Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Standing on Principles.
As we know, Tariq Nasheed is a character, a hypocrite, and a deceiver. Recently,he crossed the line and made derogatory comments about John Lewis. I'm not surprised. To disrespect an iconic black man like John Lewis, who has shown more courageousness than Tariq will ever do, is definitely offensive. Tariq said that John Lewis did nothing to help black people and his nonviolent activism was used to basically pacify himself with white society (along with other offensive nonsense that I won't mention here). Before Tariq was born, John Lewis was in the trenches fighting for our freedom. I don't agree with pacifism, but Lewis' nonviolent resistance was one way in how the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act (2 of the greatest legislation of the 1960's) were passed. John Lewis, just before his passing, wanted to extend voting rights, while Tariq wants black people to withdrawal from voting Trump out of office. When Tariq was promoting records about pimping women and promoting violence against black people in his hip hop songs (and he made hip hop songs degrading women, even having a woman on a cover in a disrespectful way), John Lewis was in Congress fighting for progressive change. Tariq admitted that he wanted to disrespect John Lewis.
This coward Tariq Nasheed has the nerve to say what has John Lewis done for black people? John Lewis fought for the right for Tariq to have an Internet platform to spew his garbage (he or Nasheed made a movie called 1804 about the Haitian Revolution when he slanders Afro-Caribbean people constantly on his radio shows plus on Twitter). This person Nasheed promoted pimping and manipulation with his books and criticizes women in interracial relationships, but his wife is a product of an interracial relationship. Years ago, this guy Tariq admitted to lusting after Brooke Logan, but he claims to be some black superhero. Tariq believes that single black mothers doesn't deserve reparations which is very wrong on his part. His family's surname is not Nasheed, but Sanders. He changed his name. There is so much stuff this guy does behind closed doors that I won't mention here, that it's incredible. To answer Tariq Nasheed's question, here is what John Lewis did to help black people: he helped to back the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. John Lewis fought against the Iraq War. John Lewis came out to help create the National African American Museum of History and Culture. John Lewis directed the Voter Education Project to help people with voting rights. He helped to register millions of black Americans voters. No one is perfect. Even John Lewis made mistakes, but to discount his legacy is very disrespectful. John Lewis spent his life to defend human rights.
There is the controversy about Sage Steele. She is the journalist and reporter from ESPN. I heard about her for years. She said that many of her ESPN colleagues didn't want her to talk with a panel on racism because of her political views. Sage Steele has a long history of making problematic remarks. For example, she blamed black people of being the most racist against her. She criticized Colin Kaepernick's protest, and she wanted ESPN to not delve into politics when the history of athletics are intertwined with politics (i.e. Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, etc.).
Steele made these allegations against Michael Eaves and Elle Duncan, who are 2 black journalists. The panel was called Time for Change: We Won't Be Defeated. Steele omits that Stephen A. Smith and Bomani Jones didn't participate in the program either. Steele doesn't want to be viewed as a monolith, but she has criticized the black community as a monolith on many issues. Like usual, Jason Whitlock believes that reforms are equivalent to far left views. In 2016, Sage Steele criticized NFL player Mike Evans for sitting during the anthem. She told a crowd in Florida that the worst racism she sees comes form black people.
That statement is not only offensive, but anti-black. The Holocaust, the Maafa, the Red Summer Massacres, and the epidemic of hate crimes aren't committed by mostly black people. Steele made the lie that African Americans can be hypocritical and not look at the mirror. Black people have a long history of self reflection and fighting evil. In black households, black people are always told to do the right thing with integrity. Steele said that ESPN should stick to sports, she didn't want to hear about Charlottesville on SportsCenter, and she defended NFL owners not signing Kaepernick. Steele rarely attended the National Association of Black Journalists' Sports Task Force. So, we know about Sage Steele. She shouldn't be disrespected. Yet, people have the right to peacefully disagree with her views. Hopefully, she can wake up.
By Timothy
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