
Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Government Shutdown Continues

The U.S. government shutdown reaches its second week. There are calls from Wall Street and the U.S. creditors to prevent a default on the federal debt. This will happen unless Congress moves to raise the country's borrowing limit by October 17. Some want to handle the debt default more so than dealing with the government shutdown when both should have great consideration. The government shutdown is harming human life by furloughing hundreds of thousands of workers. It has shut down social services and other regulatory agencies. The White House has ordered the majority of Defense Department personnel to return to work despite the shutdown. The full burden on this shutdown is affecting social programs and regulatory agencies. An article in the Washington Post on Monday, it claimed that the collective impact of the shutdown is expected to be small with economists shifting their alarm to the debt default issue. Yet, global stocks fell on Monday. Major U.S. creditors including Japan and China issued warnings to the U.S. They wanted to prevent the default on the government's debts. Zhu Guangyao is China's vice finance minister. He urged Washington to ensure the safety of the Chinese investments. A senior official in Japan's Ministry of Finance told the Financial Times that Japan is “very worried about the potential impact” of a US default. Democrats and the White House have responded to the growing concerns within the political establishment over a debt default proposal. According to the Post, the Democrats want a short term bill lasting for a few weeks if necessary to avoid going over the brink. On such bill will not have provisions that would end the shutdown. Some fear that this will set the stage for a broader deal to slash social spending. The GOP in the House has passed measures to try to end the government shutdown, but the catch is that they want more social program cuts. There is the issue of paying military and civilian support staff. The Republicans, meanwhile, are increasingly shifting their demands from the call to defund or delay the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) to attacks on entitlement spending. “Any debt-limit increase is going to require cuts and reforms to address America’s enormous budget deficit,” said Brendan Buck, a spokesman for Republican House Speaker John Boehner, reinforcing remarks that the Speaker had made over the weekend. The Speaker John Boehner wants more spending cuts as the prerequisite for any deal to increase the U.S. government's debt ceiling. Boehner speaks of the myth that there is no money in Social Security and Medicare. He lies and said that we have spent it all, so we know his agenda. The President is open once again in trying to make a deal on the debt limit along with cuts to Medicare, Social Security, and other social programs. Asked by the interviewer about Republican proposals to “end budget negotiation [by the] replacement of sequester cuts with entitlement cuts,” Obama replied, “It is important for us to deal with our long-term entitlement spending.” He added, “I think it is very important for us to continue to cut out programs that are unnecessary, not working—some of them need to be reformed.” The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday, based on an inside source, that Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio “has recommended an agreement that would fund the government for one year at the level favored by House Republicans that would include plans to start lawmakers on an overhaul of the tax code.” The newspaper added, “His plan also would raise the debt limit by an amount equal to deficit-reduction measures already backed by Mr. Obama in his most recent budget, including a switch to a new measure of inflation under which Social Security benefits would rise more slowly.” So, we know what the agenda is all about. Wall Street and U.S. creditors want the budget negotiations to continue as long as it will not affect the country's debt payments. The majority of the public do not want cuts to Social Security and Medicare, but many Republicans and some in the White House desire it.

Black African consciousness is necessary for any black human being. We need it as a means to understand Africa fully and love our God given blackness. True teaching and true wisdom are not about the random memorization of facts and figures. True wisdom is about the awaking of human consciousness and critically applying what you know to benefit yourself & the people. At the end of the day, we have a duty to build ourselves and our neighbors for we are tied with each other in mutuality as members of humanity. Growing the human consciousness is necessary as a means for us to embrace the truth. We need justice, freedom, and we have the right to advance morality in the world. This is part and parcel of our African cultural ethos. That is why we should not only expose the enemy. We should also build up our morality and seek justice. Now, that means we should love justice, we should love fairness, we should reject lies or deception, and we should advance cultural growth. So, it is important for us to study Ancient Egypt, real African civilizations, pan Africanism, African languages, and other great aspects of Africa as a means to connect with Africa. The more we learn and appreciate Africa, the more we love Africa and we identify with it. At the end of the day, we are all Africans. It does not matter if we live in Virginia, New York, Georgia California, Georgia, Canada, South America, Brazil, Paris, Amsterdam, London, South Africa, Nigeria, or wherever. We are all one people. We are all Africans and we are all of black African descent. WE ARE ALL BLACK AND BEAUTIFUL. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL. We may have different nationalities, but we are on the same path. That path leads into black African consciousness and the love for our people. Ignorance is an enemy of humanity. We should fight it with vigor and zeal. Ignorance is more than social nihilism. Ignorance deals with a vulgar selfish individualism that worships materialism and selfishness instead of embracing selflessness. We need true collaboration with our neighbors in a pan-Africanist mindset. Our people are globally, so we ought to continue to embrace our Brothers and Sisters throughout the world. Global, progressive insights are necessary in a global community. We must learn the past, work in the present, and strive to fight for a better future for our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren (including beyond). We have a legacy and our legacy is beautiful. We must take responsibility for our voluntary actions. We should grow and be more mature as time goes on in our lives. In other words, true African consciousness is about developing our health, embracing African tongues, loving African culture, growing our ethics, and having an undying love for black humanity all over the world. Now, we should be united in one goal and that is black pan-Africanist liberation. Our Brothers and our Sisters should be liberated and they have the right to be. We must liberate ourselves and help our people as well.

The Tea Party Republicans are something else. They are testing the government shutdown and the credit default crisis to see how much that they can get. The real issue is that the system of white supremacy has been evil and is promoted by the global elite all of the time. Reactionaries readily want a right wing white minority to dominate society. The demographic changes in America (with most Americans being human beings of color soon) will erode the political domains of white conservatives and white racists. We should always believe in the commitment to one person, one vote. Many Republicans do not want to operate within the traditional standards of democratic governance. They want to use corporate money as a means to create policies that limit the vote. The agenda of the reactionaries is expressed by the conservative thinker William F. Buckley in 1957: “The white community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically.” Now, we know that many anti-democratic measures have been made by Tea Party members in state, local, and federal levels of government. That crowd wants to have the requirement of specific photo IDs (and other limitations on voting) in various states (to address the nonexistent problem of in person voting fraud). Studies have shown that such laws will reduce the number of urban minority voters, the poor, the elderly, etc. who are less likely to have driver licenses and other approved identification. It’s there in the reduction of voting hours, which — when combined with disproportionately fewer (and less efficient) voting booths in poor and minority areas — guarantees long lines and further skews the political power to wealthier white areas. In the pivotal election of 2000, we saw how this combination of factors in Florida suppressed the vote for Al Gore and handed the White House to the national vote the non-victor George W. Bush. There is gerrymandering by Republicans that try to lump minorities and other Democratic voters into one deformed district so other districts have comfortable Republican majorities. This policy and other things contribute to the Republican majority in the House even though Republicans lost the national popular vote in 2012 by about 1.5 million voters. There have been the Republican filibusters coming about as a means to stop Congressional work. Republicans also have found endless excuses to deny congressional voting rights to Washington DC residents. You can probably guess what color skin many DC citizens have and what political party they favor. We know that back in the 19th century, Democrats was the old part of slavery and they use sabotage to advance evils. Reconstruction tried to address the legitimate grievances of African Americans in civil rights and human rights in general. Then, the Democrats of the 1960's wanted to break from the Dixiecrats. These new Democrats and some Republicans supported civil rights legislation that was pushed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other advocates for racial equality. Many Republicans like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan exploited some of the racist sensibilities among some to gain political power in the South. They used coded language about states’ rights and hostility to the federal government as a means to get their agenda rolling. Reactionary billionaires know that more and more Hispanics, Asian-Americans and blacks as well as by younger whites who viewed racial bigotry as a disgusting residue from the age-old crimes of slavery and segregation. So, these billionaires use propaganda engines (like FOX, Beck, Limbaugh, etc.) as a means to cause division and agitation. The Tea Party certainly hates it when the federal government promotes the general welfare of society. So, we see the government shutdown and the debt ceiling debate as one of the last efforts of the reactionaries to get what they want (this is the crushing of the public social safety net and the advancement of radical privatization of society).

There has been the U.S. raid on Libya. We know about the evils found in the war on terror. U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel proclaimed Sunday that two covert operations mounted by U.S. Special Forces in Libya and Somalia over the weekend, "send a strong message to the world the United States will spare no effort to hold terrorists accountable, no matter where they hide or how long they evade justice." The message is murky as described by the folks in charge. There was the abduction in Libya of the alleged Al-Qaeda operative Abu Anas al-Liby and the abortive Navy Seal raid on a leader of the Al Shabab Islamist militia in Somali. It was called off after it encountered stiff resistance. The mainstream media is calling this some monumental new battle in the never ending global war on terror. Al-Liby was indicted in an US. Court on charges related to the preparation of the 1998 terror bombings in the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This was when 224 human beings died in an evil attack. Al-Liby is reportedly held on an U.S. warship in the Mediterranean beyond the reach of civilian courts and laws. He is probably subjected to unknown methods of interrogation. Counter-terrorism experts, ex-agents, and former cabinet members are being paraded before the television cameras in an attempt to rope in the American public, implicating it in another criminal operation by Washington. There is the history of Al-Liby or the target of the U.S. raid. When folks review his career points, things show up. We know that Mr. al-Liby knows some of those who planned his capture on a first name basis. His biography shows the glimpse of the bizarre and frightening world of the CIA, its secret wars, dirty tricks, and global murders. Al-Liby joined al-Qaeda when it was fighting in Afghanistan during the 1980's. This was when the Western elites were providing the foot soldiers for a covert CIA organized war for regime change against the Soviet back government in Kabul. This was when then U.S. President Ronald Reagan hailed al-Liby and his fellow reactionary Islamist fighters as the “moral equivalents of America’s founding fathers,” while the US government poured some $10 billion into financing the war. We know that for decades before the 1980's, U.S. imperialism advanced reactionary Islamist organizations. They wanted to do this as a means to further Western interests and combat left-nationalist or socialist influence in the Middle East, etc. The Western elite supported the CIA orchestrated coups in Iran, Indonesia, and elsewhere. After the Afghan war, al-Libya reportedly followed Osama bin Laden to Sudan. This is where he continued to enjoy U.S. and Western backing. During the 1990's, Al-Qaeda funneled Islamist fighters into Bosnia to go into battle for the U.S. backed Bosnian Muslim regime. In 1993, Bin Laden received Bosnian citizenship and a Bosnian passport. Al-Qaeda terrorists were also sent into Kosovo to join the separatist movement against Serbia, which by 1999 was backed by a full scale U.S. NATO air war. In 1995, Sudan forced Bin Laden sent his Libyan followers out of the country in response to pressure form Libya's head of state Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Bin Laden was asked to leave since Sudan faced pressure from Egypt where an al-Qaeda affiliated group had attempted to assassinate President Hosni Mubarak. While Bin Laden went to Afghanistan, al-Liby found political asylum in the United Kingdom, Washington’s closest ally, on the grounds that he would face persecution in Libya. In 2002, it was found that six years earlier that al-Libya had been a key figure in a Libyan Islamic Fighting Group cell that was paid large sums of money by the British intelligence service, MI6, for an abortive plot to assassinate Gaddafi. For nearly 2 years after the African embassy bombings, al-Liby was able to continue living in the UK. He fled only in May of 2000 when he and 20 other al-Qaeda operatives were indicted in a Manhattan federal court as co-defendants of Osama in the African terrorist attacks. He was placed on the FBI’s “most wanted” list. After a decade on a wanted terrorist list, al-Liby returned to Libya in 2011. He transformed into another U.S. back freedom fighter. He joined one of the Islamist brigades that served as proxy troops for the U.S.-NATO war for regime change. 2 years after the toppling and assassination of Gaddafi, al-Laby was captured by Western forces in Tripoli. They knew where he was. There has been close collaboration between the U.S. intelligence apparatus and Al-Qaeda. The West will only fight al-Qaeda to fulfill their own interests and they will work with al-Qaeda related forces to advance their interests too. This is how 9/11 occurred. Al Qaeda operatives known to the CIA could freely enter the US, take flying courses, and then folks executed the mayhem of September 11, 2001. There were Al-Qaeda related terrorists harming the U.S. diplomatic and CIA facilities in the eastern port city of Benghazi. This was where the U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 other Americans lost their lives. Stevens had played the instrumental role in coordinating US military action with operations of Islamists like al-Liby. The CIA formed a secret station in Benghazi to ship arms stockpiles to similar elements being employed in the war for regime change in Syria. This was done in the aftermath of the Libyan war. Many of the same elements want regime change in Syria. Something caused the relationship to sour, likely involving resentments among the Islamist militias that they had not been adequately compensated by their American patrons in terms of money or power. Al-Liby was kidnapped by Delta Force commandos. The Libyan interim government was not notified of it. The war on terror is about the violation of human rights, democracy, and freedom. The West destroyed Libyan infrastructure, and it now ruled by a puppet regime filled with theocratic militants. There are assassination, kidnapping, and torture in Libya. It oil production is at a standstill and it is its core economic activity. There is no justification for military aggression abroad and the showing of police state methods home in the name of terrorism. The Bush and Obama administration for almost 15 years have been involved in the overthrowing two secular Arab regimes—in Iraq and Libya—and attempting to do the same to a third one in Syria. Each of these interventions has devastated the societies of these countries. Al-Liby is no saint. He is a criminal and a murderer. He should receive justice, but via legal channels not extralegal means. Also, Western terrorism is indeed evil. Even Al-Qaeda is still in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Syria.

As the Vigilant Citizen website have eloquently mentioned, the "Now You See Me" movie has a lot of real similarities to the entertainment industry in real life. The film is about famous magicians and they perform incredible magic tricks like a bank heist. The catch is that the film deals with a shady organization called "The Eye" ironically enough that controls these entertainers. There is a lot of action in the movie, but the message pretty much shows how an occult inspired elite controls the entertainment business. The movie has many implausible scenarios. The movie deals with the idea of the closer you look, the less you see. Magicians distract audiences with illusions as a means to show their actions. Also, in real life, the real magic of harm is done by the elite under guise of illusions and distractions found in modern day Western society. The movie has the police chase, the bank heist plot, and the explosions to keep the viewers' eye occupies, while the real story unfolds. The movie details a symbol of the real entertainment industry. That industry is ruled by elite forces and the masses are deceived by master illusionists. The movie shows 4 magicians being invited to join something via a tarot card with an All Seeing Eye on it. A hooded figure watches them. The back of the invitation card has the image of the All Seeing Eye (which has many meanings). The entertainment industry in real life shows occult imagery all of the time. The four magicians are selected as a means to excel in their magic. They appear to use real, occult magic. The characters of the magicians are Henley Reeves (an escapist having the High Priestess tarot card), J. Daniel Atlas (he is an illusionist with the Lovers card), Merrit McKinney (a mentalist with the Hermit card), and Jack Wilder (a sleight of hand illusionist with the Death card). Jack Wilder is the youngest of the crew. He has the Death card which foreshadows his ritual sacrifice. The magicians come into a strange apartment with strange contraptions in it. There are riddles there as an initiation ritual. The elite's plans are shown and they become big time entertainers. They join the Eye and they are in Las Vegas. The fame comes to them. They are the Four Horsemen group now, but in real life the Four Horsemen are found in the Book of Revelation. They are the harbingers of the Apocalypse giving pestilence, war, famine, and death. A lot of the occult elite exploit the Book of Revelation as a means to advance their agenda. The Four Horsemen magicians follow orders from the Eye. The Secret society controls them. They perform in a stage in the shape of a giant eye. The All Seeing Eye is found all over the movie. There is the logo of the Four Horsemen magicians as well. The actions of the Eye are influence in the magician's actions. It is interesting to note that the people behind the movie did not create a fictional symbol to represent the secret society. They used the most important symbol of today’s occult elite – one the most important symbols of various powerful secret societies.  This symbol of the All Seeing Eye including others are also already used all around mass media. That image is a common image of the symbolism of the occult elite. The OTO is an old order that uses magical rituals as a means to maintain their agenda. The OTO has a history with Hollywood. The All Seeing Eye is common in the OTO, the Freemasons, and other similar organizations. The OTO wants the Aeon of Horus to reign in the world ruled by the law of Thelema.  In the movie, one of the books used to research The Eye is called “The Guardians of Horus."  The layout of its cover closely resembles the cover of actual OTO books, complete with rectangular borders and a title in golden, embedded, capitalized letters. The film shows many folks being programmed to do strange actions when talking about the Eye. Jack Wilder appears to die in a car crash. Yet, he is still alive and the public doesn't know that. Thaddeus, an ex-magician, now makes a career out of creating DVDs “debunking” magicians. When he goes against the elite-backed Horsemen, things do not end well for him. He is framed by the Eye and thrown in jail. By the end of the movie, the Four Horsemen do not know what is going on. This is like in real life. Many puppet musicians do not know about corporate exploitation, occult rituals, and the occult elite exploiting their lives. The puppets just do the bidding of the rulers of the industry. At the end of the film, the Horsemen see closed up boxes and they were used by the Eye for exploitation. They were manipulated all along. The elite uses real magic. Crowley defined magick as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will”. The goal of the entertainment industry is to cause change. But that change takes time … years, decades and generations. The movie shows changes all of the time. The distraction is the overt magic tricks and the real magic is the elite transforming society to fit its needs via the mass media. CGI is real, but the elite wants genetic control, militarism, imperialism, and centralization of power into their own hands. The movie shows a metaphor about how in real life that many artists and performers are recruited by the elite to advance it agenda. The Eye is based on real secret societies that have influence in Hollywood. So, we see the truth and we know the real including the deal. That is why we should fight evil by doing good.




By Timothy

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