
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Freemason Joseph Smith


Joseph Smith and Kabbalah

Both Mormonism and Kabbalah are demonic!

by David J. Stewart

While doing research on the cult of Mormonism, I came across several articles on the internet authored by Lance S. Owens. At first it appeared that Mr. Owens was against the Mormon cult, with such article titles as Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection. Then I read the following quote on his

This work was originally published in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol. 27, No. 3, Fall 1994, pp. 117-194. The paper received considerable notice, and in 1995 the Mormon History Association recognized Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection with its annual award for the best article in Mormon studies. There is an ongoing demand for this paper but unfortunately Dialogue sold out its entire printing of the Fall, 1994 issue within a few weeks. Most academic libraries will have Dialogue in their collection of journals for those seeking a print copy.

Lance S. Owens is NOT a Christian and his writings openly reveal that Mormonism is connected with the occult. Oddly enough, the Mormons readily admit their occult roots. Joseph Smith was a heretic! Unbeknownst to many people, Joseph Smith (the founder of Mormonism in 1830) was a 33rd degree Freemason, as was Charles Taze Russell (the founder of the Jehovah Witnesses in 1874). Those who understand the Satanic roots of cults such as Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism know that Kabbalah is greatly revered in such groups.

Demonic Kabbalah

Kabbalah is based largely upon the Zohar, and is esoteric (which simply means that you can't understand it by reading it, someone has to explain it to you). I sincerely don't think the Zohar was intended to be understood. I think it's interpretation is solely at the whim of any occultist who wants to manipulate dumb people. In contrast, the Word of God has a definite meaning which cannot be twisted if you take the Bible at face value. Sadly, Kabbalism has many devout followers such as Madonna (
who recently built a $5,000,000 Kabbalah reading room in London) and Britney Spears (who plans to write a Kabbalah book for children). The Zohar is straight from Hell, as are the false religions of Kabbalism and Mormonism that are largely derived from it.
"What is Kabbalah and who believes in it?

Kabbalah is a branch of Jewish mysticism, which is thought to have originated in the 13th century. Its teachings come from an ancient 23-volume book called the Zohar, which offers interpretations of the inner meaning of the Torah. Traditionally, its practices were reserved for a select number of Jewish scholars who already had an advanced understanding of Jewish law, but for the past 500 years it has been followed more widely.

In 1969, a former insurance salesman, Rabbi Philip Berg, established the Kabbalah Centre International and appointed himself its leader. The centre markets Kabbalah as a "universal system for self-improvement" and attracts more than 3.5 million followers. Berg claims that Kabbalah answers the ultimate questions of human existence: who we are, where we come from and why we're here. Its followers claim that it can purify the soul and banish disease, depression and discontent using the spiritual light of the Zohar.
The Kabbalah Centre sells copies of its sacred texts and other "spiritual tools", such as Kabbalah Water. Among the best-selling items is the red string bracelet, said to protect the wearer from the evil eye. The Beckhams, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Demi Moore and Madonna have all been seen sporting one." -
SOURCE: The Great Kabbalah Con Exposed.

Kabbalah means "tradition" or "transmitted teaching." It is a mix of Jewish mysticism, the occult, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, and uses numerology to "interpret" the Bible. Even though it claims to have been handed down orally from Abraham, the system appears to have been given its earliest formulation in the 11th century in France. It is sad in these last days to see people turning to every kind of lie imaginable, when they are seriously searching for the truth and answers to what this life is all about.
Ever since the Tower of Babel, men have created false gods and religions out of their imagination, rejecting the One and only True God and His Truth. Kabbalah is one of the hottest cults today because of celebrities like Madonna, Britney Spears, Demi Moore, and Paris Hilton who have popularized it. Revenues are obtained primarily through the sale of books, tapes, the famous "red string" bracelet that is supposed to protect the wearer from the "evil eye," and Kabbalah water.

Like ALL cults, Kabbalists make it sound like something everyone should be involved in it. They also falsely claim that you can be a Christian and be involved in Kabbalah. Biblically, Kabbalah is a lie from the pits of hell, it has NOTHING to do whatsoever with the Christian faith! ALL cults base their final authority upon something other than God's Word. The Mormon cult uses the Book of Mormon. The Jehovah Witnesses cult uses the writings of the Watchtower Society. The Christian Science cult uses the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. The Seventh-Day Adventists cult uses the writings of Ellen G. White. The Scientology cult uses the writings of L. Ron Hubbard. And the Kabbalah cult uses the Zohar.

Mormonism is of the Devil

Let's recognize Mormonism for what it is...A CULT! The lie of Mormonism is not a new problem. Paul himself hadto deal with the issue of "cults," those who perverted the Gospel. Paul spoke of this often in his writings, "...but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ" -Galatians 1:7. Cults are nothing new. The bottom line in Mormonism is a denial of the deity of Jesus Christ. In Revelation 1:8, Jesus Christ proclaims that He is Almighty God! Nearly every cult denies the deity of Christ or somehow diminishes it. Many Mormons will lie to you and say that they believe in the Jesus of the Bible, but they are not telling you the truth. In Mormon theology, their jesus is NOT a deity! THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE IS ALMIGHTY GOD!Although Mormons use the Bible, it is NOT their final authority as it is for the Christian. Their authoritylies in the writings of the lunatic Joseph Smith and their cult's Doctrine and Covenants statement. Only faith in Jesus Christ, the Jesus of the Bible will get you into Heaven. The Mormon cult spends tens of millions each year in public relations to portray themselves as "just another Christian church." DO NOT LET THEIR ADS FOOL YOU. They are no more a Christian church than your local mosque is!WARNING: Do NOT be taken in by the warm and fuzzy exterior of this cult, Mormons are NOT Christians. And when they say the name Jesus, it is NOT the Jesus of the Bible! Jesus said, "Ye must be born again!" -John 3:3.

The Word of God is Upfront and Honest

Thankfully, the Word of God (the Bible) is open to all. There is no private interpretations of the Bible, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" -2nd Peter 1:20. God has written the Bible to all mankind. Anyone can understand the Word of God if they will come to Jesus Christ and receive God's gift of eternal life (John 1:12). Oh how Satan blinds the masses with deception. ANYTHING that is of the occult is Satanic. This includes all New Age teachings, yoga, astrology, Tarot reading, palm readings, psychics, Yin Yang, spiritualism, astral projection, hypnotism, good luck charms, etc. Mormonism is saturated with occult imagery and doctrines. Joseph Smith was an occult Freemason. Do not be deceived friend, Satan is the common denominator behind all false religions, all designed to blind the masses. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4) and he works through occult organizations and false religions. It is no surprise that the founder of the Mormon false religion was an occult member of Freemasonry.

By the way, there is NO such thing as separation of church and state. To remove God from anything is an open invitation to Satan. Until we bring God back, Satan will continue to reign over America. Satan has infiltrated our schools, our churches, our government, and even our Bibles. The only defense is the Word of God, which I believe is the 1611 King James Bible. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, Lance S. Owens is NOT a Christian and his writings clearly prove that Mormonism is connected with the occult. Any connection with the occult is of the Devil.

Joseph Smith and the Occult
Kabbalah's Pagan Origins
Joseph Smith - Background
Kaballah Exposed!
Kabbalah Refuted


  1. Anonymous11:56

    Everything here is nonsense, pure fanatic material, just empty words without proof, merely especulation. Wake up people! this is the 21 Century! we can still believe in fanatism and conservative ideals. This page must dissapear.

  2. This is funny. You provide no evidence what so whatever that everything here is nonesense. Let's look at some facts that you can't refute:

    Fact: Bush is a member of the occult Skulls and Bones

    Fact: Problems exist in government

    Fact: We must fight against evil

    Fact: Many leaders are quoted as being in support of an one world government or a New World Order like Bush 41 and Henry Kissinger.

    Fact: There are many circumstances about 9/11 that the mainstream media don't want to talk about like Building #7, W199I, etc.

    That isn't nonesense or fanatic material. I have shown tons of proof to back up my dissent against the Holocaust of abortion, the civil liberty problems, GM foods, etc. I know this is the 21st century and you need to wake up. There is nothing wrong with conservative, traditional ideals and values. I believe in absolutes not moral relativism and moral degenerancy. This page must not dissapear. Your fear of me and this page proves to me that I'm making progress in getting the truth across to people. Just for that I will work even harder to expose tyranny in government and the crime of abortion, etc.

    By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

  3. Anonymous21:37

    Curious; did Christ teach us to critize and judge others or do you somehow feel it is your responsibility to proclaim your opinions as truths just so you can scream your lack of understanding religions and peoples' beliefs to the world? I would hope that others would have a greater respect for the way others feel, rather than make false accusations before acting unjustly.

  4. Jesus CHrist definitely tells us to criticize and judge righteous Jugdment as found in John 7:24. So, we have every right to expose Mormonism as a man made religion that isn't Christianity, that abortion is wrong, that heretics exist, and that people can change. That's truth. It's wrong to judge at every circumstance, but it's never wrong to outline legitimate criticism pertaining to theological matters at all. Absolutes and truth exists, so I have a right to show them. I don't have a lack of understanding of various, because I've studied religions for years.

  5. This information about Mormonism and other issues aren't false. You can't find a single example of that falsehood on the Mormonism issue, but use generalizations.

  6. Listen up dood, It really doesnt matter if you believe in the morman church or not. I have looked into the morman church enough to know how it works and how the people are. Dont tell me i have no evidence that this is non sense because if you want evidence ill give it to you. Regardless if you believe the church is true or not the church teaches nothing but how to live a good life and treat others with respect. There is nothing wrong with teaching good life lessons so stop trying to make it sound like some devil worshiping cult. Things change and 200 years is a long time mate. Grow up and experience before you wanna judge.

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