
Monday, February 06, 2006

Answering the anti-Semite doug (bob) scheidt


doug (bob) scheidt: Hagee and his ZIO-NAZI cronies promote the "chosen ones" doctrine while ignoring the "FACTS" ... those being that Ashkenazi Jews are descendant from Japeth, not Shem ie., Abraham ... and have NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM to one inch of Palestine. [This is the BIG LIE folks that is easily refuted if one would simply read their Scriptures ... Genesis 10:3]

Response: This is silly. Hagee is wrong about some issues, but he's right on certain aspects about Israel. First, not all Zionists supported the Nazis. Not all Zionists or Jewish people support any evil against Palestianian Arabs. "Chosen" means chosen for a duty not racial supremacy. The Askhenazi Jewish people are genetically proven to be from the ancient Hebrews. Even if they are fake, the Ethopic, Lemba, Yemeni, Sephradic, Central Asian, etc. Jewish tribes are easily derived from the ancient Hebrews of the Bible. There was a permanent Jewish presence in the land of Israel from 70 A.D. to now and the Zionist settlers paid Arabs to live in the land as well. Therefore, the Jewish people have a right to the land exist today. Not to mention that Arabic people have no right to claim the land in Northern Africa.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

1 comment:

  1. This Land...The Holy Land...

    Belongs to not only the Jewish People...but also the Palestinian People.

    This Land is also for Christendom...The New Israel.

    Zionism is secular and humanist. It is NOT for The Glory Of God in ANY way. Zionism is anti-Judiasm, before the establishment of the state of Israel, many Rabbis opposed this creation of a Jewish state...for certain prophecies had not yet come about. It is hatred for any non-Jew, therefore it is RACSIST. It is anti-Christian as well. And what makes me sick to my stomach is that so many Americans have died because of the state of Israel, especially American G.I.'s...U.S. foreign policy is a "bird of prey for the Zionist falconer"...and I am damned tired of American Tax Dollars going to support this Falconer...Israel it seems has become the 51st State in Our Union.

    And besides, from my understanding, Judaic Law allows "aliens" this case maybe, the live also "in the Land" is POSSIBLE that Jew and Arab could unite and make the Holy Land prosper...culturally, religiously, agriculturally, economically, socially, militarialy, and politically...but violent and radical Zionist and Islamic Jihadist do not want this...their influence is the Enemy, the Deciever, the Liar, the Evil One...this is their influence and master...May The Lord God Of Heaven And Earth Rebuke.

    The ONLY answer is THE LOVE OF CHRIST HIMSELF, OUR LORD, GOD, AND SAVIOUR...THE KING OF KINGS...THE RULER OF ALL...WITH GLORY OF THE FATHER AND POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT...THE MOST HOLY TRINITY...THE-THREE-IN-ONE AND THE-ONE-IN-THREE...this is the only way which must be trodded upon those ancient sand...The Holy Christian Faith...the only answer for the Jews, the Palestinian Arabs(both Christian and Muslim), the other Arabs(both Christian and Muslim), all Peoples, Jews and Gentiles alike...American, Russian, Dane, Chinese, Irish, Samoan, French, Anglo-Saxons, Cherokee, Turk, Armenian, Spaniard, Aleut, Swahili, Greek, Mongol, Thai, Maori, and the list goes on...everyone made in GODS IMAGE...we are all Children of God!

    The Only Answer To The Holy The Love Of Jesus...for all.
