IMO RE Implications of This & KILLER Z's Case & Aftermath...
Nixakliel - 11/28/2013 - 01:52
These 4 white so-called 'teens' [likely really legal +18 yr old adults- since this happened on a college dorm]- should have been charged w kidnapping, a federal offense. Compare that to OJ being charged & convicted w kidnapping because a couple of guys w him pulled some guns [which IMO he most likely did NOT even know they had- telling them immediately to put their guns away], even though he never even take anyone anywhere against their will nor even lock them up in 'confinement', as he was retrieving his OWN 'Commandeered' stuff.
A group of almost all white women [white-woman judge, lead prosecutor & nearly all white woman jury] let KILLER Z get away w murdering Trayvon in June 2013. Since then KILLER Z's threatened 2 white women [his soon to be ex wife & a couple of weeks ago, his pregnant girl-friend he's now shacking-up w]. once w the very same gun that he gunned Trayvon down w as he punch his [ex] Father in law, & the next time w a shot gun he pointed at his pregnant girl-friend. Yet the cops covered again for KILLER Z when he threatened his [ex] wife & punched her father, but finally arrested his creepy ass when he pulled that shot-gun on his pregnant girlfriend.
Yet it was known, though down-played / covered-up, by the power structure IE: the lame-stream media, the cops, the white woman Judge & lead prosecutor- that KILLER Z had prior to gunning-down Trayvon, assaulted yet another white ex-girlfriend & a [white-lady?] cop, & even sexually molested his own [white?] cousin for over 10yrs! Never-the-less all those white-women involved in the case identified w 'Poor Georgie'- NOT w Trayvon's Black mom [let alone Trayvon's girlfriend Ms Jeantel]. IMO It won't be until KILLER Z murders a white woman &/or cop, likely w the same gun he used to gun Trayvon down, till they even begin to understand why & how Black folks, especially Trayvon's mom & dad, feel about how all these mainly white-women let KILLER Z walk just away 'Scott-free' from gunning-down an unarmed / non-criminal Trayvon!!!
A Related Topic: AlterNet last week had an excerpt from a book called: 'Women on Ice_The Surprising Rise of Methamphetamine Use Among Suburban Women' [which I renamed 'Women on Ice_Stunning Rise of Suburban {= white} Housewife Meth Addicts']. The book featured one couple- especially the wife- who's a 'soccer-mom' & under-cover meth addict who one can't tell by just looking at her, because she does NOT fit the stereotyped profile / look of a meth addict. Her husband also a so-called 'occasional' meth user. Then the article goes on to say that they in combo w their neighbors, started dealing coke out of their own home [low-key style]- to the point that so much $$$ was coming in from coke dealing, they even discussed him quitting his day job- but decided not to - to keep-up appearances & avoid attracting undue 'attention'. Obviously the coke 'clientele' of this white middle-class suburban couple ain't homeboy & home-girl from either the 'Hood' &/or Barrio.
I also know there's a similar scenario RE heroin & white middle-class suburbanites [along w meth & coke]. Yet there are over 1.5 million Black & Brown men & women [& even teens] locked up in the US' Criminalized {in}Justice System / Prison Industrial Complex, mainly for non-violent drug offenses [mainly involving simple possession of marijuana- FYI: far more whites smoke pot than do Black & Brown people]. Yet they used Trayvon's pot use to demonize him & justify KILLER Z gunning him down. PLUS Because that young sister in Detroit, Renisha McBride, had apparently been drinking before she had that non-fatal car accident, where she went to a white guy's house asking for help & he responded by taking his Shot-Gun & BLOWING HER FACE OFF- According the main-stream [= most white folks], this makes HER to BLAME for this racist northern suburbanite BLOWING HER AWAY [+85% of DUI offenders in the US are white]!!!
A group of almost all white women [white-woman judge, lead prosecutor & nearly all white woman jury] let KILLER Z get away w murdering Trayvon in June 2013. Since then KILLER Z's threatened 2 white women [his soon to be ex wife & a couple of weeks ago, his pregnant girl-friend he's now shacking-up w]. once w the very same gun that he gunned Trayvon down w as he punch his [ex] Father in law, & the next time w a shot gun he pointed at his pregnant girl-friend. Yet the cops covered again for KILLER Z when he threatened his [ex] wife & punched her father, but finally arrested his creepy ass when he pulled that shot-gun on his pregnant girlfriend.
Yet it was known, though down-played / covered-up, by the power structure IE: the lame-stream media, the cops, the white woman Judge & lead prosecutor- that KILLER Z had prior to gunning-down Trayvon, assaulted yet another white ex-girlfriend & a [white-lady?] cop, & even sexually molested his own [white?] cousin for over 10yrs! Never-the-less all those white-women involved in the case identified w 'Poor Georgie'- NOT w Trayvon's Black mom [let alone Trayvon's girlfriend Ms Jeantel]. IMO It won't be until KILLER Z murders a white woman &/or cop, likely w the same gun he used to gun Trayvon down, till they even begin to understand why & how Black folks, especially Trayvon's mom & dad, feel about how all these mainly white-women let KILLER Z walk just away 'Scott-free' from gunning-down an unarmed / non-criminal Trayvon!!!
A Related Topic: AlterNet last week had an excerpt from a book called: 'Women on Ice_The Surprising Rise of Methamphetamine Use Among Suburban Women' [which I renamed 'Women on Ice_Stunning Rise of Suburban {= white} Housewife Meth Addicts']. The book featured one couple- especially the wife- who's a 'soccer-mom' & under-cover meth addict who one can't tell by just looking at her, because she does NOT fit the stereotyped profile / look of a meth addict. Her husband also a so-called 'occasional' meth user. Then the article goes on to say that they in combo w their neighbors, started dealing coke out of their own home [low-key style]- to the point that so much $$$ was coming in from coke dealing, they even discussed him quitting his day job- but decided not to - to keep-up appearances & avoid attracting undue 'attention'. Obviously the coke 'clientele' of this white middle-class suburban couple ain't homeboy & home-girl from either the 'Hood' &/or Barrio.
I also know there's a similar scenario RE heroin & white middle-class suburbanites [along w meth & coke]. Yet there are over 1.5 million Black & Brown men & women [& even teens] locked up in the US' Criminalized {in}Justice System / Prison Industrial Complex, mainly for non-violent drug offenses [mainly involving simple possession of marijuana- FYI: far more whites smoke pot than do Black & Brown people]. Yet they used Trayvon's pot use to demonize him & justify KILLER Z gunning him down. PLUS Because that young sister in Detroit, Renisha McBride, had apparently been drinking before she had that non-fatal car accident, where she went to a white guy's house asking for help & he responded by taking his Shot-Gun & BLOWING HER FACE OFF- According the main-stream [= most white folks], this makes HER to BLAME for this racist northern suburbanite BLOWING HER AWAY [+85% of DUI offenders in the US are white]!!!
Lynching Misdemeanor
tvera618 - 11/27/2013 - 18:11
I like to think I'm a man of peace who also embraces the beliefs Malcolm X helped promote when he said that, as a man of peace, he would not turn his cheeck to any man's act of violence. I also abhor gun violence but would never advocate repeal of the 2nd amendment because I may have to turn to it for defense some day in the not so distant future. The anger I suppress after reading the experiences of too many Black and Latino17 year olds victimized by racism, becomes harder to contain and constructively channel as white supremacism appears to be regaining silent acceptance through a quality of white denial ready to use language and symbols to defend their complicity. The U.S. denial of virulent white racism is reminiscent of the willful ignorance Germans practiced so well while Jews were being trucked to concentration camps, experimented on, and methodically exterminated. Sure, there were good Germans with a moral compass and compative response to Nazism - but they were the exception not the rule. Since I am not willing to confront unequal force against racist oppression, and have no desire to convert a racist, or convince their enablers to think differently, collective self-defense is a viable strategy that needs to be implemented with a pre-emptive model of resistance. Just keep the Sharptons and pastors of the country out of it.