
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Aftermath of the 2024 GOP Iowa Primary.


The results of the Iowa Caucus are here. Donald Trump won the primary by a large margin. This is part of his campaign to try to win the Republican nomination. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis won second place, and the former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley finished a close third place. Trump gave his victory speech in which he called DeSantis, Haley, and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy very smart and very capable people (congratulating their performances in the race). Trump won 51.0 percent of the vote, Desantis had 21.2 percent, Haley had 19.1 percent, and Ramaswamy had 7.7 percent. After the Iowa Caucus, Ramaswamy said that he was out of the race and endorsed Trump for the Presidency. Trump won because Iowa had a large Trump base of voters and many Evangelicals (i.e. 53 percent of white Evangelicals supported Trump) falsely believed that Trump is a strict follower of morality and integrity. So, right now, the race is dominated by three Republican candidates. Asa Hutchinson has recently ended his Presidential campaign too. 

Haley gave a speech supporting the myth that Trump and Biden are more in common than you think. Biden passed progressive legislation dealing with poverty, infrastructure development, hate crimes, and saving lives by cutting health care costs which is unprecedented since the Great Society era of the 1960's. Trump made Muslim bans, called terrorists in the U.S. Capitol hostages, and showed hatred of progressives. They are not the same. Haley omits those legal investigations and indictments over Trump's corruption are about promoting accountability, not vendettas. Haley and DeSantis have promised to continue with their campaigns. Now, the next caucus is in New Hampshire and Haley is hoping to make a better result as New Hampshire is a more libertarian and moderate state than Iowa.

The court case ends in the E. Jean Carroll Case. Also, we know that the Biden administration has 40,000 projects going on in America now. We have our infrastructure being rebuilt. The crime rates in Baltimore, New York City, and other cities are going down. We have policies from Biden fighting for clean air, safe water, and clean energy. Conversely, Trump was President from 2017 to 2021, he had the worst job record of any President in a century, he praised dictators and authoritarians, Trump adviser Peter Navarro faces prison after losing his appeal in the contempt of Congress case, and his party has losing elections for many years now. You have to comment on people who disappoint you. RFK Jr. disappointed me, and he rationalized the Kennedy administration's illegal surveillance of Dr. King citing concerns about his associations with alleged communists. First, Levison left the communist party by 1960. Even if Levinson remained a communist, we have the First Amendment right to believe in what we want to. Dr. King was not a Republican, and he wasn't a communist. Dr. King sympathized with the views of democratic socialism. So, people should embrace real information instead of deception.

Nikki Haley is wrong again and said America was never a racist country. This is why Haley may not be worse than Trump, but Nikki Haley is still the wrong choice for the Presidency. Anyone who knows history realizes that racism is heavily found in American history then and now (like slavery, gentrification, Jim Crow, police brutality, housing discrimination, etc.). Haley responded to MSNBC's Joy Reid's comments on whether Haley could win the GOP nomination as a woman of color. That is a fair question from Reid. Racism is found in the early Constitution citing black slaves as 3/5 of a human. Therefore, this shows that the colorblind views of Haley are not only historically inaccurate but dangerous in the age of how historical revisionism is promoted in Florida and other states of America. Her saying that America has never been a racist country omits that Washington and Jefferson were racists who believed in the lie of black intellectual inferiority. This doesn't mean that everything in America is bad, but it does mean that heroic Americans have fought to improve America in trying to rid of injustice. Therefore, the far right's agenda is not only historical revisionism but overt anti-Blackness which is evil and offensive.

I found more information about my family tree in January of 2024. I was looking at my family tree and found out that a woman named Jessica Reid-Myrick (b. 1981) was looking at it. She is married to my 5th cousin Jesse Junius Myrick II (we share the same ancestors as my 6th great-grandparents of Burwell Williams and Winifred Woodson-Bozeman). Burwell Williams and Winifred Woodson-Bozeman (b. 1791) had a child named John Burwell Williams (b. 1815). John Burwell Williams married a woman named Mary, and their child was Lucy Alice Williams (1875-1964). Lucy Alice Williams was born in November 1875 and married Ridley Worrell (b. 1874) in Southampton County, Virginia on January 19, 1896. One of their children was Louis Worrell (1908-1984), and Louis Worrell married Lilian Johnson (b. 1911) One of their children was Thomas Theodore Worrell (1935-2017). Thomas Theodore Worrell married Margaret Elizabeth Kello, and their children are Etta Juanita Worrell (b. 1957), Bervin Theodore Worrell (b. 1958), and Deborah Signora Worrell (b. 1959). The son of Etta Juanita Worrell and Jesse Junius Myrick (b. 1953) is Jesse Junius Myrick II (b. 1981. He married Jessica Reid-Myrick). My 4th cousin Deborah Signora Worrell married Clifton Jeffrey Irving (1961-2013) and their daughter is Kimberly Dineens Irving (b. 1989). Kimberly Dineens Irving married Keenan Girad Felder.

By Timothy 

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