OBama, hillary / , VICKY NULAND & OTHERs
Nixakliel - 03/08/2014 - 00:05
Neo-CON / Neo-Liberal / IMF / NATO type Barbarians at Russia’s Gate.
I knew that the Ukrainian fiasco was spear-headed by literal Jew-hating Neo-NAZI type fascists, but when I heard a DN! guest say that a top Ukrainian Church priest incited these Neo-NAZI thugs RE: Jews, Russians & BLACKS[??!]- I almost could NOT believe it. I mean how many Blacks are even in Ukraine- 2 or 3 families maybe? IMO it's got to be easier to find Black folks in Montana, Wyoming, or even Sarah Palin's Alaska- than in Ukraine!
Well I guess I just got my answer when I saw that video of these Neo-NAZI thugs hanging up a Confederate flag along side a white-Power & Neo-NAZI flag- after forcing the elected Presdent to flee [for his life]!!!
So these are the type people that Obama, Hillary [I Came, I Saw, He Died-Ha, ha, ha] Clinton, Sue Rice, Sam Power & Skull{duggery}& Bones Kerry, are backing in Ukraine. This would be as bad as what this same cabal did by backing that AL-CIAeda type Racist Lynch Mob in Libya, except unlike Libya, there's hardly any Black people in Ukraine to Lynch [so why do so many Black people keep defending Obama, Hillary{as POTUS I'd be willing to 'Obliterate Iran'}Clinton, Sue Rice, etc...]!
BUT- Unlike Khadaffi in Libya, Obama & crew better need to be REAL Careful about stirring up a s____-storm w Putin's Russia!
I haven't read all of Quigley's Tragedy and Hope; but from what I have read he provides interesting historical socio-cultural analysis of many of psychic and geopolitical symptoms of industrial civilization.
ReplyDelete20: The social costs of the contemporary economic system are staggering. On the whole, they have been widely discussed and are generally recognized. As economic enterprises have become larger and more tightly integrated into one another, the freedom, individualism, and initiative traditionally associated with the modern economy (in contrast with the medieval rural economy) have ... [been] be sacrificed. The self-reliant individual has gradually changed into the conformist "organization man." Routine has displaced risk, and subordination to abstractions has replaced the struggle with diverse concrete problems. The constantly narrowing range of possibilities for self-expression has given rise to deep frustrations with their concomitant growth of irrational compensating customs, such as the obsession with speed; vicarious combativeness, especially in sports; the use of alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, and sex as stimulants, diversions, and sedatives; and the rapid appearance and disappearance of fads in dress, social customs, and leisure activities.
Most crucial have been the demands of the modern industrial and business system, because of advancing technology, for more highly trained manpower. Such training requires a degree of ambition, self-discipline, and future-preference that many persons lack or refuse to provide, with the result that a growing lowest social class of the social outcasts (the Lumpenproletariat) has reappeared. This group of rejects from our bourgeois industrial society provide one of our most intractable future problems, because they are gathered in urban slums, have political influence, and are socially dangerous.
So a significant number of the elite recognize that a process of orderly de-industrialization (CommonSism) is both ecologically (sustainable) and egologically (responsible freedom) important. The Lumpenproletariat can voluntarily convert to a Commonsism future. If they refuse and insist on abiding by their breeding war practices, such refusal shall be interpreted by the elite as a declaration of war; and such declaration of war shall not go unanswered; the elite are publicly declaring -- as demonstrated in Ukraine -- how they are and will respond to such refusal: Weimarification of the First World Economy, instantly allowing all the worlds two-faced middle-class liberals to instantly (like nuclearwaterboarding 2 minute noodles) come out of their Neo-Nazi smiling fox closets.
"The second most numerous group in the United States is the petty bourgeoisie, including millions of persons who regard themselves as middle class and are under all the middle-class anxieties and pressures but often earn less money than unionized labourers. As a result of these things, they are often very insecure, envious, filled with hatreds, and are generally the chief recruits for any Radical Right, Fascist, or hate campaigns against any group that is different or which refuses to conform to middle-class values. Made up of clerks, shopkeepers, and vast numbers of office workers in business, government, finance, and education these tend to regard their white-collar status as the chief value in life; and live in an atmosphere of envy, pettiness, insecurity, and frustration.