
Monday, June 16, 2014

Black Leadership Response to the Koch $25 Million “Gift” Should Be a Movement For Free College Tuition



Nixakliel - 06/14/2014 - 00:35

Attending a Black Church [even though he's Jewish {but his real God is $$$}- doubt he'll convert to Black Baptist before he passes away']. Meaning like Sterling, who IMO paid NAACP's LA chapter & the Rev of that Black church some chump-change [for him] for a PR photo-op, like-wise for the Koch Bros' 'gift' of 'just' $25 million to HBCU for some good PR [$25 million is almost chump-change to a couple of guys worth at-least $25 BILLION$]. Plus beside PR these billionaire robber oil-barons & slum-lords almost never just give away $$$ without expecting something in return- beyond just good PR. Case in point: Bill Gate's has 'given' million$$$ to public schools in-order to leverage corp {mis}Education [of the Negro] Deform in the form of Bush Jr's NCLB in tandem w Obama & Duncan's RTTT. FYI: Public schools are now buying a lot of Gate's MS Software & systems- IMO that's NO coincidence. Ditto for Gate's donations re: crops & vaccines in Africa [FYI: Gates is pushing GMO crops as Africa's 'salvation']. Wanna bet Gates is heavily 'invested' in the GMO agro-tech BIZ & BIG Pharma BIZ??? Like-wise w the Koch Bros. So let's see if many HBCU's now start to promote dirty tar-sands oil & gas-fracking [much / most of which will be sold on the over-seas market- so much for that 'it's all about US energy security' hype] which the Koch Bros are heavily invested in! We saw how the NAACP after taking $$$ from the BIG Processed & Fast Food BIZ, came out against Cali's GMO food labeling law. Ditto re: the NAACP vs net neutrality. PS: Why do the HBCU's have to beg the likes of the Koch Bro's for so-called 'donations' anyway? Where's Oprah, Bob & Magic Johnson, MJ, Mr Cosby Kids, Jr Bridgeman, Jay Z & Beyoncee', Denzel, etc...??? Have they all gone MIA / AWOL on this issue???



beverly - 06/12/2014 - 19:02

Yes they have a right to donate to whomever they want. However, their good deeds are overshadowed by their evil ones. Like their corporate brethren, the Kochs also support/pay for legislation for privatization of public sector, the contamination of food industry by Monsanto, the silencing of whistleblowers, trade pacts that decimate US jobs/environments here and abroad. If the TransAtlantic Partnership gets signed, you can kiss goodbye the few remaining legal avenues we have to protect labor rights as well as protections for safe food and clean water. The Kochs make a huge donation to HBCUs. But will they use their lobbying clout to fight the increase in HB visas that ship in foreign white collar (medical, engineering, IT) workers who will take away jobs from many of grads, HBCU or not, who will graduate in those fields? Kudos to the Kochs for donating money to medical centers. As businessmen, surely they watch their bottom lines. Expanding Medicare to all would save businesses millions of dollars in insurance premiums which opens the door to higher worker salaries and more job creation.

But I didn't see the Koch Bros standing with the single payer/Medicare for All advocates; more likely they were funding propaganda to talk up Obominable Care. Like their oh so effective puppet Obama, the Kochs know how to silence the critics. Obama's dulcet tones spout a well-crafted script designed to hypnotize the sheeple while the Kochs write big-a___ checks to appease the masses.

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