
Saturday, March 12, 2022

Spring 2022


Spring 2022


During the Spring of 2022, we have witnessed new developments in our world history. It has never been a dull moment in the 21st century in general from the Presidency of the first African American President (being President Barack Obama) to the attempted coup d'etat of the American government at the U.S. Capitol (on January 6, 2021). One such event is about the Russian illegal, unjust, invasion of Ukraine. Civilian areas being destroyed, massive refugees fleeing the nation of Ukraine (in more than 2 million people coming into Poland, Hungary, America, etc.), and the shelling even near nuclear plants (that a massive damage could cause a radiation crisis in Ukraine) represent the tyrannical, abhorrent actions of Vladimir Putin. Russian propaganda has been advanced by far-right extremists like Tucker Carlson. Also, we were clear to oppose the racism and discrimination at the Ukrainian border experienced by black Africans, Indians, Middle Eastern people, and other people of color. Many African refugees are prevented to board buses to cross the border by virtue of the color of their skin. The United Nations have shown tons of evidence of this discrimination too. That mistreatment is evil, wrong, and has no place anywhere on Earth. We have these fake anti-imperialists who justify Putin's actions by saying that NATO and Western forces do the same thing in other nations. The response to that is two wrong don't make a right. Putin supporting leftists are just as disgraceful as far right Trump supporters. The Azov Battalion should be abolished as it has Nazis in it, but it's not part of the Ukrainian National Guard. Western imperialism is wrong just like Russian imperialism is wrong too. Russia is controlled by a dictator named Putin suppressing independent media and throwing peaceful protests in the thousands in prisons. Domestically, in America, we have the 2 threats of far-right extremism (its adherents ally with Donald Trump. Some of them even praise Putin overtly) and neo-liberal moderates who want the status quo.

The far right Trumpists in America advance anti-democratic measures like passing voter suppression laws, advancing censorship of anti-racism books in schools, passing laws targeting minorities in America, and harboring hatred of social safety net. One infamous MAGA rioter was found guilty of all charges after his son testifies against him. He is the Texan Guy Refflitt. Neo-liberal centrists minimize the epidemic of police terrorism against black people, support Western bombings in Libya, Somalia, etc., and they refuse to promote reparations for black Americans (as we black Americans deserve reparations. Many Japanese Americans, many Jewish Americans, and numerous Native Americans have justly received reparations). Manchin and Sinema are two leaders of the neo-liberal moderate movement who care more for preserving an archaic filibuster than advancing the Build Back Better build for real. The neoliberals believe in cutting spending, advancing a hawkish foreign policy, and seeking compromise with Republicans on a variety of issues. Sinema and Manchin are so extreme as neo liberal moderates that they refuse to vote for real progressive federal voting rights legislation. Both are funded by big corporate interests. With massive economic dislocation, deaths from a pandemic, and extreme homelessness, a token moderate approach will never cut it to advance progressive, revolutionary solutions. We need a radical redistribution of economic and political power in order for us to establish the Promised Land for real. 

Also, we always remember the fight for economic justice too. The same type of people who worship Trump, love laissez faire capitalism, and reject truth love economic injustice. It is not right to witness no federal minimum wage increase. The minimum wage federally now is $7.25 which no adult in this society can live on in America. It is not right to see massive homelessness in urban and rural plus suburban communities too. In many communities worldwide, numerous homeless people face abuse, rape, mental health issues, and other complications. It is not right to witness massive structural injustices which is why a large coalition of many people (among many colors) have united to promote a real change in our world. We believe in voting rights, reparations to black Americans, humanitarianism sent to asylum seekers, refugees, and immigrants, and true justice for all. We not only want racism gone. We desire any form of oppression gone too. Movements go about by people using activism and courage to get things done.



The Mysteries of Life Part 7: Modern Times

Involving the mysteries of life, we live in modern times during 2022. If you would have told me 10 years ago, that we would witness a near coup of the American government via an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, there would be neo-fascists at Charlottesville, Virginia attacking progressive protesters, threats sent to school board members for desiring public health safety in schools, there would be a cultic movement following Donald Trump unconditionally, and extremists desiring to ban legitimate anti-racist books in schools including even public libraries, then I wouldn't believe you. Yet, these facts are real. We live in a time with the one percent (the elitists) having an inordinate power in the world. There are those who are frightened to talk about issues about elitists advocating a new world order, Operation Phoenix, and MK Ultra, but we fear nothing but God. We will tell the truth, and we shall not be stopped in our quest for justice for all. That's real talk. I have been on this Earth for 38 years old, and I'm still committed to my core convictions just like when I was in my 20's. One of the most underreported stories in the world today deals with the lead poisoning found in Flint, Baltimore, and other places of America. We know that Big Pharma is linked with many multinational corporations advancing dangerous chemicals in our food and water supplies. In 1973, a computer program was developed at MIT to model global sustainability. Instead, it predicted that by 2040 our civilization would end and that in 2020 (when the quality of life is supposed to drop dramatically), it would be the start of such events. The prediction, which recently re-appeared in Australian media, was made by a program dubbed World One. 

It was originally created by the computer pioneer Jay Forrester, who was commissioned by the Club of Rome to model how well the world could sustain its growth. That is such a weird computer program to mention such things, but what is true that we live in times unprecedented in history. Society has a lot of groupthink which can be bad when it causes alternative voices to be suppressed. Massive Internet censorship, promotion of anti-religious themes, the growth of imperialism, and the propaganda shown by the corporate media didn't come out of thin air. From the CIA's Operation Mockingbird infiltration much of the media to the many factions of the media promoting international wars of aggression (some in the mainstream media advanced lies about the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. I find it interesting that the corporate media is heavily silent on the crimes done by the CIA and MI5 for decades including the NSA corrupt illegal spying for years too), we have to be careful not to be deceived by the powers that be. Part of using discernment is to see the truth about many holidays, seeing the truth about the political establishment, and to open our eyes to the truth. It's 2022 now, and I will show free thinking information without apology. That is who I am, and I thank God for my views. 


“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.” 

-Proverbs 3:5-7  

New Age Influences (including Druid/Witchcraft Themes) on Modern Day Society


There is no question that New Age, occult teaching have a huge influence in the four corners of the Earth. The irony is that the New Age movement is not new. From ancient times, many ancient people believed in its principles found in polytheistic religions, witchcraft, Druid culture, and other pagan civilizations. Also, the New Age Movement is not monolithic. There are different parts to it. Yet, it is clear that New Age teachings are in direct opposition to mainstream, organized religion. Many of their followers call themselves as embracing "spirituality." The counterculture of the 1960's in Western society accelerated its popularity among many people. Its teachings include the praise of the power of the individual (involving cultivating the power of Self like self-actualization), some embrace the divinity of human beings (some don't), pantheism, the embrace of spirit beings, the love of channeling and occult practices, the act of using alternative medicine, some reject a dualistic concept of good and evil, and the massive embrace of astrology (like the Age of Aquarius concept). The irony is that many Native Americans accuse New Age teachings as misappropriating their ceremonies in a form of cultural imperialism. The New Age Movement has been criticized by the right as trying to form a Utopian world state, and some in the left have disagreed with it as refusing to be engaged with political change (in embracing too much individualism). 

One of the easiest ways to show how the New Age movement has influenced modern day society is to look at Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry. The teachings of the New Age are very similar to Gnosticism. What is Gnosticism?  Gnosticism teaches the deception that all of the physical world is evil. Obviously, trees, water, and the mountains are part of the physical world. These entitles aren't evil. In fact, these entities help to sustain the lives of humans, plants, and all animals in general. Gnosticism teaches that the God, who created the physical world, was evil. Gnostics praise Sophia. The Gnostics inverted the story of Genesis. Gnosticism teach that the physical world is like a Matrix, and humans have spark of divinity in them (this lie of humans being divine by nature is promoted by Satan as found in the Bible). The Gospel of Judas was created by Gnostics. The Gnostics were mystics who believed that they had certain knowledge (or gnosis). The Gnostics believe that the serpent of the Garden of Eden was a good guy which is ludicrous. 

It is no secret that many in the old school Hollywood world follow either occult rituals or New Age teachings. For example, very few people know that Peter Sellers, the actor, who starred in The Pink Panther, Dr. Strangelove, and Being There, was a known followers of UFOs, astrology, and extrasensory perception. The occultist Sellers believed that he was a medium in his acting field: "I act as a medium, if you like, and let the character come out through me…I think that there is something psychic about my acting to a certain extent, yes." He claimed to have summoned the spirit world. I heard of Mae West before. Mae West was doing things long before Madonna was doing controversial actions. West was open about sex and being a follower of the occult. She did seances, followed gurus, and worked with psychics. According to the book of "Becoming Mae West" by Emily Leider, Mae West wanted to contact the spirit of Amelia Earhart. 

What does this have to do with Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general? Well, these same New Age and occult themes have been promoted in films, TV shows, and other parts of the industry for over 100 years now. The leaders of the corporations, the largest banks on Earth, and the political power structure in many cases embrace occultism and the New Age teachings. This is not new. Corruption in the powers that have been exposed by Elijah Wood, Corey Feldman, and other people found in the industry for decades now. Vice had a masked man in Youtube that revealed how many of the super rich go into many high end hotels to not only act arrogant. Some of them participate in sex orgies so graphic that workers in the hotels have to clean the ceilings of hotel rooms. The title of the Vice YT video of the hotel manager revealing this information is called, "The Secret Hotel Sex Parties of the Mega-Rich | Informer." It was revealed in February 9, 2022. The person in the video said that hotel workers were divided to cause tensions, that certain people were promoted in the cashier, and some super wealthy would regularly proposition people for sex in the hotel (even workers). This person says that this goes on in 5 star hotel. Youtube comments in the video have hotel workers confirming the man's story 100%. Luxury hotel regular allow floors to the super wealthy. Many secrets about celebrities are found by hotel workers, limo drivers and bartenders.

Many high level celebrities are related to European Royals like Hillary Duff being the 18th cousin of Queen Elizabeth (via Alexander Spotswood), Joseph Fiennes being the 8th cousin of Charles, Prince of Wales, Brooke Shields is the18th cousin of Queen Elizabeth once removed via Henry II of France, and Johnny Depp is the 20th cousin of Queen Elizabeth via Edward III. 

Anger, adultery, occultism, racial hatred, sexism, and other evils are readily promoted by many movies and TV shows (while the leaders of the industry claiming "tolerance," but they refuse to radically change the system to cause revolutionary change in the world). In fact, we have shows that glorify serial killers and other evils folks under the guise of "fantasy." For example, the popular Game of Thrones television series features incest as a regular part of the show. An anti-Christ mentality is found in certain aspects of the industry when many people in that world make no bones about their disdain and hatred against Christians who contend for their faith in God. Many movies today play on themes relating to King Arthur, a savior like figure, Gnostic teachings, and an embrace of a hatred of moral values. Pluto V readily has films about Beast 666 and other horror films that take a sympathetic look at Satanism and the occult. It is no secret that many symbolism, predictive programming, and occult imagery are found in many films, TV shows, and music videos. We know about the CIA works readily with Hollywood on film projects. Even before Marvel films, Marvel comics promoted an anti-Christ theme with the comic "The son of Satan." One of the best examples to see the occult side of the industry is found in Stanley's Kubrick's Eye Wide Shut film. This film was created in 1999, and it was ahead of its time. It showed occult themes parties filled with sexual rituals (that occur in real life), a mask party (that existed in the 1970's Rothschild funded masked party in real life), abuse (that is real), and elitists with massive power in the world (which is very true too). One of the most well known Christ-haters was Karl Marx. He was not only a racist and a self loathing anti-Semite. He written a poem mocking spirituality and saying that he knew that his soul was destined to Hell. Marx wrote the following words in 1837 in his poem called The Pale Maiden:

"...“Thus fire the bosom brands

And longing, the heart.

“Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited,

I know it full well.

My soul, once true to God,

Is chosen for Hell..."



Donald Trump's Establishment Ties

It is not a secret that the previous Trump administration has a lot of corporate/establishment ties. In fact, Trump and his team had some of the most overt corporate ties of any administration in American history. Qanon lies and says that Trump is against the establishment when the establishment show TV footage of him, funds him, and goes out of its way to support him. In fact, a large percentage of Americans voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020 (in that 2020 election, he lost that election to Joe Biden). When a shipping heiress ran the Department of Transporation, an oil lobbyist ran the Interior Department, and a coal lobbyist ran the Environmental Protection Agency, then it's clear that the Trump administration is aided by Wall Street interests. That is why many elitists supported Trump's massive tax cuts for the super wealthy despite his lie that he wanted to "drain the swamp." Former Vice President Mike Pence had corporate links to Koch Industries, Club for Growth, Eli Lily and Co, and Cummins Inc. When Pence was Governor of Indiana, a partnership with a company called Isolux Caorsan made a privately built highway. The project ended after delays and construction problems.  According to Jeremy Bash, a former CIA chief of staff and the son of a conservative Jewish family, the Trump administration has produced "the most pro-Russian foreign policy coming out of Washington in our history." It is no secret that Trump has praised Putin and allied with many Russian interests. Former Attorney General William Barr was executive vice President general counsel of the phone company GTE Corp. It later merged with Bell Atlantic to be Verizon Communications. 

Barr wanted to roll back rules to roll to foster competition in local phone services, but 6,000 competing phone providers ended by that roll back. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt has links to Halliburton and allowed corporations to have more deregulation policies involving the environment. Former Secretary Steven Mnuchin worked for Goldman Sachs and he has ties to the hedge fund industry in general. Even former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have links to the DeVos Anway corporate empire and advocates for far right policies. We know that Trump was once a friend to Jeffrey Epstein. The leaders of both major parties of the Republicans and the Democrats are influenced by the Council on Foreign Relations and the very powerful Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society, in my view, is one of the top 10 most political groups on Earth. Pilgrim David Rockefeller was a famous globalist who wrote in his Memoirs that he has no problem with create a one world society, and he co-founded the Trilateral Commission. George S. Franklin Jr. (a Pilgrim Society member) was Rockefeller's roommate at Harvard University. Trump ally Steve Bannon has publicly praised Satan, Dick Cheney, and Darv Vader. Here are Bannon's quotes saying such words:

"I'm a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that's my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today's establishment."

―Stephen K. Bannon

"Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power."

―Stephen K. Bannon

No one should be shocked at Trump's recent fascist speech in Conroe, Texas. Trump told supporters to hold big protests in cities with prosecutors who have legal investigations of him in New York City and Atlanta. Trump is overt with his racism and lies, because he is a fascist. Trump's recent speech is nothing more than his call for dismantling American democracy. The former President Donald Trump has already admitted that he was in a plan to try to overthrow a legal 2020 election. He was angry that Pence didn't overturn the 2020 election. Like usual, most Republicans (except a handful of people) are silent on Trump's advocacy of fascism. Trump even wanted to pardon the terrorists involved in the January 6, 2021 insurrection against the U.S. Capitol. Trumpism is a threat to our society. GOP member and Senator Susan Collins saying that she won't rule out supporting Trump in 2024 is high disappointing, but it's not shocking. 

In this generation, Donald Trump is one of the biggest spiritual deceptions in human history. Trump claims to be a Christian, but Trump said that he never asks God for forgiveness. He "just tries to do better." That is to reject Jesus Christ as Savior and the only possible source of forgiveness for sin. Trump blatantly lies about "predictions" he made that "came true." He said, “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” These aren't words from a true believer in God. Trump made the infamous comments that, "When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the p___." These words advocate sexual assault, and they aren't representative of a righteous person. Some people voting for Trump shows us that deceptions are alive and well in our time of 2022. 

The Trump failed coup has resulted in over 725 people charged. Oath Keepers militia group, Stewart Rhodes, is facing 20 years for seditious conspiracy. Last week in Georgia, Fulton County Superior Court judges approved Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ request to seat a special grand jury to be charged with gathering evidence in pursuit of possible criminal charges related to Trump’s efforts to muscle Georgia officials into overthrowing Biden’s victory in the state. Trump accusing black prosecutors of being racist is the height of Trump's hypocrisy and racism against especially black women. We know of Attorney General Letitia James found more criminality of the Trump business empire. Trump is a morally repugnant person too. BuzzFeed reported that Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen quoted Trump asking of his 13-year-old daughter Ivanka: "Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" For him to even say that shows him to be a wicked male. In 2004, Trump allowed Howard Stern (who made racist jokes for decades) to sexualize his own daughter. Trump is lower than low. More people should be shown the truth about how much on a thin line our democracy is. 




The Biden Era

As for the Biden administration, I'm glad that Trump lost the 2020 election. That was a great victory among the forces of democracy and equality. Yet, we can't keep our guards down just because we have a new President. We just have to be clear to honor what the Biden administration got correct and critique when it has shown error. That is the point as we must have our independent thinking. We have massive economic problems in America now. Also, we are in better economic shape in 2022 than in 2020 during the days of the Trump regime. Biden has seen 467,000 new jobs in January of 2022, 709,000 in the revision of November plus December 2021 numbers, and 6.6 million new jobs in 2021. That is the best GDP growth in 40 years. While this is going on, the GOP continues in its attacks on our freedoms from book censorship campaigns to voter suppression campaigns. There is no question that CFR members and other establishment groups are in the Biden administration. Anthony Blinken (State), Lloyd Austin (Defense), Alejandro Mayorkas (Homeland Security), William J. Burns (CIA Director), Janet Yellen (Treasury), Linda Thomas-Greenfield (Ambassador to the UN), Gina Raimondo (Commerce), Cecilia Rouse (Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors), John Kerry (Special Envoy for Climate), and even Tom Vilsack (Agriculture) are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations. People know about my views on the CFR. I don't agree with the CFR's promotion of neoliberalism. We don't need the extremes of isolationist nationalism (that doesn't work historically) or overt imperialistic globalization. We need peaceful solutions while working with other nations in terms of trade, collaborations, and solving problems (while standing up for human rights and democracy). I agree more with the Biden administration on views on the economy and voting rights than on some of their foreign policy (with drone strikes, etc.). It's not a secret that Biden is hawkish involving foreign policy issues. On Russia, Russia is an authoritarian far right nationalist nation. China is a country whose people are sincere, but their leadership promoted Internet censorship, oppression of minorities, and other evils. Those things are not justified. Also, it is important to condemn Western imperialism too.  

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” 

-1 Timothy 4:1


The Emergent Church Movement

Many people talk about the Emergent Church movement. I heard about this movement for years. What is it? It came about in the late 20th and early 21st century. Many of its followers are in many movements like liberal, post-liberal, reformed, Evangelical, etc. They want to live their faith in a "post modern" society. They are growing in numbers. Many of them dislike organized religion. Some say that they are not "religious," but they are just "spiritual." I hear of these proclamations all of the time in this generation. Many of them place a high value of good works and social activism. The problem is that many of them follow New Age actions like contemplative monastic mediation and prayers. Some want to sugarcoat the faith of Jesus Christ for the sake of adhering to some form of political correctness (where no one is offended, and the status quo remains. The reality is that the truth can be loving, and sometimes the truth will offend people. That's how life is). Some try to diminish Christianity and call for acceptance for all religions, even religions hostile to Christianity. At an emergent church workshop in San Diego, Tony Jones said, "This is about our belief that theology changes. The message of the gospel changes. It’s not just the method that changes." Obviously, the gospel of Jesus Christ never changes. Jesus Christ taught salvation, helping the sojourner, and advancing the truth that the Kingdom of God is within you. Emergent Church leader Tony Campolo said that there are many ways to Heaven. Rob Bell of the Emergent Church Movement said that what if DNA evidence proves that the virgin birth was a myth. I'm not making this up. Saying that is contrary to Christian doctrine. The Virgin Birth and the resurrection are major cornerstones of the Christian faith. There is nothing wrong with fighting for social justice and equality, but any Christian should also promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ too. In other words, folks don't live by bread alone but by the word from God. The Gospel teaches about helping the poor, saving souls, and being a living witness of righteousness. The Gospel is powerful and transformed lives throughout the ages of human history. 


Numerous Holidays' Mysteries Revealed

There are many mysteries behind tons of holidays. Easter is celebrated by many people around the world. Many people claim that it is just a time that people celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Easter has many church ceremonies, decorated eggs, and stories about rabbits. Yet, Easter is never mentioned as a requirement for us to follow or celebrate. We can praise the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ without Easter too. People debate the day when Jesus arose from the dead. Easter is the slightly changed English spelling of the ancient Assyrian goddess Ishtar. The Babylonian name is Astarte, the consort of Baal. So, while it is not a sin to celebrate the Lord's resurrection, the origin of Easter is not from a Christian origin. We know that Jesus and the Apostles never observed Lent.  Colored eggs were found in the traditions of the ancient Druids, Hinduism, and in other pagan civilizations. 

The origin of Halloween is self-explanatory. Halloween's customs came from the ancient Druids and the Romans. On October 31, a special feast was held in honor of Pomona, goddess of the fruit trees. Later, the Druids, an ancient order of Celtic priests in Britain, made this feast an even more extensive celebration by also honoring Samhain, lord of the dead. This was normally done on November 1, and it was therefore decided to conveniently honor both Pomona and Samhain on October 31 and November 1. The Druids believed that the night before November 1 on October 31, Samhain called together wicked souls or spirits (which were condemned to live in the bodies of animals during the year). The Druids were afraid of this spirits, so they chose October 31 as a day to sacrifice to their gods for protections.  They really believed that on this day they were surrounded by strange spirits, ghosts, witches, fairies, and elves, who came out to hurt them. In addition to this, they also believed that cats were holy animals, as they considered them to represent people who lived formerly, and as punishment for evil deeds were reincarnated as a cat. All this explains why witches, ghosts, and cats are a part of Halloween today. Trick or treating came from Ireland of Irish farmers begging for food form house to house in the name of their ancient gods (the tradition had people wanting to get good luck or be tricked). A Jack of Lantern is an old Irish symbol of a condemned soul. According to Ronald Hutton in The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain, ‘Samhain’ referred to Celtic Halloween customs all the way up until the 19th century (Hutton, Ronald, The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, p. 369) 

The Encyclopedia Britannica states: “In ancient Britain and Ireland, the Celtic festival of Samhain was observed on October 31 at the end of the summer … The souls of the dead were supposed to revisit their homes on this day and the autumnal festival acquired sinister significance, with ghosts, witches, goblins, black cats, fairies and demons of all kinds said to be roaming about. It was the time to placate the supernatural powers controlling the processes of nature. In addition, Halloween was thought to be the most favorable time for divinations concerning marriage, luck, health, and death. It was the only day on which the help of the devil was invoked for such purposes.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2005, "Halloween").

Valentine's Day had a long origin too. Many churches, schools, and other business have these ceremonies. Valentine's Day came from the ancient Romans. They viewed February 14th as the day of Lupercalia or the day of the wolf. According to the last Pastor David J. Meyer in his article on Valentine's Day, 

"...This was a day that was sacred to the sexual frenzy of the goddess Juno. This day also honored the Roman gods, Lupercus and Faunus, as well as the legendary twin brothers, who supposedly founded Rome, Remus and Romulus. These two are said to have been suckled by wolves in a cave on Palatine Hill in Rome. The cave was called Lupercal and was the center of the celebrating on the eve of Lupercalia or February 14th. On this day, Lupercalia, which was later named Valentine’s Day, the Luperci or priests of Lupercus dressed in goatskins for a bloody ceremony. The priests of Lupercus, the wolf god, would sacrifice goats and a dog and then smear themselves with blood. These priests, made red with sacrificial blood, would run around Palatine Hill in a wild frenzy while carving a goatskin thong called a “februa.” Women would sit all around the hill, as the bloody priests would strike them with the goatskin thongs to make them fertile. The young women would then gather in the city and their names were put in boxes. These “love notes” were called “billets.” The men of Rome would draw a billet, and the woman whose name was on it became his sexual lust partner with whom he would fornicate until the next Lupercalia or February 14th...." 

So, February 14th to the ancient Romans was about sexual lust. The red color refers to a symbol. There is a story of Valentine who was prosecuted by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus after he refused to worship the Roman gods. In prison, he signed a letter saying "from Your Valentine" to a woman he allegedly healed from blindness. Another St. Valentine of Terni married young couples. The Emperor Gothicus opposed this as he only wanting unmarried men, so he executed Valentine on February 14, 269 A.D. 

Christmas is a holiday that is probably the most deceptive holiday in human history. People celebrate, have parties, and do other things that I can't mention here around that time of the year. Now, many customs and traditions of Christmas is not only not found in scriptures. It's contrary to real morality. Christmas has the word Mass in it. The World Book Encyclopedia defines "Christmas" as follows:  "The word Christmas comes from "Cristes Maesse", an early English phrase that means "Mass of Christ." The mass is embraced by Roman Catholicism heavily. The Mass in Catholicism teaches that the power of a priest can transfer the host of communion into the body and body of Jesus Christ which is not found in the Bible. Communion is to remember what Jesus Christ did on the cross. As for Santa Claus, the term came from St. Nicholas which very few evidence confirms his existence or his life story. Jeremiah 10:2-5 mentioned that, "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good." Christmas comes near the time of the Feast of Saturnalis. The pagan Romans wanted to celebrate their god Saturn. They celebrated this festival from December 17 to 24, then on December 25th, they started the new birth of the unconquerable sun. Though Christmas did not appear on the lists of festivals given by the early Christian writers Irenaeus and Tertullian, the Chronograph of 354 records that a Christmas celebration took place in Rome eight days before the calends of January. This section was written in AD 336, during the brief pontificate of Pope Mark. The early Church never celebrated Christmas at all. Coffin in The Book of Christmas Folklore tells us:

"Most people have heard that the Christmas tree originates in the tannenbaum and is some sort of vestige of Teutonic vegetation worship. THIS IS PARTIALLY TRUE. However, the custom of using pine and other evergreens ceremonially was well established at the ROMAN SATURNALIA, even earlier in Egypt" (p. 209). The Encyclopedia Americana says: "The holly, the mistletoe, the Yule log . . . are relics of pre-Christian times." "PAGANISM!" The book, Answers to Questions, compiled by Frederick J. Haskins, found in public libraries, says: "The use of Christmas wreaths is believed by authorities to be traceable to the pagan customs of decorating buildings and places of worship at the feast which took place at the same time as Christmas. The Christmas tree is from Egypt, and its origin dates from a period long anterior to the Christian Era." 

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1


The Ecumenical Movement

The Ecumenical Movement has expanded greatly in the world since the 1960's. After the historic Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church and the Jesuits knew that it couldn't convince all of the human race to embrace Roman Catholicism. So, they used universities, various movements, the Jesuits, and organizations who are dedicated to Ecumenicism? What is the Ecumenical Movement? It's a movement that teaches that Christians, Catholics, and all denominations must come together to be part of one single church or be into compromise (some go as far as wanting to unite all religions into one religion). The Ecumenical Movement took off greatly by the time of Vatican II Council in the 1960's. The Vatican II was created in trying to be less "harsh" than Vatican I in Catholic doctrines and policies. To this day, there is a segment of Catholics who are adamantly opposed to the Vatican II Council and its precepts. The World Council of Churches is a key group of the Ecumenical Movement. Many members of that groups are high level Freemasons, CFR members, Knights of Malta, have ties to the Jesuits, etc. The ecumenical philosophy is a theme song of Contemporary Christian Music. In an interview with Christianity Today, Don Moen of Integrity Music said: “I’ve discovered that worship [music] is transdenominational, transcultural. IT BRIDGES ANY DENOMINATION. Twenty years ago there were many huge divisions between denominations. Today I think the walls are coming down. In any concert that I do, I will have 30-50 different churches represented.” 

The Emerging Church is linked to the Ecumenical movement and the Prosperity Gospel too. 1 Timothy 1:3 cites that, believers teach no other doctrine, "As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach NO OTHER DOCTRINE." Jude 3 said that we should contend for the faith, "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). The Ecumenical Movement's problem also is that it diminishes the need to expose false teachers who preach heresies. Heresies are condemned in Mt. 7:15-17, 2 Peter 2, 1 Timothy 4:1-3, etc.). The New Testament is clear that: “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them” (Romans 16:17). People have the right to express moral and theological disagreements with Freemasonry, Jehovah Witness, Scientology, Mormonism, the Boule, Greek frats, and other organizations or creeds. 


Conclusion (Follow the Truth)


As we approach further into the 2020s, we see political crisis spread. This has been accelerated by the pandemic, conflict in Ukraine, and other issues. Some have a more monolithic version of history. We witness Earthquakes, plummeting marks, wars, and other events signifying the turbulent era of the 21st century indeed. One common misconception is that the truth must be P.C. all of the time. The reality is that the truth can be uncompromising, real, and authentic. The truth is that we have a long way to go with the evils of racism, hate crimes, murders, broken supply chain in some places, false religions, and megadroughts. One of the most vicious agendas of the global establishment is mass population control as advocated by Malthus, Hitler, and other evil people. Today, this mass depopulation agenda has been promoted under the guise of "health" and "sustainability." Yet, we know that the NSM 200 document, which was supported by Henry Kissinger, advocates mass population control among Africa, Latin America, etc. (which are heavily inhabited by black people and other people of color). Deception by many people in the mainstream media is plainly clear from Operation Mockingbird (which was a CIA program using their agents to infiltrate the corporate media), the Iraq War deceptive lies, and the Vietnam War deceptions promoted by the so-called "Wise Men." 

There are actual U.S. government conspiracies in history like the U.S. Department of the Treasury poisoned alcohol during Prohibition and people died, the U.S. Public Health Service lied about treating black men with syphilis for more than 40 years, the government wanted to use Operation Northwoods as a covert false flag attack to attack Cuba (JFK rejected this plan outright), the government tested LSD on citizens in their MK Ultra experiments, and the U.S. government sold weapons to Iran (in violation of an embargo) and used the money to support Nicaraguan militants. So, we know corruption in government, and we realize that many Americans back then and now are fighting for truth, justice, and a real government standing up for the general welfare of the common people too. Political groups are known now more than ever, and we should use our power to make real positive, meaningful change for the human race. Following the truth is always important. 

By Timothy

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