
Thursday, April 24, 2014

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  1. Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 1:14 PM
    Subject: Invitation to support: Prisoner of Sex & War ShibumiTF MN-737 submission to Swiss Federal Council

    TO: Seed: Navdanya: Dehradun; Seed: Navdanya: Mumbai; Sus: Eco: FEASTA: David Korowicz; US: Ken Levine; US: Mike Ruppert; US: Robert Jensen; US: TedGlick; US: UTNE: Tani Ikeda; US: UTNE: Elinor Ostrom; US: UTNE: Tim Wise; US: UTNE: Bill McKibben
    CC: Timothy McVeigh


    Tim Wise:

    Ah yes, and so what goes around really does come around, as Brother Phelps, I figure, is learning right about now and far better than most of us, as he comes to the terrifying realization that hate, indeed, does swallow: sexual pun very much intended. You’re welcome.

    Hate Swallows: Reflections on the Passing of Fred Phelps


    LZ: comment to Peter Stewart on Apartheid and the prison sexual tendencies of 'racist crackers' vs non-europeans...

  2. Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 1:14 PM
    Subject: Invitation to support: Prisoner of Sex & War ShibumiTF MN-737 submission to Swiss Federal Council

    TO: Seed: Navdanya: Dehradun; Seed: Navdanya: Mumbai; Sus: Eco: FEASTA: David Korowicz; US: Ken Levine; US: Mike Ruppert; US: Robert Jensen; US: TedGlick; US: UTNE: Tani Ikeda; US: UTNE: Elinor Ostrom; US: UTNE: Tim Wise; US: UTNE: Bill McKibben
    CC: Timothy McVeigh


    Tim Wise:

    Ah yes, and so what goes around really does come around, as Brother Phelps, I figure, is learning right about now and far better than most of us, as he comes to the terrifying realization that hate, indeed, does swallow: sexual pun very much intended. You’re welcome.

    Hate Swallows: Reflections on the Passing of Fred Phelps


    LZ: comment to Peter Stewart on Apartheid and the prison sexual tendencies of 'racist crackers' vs non-europeans...
