
Friday, June 04, 2021

Early June 2021 News.





Ransonware have had multiple hacks recently. One hack was involving JBS meat plants. The cyberattack shut down all beef production at JBS facilities nationwide. This doesn't just harm companies. Many workers are harmed by this criminal activity too. This reality is part of digital piracy. There are evil people who seek to use technology in an evil means to bribe people for their own wishes (at the expense of human living). Even now, prices for meat have increased. Then, you add inflation to it including the hacks. JBS plans to be fully operational by this day. There was another attack in a ferry system at Massachusetts by the same Ransomware group. The Biden Presidency is aware of these developments. This just weeks about the hack of the oil system that caused many Southern and East Coast gas stations to be closed or limit service. So, we live in a new world where our technology is very much interconnected.


The Texas voter suppression bill is unjust because of many reasons. The bill bans the drive through voting action and 24-hour voting. This was done in racially diverse, Democratic-leaning Harris County. It would ban morning voting on the last Sunday of early voting. This is the time when some black churches use "souls to the polls" voting drives. It would create a new ID requirement for mail in voters. It would form new requirements for both voters with disabilities and people assisting them. It would make it easier for elections to be overturned. It would empower partisan poll watchers in new ways. It bans ballot drop boxes. Governor Abbott of Texas is just plain wrong in his advocacy of voter suppression policies outright. The disappointing thing is how some Democrats believe that America is not a racist country. We know that to be a lie. You can buy a history book to see that America is a racist country. Republicans saying it doesn't shock me, because many of them believe in revisionist history. 


The recent shootings in Miami, Florida show the epidemic of gun violence in America. The far right, like usual, are exploiting the death of innocent people from gun violence to either blame black people or say that respectability politics will work to solve gun violence without addressing guns themselves. Guns are tools that can be used for good and evil. They are not gods. They are not superior to human life. Crime is not caused by color or race. Crime is caused by proximity, opportunity, and socio-economic factors as sociologists and other scholars have documented. The problem of gun violence is that many criminals get guns from places where lax laws exist, and then they do crimes in many places. There is a massive underground market of illegal guns. There are people who exploit poverty as a means for them to do evil. There is no universal background check federally in America now. In oppressed communities, there is a lax amount of intervention programs to address at risk human beings.  

One big lie promoted by some far right people (even by some black people) is that we in the black community don't talk about  intraracial crime but only police brutality. For generations, black people have used programs and other means to address intraracial crime and standing up against police brutality at the same time. Yes, we want criminals, who are involved with gun crimes, to be brought to justice. Yet, that shouldn't be blamed on the black community collectively. No one blames that acts of Dylan Roof on all white people, so all black people shouldn't be blamed for all gun crimes. These same liars target BLM, but they cowardly use crime as a smokescreen. They (as in conservative extremists who care more for the free market than freedom and justice for all people) don't care about black people. They just care about winning their lying arguments. A real solution will be multifaceted in dealing with community development, gun control, instilling a sense of dignity and purpose in the lives of the people, a radical redistribution of economic and political power (that deals with billions and trillions of dollars to build up places nationwide), and giving oppressed, suffering people opportunities to live their own lives as they see fit in a positive, constructive fashion.



8 high school football coaches are suspended over allegations that they made a Hebrew Israelite player to eat a pizza that had pork in it. One of the true values of a real society is religious freedom. Religious freedom doesn't mean that we agree with every religion under the sun. Religious freedom means that anyone has the right to peacefully exercise his or her religion freely without oppression, without discrimination, and without injustice. What the Hebrew Israelite person has experienced is an injustice. No one of any faith should be ridiculed or mocked because he or she has a specific religion. The coaches should be punished and fired in my view. They crossed a line. People know of what my faith is. I believe in the Son of God, and I believe in the resurrection. Yet, I don't use my religious views as an excuse to promote unjust hatred and discrimination against innocent people. Yesterday was 5 years after the passing of Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky. From winning an Olympic gold medal to helping the poor the world over, he has lived a prominent life. Muhammad Ali was a social activist. He helped to give many black people, during the days of Jim Crow apartheid, confidence in their identities. He also opposed the Vietnam War in public. The Vietnam War was unjust for many reasons. Vietnam was no direct threat to America, the Vietnam War was a civil war that could have been solved by more peaceful means, it was a war of aggression, and the war contradicts the Geneva Convention. The Gulf on Tonkin incident was based on a half truth. Muhammad Ali defeated Sonny Liston, George Foreman, and other heavyweight champions before. In my view, Muhammad Ali was the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time, because he had a great chin, he had speed, and he faced great competition. Outside the ring, Muhammad Ali loved his children and made it his business to promote helping humanity.  

Rest in Power Brother Muhammad Ali.



By Timothy


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