
Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Evils of Illegal Immigration by David Stewart


Comments from webmaster of
Today is Saturday, March 19, 2005. I just heard on the news that an estimated 8% of America's workforce is composed of illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, eight million U.S. citizens can't find employment. What is wrong with this picture folks?
One-third of the prison population in America is composed of illegal aliens. 36 to 42 percent of illegal aliens are on welfare. For a good proportion of these people, the American dream becomes a life of crime and welfare, not coming here to find work. What ever happened to American sovereignty? Our borders are wide open. President Bush promised 2,000 new boarder patrol guards. To date, he has provided only 200. Do you have any idea what illegal immigration is doing to destroy America? These illegal aliens DON'T pay a dime in taxes!!! They are paid peanut-wages under-the-table. Yet they enjoy the benefits of health care, food stamps and enrolling their children into our public school system. Who do you think pays for all that? That's right, you and me! Why are legal U.S. citizens paying for the bills of ILLEGAL aliens?
Why would George W. Bush and others (including Clinton) in our government allow such a damnable thing to happen to our country? It is NOT because Bush needs the Hispanic vote. He just got re-elected and is still pushing intensely for wide open borders. Three out of every four immigrants today are ILLEGAL aliens. Do you know why Bush is betraying America? It is because in order to form a New World Order (NWO), the devil's gang MUST destabilize American society. You see, America is a fly in the ointment for the NWO (we are their strongest resistance). The illegal immigration is all on purpose folks! Likewise, the Federal Reserve was created to ultimately bankrupt America (and it certainly is). There was a communist plot to destroy America before the turn of the nineteenth century. You can laugh, but it is nonetheless
very true. The NWO seeks to create a ONE-WORLD system (the beast system prophesied of in Revelation). This will include a one-world currency, a one-world religious system, and a one-world political system. Though Satan must run his course, but we are still obligated to fight the evils of our day.
By flooding America with illegal immigrants, corporations are provided with slave-laborers who have NO rights. President Bush claims that the illegals are filling the job slots that Americans don't want.
This is a lie. Of course we don't want those jobs, who wants to work for $2-4 an hour? Who can survive on such little pay in today's economy? By the Bush administration providing illegal aliens who are willing to work for slave wages and without benefits, it encourages U.S. corporations to bypass American workers in preference of illegal aliens who can easily be EXPLOITED to work for next to nothing.
Our living standards as Americans will continue to decrease. Perhaps you are one of the fortunate ones who haven't felt the pinch yet, but you will...YOU WILL! The dollar has lost 30% of its value since the year 2000. The price of oil has skyrocketed to over $56 a barrel. Fewer and fewer companies are offering benefits. Insurance companies are ruthlessly changing their policies to cover less and less, denying every claim possible. Alan Greenspan warned that three and a half million manufacturing jobs have left the USA just in the past four years alone. Those high-paying jobs are being replaced by low-paying service oriented jobs (basically doing each other's laundry). And MANY of those new jobs are being filled with illegal alien workers. Not one American company was fined or punished last year for hiring illegal immigrants. C'mon folks, wake up!
Where is this all heading? America is committing suicide by allowing it's government to continue it's reign of
irresponsibility and terror (Iraq alone has already cost us $288,000,000,000). Mothers are increasingly being forced into the workplace. The crime rate will drastically increase as our economy falters. More and more homes will be foreclosed upon by the greedy banks. Fewer Americans will be able to afford to hire a lawyer when Uncle Sam shoves drugs down your child's throat (big bucks for the drug companies). Why are the churches silent? Why aren't Americans outraged? It is because we are complacent and sinfully indifferent.
Do you have any idea what is actually going on in America? I'll tell you...we are headed for national bankruptcy! The government knows that John Q. Public will go bananas when the truth hits home. So the government bides it's time by playing a game of smoke and mirrors. Every time some of the evil truth begins to surface, our government simply borrows more money (deficit spending) to bide some time. Do you know what people do when they are in debt? They bounce debt from one credit card to another, liquidate assets, and ultimately sell the farm when they go under. America is headed for DESTRUCTION. Much of our debt is being financed by foreign countries through bonds. We are
$37,000,000,000,000 in debt as a nation. Every penny of federal taxes collected doesn't even cover the interest payment we owe on our nation's debt. Do you know what that means? It means that we have passed the point of no return. We will never be able to get out of debt. One day foreign troops will march on American land, they will confiscate our properties at gun point, and we will get what we deserve (bondage to a system which will dehumanize us)
Illegal immigrants are being brought in to provide cheap labor for the greedy corporations. In 1988, General Motors closed up their auto manufacturing plant in Flint Michigan...laying off 30,000 American workers. All those jobs went to Mexico where poor foreign workers received a whopping 70 cents an hour. Already MILLIONS of manufacturing jobs have left America. Many American corporations EXPLOIT the poor in other countries to increase profits, eliminate having to provide costly benefits, eliminate having to maintain safe workplace conditions, eliminate having to uphold harassment or discrimination laws, eliminate any union interference or demands, etc.. In effect, it allows corporations to dehumanize their employees. The corporations (which basically control our government) have since found a better way to increase their profits, simply lower the American worker's wages by flooding the country (workplace) with illegal aliens. You can count on a lower standard of living in the decades to come.
Illegal aliens also provide cheap labor for small companies. Many of America's small businesses simply cannot stay afloat anymore. As the value of the dollar continues to decrease, so will the profits of American companies continue to erode away. I read last year that hundreds of American auto-part companies would be facing bankruptcy because the price of coiled steel DOUBLED from $300 to $600 per ton. Most of our steel comes from China. China is witnessing a massive expansion of it's own cities and the demand for steel is high. So we pay more! Do you see the consequences of allowing our steel to be manufactured by foreign countries? America is very dependent upon other countries today, we have lost much of our sovereignty. As the U.S. economy continues to deteriorate, cheap immigrant workers will alleviate the conditions temporarily for a few years to come (another Washington smokescreen). Ultimately, most companies will go under financially, the small mom and pop businesses will disappear, replaced by the monopolizing mega corporations. Our taxes will have to sky-rocket, medical coverage will be dismal, personal bankruptcies will be denied by the courts, many people will lose their homes, our wages will be increasingly confiscated, many people will be
forced to take legal drugs (to increase Pharmaceutical company profits), prisons will be filled to overcapacity, the crime rate will soar, Social Security will fail...the nightmare is just beginning. This science fiction is real. Corporations rule the world, and we are soon to become slaves in a police state.
So while Bush is worried about "terrorists" 10,000 miles away, there are
MILLIONS of illegals crossing the southern border of the U.S. every year. 'Com on, who are you kidding? Who Left the Door Open?
David J. Stewart

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