
Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Donald Trump's Address to Congress

The Resident in Office Donald Trump gave his first joint session speech in Congress on Tuesday. He outlined the major principals and agendas of his presidency which includes slashing taxes on corporations, scapegoating immigrants, promoting economic nationalist trade policies (which doesn’t work to help workers internationally), and expanding military spending. This speech was different than his inaugural speech. In this new speech, Trump tried to be slick to express his right wing extremist views in traditional avenues of American politics. Ironically, many in CNN praised Trump’s speech when CNN was banned from a closed door session. The mainstream media has been called by Trump as the “enemies of the people.” Some in the corporate media believe in the myth that the speech is about bringing people together and advancing a bipartisan approach. The Trump regime has overt fascist people like Steve Bannon, who is in support of the massive crackdown of millions of undocumented immigrants.  The Democratic response came from former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear. He doesn’t hold any elected office. He talked about a defense of the ACA, which must be improved upon and denounced Trump for “ignoring serious threats to our national security from Russia.” Republicans and Democratic politicians disagree on tactics, but there is broad agreement among many of both parties on expanding militarism. Trump wants to end ACA with free market health care policies, and other reactionary policies. The day before his speech, Trump announced plans to increase the military budget by 10 percent, to be paid for by an equal reduction of discretionary social spending.

In his speech, Trump indicated that he would work with Congress to cut these programs, including by turning Medicaid, the insurance program for the poor, into a block grant system, which could be cut by state governments. “We should give our great state governors the resources and flexibility they need with Medicaid,” he declared. Trump believes in school choice. His advocacy was of economic nationalism is typical of him. He wants subsidies for US companies to help them penetrate foreign markets, declaring that his administration is “developing historic tax reform that will reduce the tax rate on our companies so they can compete and thrive anywhere and with anyone.” He complained that “when foreign companies ship their products into America, we charge them almost nothing.” Notably, when Trump declared that his administration will make “it easier for companies to do business in the United States, and much harder for companies to leave,” former Democratic presidential nominee Bernie Sanders applauded. Sanders, together with other Democrats, stated his willingness to cooperate with Trump on nationalist economic policies. Cutting corporate taxes, eliminating regulations and refusal to increase the minimum wage is not about promoting American jobs. He believes in the myth of undocumented workers being filled heavily of extreme criminals. This refugee and immigration ban is not based on reality as those nations in the ban have no direct threat to American soil. Toward the end of his speech, Trump recognized the presence of Carryn Owens, the widow of a US Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens, who died in a raid in Yemen last month. Ignoring the denunciations of the operation by Owens’ father, Trump described the mission as a “highly successful raid.” Trump’s invocation of this murderous rampage, which led to the killing of 25 Yemeni civilians and eight children, was greeted with the longest standing ovation of the entire speech, from both Democrats and Republicans. Trump claims to promote a stronger infrastructure, and a better society, but doing that requires progressive actions.

It is very obvious that Betsy Devos' comments on HBCUs are not only disrespectful and makes no sense. Her words make a mockery of the real history of HBCUs. Many HBCUs were created during the Reconstruction period in order to give opportunities for black human beings. The creation of HBCUs have nothing to do with the conservative version of "school choice." HBCUs were about promoting growth in the black community, building camaraderie, and involving the building of our institutions in the midst of racial oppression. DeVos' answers to basic questions on education (during her confirmation hearings) were abysmally clear of her lack of knowledge of even basic concepts in dealing with education. The truth will always be existence in the Universe. Rachel is the epitome of a liar. She mocked black people and lied about her heritage. She totally disrespected black women with her myths and she deceived many human beings. Also, she has some nerve to blame black people for her situation. Black people collectively should never be blamed at all for her issues. Regardless of what she has said, there is white privilege. Just because many white folks are poor, doesn't mean that white privilege is nonexistent. It's a fact that many black people are poor too and Rachel doesn't talk about that reality because of obvious reasons. During this Trump regime, many whites are coming out to not only slander black people, but embrace some sick persecution complex when black people for a long time suffered slavery, Jim Crow, the mass incarceration state, peonage, and other atrocities at the hands of an evil system. For the record, black people have no misconception about poverty and suffering. Our ancestors and our people today know all about suffering. We just don't allow the reality of poverty to omit the necessity to fight for racial and economic justice.

We will always remember the legend Marian Anderson. She was a very talented black woman who lived a long life. Her voice involving opera was incredible and her songs moved crowds globally. She was born in Philadelphia in 1897. Her aunt inspired her to pursue a singing career. She sang in the Lincoln Memorial in 1939. She opposed racism and discrimination. She stood up for her right of freedom and human self-expression. She gave benefit concerts for the NAACP and CORE. She also sang in the 1963 March on Washington. She lived to be 96 years old. Her compassion was immeasurable and her contributions are certainly legendary. Rest in Power Sister Marian Anderson.Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Sasha Smith and her twin Sister Sidra Smith. They were born in Camden, New Jersey. They are now 46. They have been involved in many endeavors throughout their lives. Sasha Smith is known as an actress, model, and comedian. She has been involved in many famous TV shows and movies. Sidra Smith is a producer. She was involved in the documentary Free Angela and All Political Prisoners. Yes, I have seen that documentary before and it outlines the necessity to promote ideological freedom. Both women have done a lot to make the world better. Both are spiritual black women who are unashamed of their faith. Also, it is important to recognize their behind the scenes too. I wish the best for both of them.

Today is the Birthday of Sister Lupita Nyong'o. She is now 34 years old. For years, she has shown the world not only her amazing acting talent, but her magnificent wisdom on many important issues. She has spoken the truth that not only is Black is Beautiful, but that Beauty deals with compassion and a sense of purpose to help our neighbors. She was born in Mexico City and went into the States to study acting. She participated in many films. Also in 2009, she wrote, produced and directed the documentary In My Genes. She won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in the 2013 film 12 Years a Slave (which is about the brutality of antebellum American slavery). Nyong'o made her Broadway debut as a teenage orphan in the critically acclaimed play Eclipsed (2015), where she received a Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play nomination for her performance. Lupita Nyong'o has gone worldwide to be involved in helping people in Kenya, America, and in other locations throughout the world. She defends women's rights, animals (like elephants), and the preservation of historic sites. Lupita has supported the arts as well. Her eloquent words, which refutes the evils of racism and colorism, have moved humanity. Lupita Nyong'o is a great, inspirational hero.
She is just getting started and I wish Sister Lupita Nyong'o an excellent birthday.

By Timothy