
Wednesday, January 31, 2024



The attack against U.S. troops in Jordan was cowardly and evil. Regardless of how you feel about U.S. foreign policy, there is absolutely no excuse to murder innocent people unjustly. Now, we know the names of the three victims who are two Sisters and one Brother. Their names are Sgt. William Rivers, Specialist Kennedy Sanders, and Specialist Breonna Moffett. Each of the victims is from the state of Georgia. These attacks during the time of the massive conflict in the Middle East. Israel is fighting Hamas and Iranian-backed militia groups. Iran has denied involved in the murder of three Americans. Each of the victims was assigned to the 718th Engineer Company, a U.S. Army Reserve unit based out of Fort Moore, Georgia. More than 40 people were injured in the attack. No one knows who did the drone strike. Some believe that an Iran-backed militia group is behind the drone strike. Some of the neo-cons and war hawks want President Biden to attack Iran directly. Directly attacking Iran will definitely cause more mayhem in the Middle East too. The neo-cons are reckless with their views which is not shocking. President Biden is planning on a retaliatory response. 

The Moms for Liberty organization is declining in its support. The reason is that its policies blatantly promote censorship of books and other subjects. Back when I was in high school, I read many books and learned about many things that were not P.C. These things weren't a threat to a wider society. Moms for Liberty has tried to intimidate many school board areas to promote a far-right agenda. Moms for Liberty even wanted to censor books in public libraries which is fascist. Many parents disagree with Moms for Liberty because they restrict parents' right to allow their children to read books that they desire. Moms for Liberty wants book banning and curriculum changing. Now, we have a scandal with Moms for Liberty being exposed for its hypocrisy. Moms for Liberty's endorsed candidates are losing elections. In other words, people have to be taught the truth about humanity, real American history, and other subjects without whitewashing and without draconian censorship.

House Republicans hold hearings on trying to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas. This is obviously a political stunt made by MAGA Republicans as immigration is a complex issue. The reality is that only a comprehensive immigration policy is necessary to deal with immigration issues. Long ago, America had tons of undocumented immigrants who were European immigrants who came to America from England, Scotland, and other places centuries ago. The Pilgrims didn't have visas or a green card. They just came to New England in boats. Today, people from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and other places of mostly of color are coming into America (for various reasons like escaping persecution, wars, and economic survival) with racists spewing stereotypes and lies about them. Republicans aren't serious. Trump even opposes a bipartisan deal that Biden could sign that deals with immigration issues. We know what works. We have to have a process to deal with asylum seekers as asylum seekers are legal immigrants by definition. We need an easy method of ports of entry where people can be safely processed. We need adequate border security compassionately. We need to stop sending migrants on buses to cities nationwide for vindictive purposes. Also, we need to both have a pathway for citizenship and make sure that Americans here now are treated fairly too. It's not an either/or proposition. We should treat all people with dignity and respect, irrespective of immigration status.

There are many protests made by farmers in France, Germany, and Belgium. The reason is that people are protesting the fuel subsidy cuts as the German government has higher military spending and slashes agricultural subsidies. Farmers have made blockades around Brussels, Liege, and Namur in Belgium. It has been around in the cities of Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lille, and other cities in France. Armed vehicles of the French military police were sent around Paris area airports and the critical food distribution center at Rungis. High inflation is in many nations of Europe. Farmers are retiring as little as 400 euros per month. Many workers want to unite in order to address climate change, adequate agricultural processes, and other matters. America has economic issues, but America has the most resilient and strongest economy on Earth at this present moment (with record low African American unemployment, lower inflation, and a large labor participating rate). 

We always have to use discernment. Part of that discernment is to reject the agenda of hateful gossip mongers and manosphere types like Corey Holcomb. Corey recently went on a profane rant against his own daughter causing her the b word. Issues with his daughter can be resolved in private without that type of language which isn't a solution. Also, Corey has many co-hosts co-signing nearly his every word. Also, there is the person named Darlene Ortiz (who once dated the rapper Ice T, and Ice T erroneous said that Arrested Development's music was so "slave") who is on the show with a known history of making racist slurs against black people. Ortiz made watermelon jokes (she forgets that watermelon in real life has numerous health benefits) and said the n word constantly (as found in a YouTube video of her saying it). Corey sits there and says nothing but goes along with it because he has self-hatred. Many self-hating black people aren't just the Tommy Sotomayor types or the Jesse Lee Peterson types. Many of them also claim to be for black people but their rhetoric is overtly anti-black (by calling black women 304s, poor shaming people, or calling a black man a simp if he sincerely loves a woman). Therefore, Corey isn't about family, justice for black people, or separating from evil. He is about promoting tensions and seeking a divide in the community for profit which many others do.  Darlene Ortiz once said that She’ll Build A Ship & Sell Corey Holcomb Back To Africa which is blatantly racist. Ortiz is like Mike Rappaport. They may hang around with some black people but when push comes to shove, they show their real colors. As for Katt Williams, I was reminded of certain information about him. Katt Williams gave a historic interview with football legend Shannon Sharpe. Shannon Sharpe is one of the greatest NFL players of all time, and Katt Williams is one of the most talented comedians of all time. Katt Williams speaks the truth about some things that go on in the industry. It is true that many comedians sell their soul and compromise their integrity for profit. It is true that the industry exploits people and dehumanizes people in movie or TV roles. The problem with Katt Williams is that he offers no long-term solution to address this problem like confronting the powers that be (the corporate executives fund compromised comedians), allowing those comedians with weaknesses to improve themselves, cultivating a culture of excellence, and dealing with real political issues (like poverty, the environment, voting rights, other economic issues, health care, etc.). It is not enough to criticize people. You must bring solutions to the problem too and inspiration. Also, Katt Williams has contradictions. He claims to be the one who hasn't sold out, but he was caught physically assaulting women for years. He claims to be upstanding (he has done legitimate charity and helped comedians for years), but he constantly disrespects people's physical appearance in a mean fashion (including Ludacris's wife when that man's wife is an innocent woman). It is important to expose all evil people too. Vince McMahon has been sued by a woman accusing him of grotesque actions that I can't mention here. For decades, Vince McMahon has had a long history of using sexist, racist, and xenophobic storylines in the WWE. Vince has been scandal-enveloped for years and decades. Today, tons of people want him to have accountability for his actions. Therefore, to fight evil, we have to take the time to get our lives in check, make amends, and stand firm on the truth. 

By Timothy

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