
Monday, February 06, 2006


is the link.

Where does seperation of church and state appear in the Constitution? The truth is that is doesn't. Not to mention that Alito voted 3 times for the pro-abortion side. How much more evidence do these babykiller supporters want? ALito voted against the partial birth abortion ban when the vast majority of the American people supported it for crying out loud. They want death. I believe in that the institution of church and state is seperate, but I don't believe that religious expression should be eliminated from the public square. That has nothing to do with a theocracy at all. Regardless if Pat or Falwell want a theocracy or not, that doesn't underscore the fact that religious liberty in under threat in this nation. Pat and Falwell are right on that, even though they are ecumencial pro-Papists and I'm not into their camp. I will never be a Catholic, but I will never be in the anti-conservative Christian movement as well. Plus this MICHAEL CARMICHAELis a deciever. Bush himself has stated that Muslims and CHristians worship the same god, that occult Skulls and Bones is a good thing, he worshipped in a Shinto shrine, etc. That isn't conservative Christianity to me. Also, this guy talk about Muslims and Zionists? What planet is he from? Christianity is bashed all of the time. Even in America, folks have been fired for legitimately showing dissent over Islam. You can bash Christianity all day here pal, but if your talk about Hindus, Muslims, Judaism, etc. you will be hounded by the media in America. That's a fact. That's why I'm angry by this stuff. People can't speak their mind publiclly anymore without fear of being unfairly criticized by the media.

Then this guy talks about ultraconservative stuff. Give me a break. Expanding the defilict, massive spending, illegal immigration problems, singing on to the anti-American sovereignty UNESCO and CAFTA, the abomination of Roe v. Wade is still existing, etc. isn't a conservative agenda. Bush has run with that style. This guy must be living in a dreamworld. I'm not done. I want Roe v. Wade to be eliminated since it has no justification by the Constitution and it's a federal intrusion on the states to handle the issue of abortion themselves. Abortion is murder and I don't stand for murder. Then this clown bash Protestants. This ignorant Brit doesn't know that the Protestant Blackstone Commentaries and the Protestant Rex Lex legal concept (created by Rutherford) influenced British, Austrailian, and American law through the Bill of Rights and Constitution. There's a lot more comments that I can say, but this is it. Opus Dei is evil, but supporting innocent unborn life is just and not evil at all. I wrote this in a matter of minutes when I say it this morning. On many fronts, this Brit doesn't know what he's talking out.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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