
Friday, February 10, 2006

Refuting Holocaust denial links.



What proof do you have of the german jewish halocust, I believe from what I now read that there wasn't one. The poplution stats(how many lived there before the war,how many supposedly died,how many collected checks from the German government after the war,ect.) don't add up

Where did the 600,000 Jews of Germany and the over 3 million Jews of Poland go to? What was the reason for the creation of the SS, commanded by Roman Cathoic Bavarian Jesuit Coadjutor Heinrich Himmler? Why were the death camps built by the Vatican's I.G. Farben in conjunction with Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New Jersey? Why did Masonic American Thomas J. Watson of IBM partner with a Nazi German company in spreading the census-taking punch-card machines throughout Europe prior to the outbreak of the war? Why did the Reich used its trains at the end of the war to move Jews to the camps in the East rather than move German troops out of the East?Belzec is inder excavation now and hundreds of thousands of skeletons have been found, Belzec under the Order's Christian Wirth being one of the most efficient death factories. You need to reconsider if you cannot answer the above questions

and Fred Licthners report on the non exesistant gas chambers.

The gas chambers at Dachau were never used but the ones in Auschwitz were indeed used. If there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz, why did its neighboring plant of I.G. Farben make the Zyklon B cyanide pellets? Why the evidential crematoriums if there were no bodies to burn? Was Commandant Roman Catholic Jesuit-trained Hoess lying at Nuremburg?

I lot of what you talk about seems reasonable on the jesuits and massons.The real Jewish Halocaust is of 50 million white Christian killed in russia by it's jewish run comminist government.

Indeed, the Order used both its Masonic Jewish Bolsheviks (overseen by Jesuit Bishop Ropp)and its Jesuit-led German Nazi invaders to murder 50 million White Slavic, Russian Orthodox, non-papal Christians in accordance with the wicked Council of Trent and Jesuit Oath. Jesuit Coadjutor Hitler's Secretary, Martin Bormann, commanded the generals to be brutal to the Slaves, killing "heretics" while driving the survivors into the arms of Jesuit-trained Joseph Stalin. And that Crusade was financed from Wall Street by the banks controlled by the Archbishop of New York City including the Order's Federal Reserve Bank. Indeed, the Orthodox Slavic and Lutheran German Holocausts are never reported as per the plan of the Order's controlled world press.

God Day , xxxxx

-Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric



by Masada Zealot

Jewish Attempts to Retake Israel

Many people have the impression that before 1948 CE, the last Jewish attempt to retake Israel was "The Second Revolt" of 132 - 135 CE. This however, was not the last time we Jews tried to regain control of our homeland. There was infact an attempt to take back Israel in almost every century since the Second Revolt, however, most of these attempts have been relegated to the area of "false messiahs" in the Jewish history books. False messiahs are somewhat of an embarrassment so it is hard to find a comprehensive list of all the attempts we made over the centuries since 135 CE. Bar Kochba himself was also branded a false messiah.

For the Jewish people, it was difficult to separate any attempt to take back control of the Holy Land from religion. As a highly moral religion, Jews believed that Israel must have been lost due to sin, and once redeemed, G-d would send his Messiah to lead us back to into Israel. All those who attempted to take back Israel were therefore seen as claiming to be the Messiah, whether they had claimed so or not. All those who failed were branded false messiahs because the messiah could not fail.

Attempts from the diasporah to retake Israel were bound to fail in most cases because Jews were a persecuted and scattered people. Jews have constantly lived in Israel since the time of Joshua, however, between the Second Revolt and 1948 CE, we were oppressed and taxed heavilly by powerful Occupying Nations so that uprisings also carried great difficulties. Jews living outside Israel were often barred from returning by which ever foreign nation was in control at the time. While Jews always had the desire to return and retake control of our homeland, we did not have the resources. Still, this never stopped us from trying.

The first attempt I found recorded after the Second Revolt was The Gallus Revolt in Israel of 351CE. The Roman records mentioned that this was not unique and that the Jews were a rebellious people. I can therefore only assume that the Bar Kochba revolt was not the end of internal uprisings against the Romans.
Outside of Israel, there have been far more recorded attempts. Although there is almost one per century, and sometimes a few for a particular century, I found many more that I could not list here for lack of the name of the leader and other information I felt necessary. The following are listed by the year and name of the leader only:

448CE - Moses of Crete
530 CE - Julian of Canaan
700 CE - Abu Issa of Persia
724 CE - Serenus of Spain - (possibly successful for a short while?)
832 CE - Moses "Risen from the Dead"
1095 CE - Moses Al Dari
1137 CE- David of Moravia
1137 CE - El David of the Euphrates
1147 CE - David Alroy "king of the Jews of Babylon"
1240 CE - Abraham of Abulfia "The prophet of Avilla"
1250 CE - Alroy of Azerbijan
1500 CE - Asher Lamlin
1523 CE - David Reubeni - "Prince of the Lost Tribes"
1530 CE - Solomon Molko
1666 CE - Shabtai Zevi
1759 CE - Jacob Frank
In 1880 CE, we saw the beginings of the Zionist movement which was ultimately successful in 1948 CE. For those who mistakenly believe that the Jews suddenly decided that they wanted Israel in 1880, I believe I have given evidence to the contrary. Jews never gave up trying to regain control Israel even though the effort itself took 1813 years and suffered many embarrasing failures along the way.

1 comment:

  1. One the last statement concerning the Holocaust of Christians in the Soviet Union during and after WWII.

    Here are some basic facts of this Holocaust.

    1) When the Bolshevik-Atheistic-Communist came into power in 1917, there followed a persecution of Christian not seen since the pagan Roman Empire of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Centuries A.D.

    2) All Christians...Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant(Lutheran, Baptist, and Pentecostal) were targeted by the Communist.

    3) The Communist used torture, psychiatric hospitals, the gulags(labor camps in the remote regions of Siberia), and outright death by firing squads to persecute the Christians. (Note: not only Christians, but political prisoners, foreign intelligence operatives and military personnel, Jews, Muslims, Buddhist, and other religious groups, and even other Communist).

    4) Between 1917 and 1991, over 30 million Christians (the majority were Orthodox Christians, but many Protestant and Roman Cathollic Christians) were martyred by the Bolsheviks. An example; in 1928, in the city of Leningrad (formally and now St.Petersburg) 3,000 monks, nuns, and priests from the Russian Orthodox Church were told to deny Christ and they would go free...these 3,000 said " NO! ", and 3,000 shots were heard that day in Leningrad and Heavens Glory.

    5) A good source to learn from would be Orthodox Christian websites about the Martyrs of Russia in the 20th Century...these stories are endless, and will make you think. One should look up stories about the Orthodox Christians in Greece under the Turkish occupation from 1453 to the early 19th Century. Also the genocide of Armenian Christians throughout the Ottoman(Turkish)Empire from the 1880's to the early 1920's, "The" is a good source for this. Please also look up information on the current "ethnic cleansing" in the Kosovo Region of Serbia...the killing and massacres of Serbian Orthodox Christian and the total destruction of Churches and Monastaries...Christian houses of WORSHIP...and some dating back to the 12th and 13th Centuries...and one can learn of the Turkish brutalities against Christians throughout the Balkan Pennisula, Cyprus, and against Arab Christians in the Near East.

    6) Back to Russia under the atheistic-bolshevik-communist regime from 1917 to 1991. The Soviet Government also went on a campaign of destruction of Churches and Monastaries. Either blowing them up or turning them into museums. Here's another example; In the early 1930's Stalin demolished the Cathaderal of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ(a Russian Orthodox Christian Church) in Moscow...he tried to build a museum dedicated to Communism in its place...but the ground would not support this new the Communist built a large outdoor heated swimming pool instead...when the Communist Soviet Government collapsed in 1991, the Orthodox Christians of Moscow and throughout Russia began donating and collecting money to rebuild the this cathedral...the ground proved solid and sturdy to support a building again...and within several years, this new cathedral, built identical to the original, and built on funds provided by everyday people in the finacially strapped and broke economic system of post-Soviet Russia, was holding services daily once again...and the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ is once again reverberating within the walls of this Cathederal!...a testimony to The Holy Faith!

    Again...over 30 million Christians were killed by the Communist. Churches and Monastaries were destroyed or converted to secular uses such as museums, stables, garages, and warehouses...and yet the Holy Church that Our Lord Himself Created did not succumb to the satanic persecutions of the Soviets...truly...the gates of Hell did not prevail against the Church...The Bride of Christ!...and now the Holy Church rises as a Phoenix (an symbol adopted by the Early Christians) in the former communist lands of Russia, The Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Ruomania, Bulgaria, Armenia, Georgia, and elsewhere where communism once stood.

    A testimony of those Crosses that still stood atop the Churches that survived the demolishing of the Soviets.

    Please PRAY for the Christians of these Lands.
