
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

News about Life.

A lot of news are here. Robert Mueller will testify before Congress on July 17, 2019. It took long negotiations and a subpoena to make this event to happen. The Mueller report is not an ordinary report. It deals with corruption and future of our democracy. It purely documents how Russian intelligence figures harmed election processes in America, and it factually exposed multiple incidents of Trump obstructing justice. Today is the big day of the first Democratic primary debate among 10 candidates today and 10 other candidates tomorrow. The major theme of the debates deal with not only about Trump, but the future of Democratic party. The Democratic Party could reverse course and be like the 1990's corporate Wall Street and centrist nonsense that doesn't adequately address poverty, health care, education, etc. The Democratic Party can go to the other path which leads to progressive solutions like universal pre-K, universal health care, affordable education, eliminating college debt, and using investments to rebuild urban plus rural communities. The debates takes place in Miami. The most popular candidates want to solidify their leads while the more unknown candidates want their presence more thoroughly represented. The Third Way moderates are not only retrograde ideologically, but their solutions won't work. Moderation is wrong, since we live in a time of emergency. Massive problems require revolutionary solutions not middle of the road rhetoric. Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act transpired to promote progressive (not centrist) change in our world.

Trump lacks character. When a woman named E. Jean Carroll accused Trump of rape recently, Trump said that she is not her "type." That is disrespectful to any victim of rape. Rape is about assault and the brutal victimization of an innocent human being. The GOP mostly are silent since many of them care more for political power than the victims of rape. Trump admitted that he assaults women from that Access Hollywood tape. Therefore, no one should vote for Trump. A voter for Trump is someone who has no respect for honesty and truth. Recently, the Brennan report and other sources have documented the DHS monitoring progressive activists who are anti-Trump. This has been discovered by an FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request. People found that the DHS monitor social media data from political protests to other demonstrators against corrupt policies. DHS has worked with private firms to find social media information. The Nation reported on these facts too. My message is that we won't be silenced in our views against Trump's agenda, and we will advance our constitutional rights of the freedom of speech & the freedom of assembly.

The recent events in South Bend, Indiana certainly represents the need of conversation and action. Action comes about as a result of talking, planning, and an execution of comprehensive change. Mayor Buttegieg has been criticized by many in the South Bend community because of his response. African Americans have every right to express great frustrations about the status quo. Many cops have complete privilege in support, given the benefit of the doubt, and other things that an ordinary citizen doesn't have. Biden still justifies his remarks. Biden's words have been criticized by Booker and De Blasio. Other candidates have outlined their proposals. The Democrats are in a crossroads. The progressives and the moderates are debating each other for the future of the Democrats. The debates are coming up in Wednesday and Thursday among 20 candidates.

About 100 migrant kids are moved back to a Texas border facility that has horrendous conducts. The world is watching. The image of a drowned father and his daughter described the migrants' desperate struggle to escape poverty and oppression. Trump has cut aid to Central American nations. There is a bill in Congress that deals with the issue. Trump is known for his hatred of immigrants and his racism. Trump promotes inhumane policies. There is no excuse for children (I don't care what color they are) to experience lack of sanitation, lack of soap, lack of toothpaste, and areas filled with disease. There are stories of children taking care of children, and African immigrants at the border too. Infants have found to have died as well. The immigrants are fleeing war zones in Central America. It is immoral for anyone to advocate to indefinitely detain migrant people. The situation in Central America existed as a product of decades of U.S. imperialist policies and authoritarian rulers harming the lives of people in Central America. Certainly, legal attorneys, doctors, and humanitarian aid should be sent to the region in America now. Trump trying to intentionally bring back the children into such a disgusting facility shows his callous agenda.

Yesterday was the Birthday of a person who is an ambassador of basketball. He is a well known humanitarian. His name is Brother Dikembe Mutombo, and he is 53 years old. He was born at Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He is one of 12 children. He can speak fluent English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and the five Central African languages. He came into college at America by the age of 21. He excelled at Georgetown University with the coach John Thompson. Mutombo has degrees in linguistics and diplomacy. During his early career, he played for the Denver Nuggets. He used his finger after he blocked shots to represent his own style. He was the Defensive Player of the Year during one year. He played for the Atlanta Hawks and the Philadelphia 76ers. Mutumbo constantly helps Africa, the Special Olympics, and other health care causes. He has invested money to create a hospital in Africa. He has done so much for so many human beings. He is one of the greatest basketball players in history, and we appreciate his altruism. He loves his wife and children. I wish Brother Dikembe Mutombo more blessings.

By Timothy

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