
Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Political News in Early December of 2020.



There are many news today. The major news is that Bill Barr of the Department of Justice even said that there is no evidence of widespread election fraud that would overturn the 2020 Presidential election. The ballots were backed by paper ballots. Immediately, the bigot and far right extremist Rudy Giuliani has criticized Barr, but there is no evidence from Rudy that the election was totally fraudulent with massive voter fraud at all. Trump's attorney said that he wanted former Cybersecurity official Chris Krebs to be dawn and quartered, taken out at dawn, and his life taken. Obviously, this comment is offensive and could be a felony by threatening a person's life who is a former federal official. Krebs said that the attorney Joe diGenova's comments (on The Howie Carr show) are dangerous and his lawyers are considering legal actions against him. diGenova said that he was being sarcastic, but no one should joke like that against a former federal official or against anyone. diGenova knew what he is doing, and he is lying to try to potentially prevent a lawsuit against him. Sean Hannity of FOX News wants Trump to pardon himself and his family.  Hannity is the same neo-con who supported the Iraq War back in 2003. 

Numerous constitutional scholars say that Trump can't pardon himself. Also, pardons deal with primarily federal laws. Trump can still be subject to state charges after he leaves office on January 20, 2021. Trump has criticized Republican governors for supporting the election results. This makes Trump hostile to democracy and civil liberties as the majority of the American people don't want him anymore in the White House. The super patriot, pro-Trump hypocrites who claim to love the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution are silent on Trump desiring to harm libel laws, using Muslim ban, enact voter suppression effort that violate the constitutional right to vote. As Trump loses legal challenges in the dozens, we have witness Biden continually transition with his proposed cabinet members. The New York Times reported that Trump has discussed with his advisers pardoning his 3 eldest children and Giuliani. Gabriel Sterling have spoken up in Georgia after sick people have threatened election workers in Georgia, while Trump has done nothing to condemn this evil (until Gabriel spoke out with a Trump spokesman making a statement). Some breaking news is that the DOJ is investigating a bribery for pardon scheme. It involves a political contribution for a possible pardon.  Details could be forthcoming about what it is all about. 


There is a debate among progressives vs. moderates in the Democratic Party. Neera Tanden is the center-left person of the Tanden asked Podesta (in an email revealed by Wikileaks), “Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email? And has that person been drawn and quartered?” She is referring to the former Hillary Clinton Cheryl Mills (who is a black woman). Not only is that email offensive and wrong. It shows the mentality of many moderates who care more for the status quo than revolutionary justice. It is no secret that Neera Tanden is no fan of Bernie Sanders and his supporters. It is no secret that Tanden advocated for cuts for Social Security for the purpose of some debt deal. Now, she said that since France has virus issues, so Medicare for all won't work. She omits that every industrialized nation on Earth has a form of universal health care, except for America. Tanden also desiring to steal Libya's oil for the sake of economic purposes. A solution to a pandemic is not some moderate approach. You need radical change to solve a radical problem which is part of commonsense. Neera Tanden pushed the journalist Fiaz Shakir (which is assault) over a question about the Iraq War. Tanden shut down ThinkProgress, because its workers formed an union. This critique of Tanden is more than her words about some Republicans. So, we know the truth.


More and more people have talked about the Pastor Gino Jennings. I have heard of him for a long time since the early 2000's. Many people don't like him, and some praise him for his non-politically correct preaching style. He is known for preaching in a loud fashion and another person quoting Bible verses to the crowd. Far too often, some preachers compromise their message for promoting the status quo, and some gravitate to Gino Jennings as a way to seem against the establishment so to speak. Gino is known for his controversies. He is right on many issues like disagreeing with false doctrines like  purgatory, venerating statues, disagreeing with cults, desiring a sense of living righteous lives, etc. His or Gino's problem is that he mixes truth with errors along with making bigoted statements against women and other people. One thing that a lot of people don't know about Gino Jennings is that he is part of the Oneness Modalist movement. That movement explicitly denies the Godhead of the Trinity. The Trinity is the belief that there is one God who exists in 3 distinct, co-equal persons. This is shown on how Jesus Christ made a distinction between him and the Father as found in John 14:12, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." The Trinity is mentioned as a concept in the New Testament, and it has been promoted by the early church long before 250 A.D. Gino believes in the heresy that the Son is the Father. The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ is the Son of God not the Father. John 5:30-32 is clear form Jesus' own words that: "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgement is just; because I seek not mind own will, but the will of the Father, which hath sent me. If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true."  God is one. Also, God is multidimensional and compound in his essence (1 Cor. 8:6, Rev. 1:1-4, John 5:23, and Acts 7:55-56).  Jesus never prayed to himself. He prayed to God the Father in the New Testament. That denial of the Trinity by him makes Gino Jennings a heretic. Also, he believes that if you can't have the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues, then you're basically going to Hell. Obviously, that heresy is old and wrong. Yet, his followers believe him. Gino believes that baptism is required for salvation which is another heresy. 

Gino Jennings (who is the leader of a Oneness Pentecostal organization called First Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ), claimed to oppose the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, but he approves of the Catholic-approved Apocrypha books. The Apocrypha is known for its contradictions, glamorization of witchcraft, and other falsehoods. The Vatican loves the Apocrypha. So, he agrees with Roman Catholicism on that issue. By 2018, Gino Jennings said that women wearing excessive makeup, weaves, wigs, and jewelry in church are similar to Jezebel and Delilah. It's wrong and sexist by him. Gino called women who do these things in church as the w word. Many women have cancer and wear wigs for their own personal reasons. There is no scriptural basis for Gino Jennings to compare these women (who wear jewelry, wigs, and makeup) to prostitutes or the w word (or the h word). Jennings has said that one cannot use "Hebrew, Greek, and Latin" to discern truth (essentially) because what we are using is "Bible." He forgets that the Bible wasn't originally created in the English language. You have to use the different languages like Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, etc. in order to get the context right in studying the Bible. Gino rejects the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is a cornerstone of the Christian faith. When Jesus shows up to the disciples after he rose from the dead, he did not say he was a spirit. READ what it says from Luke 24:39: "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." The Bible in the NT is clear that decievers who deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is an antichrist (2 John 1:7). In fact Thomas who doubted it all was challenged the same way in John 20 and after seeing a PHYSICAL Jesus fell and hailed him as "my Lord, my God" from John 20:20. So, Gino Jennings is a disgraceful heretic. 


On this day yesterday, it is the 65th anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to go on the back of the bus. This started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Rosa Parks during the 1950's was already a revolutionary black woman. Long before the 1950's, she was part of the NAACP fighting for civil rights. In fact, she defended the black community. She believed in self-defense and worked with Dr. King, and she called Malcolm X her personal hero. She opposed apartheid and the prison industrial complex. Also, Rosa Parks allied with the Black Panthers and lived in Detroit. Decades since 1955, Rosa Parks was always active in the struggle. Today, we have a very long way to go. Ending racism isn't just about eliminating racist attitudes and forming progressive communication. It is about ending the structures of oppression. A radical redistribution of political and economic power, as said by the late Dr. King, must exist. Martyrs like Emmett Till and Breonna Taylor make us reckon that the journey for justice continues. If you  believe that Black Lives Matter, then that means every black life matters too. We are in the right side of history in making sure that black liberation is a reality.



By Timothy


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