
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More from Pam Schuffert


PLEASE NOTE: THIS WEBSITE STANDS UNAPOLOGIZED FOR THEBIBLICAL RE-ESTABLISHMENTOF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, for GOD'S LOVE FOR HIS JEWS(Messianic, or saved, and the unsaved whom He loves and died to reach for Himself, including those who are NOT actual descendants of the twelve tribes...because He died for ALL men to be saved), AND THE REALITY OF THE HOLOCAUST AND NUMEROUS JEWS SUFFERING AND DYING AT THE HANDS OF THE NAZIS THROUGH CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND OTHER MEANS.

In the future I am going to be publishing articles illustrating WHY I make the above statements without apology. No, I am not ignorant of the fact that many Jews ARE UNSAVED SINNERS who have rejected Yahshuah Ha'Moshiach as Lord and Savior FOR NOW....But this is exactly who He came and suffered and died to REDEEM FROM UNDER THE LAW...THE UNSAVED AMONG HIS PEOPLE!!! And if by some chance they are NOT His people due to NOT being TRUE JEWS (descendants of the twelve tribes, Ashkenazi.,etc) the wonderful reality is that JESUS THE MESSIAH DIED FOR ALL MEN TO BE SAVED REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY CAME FROM OR WHO THEY ARE!!! Jesus Christ, YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH, died for the Jews and FOR ALL MEN TO BE SAVED! HE LOVES AND DIED FOR ALL SINNERS! This destroys the myth that somehow IF A JEW IS NOT A REAL DESCENDANT OF THE TWELVE TRIBES, or is EASTERN EUROPEAN, etc., that HE IS NOT LOVED OF GOD NOR DID GOD SEND HIS SON TO DIE FOR HIM! Nor does it mean that God for His sovereign purposes cannot draw them to ISRAEL for His end time events and agenda and purposes of reaching them for HIM, that they might become TUE JEWS WHO WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH INDEED!!Yahshua the Messiah died for ALL MEN..JEW OR NON-JEW! He died for ALL SINNERS! This means that He loves and died for even TALMUDIC JEWS, admitted sinners in His sight, and even NWO supporting Jews (which certainly exist and play a role in all this NWO agenda as well.) Regardless of how corrupt Israel may be, and regardless of how corrupt the ZIONIST JEWS MAY BE (and they are-I do NOT deny the truth and Israel IS a corrupt nation...BUT CERTAINLY NOT MORE CORRUPT THAN OUR NATION, AMERICA, nor her leaders as well)

God has HIS PURPOSES IN CALLING FOR THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF THIS NATION! BIBLE PROPHECY DOES INDEED SUPPORT THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL! ANd many Jews who are NOW CORRUPT AND UNSAVED THERE are not only GETTING SAVED CONSTANTLY thru the witness of Messianic Jews living there....BUT THEY WILL BE SAVED THROUGH WHAT GOD IS GOING TO CAUSE TO HAPPEN THERE in the near FUTURE!!! ("AND SO ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED.") There are those who are saying that BECAUSE ISRAEL IS CORRUPT, IT DOES NOT DESERVE TO EXIST!!! Imagine how foolish this thinking really is. Is this is the case, then AMERICA DOES NOT DESERVE TO EXIST...nor any OTHER nation on the face of the earth!!! Corruption of nations and governments exists in EVERY NATION WORLDWIDE!!! And OURS is among the MORE CORRUPT! SO is CHINA!

So is RUSSIA! What American would nto flinch at the thought taht because WE ARE CORRUPT< WE DO NOT DESERVE TO EXIST AS A NATION AND SHOULD BE DESTROYED OR DISBANDED!!! This is unrealistic. SO MUCH of the anti-Israel/anti-Jewish literature is actually coming from CONFIRMED MODERN NAZI SOURCES rising up in Europe and America. I know, because I have read it with my own eyes, ugly anti-Jewish hate literature handed to me by young rising Nazis in Germany when I visited Germany and got invited to their underground apartment in Munich. And much of it comes from MOSLEM SOURCES AS WELL...[people who have a vested interest in getting the JEWS OUT OF ISRAEL! But since WHEN did God ever [promise this land to MOSLEM PAGAN IDOLATERS who are much more sinful than the Jews there??? I witnessed this with my own eyes while living in Israel! The SAME REASONING presented to me by these young Nazis for HATING THE JEWS AND ISRAEL AND DOUBTING THE HOLOCAUST is what I find being increasingly published here in AMERICA and elsewhere. The HOLOCAUST has been confirmed repeatedly by those Gentiles and Jews who survived it and witnessed the mass purgings, round-ups, etc. Godly Christian people like CORRIE TEN BOOM AND MANY OTHER CHRISTIAN OBSERVERS OF THIS HOLOCAUST COULD READILY ATTEST TO THE REALITY OF THE ROUND-UPS OF JEWS AND THEIR DEPORTATION AND MASS MURDERS! I have personally visited a concentration camp in Germany and can testify to the reality of the deathcamps in Germany and the horrors committed there....and readily admitted by the locals there as well! SO I caution my readers to BEWARE OF THE INCREASING HATE LITERATURE BEING PUBLISHED ON THE INTERNET AGAINST THE JEWS AND ISRAEL! God has a purpose for ALL men, whether Jews, alleged Jews (Ashkenazi, Edomite, etc.), corrupt Jews (and WHO IS NOT A SINNER IN THE SIGHT OF GOD!) And He has a purpose for ERETZ YISRAEL IN THIS DAY AS WELL! TO point a finger at the sins of Israel, and NOT to point the OTHER NINE AT THE SINS OF AMERICA is absolutely ludicrous and hypocrisy. And to attempt to use the sins of Jews and israel to CONDEMN THEM AND SAY THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO EXIST BECAUSE OF SIN is absolutely foolish! ALL MEN ARE SINNERS and ALL NATIONS AND GOVERNMENTS ARE CORRUPT!

Jessus Christ came to JUSTIFY AND SAVE ALL MEN from their sins! That means ZIONIST JEWS (and who can tell me that God's HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT WORKING IN THEIR HEARTS TO REACH AND SAVE THEM??? And who can tell me that some are not being saved EVEN NOW??? MANY HJEWS ARE GETTING SAVED THROUGH FAITH IN THE MESSIAH both in AMERICA and in I have personally witnessed for myself.)) And to attempt to reject me or my Christian witness and website for reporting for standing with the PURPOSES OF GOD with the JEWS AND ISRAEL is foolish indeed. So this is where I stand on this subject. I WILL SHARE MORE LATER!!! Your feedback and comments are appreciated by and con (and belive me, I ahve read all the CON or AGAINST I can stomach!)

-Pam Schuffert


  1. Be careful to not become a Jewish-Zionist, because out of them will come AntiChrist.

    In the early 20th Century, there were many Rabbis who taught against the establishment of a Zionist state, because certain prophecies had not yet been fullfilled, one was Rabbi Teitelbaum who said that the secular Zionist movement was "satanic", "a sacrilege", and "a blasphemy". There were and are many blood-Jews who are against Zionism, as there are Christians...and it seems to me that many Christians stake their salvation and that of others on whether or not one supports the political/religious process of supporting the state of Israel...Christian ministers such as Robertson, Upton, Hagee, Falwell and others...Zionism detracts from the Gospels of Jesus Christ and leads one to Judaism, Kabala, and to the Talmud...which if I remember correctly...says that Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Salvation Of All, was a magician, and that His Mother, The Virgin Mary was a prostitute, and Jesus, The Messiah, was the bastard son of a Roman much concentration on the Judaism, and the modern state of Israel, and the Holocaust of the Jews under the diabolical Nazis (what about the Holocaust of Christians under athiestic-communism...30,000,000 Christians Martyred for not denying Our Lord Jesus...what of This Holocaust?...why not the outcry for their memory?...Zionism sold out European Jewery, and will sell out Jews and Christians to the AntiChrist)...again to much concentration on these will lead Christians astray.

    Pray for the Conversion of the Jews to The Faith, The Ancient Christian Faith, for Peace between Jews and Arabs...they are both Children of Abraham...and for the Love of Jesus Christ...The Worlds Only Salvation, to overcome the Hateful Hate in the modern Near East and Holy Land.

    May The Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Have Mercy Upon Us All...Jews, Arabs, Persians, Anglo-Saxons, Irish, French, Japanese, Samoan, Maori, Scot, American, Venezualen, Lakota, Nez Perce, Misquito, Berber, Basque, Turkmen, Greek, Kurd, Azeribajiani, Cherokee, Tibetan, Chinese, Quebecuois, Chilean, Italian, Serb, Albanian...and all The Nations of Men...made in the Image Of The Almighty!

  2. I've responded to you on this issue Gary and I will not back down. I don't agree with secular occult pro-Talmud Zionism and I've made that pretty clear. The re-establishment of Israel is fulfillment of Bible prophecy that Jesus said in describing the fig tree and the return of Jews from the North, South, East, and West. That has occured. I follow Jesus than Rabbi Teitelbaum. Also, people like John Hagee are 100% correct to point out that Israel is the apple in God's eye, that Jesus was a Jew and that salvation is of the Jews and we must support the good that it is in Israel (as opposed to the evil in the nation). They are wrong in saying that Jewish people don't need to be converted to Christianity or Messanic Judaism. Israel had a permanent presence of Jews and the Jews paid Arab landowners money to settle, so they have a claim and right to the land.

    I already know of millions of Christians dying by atheistic terrorists, but we must expose equally all criminal acts against Jews and Gentiles. Don't follow the road of anti-Jewish propaganda. I have no hate of men, but I hate evil as Pslams call us to do. I've made it perfectly known that I disagree with the Talmud, Kabbala, etc. Also, as for Zionism, I'm not into secular occult Zionism. I will support sincere conservative Jewish people who want to call Israel their own land. The full fullfillment of Israel is when Messiah comes to set the New Israel. I know of many Jewish people who dissent with Zionism, but I know of many who love Israel. I love Israel regardless of what you say. I will bless Israel and hope that it will improve itself. I will be a man and stand up against anti-Jewish hatred and promote the Jewish Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible makes no reference to the race of Antichrist, so to call the Antichrist a Jewish ZIonist is pure speculation on you part.

    By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

  3. Anonymous20:26

    Just thought i'd say hello, I am the daughter of Tony Richards,I'll pray for you Pam.
