere, that that would have prevented the French Revolution? America's a powder keg!



Savant wrote:
I believe that several decades ago someone wrote a book called WHO NEEDS THE NEGRO? The author (according to review I rea) seemed to argue that with automation there would be little need for unskilled labor. And since the vast majority of blacks were locked into the unksilled labor pool, and as America remained racist, the issue of Black genocide might become real. In short, the reasoning seemed to be that like the Indians we would simpy be in the way when our labor wass obsolete.
But the electronic revolution with capitalism raises a new issue: WHO NEEDS THE WORKING CLASS, OR EVEN THE MIDDLE CLASS?
The rest of America may find itself in the same boat as us. And whites, many of whom are still deluded by racism and capitalist mythologies, may find themselves in for a rude awakening.
An elder who was a student of Morgan State University back in the mid to late 1960s relates an interesting story. King was speking to some folk in Bmore in 1967, possibly in preparation for the Poor Peoples Campaign. He reportedly told some of our folk: "The difference between us and our white brethren is not what many think it is. It's not that they're free, and we're not. It's that we KNOW we're not free, and they think they are." Well, that's what I heard. It could be urban legend. But it's simiar to some things that I know King DID say. And what King was talking about was ECONOMIC DISPOSSESSION and exploitation. Scandalous poverty and hunger amidst a vast sea of unprecdented affluence in the richest nation on earth.And the various illusions to keep the disinherited millons bemused. This, too, is part of the unhappy reality of contemporary capitalism.
Cap Black wrote:
A report by the Department of Justice found that blacks and Hispanics were approximately three times more likely to be searched during a traffic stop than white motorists. African Americans were twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.
According to the Human Rights Watch,people of color are no more likely to use or sell illegal drugs than whites, but they have higher rate of arrests. African Americans comprise 14 percent of regular drug users but are 37 percent of those arrested for drug offense.
Once convicted, black offenders receive longer sentences compared to white offenders. The U.S. Sentencing Commission stated that in the federal system black offenders receive sentences that are 10 percent longer than white offenders for the same crime .
in sum, the available evidence indicates that the majority of those who deliver serious drugs in Seattle are white, and that a smaller percentage of those who do so are black. And yet, according to Seattle Police Department arrest records, 64.2% percent of those purposefully arrested for this crime from January 1999-April 2001 were black; 14.1% were Latino, and 17.6% were white .... This disparity assumes even greater significance in light of evidence that the Seattle Police Department conducts significantly more drug delivery arrests than comparably sized cities around the United States .... p.
As the corporate capitalist elite seek to defend their failing system against inevitable popular insurgency, they may lean more toward fascism. They probably even have to in order to protect capitalism. But they must also perpare a cultural and political climate for fascism. Old fasheined Americanm RACISM, because it's already deeply rooted in American life, is a useful tool.
But in the past, racism served to keep Blacks enslavedd or superexploited. They managed to do that within the limits of a republic, though denying Blacks (at least in the South) basic citizenship rights. Now it's a question of defending a system which is denying people the possibility of living. As labor becomes obsolete under electronic global capitalism, the emphasis is not even exploiting labor and superexpploiting Black labor, but of reserving repressive violence against people whom the market no longer needs--but who aren't going to just lie down and die.
The prison industrial complex, the criminalization especially of black and brown peoples, is part of that process.
Take a look a Michelle Alexander's THE NEW JIM CROW



Capitalism is the breeder of greed and corruption.
It is capitalizing on other peoples problems, on what they don't know, on what they lack.
It is by its very nature taking advantage of others directly or through stealth.

If the principle of all loans were to be paid back, the amount of money still owed for the "hidden tax" called interest, would be un-payble because there would be no money in circulation to pay it with.
This is inherently fraudulent, dishonest and worthless as a system that one could imagine making right again.

It was never right to begin with, has been unraveling for 2,000 years and is unjust to the core and cannot be made just.

A truly just system is what everyone wants and needs and is not about repairing the "box" most just cannot seem to live or think outside of. Credit cards stopped being honest when banks starting to passing them out to people they knew couldn't pay them off. Mortgages stopped being honest when they created things like interest only loans. Banks knew the people getting these credit types couldn't afford them
-Cap Black


The expansion of capital---and capital must expand or die--leads to the elimination of smaller enterprises, and the monopoly of a few large corporate entities. Corporativism is a tendency INHERENT to capitalism. The power of a few corporate capitalist giants increases in the political sphere to the point where the "republic" becomes an oligarchy--the corporate state.
Moreover, technological advances within in corporate global capitalism renders labor more and more superfluous. As one big Italian capitalist put it in an article I read back in the 1990s, the new poor (coming mainly from a once stable working class) "don't have what we need and can't buy what we sell."
As labor is abolished under capitalism, there is increasing need to fall back on prisons and police to control the populaion. As working and middle class folk are rendered obsolete and impoverished, you must control them. Laws curbing or destroyin labor, working peoples right to organize is one example of the move toward corporate fascism growing from the nature of capitalism itself. The dumbing down of education is another. An enlightened population is a threat to the corporate autocracy. And I could go on and on.


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