
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The 2006 State of the Union Address
I've watched most of the President's State of the Union address yesterday. A little over a hour was the length of his speech. Many folks from Congress attended. President George W. Bush started by saying condoncles of the passing of Coretta Scott King. I see no problem with that. George Bush had a long road ahead of him, because his approval rating is in the 40's% according to many polls. One of the first issues he talked about was about "isolationalism" and "protectionism." The truth is that I don't want to be isolated at all, but I also don't agree with imperialism as well. The President's words seem similar to imperialism, because he believes that we must use war if necessary to spread our values across the globe. The truth is that war is a last resort and there is nothing wrong with showing liberty to other nations, but it is wrong to force nations to accept freedom even if you have sincere motives. Nations must accept true liberty on their own and war must be only for a legitimate reason, but the Iraq War wasn't by being no direct threat to America and having no massive weapons of mass destruction. Iraq never attacked us during 9/11 and Bush desired to invade Iraq before 2001. For example, according to author and journalist Mickey Herskowitz, Bush desired to invade Iraq as early as 1999 in hoping to have a successful Presidency. The Founding Fathers like James Madison and the Constitution clearly states that Congress declares war, not by the United Nations' approval or a Resolution fiat. Even George Washington was against entangling alliances and imperialism for our country. Bush's dream is internationalism, globalism, and empire building, a New World Order (like his father said over a decade ago) not sovereignty and perserving America's foreign interests at the forefront in executing our own policies. I support nationalism.

If Bush really want peace and fight against all tyranny worldwide, why hasn't he apologized for the Pentagon program called P2OG provoking terrorism to earn an acquired result. Bush also talked about immigration and how this nation needs immigrants for the country to be economically stable. I agree with him that we don't need unfair bashing of any immigrant (whether illegal or legal), but the illegal immigrants are exploitated by big corporations in paying them low-wages.

Unlike anti-immigration extremists, I support legal immigration (I don't agree with illegal immigration). I don't believe in some "overpopulation crisis" since population growth has decreased in decades worldwide. Many racists want eugenics as a tactic in trying to curb even legal immigration populations of Hispanics, Indians, Chinese, those from the West Indies, Africans, etc. I don't support that route since legal immigration is the way to go and we must encourage the poor and the suffering people globally to come here legally and not risked their lives illegally in trying to come into America. The reason why Americans won't do jobs illegal immigrants won't do is not because of the jobs, but because of the corrupt benefits and pay that given to the workers, who are victims of this crisis indeed. As for his plan, I have no problem with showing compassion to illegals, but we must have some of the military to back up the border patrol. The border patrol can't do everything by themselves. As for me, white supremacist racist groups against Hispanics and immigrants are just as evil as racist Hispanic supremacist organizations as well. One of the things that I did agree with the President was his call for using alternative energy. Bush talked about how the American public was addicted to foreign sources of oil from Saudi Arabia and other places. He called for ethanol, hydrogen fuel cells, and nuclear energy (though some disagree with that approach) to replace the need to rely on foreign sources of oil. I agree his call for radical changes. The spy scandal is a matter for the FISA court to give him the power to have survelliance and the President omitted that. Even tons of people have been detained of suspicion of terrorist, but they aren't given a chance of trial plus they are American citizens. I think that our civil liberties are improtant to preserve not a law like the Patriot Act with an ambigious definition of a terrorist found in Section 802 or allowing the federal government to look at library records without telling the citizen being monitored about it. Even Bush is quoted as him wanting to be a dictator in a dictatorship. Bush called on Iran to not develop nuclear weapons and for Hamas to discontinue its call for the destruction of Israel. I agree with WINGTV on this point that the Elite are using this War on terror to form a controlled Mid East Union (similar to Europe) and fullfilling this agenda through their puppets of the pro-CFR neo-cons.

It's interesting to note that the Congress rose and sat down almost divided by party affiliation. There were only a few times when people stood and appalled which went against their party's core agenda. The President talked about the need to reduce health care cost and a bipartisan Commission to find a solution to solve the Social Security crisis in America. Tim Kaine, the new governor of my homestate of Virginia, said a Democratic response to the State of the Union Address. His common theme was that they can go into a different way in terms of the war, health care, education, etc. My opinion of his speech is that the energy part was his best part and the rest of it has some truth and errors in it. Cindy Sheehan got arrested for refusal to turn over her T-shirt with a message protesting against the Bush administration. She got charged with a misdameanor and the charge was dropped. I saw Rudy Guiliani talk with Sean Hannity and Allen Colmes past 11:00 pm. EST praising Bush's speech. I even heard Hannity say in a laughing tone that Guiliani might for President in 2008. Rudy Guiliani was not only Knighted by Queen Elizabeth (the head of the St. John of Jerusalem and the patronness of Freemasonry) , but Rudy was involved in allowing New York authorities to ship the steel into China and India (without an investigation of them first. An additional seventy thousand tons of WTC steel was sold to Metals Management , a New York company with a President named Alan Ratner). Not to mention that Rudy is also pro-abortion and anti-Second Amendment. George W. Bush talked about unity, but what type of unity does he want. Is it the type of unity that makes lapdogs out of the Congress in expanding the power of the excecutive by creating surveillance against American citizens? Or is it the type of unity that welcomes debate, but won't unfairly bash the other side?
The later is the type of unity that I concieve of. Out of the whole speech, I heard nothing from Bush about Hurricane Katrina, except from one sentence.

I wanted to say this as well. Daryl Bardford Smith rigtfully expose evil Jewish Zionists (i.e. some of the Rothschilds, USS Liberty, Holocaust, etc.), but he doesn't equally expose the Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Opus Dei, Order of Garter, Pilgrims Society, Bilderberg Group, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, who possess more power than the Zionists. For example, when the Rothschild money empire was just starting in the late 1700's, the high level Freemason King Frederick of Germany was having tons of influence in Europe. The Federal Reserve and the CFR was invented with tons of high level 33rd Degree Freemasons like 33rd degree English Grand Lodge Mason “Colonel” Edward Mandell House, 33rd Degree Scottish Tire Mason Christian Herter, Scottish Rite Mason Averell Harriman, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Bernard Baruch, and Grand Orient Lodge Mason Paul Warburg plus Jacob Schiff. The Round Table created the IPR (Institute of Pacific Relations) in 1925.

As for the Holocaust, the Knights of Malta like Reinhard Gehlen, Franz von Papen, Joseph Kennedy, and other either worked with the Nazis or sympathasied with their cause. Joseph J. Larkin was a supporter of General Franco. SMOM According to Freemasonry, the Old Prussian Lodges of Masonry united with the Nazis which are all more concrete and numerous than the Zionists ever do. These Knights (SMOM) had more power than the Zionists, they head many intelligence agencies, the military industrial complex, and many big corporations. The CIA itself was invented by Reinhard Gehlen and William Donovan, both Knights. The evil Vatican Ratline and Operation Paperclip involved the SMOM and the Vatican as well after World War II. The Mossad was trained by Reinhard Gehlen as well. Even Fritz Springmeier wrote that The Mossad is not even more powerful than MI6. It's a historical fact that the Knights of Malta have links to the Vatican, Nazis, and the CIA. The Carlyle Group is headed by Knight of Malta Frank C. Carlucci.

Frank Carlucci is a CFR member, a former Deputy Director in the CIA, former Director B.D.M., and Secretary of Defense under Honorary 33rd Degree Freemason President Ronald Reagan. He’s a member of the Middle East Policy Council. His daughter, Kristin, is the research assistant for the RAND Institute for Middle Eastern Youth. Carlucci was the wrestling partner of Roman Catholic Donald Rumsfeld. The Carlyle Group funds much of the defense in the War on Terror plus the Bin Ladens families are in the Carlyle Group, so the Knight of Malta Carlyle Group/Bin Laden nexus is real in this “war on terrorism.” Knight of Malta Dr.John J. DeGioia is a Georgetown/Jesuit trained person who’s part of the Elite by being a member of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, Chair of its Education Committee, according to a webpage he "represents Georgetown" being a member of the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations. Today, Knight of Malta Juan Carlos of Spain is a big player in the Middle East negiotations and he activitely promotes an unified Europe [aka the European Union or the Revived Roman Empire]. He’s under the present Superior Grand Master of the Soveriegn Military Order of Malta Andrew Cardinal Bertie, who was elected in May 8, 1988.

Therefore, To believe that the SMOM have no great global power is a lie period. I will elaborate on this when I show my new long expose. The truth is that the Masonic Jewish Zionists (since Zionists never had global power in a high level until the 1800's. Before the 1700's, the Zionists had almost no global power. Not to mention that Zionism's influences from the Kabbala and the occult are originated from the Gentile Babylonian and Egyptian Mystery schools like most occult Secret Societies, not from the Jewish people in general by themselves) play a significant, secondary role in world affairs, but the Zionists don't run the whole show. Numerically, there are more Gentile bankers than Jewish ones. Not to mention that Europe and America have more dirt and sin than Israel will ever have. Daryl Bardford Smith has this obsession with the Jesuits as being a shill tactic, but he omitted to his followers that Thomas M. Harris, Late Brigadier General U.S.V. (and a presiding judge over the trial of the conspirators). wrote a book about the Jesuit involvement in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Roman Catholic Otto Strasser [one of the founders of the Nazi Party] wrote in his book “Hitler and I” that baptized Roman Catholic Hitler told Roman Catholic Himmler that the SS was modeled after the Jesuit Order. The canon to Munich Archbishop Michael von Faulhaber was Wilhelm August Patin. According to Eric Jon Phelps, Patin was a Dominican priest, S.S. officer, and Himmler’s cousin. SS General Baron Frederick von Eberstein admitted on questioning at Nuremberg that Archbishops Michael von Faulhaber and Brunswick were high ranking officers in Himmler’s S.S. Heinrich Himmler’s uncle was a Bavarian Catholic priest.DeMolay Freemason William Jefferson Clinton was trained by the Jesuits for years in Washington D.C.’s Georgetown University in the late 1960’s. Clinton’s friend was Jesuit Richard McSorley. Bill Clinton and McSorley even went with Jesuit Richard McSorley on a trip to Olso, Norway (during the 1960’s) since both opposed the Vietnam War.

I trust Barry Chamish's research in that Israel is run by foreign interests like the CFR and pro-Sabbeatean Labor Zionism, not all Israelis in general. Even Cutting Edge Ministries have exposed the great influence of Freemasonry in Britian. Not to mention that Jewish people were suffering in persecutions and forced into ghettos centuries ago. Bradford doesn't expose who had the most global power before the late 1700's. That answer is the Vatican. I'm not denying the Rothschilds' power, but there don't have the history, power, and strength as other groups. Many of the Zionists have connections with Freemasonry like Paul Warburg is a Mason and funded the Communists in Russia. Many Freemasons praticipated in the Communist Revolution of Russia. Even anti-Semites know that evil, occult Zionism have influences from Freemasonry. In the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Knight of Malta Joseph Grace of W.R. Grace & Co. funded Russia. Many blame the Jews for the Revolution, but most of the people involved in it were controlled by Grand Orient Freemasonry and the Jesuits. For example, Gentile 32nd Degree Freemason Alexander Kerensky led the non-Communist government first in his Revolution in the early 20th century before the Communist Revolution. Smith denies any anti-Semitism and claims that he doesn't blame all Jewish people in general. Now, Daryl is in a spat with WINGTV. I can list more examples of this. I'm not afraid of Daryl Bradford Smith and unlike some people I will bring it. Why doesn't Daryl Bardford Smith at least mention this information? Why doesn't Daryl Bradford rightfully expose evil Zionists, but won't expose nothing on Freemasonry being involved in Revolutions, occult rituals, influence in many parts of governments, involvement in creating the Round Table and CFR, and other things? The vast majority of the people running the world are Gentiles, not Jewish people at all. Like always, many of the eugencists and other enemies could care less about Jews in general and hated conservative religious principles. The Eugenics Movement have been anti-mankind. I will edit this work and add more information as well. Let's not forget that these Elite globalists have an obsession with the occult.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

1 comment:

  1. Bravo!

    Expose the TRUTH!

    The TRUTH will stand when the world is on fire! the old time saying goes.

    But The Good Lord, The Most Holy Trinity gives us the ability to show forth the TRUTH!

    And those against the Ruler Of All, The Lord God Almighty will reel and spit at such TRUTH, but the Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ will burn their LIES and EFFORTS, their reeling and spitting!

    Keep the QUESTIONING going, man!

    You are after all...A FREE CITIZEN OF THE REPUBLIC!

