Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Friday News and Updates.
Mary Trump's new book revealed what we already know and suspected. It shows Trump as narcissistic, and it outlines how Trump's father modeled him to be the cruel person that he is. Mary is Trump's niece. Her tell all book sold 950,000 copies by the end of the first day on sale. Mary Trump said that Donald Trump has used anti-Semitic slurs and the n word. The lesson of the book shows us that real integrity ought to be promoted by anyone. When Trump uses habitual lying, we ought to be honest with our intentions. When Trump uses racial slurs to describe the coronvavirus, we should treat our neighbor as ourselves regardless of someone's background. When Trump promotes the Confederate flag and statues, we ought to believe in real history that presents the truth that those images are antithetical to black humanity.
Today, a new generation has grown to fight many injustices. Millions of Americans plus others globally have been involved in demonstrations to defend black human lives. That is unprecedented in world history. Now, some states have banned chokeholds. Mississippi legislators have finally ended the Confederate image on the Mississippi state flag. History and human experience teach us that change only comes by the people uniting and using action to demand transformative change against the agenda of oligarchy. It is immoral for some to want massive cuts to urban plus rural public services during this era of economic downturn and the coronavirus pandemic.
There are always a connection between us who are African Americans and West/Central Africans. I took a DNA test and found out that a large amount of my DNA is from Nigeria including the Congo. Nigeria is home to the Bantu people. The vast majority of African Americans are Bantu human beings. A very large percentage of African Americans came from Nigeria. Therefore, Bantu history is very important to me. A long time ago in ca. 1,000 B.C., there was the Bantu migration. This was when Bantu people found in West Africa migrated to Southern Africa and other places of Africa. Today, we know that the Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, and other Central and Western African peoples are the ancestors of us, who are African Americans. It is silly for the governor of Georgia in trying to sue Atlanta, because the mayor of Atlanta issued a mandatory mask order. The governor is wrong. Right now, Georgia is a battleground state. Georgia and Texas being battleground states is unheard of in my generation. That tells me that this isn't a regional thing. It's a right vs. wrong thing. The mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is 100 percent right to issue the mask order. Porsha Williams is right to want an independent investigation into the unjust murder of Breonna Taylor. She was a protester and was arrested for courageously standing up for the dignity of black human lives.
One of the biggest myths in the world is that we, as members of the black community, don't talk about "black on black crime." This talking point is not just shown by white racists. It has been talked about by some black people. They use the tactic of what about black on black crime as a tactic in trying to derail or deflect from the goals of the Black Lives Matter Movement. The truth is obvious. The vast majority of black people in the world aren't rapists, murderers, or vile criminals. Crime has nothing to do with color or ethnicity. Crime has to do with many socioeconomic factors, proximity, greed, opportunity, and other reasons not because of racial characteristics or the phenotype of a human being. For years and decades, black people have been involved in anti-gun violence programs, mentorships, education, and other activist projects to fight intraracial crime in our communities. Black people have always have a long culture of promoting righteousness, building up integrity, and embracing the Golden Rule in how we interact with each other and the rest of the human family. For some to assume that we lack the empathy to deal with intraracial crime is an old slander against all black people.
All black people should never be blamed for innocent black life being lost to murder or other evils. We can both condemn police brutality and other evil crimes that exist in our communities too. When black sellouts say stuff like "what about black on black crime" and "we are our own worst enemy," we should remind them that we are not enemies but allies. Also, we should tell them that why don't they talk about the many black heroes saving lives and building in our community. We know what works. What works will deal with investments to rebuild communities, growing economic opportunities with living wages, the development of businesses, allowing black youth to get the opportunity to have a great education, and other progressive plans including universal health care. We always condemn murder and any evil crime, but we don't deflect as a means to ignore the serious problem of the police extrajudicial murder of our Brothers and our Sisters. That is the truth.
By Timothy
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