
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

If President Bush Is Really Pro-Life

If President Bush Is Really Pro-Life

By Phil Magnan

The Covenant News ~ January 25, 2006

"...the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence apply to everyone, not just to those considered healthy or wanted or convenient. These principles call us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children."--President Bush in a telephone call to the March for Life participants gathered on The National Mall in Washington, D.C., January 23, 2006.

So....If President Bush is really pro life and believes that the defenseless life of the unborn is worth defending.....

Then he should sign an executive order that Roe is suspended based on the Declaration of Independence and the 14th amendment.

If President Bush is really pro life and believes that the defenseless life of the unborn is worth defending.....

Then he would sign an Emancipation Proclamation of the Unborn from their the mothers who have treated them like property.

If President Bush is really pro life and believes that the defenseless life of the unborn is worth defending.....

Then he should tell the Congress that if they put a bill to suspend the U.S. Supreme Courts decision on Roe and Bolton he will sign it. (yes, Congress has the authority to override the U.S. Supreme Court)

If President Bush is really pro life and believes that the defenseless life of the unborn is worth defending.....

Then he will not sign any more budgets that include the hundreds of millions of dollars for abortion and abortifacient drugs.

If President Bush is really pro life and believes that the defenseless life of the unborn is worth defending.....

Then he will ask the Justice Department to begin to prosecute abortion doctors for violating the 14th amendment rights of unborn children.

If President Bush is really pro life and believes that the defenseless life of the unborn is worth defending.....

Then he would not appoint pro abortion people to his cabinet or staff.

If President Bush is really pro life and believes that the defenseless life of the unborn is worth defending.....

Then he will begin to prosecute Planned Parenthood for Murder, Conspiracy to commit murder and crimes against humanity.I would not hesitate to implement anyone of these things if I were in office........

I could care less about my political career or my colleagues who are pro abortion. Let God judge, whether it is better to obey God rather than man. When will the moral and spirtual anarchy stop?

What ever happened to pledging our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor?

Phil MagnanDirectorBiblical Family AdvocatesPO Box 3996Chula Vista, CA

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