
Monday, January 09, 2006

Answering Chapwalker79

chapwalker: Hi, there is something bugging me about this Tookie Williams execution, that really hasn't been talked about or discussed in the media. Supposedly many prominent people in hollywood/california were all up in arms about this, including Jamie Foxx, Snoop Dogg and others, saying that we should let him live, let him live, he's a good guy now, he's earned his clemency and stuff. But yet governor Swartzenegger hesistated and didn't make an immediate decision on his death penalty, sparking some fears that there might be a repeat of the 1992 L.A. Riots... I guess I don't really understand black people or something, how is it that black people in california are peaceful and calm about the death of "Tookie" Williams, one of their leaders, supposedly the leader of one of their largest gangs - they don't react with violence to his controversial death sentence, but in 1992 they act like a bunch of savages, and start a killing white rampage whenever they see some random guy named Rodney King getting beaten down by police for resisting arrest? I don't understand.

I guess I just don't understand the mindset of black people, and I don't mean that to be racist in any way. I think it's actually good that they chose not to riot and stuff, but I haven't even heard one voice of outcry or angry dissension over the Tookie Williams execution. It just seems really bizarre. Not even from Snoop Dogg or anyone else in the black community, it just seems really puzzling. Oh yeah, and then of course you had the horrendous angry outcries from the black community, idiots like Kenye West from the "slow response" to Katrina, but yet those same people didn't seem to care that some of the black people left in the city were looting and shooting at the rescue helicopters... I guess I just really really don't get it, some of these people's mindset. What it is exactly that sparks and triggers them to savage violence? hmm...

Response: Chapwalker, you know I had to respond to you. First, black people didn't riot after Tookie Williams' execution, because the vast majority of black people realize that rioting is stupid and morally wrong. Yes, many blacks have rioted before in times past and that was wrong. Also, white people have rioted and lynched and murdered innocent black people as well. You seem to forget that. To presume that blacks have some predisposition to violence is not only wrong and innaccurate, but hypocritical. It's funny how you forget about the Vikings, conquistadors, and many imperialistic adventures done by white people throughout human history. I'm not condemning all white people, but I find it hypocritical of you to talk about no rioting by black but discount other rioting done by other groups of people. There wasn't much outcry over his execution, because of many factors. Some people weren't interested, some people considered him guilty, etc. As for the Rodney King stuff, it's typical of you. First, even if he was resisting arrest, you don't send a dozen cops to beat the man almost to death for simply resisting arrest. Also, unprovoked acts by cops to minorities occured in America for years.

You forgot about the assault of blacks by white street gangs in NYC during the 1980's and the rampage of white supremacists assaulting and killing people in the 1990's. So, every race of people have contributions and made bone headed mistakes. Just recently, a black man was assualted by cops in N.O. and a white journalist was shoved by police. I don't agree with Kanye West on every issue, but the Bush Family has done anti-black policies. For example, in 1969 GHWB supported decreasing the black population program supported by eugenicists. To this day, BUsh 41 is an advocate of population control in the Third World. The rioting in N.O. was of vast minority of people. People did care about criminals rioting and shooting at helicopters. What did you think the media showing that 24 /7 was all about. The media didn't care about the enuthasia, people's guns being confiscated, the federal government's slow response, FEMA's terrible response, militarized and foreign mercancies in N.O., etc. There's a couple of things that you won't talk about chapwalker. Those things are the decreasing crime rate in America, the record black home ownership, the record number of blacks graduating and having high profile jobs, etc. There are problems and we have a long way to go, but we did came a long way. The media doesn't talk about that stuff at all. chapwalker, you seem to omit slavery, poverty, Black codes, discrimination, etc. that can make any people suspicious. I equally can't stand black racists and white hypocrites. What fuels people distortion and hypocrispy concerning race in America???? I consider no human a savage and this dehumanization is what the Globalists support. You don't understand the thinking of black people, because regardless of what you see, all blacks aren't a monolith, all blacks don't support the one world agenda, and all blacks aren't easily manipulated and brainwashed. hmmm............

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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